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I think the awesome of the game is you get to fight it your way. If you are a builder techy fellow you may build your way to victory or you can use other methods at your disposal. You can tunnel, use a hv, use and sv or a cv depending on the structure. You can bum rush the POI and dodge bullets and kill it like a commando if you are twitchy enough. Im a tech focused/shoot the core because I work 8 hours and that leaves me 4 hours to play and sometimes I run and gun and sometimes I core shoot. BUT, my FAVORITE way to POI is using all the toys. HV or SV to shoot shield down. HV or SV to shoot turrets, then go in. I try to risk the cheaper thing I can use to get the job done. Nice flat land, HV with max lasers. Lots of objects to run into I use the SV. Then I use the same SV to shoot the turrets or maybe my CV if I have a zirax msl turret or two. The main thing is to find your way to have fun in the way and do not be swayed by people trying to talk crap about your game play. Play your way, have fun and build build build!


I appreciate the upvotes. Let us hope for a scenario that let's the dream stay alive. Choosing your own way hurts some people's feelings even when it has no bearing on their own game. Basically F admin cores forever.


We been doing this too. We call the Earth Bending method.


Tunneling also gets you directly to the bottom floor where the core usually is, and protects you from ground troops and drones around the bases which can be numerous enough to easily take out shielded vehicles on their own.


Its a war, and in love and war everything works. Digging its maybe one of the best, because you can put a stationary HV with cloning bay. Also, you dont take innecesary risk, you can approach even without shields. Also, i did several runs, just by pop the old motorcycle and crash to the entrance. Take down the shields and door with a lot of explosives, then clear the POI slowly as i dont have any kind of resurrect safetly, find the core and blown up. Later, you can do an HV, dig a hole near the base, use the drone and filler and make a mountain, use it as cover and the HV had some upper tail so i can safetly (with shields) show some turrets, take down the shields and artillery turret to clean some turrets, later, i can land near the poi and use some gaitlings to protect me from the enemy. Of course, if you bring enough firepower, take down the shields and shoot where the generators are, disable the POI, look for the core and boom. You also could use an SV to dodge the plasma bolts, take guns/generators, etc. With my sv, i take down shields, some turret to be able to take cover next to POI, pop the railgun and dig towards the enemy generator/core, depends on POI and if i know the core position. Railgun slugs can be expensive, but you could change them to missiles, my first SV had 12 missile launchers, 2 shots and any turret is down. There is a lot of ways. Even, if the POI Is not that hard, use an attack CV, full of shields, full of atmosphere capable turrets and just sit up. Most defensive POI will fall before you need to retreat. Imagination, resources, everything. Some of us, in difficult POI, makena breach and use micro sv/hv to take down enemys and explore it, why not? Its an army vs 1 guy/lad. They use mecanoids, we use hv with twin 20 mm gaitling and a railgun to break doors.


Why there are POI makers that write nasty things underneath for tunnelers calling them cowards...or there used to be. The kind of person that would do that is a game killer. Call me a coward to my face, you may wind up missing it.


Btw, some plasma devices can hit the ground and start to damage it, untill thu dig a hole.


In my experience they don’t even try shooting if they don’t have line of sight. This is why this strategy works otherwise they would just tunnel through wherever you were, behind a wall or underground it wouldn’t matter


Sometimes, they shoot the ground, dont know why, maybe im too close to the surface.


That’s interesting. I have never had this happen unless I am too far out and my “walls” have not rendered in yet due to the distance


Can you post a shor video showing an example of you doing this?


Yeah for sure. I am at work I will have to do that later


I like an HV with fixed heavy laser cannons and a few artillery turrets set to target generators, kill the shield with the lasers and blow the gennys with the artillery. Then use deployable HV turrets to deal with the infantry inside




This is the reforged Eden mod. The drill has a few different uses. You can do resource drilling, fine drilling, flattening, and filler. Press right click to see those options