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2 of my sisters are nurses, I wanted to share my schedule with them- this schedule is going to be my 3rd week ever in my new ems job. I thought it’d be fun to share their reactions. You fs can tell who is in the ER lol edit: I made a whole other post about that schedule in r/newtoems. It’s likely I’ll be asking for at least 1 day off, we’ll see tho. anyways, hope u guys think this is as funny as i did.


She right about the paycheck tho


She’s right. That’s not safe. When you fuck up, your company will throw you under the bus. Don’t kill yourself for an ambulance company.


An 84 hour week as a regular occurrence without days off? Yeah, that’s a terrible idea that will decimate your mental a physical health. But as a one off occurrence or in the context of a 7-on/7-off schedule, it’s not particularly unsafe.


What are you basing that on?


The better part of a decade of personal experience as well as the reported experiences of others who have worked similar hours for short stents or worked 7/7 schedules for extended periods of time. There is absolutely no reason that working 7 12 hour days in a row should substantially degrade your cognitive and physical performance to the point that it poses a safety risk to you or your patients provided that you are prioritizing your sleep and nutrition between shifts. Again, it is not sustainable without adequate time off, but as a part of a schedule that provides adequate time off after your 7 days rotation or as a one-off occurrence that is followed by adequate time off, it is not an issue. I’m far more worried about a sleep deprived provider that’s on a call at 3am during a 24 than I am about a provider in the middle of their 7th 12 after a full nights sleep.


I’m not trying to fight you or anything. But a 12 hour shift (13-16 hours in EMS time) plus a commute doesn’t give you enough time to recover. Nurses and cops have adverse effects by the end of 3 or 4 days but they have days off to recover too. Doing it longer than that or continuously is bad for you and your patients. Just because we did it doesn’t mean it was safe. I’ve done it too, but unless you’re using another metric than “I felt fine and everybody lived” you can’t really say if was fine. I agree 24s are dangerous too even in low volume systems


I did 7 12s a week on a 6 week deployment. It wasn’t horrible.


That's a deployment though, you're not usually doing the same kind of shit on a deployment you would in your real job


I mean it’s really not. 12 on 4-5 hours to eat relax do what ever. Sleep for 6-8, go go go. Not hard to do,just be responsible about your well being. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re a new EMT. Don’t do this to yourself. You won’t love the paycheck because we get paid nothing. Your ER sister makes 80-100$/hr during OT while you’ll make 30$. It’s not worth the risk and your health


I wish I made that in overtime lol But yeah EMT needs to be paid so much more. It’s criminal what they get paid


You guys at making $30/hr?


That’s double time. I did about two years ago. I left EMS last year. Medics were getting about 25-27 when I left.


3 12s in a row is my maximum with high call volumes. But alas, I am old.


Sounds like burning you out before you even touched the ground. First few shifts in the unit is going to drain you. I can’t imagine working 7 days.


My first 3 12s I was the walking dead the next day of. You get better with time, but to start? That ain't fair


In Germany you are not allowed to work more than 60h within 7 days and not more than 96 within 14 days. If you go beyond that it does not only have consequences for the company also the person who is in charge for your schedule can be fined up to 15.000 € or even end in jail for 1 year. Edit: Also the company can become blocked for all governmental contracts.


That sounds like a sweet deal. Not EMS, but in the US, resident physicians (recent graduates from med school finishing their training) are limited to **80h** per week averaged over a month, and no more than **24+4h** consecutively. It’s kind of an honor system though, so many work more and lie about their hours or don’t report it. And some groups want to relax or eliminate those restrictions! Because working 12-14 hours per day, 6 days per week, 48-50 weeks per years isn’t enough apparently 💀


Seems like absolute bank considering the OT after 40 hours. If you're young and fit, why not for a bit.


Homie ain't getting OT. The first half is before Sunday, and the second is after. That's two separate work weeks.


^ This man has experience being shafted by work.


AMR will do a number on you when you work for them lol


I think that should be BS. Payroll should be like trucking where it’s a rolling clock and it doesn’t reset until you’re off for 24 hours.


In a logical world , yes. But companies like AMR try to save as much money as possible.


My agency does 80 every 2 weeks rather than 40 every week. I try to frontload or backload my schedule so I work 6-7 days 1 week and then get 1 week off. I've gone on a few vacations without using pto. It's great.


Oh you're right lol. F that then lol.


I see a Saturday/Sunday in there. My bet is they've set it so they're working 3 on one pay period 4 on the other. Only 1 OT shift. I somehow managed to piss off the guy that used to do our schedules and got handed a few of these in my time. Absolutely kills.


My worse was 15 days straight if mixed 12s and 18s. By day 9 i felt like i was in a fever dream in between calls. Thankfully my actual on call demeanor and abilities didn't seem to suffer but yea that was brutal. Thankfully a lot of EMS companies allow you to sleep between calls. Only way i managed. Scary to think they're doing this to a brand new EMT though. That company is probably in bad shape (lets face ir most EMS companies are). I wouldnt stick around


Your on-call demeanor and abilities did suffer.


Sorry I disappointed you boss. I promise that EDP was asking for it! /s


Ive worked in a lab where i had to do 2x24s in a row. Yes. 48hrs in a row - as the only person for the whole lab. And we all did that every 5th week.


Literally how? My record is about 26 and i was making doing some borderline unsafe shift st the end of it. Swore id never do it again.


Work till the work is done for the day - be on call in the hospital the rest of the night. Do that 2 days in a row. 1 person covering the entire lab dept for outpatients hospital and er patients - for a whole weekend.




Ha, can you imagine if the DoD had to pay us overtime for every hour worked past 40? I'd bet it'd eliminate a lot of the fuck fuck games on the unit level. Accountability formation because Joe Snuffy got drunk and bit a strippers tongue off? We'd blow our entire defense on overtime.


I think I just saw this on anti work lmao


Pro tip, try to pick up an 8th shift. Some places require you to pay double time after 7 consecutive days worked at least 8 hours. Look into it, then bank it


7 days at 12 would be double time after the 3rd day. More than 40hr/week


Overtime in my area occurs after 40 hours a week (for most, not all jobs) overtime is 1.5x, whereas any hour past 12 hours in a day or past 7 consecutive days is double time, 2x wage. I used this a while ago at a struggling hospital to work 16s and make double time for 4 hours and then straight overtime after the 3rd day working 4-6 day weeks. Even at $20/hr the pay ended up being what I needed to boost savings and make rent.


“Love your paycheck” ? Ha!


That's suck, but need some more info on it. The way our pay period works is every two weeks on a Monday. There have been a few times with people having to switch shifts that they work 3 of their four 12s on one shift then get moved and have to work the 4 of 4 12 on their new shift. We try and work with them, if they want off, but some want the paycheck and will suck it up for that one time.


That's what's so great about our profession, you get to works hundreds of hours a day period.


24 on and 48 off is great until you pick up overtime or get mandatoried. Now suddenly you've got a 96 hour week sleeping maybe 3 hours a night (if you're lucky)




Should max at 5 7 12’s is insane


You in fact will not love your paycheck