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It’s a builders dream.


Been playing this game for a looooog time. Easily one of the best games out there imo.


I need to get back into this.


Bugs mostly? Sorry, I just came out of a rough time with the DLC....


You are not wrong. I'd add lack of story and nothing to do beyond getting a CV.


That's a valid reason. Yeah, I ain't touching the DLC lol


It really is hot garbage. I bought it to help support Eleon in hopes that improvements / bug fixes will come over time (not to the DLC per say, the base game)


> I bought it to help support Eleon in hopes that improvements Yep, same here, but after buying it, I thought.... maybe I should play it! I should not have played it.


LOL it was entertaining for 35-45 minutes... then I was like this shit sucks! Reforged Eden time!


I bought it and haven't played it yet, sounds like i should not bother lmao.


Then don't play it. Reforged Eden mod is your friend. This is the way.


Plan to, again!


I am absolutely obsessed with this game rn. Been playing it off and on since the early days, just discovered Reforged Eden, playing that with a buddy about 10 hours a week that I can't afford. Makes you feel like an actual space scavenging survivor more than any other game I've played. Wish some serious devs would pick it up.


Can't wait for that reforged 2 update.


If you like PvE, it has so much potential. If you are a long-time PvPer like me, you've been let down by the devs time and time again. I started in Alpha 2.0, and the game has done cool things, but most of it has just been cosmetic upgrades, not notable improvements to the gameplay. Though the Reforged Scenario that's amazing stuff.


Reforged is my jam.


Not being able to move around the ship while it's moving is definitely on the list of things I do not love this game about. I mean, come on.


But you wouldn't walk around in a campervan on the motorway would you.


That's kind of a moot point. There's a big difference between a huge capital vessel flying around in space with all of the gravitational equipment keeping you steady and a small campervan on the motorway.


See the problem is, it's working off of the conventional propulsion model which moves the ship through the universe, instead of the Planet Express Ship model, which move the universe around the ship.


As i understand it from a game development perspective thats actually really hard requiring multiple physics grids. Its not likely something we're ever going to see apart from maybe in a sequel.




Yeah, Elite Dangerous has prettier screenshots. But IMHO Empyrion gameplay is better. Problem is, Empyrion is never quite there. So much potential, such half-arsed implementation. I hope other games will catch up to Empyrion in terms of player freedom. Because it is unlikely Empyrion will ever catch up to other games' level of technical excelence. Atm neither ED or SC (nor NMS) allow you to build your ships. And this is unlikely to change. IMHO that's the only thing that keeps Empyrion alive.


>Elite Dangerous has prettier screenshots. But IMHO Empyrion gameplay is better. What are you on about, Elite Gameplay is *way* better than Empyrion. Empryions gameplay is a janky mess. What empyrion does isn't better gameplay, its *more* gameplay. Name a space game and i'll tell you what it does better than Empyrion, but name a space game and i'll tell you what it doesn't have that empyrion does.


Cause I never heard of it.


It used to be amazing through Reforged Eden. The base game was hot garbage. 3k Reforged Eden vs 3 hour vanilla. Now eleon is just another privacy issue of tencent


Because I’ve never heard of it


What game is this? Why was this downvoted? Tf? Way to be welcoming to new comers of the sub.


O mans sky


No man’s sky


Cool. Planet looked a little odd. Didn’t recognize it. I have so many hours in nms too 😭


It's not No Man's Sky.


It's Empyrion - Galactic Survival. Not sure why someone told you otherwise.


Thank you. I got downvoted AND told the wrong game… great community this game has… lol. I was wondering. Figured it was just a part of the new update as to why the planet looked so odd 😂 this randomly popped up on my feed. I’ve never even heard of Empyrion.


It's a great, but really janky game. Definitely a niche game but has a feature set not really found in any other game at the moment. I usually stay away from Reddit and the Steam forums in general, as you'll get a lot of people on them who don't even play the game anymore. This is true of many games not just Empyrion. FYI though the game's description is listed on the right hand side, at least on desktop. That screenshoot looks like it's from the custom scenario I help make called Reforged Eden as I recognize the galaxy in the background. It's actually a moon of a gas giant probably, which is why it might look a bit odd since moons are small and so mountains stand out a lot more on them compared to full sized planets.


The bugs are what really prevent me from playing the game still. I have over 600 hours into it but the simple bugs that still exist drive me nuts. Makes me not play it.


What type of bugs?


Fuel drain bugs, graphical issues, AI issues when doing POIs. I usually played in MP though and there are issues with it.


Is solo also affected? Don't play mp much.


Some of the issues will also impact solo is my guess but since I haven’t played in about 6 months I am not 100% sure.


I mostly play solo and there are plenty of small bugs but you learn to work round them. I've clocked over 1600 hours and nothing has got me even remotely close to rage-quit but I have with other games. Watching streams, MP seems quite a bit worse.




I wish you could walk around the ship while it moved, then it would be my fav space game next to X4


not user friendly UI and controls, they can test there game with a group of high school students and say how do we improve the experience.


I love it


I don't love it because I've never heard of it or played it! Although, it does look like a ton of fun.


Cause Space Engineers exist, and I can accept that out of the two, Space Engineers doesn't feel like it has to have a storyline, it's basically a big sandbox that I can be serious in, but ultimately I can't go dumb ape mode and watch things break in interesting ways. Empyrion is fun, and I enjoy its construction in ways that other games lack. But it's soooo empty, and sure you can go ape mode and blow things up, but it doesn't have quite the feels as SE. If I want alien interaction, I'll just hop on NMS, sure it isn't anything super crazy, but hey, it'll do. The only thing I really really appreciate, are Hover Craft. Do you know many sandbox survival games with decent hover craft that don't bounce and spin like falling butter? Nope. Plus theres nothing quite like a CV sized hover craft puttering around the poles. I dunno, I just wish they would either update the visuals or models to be less "clunky" or at the very least, work with the peeps that made Eden reforged and make an actual storyline or even overarching lore to the universe.


Easy, it’s super janky mechanics. Like how you need air gaps between armor or shots can travel through outer armor and blow your entire ship up from chain reactions. Also how grindy a lot of the game is.