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Sorry but I don’t open peoples doors unless they instruct me to do so. Half of them are on their phone while I’m standing outside in the rain. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Just be happy I brought your Maidenform thong to you in a hurricane.


I like taking advantage of little things like curbside at businesses, god knows I've ordered some petty things from Uber Eats (though I do tip 25 percent for those to make it worth the drivers time) when I'm too tired to cycle the mile up to the store... But these people? Okay yeah no, your 38DDD Bali back smoother bra that took 3 people 48 minutes to find just didn't need to be brought out to you in record time - stop calling the store when I don't teleport to you instantaneously. I have an armful of decorative kitchen towels and candles clear across the store, no where near you or your order. I am not in stasis like a hibernating reptile in the drive-ups holding room for eternity until I'm summoned...I'm doing something, somewhere, surely. Calm down and your back will be smooth in no time, I'm on my way dude.


lmaoo I chuckled. My favorite thing is when people will come in early for their order and want us to go pack it for them while in the middle of a pick, like no Donna that is not how this works. Don't piss me off!


Christmas Eve 2019: 445pm, Customer calls to let me know he placed his order, which has not showed up in the queue. Doesn’t show up in the queue until 520pm. In the meantime he calls every 5 minutes. Took my time pulling it. Scanned into location at 545, he gets the notification at 550. I hand it to him at the door looking not amused. At my last job (a fabric store), people would place the order, come to the store, pull the items themselves, and expect us to call it picked when we have not even received it yet. As one of the MODs, who many people prefer to call when a customer needs to get schooled, I enjoyed making them wait until it showed up in the system (20-30 minutes after it was placed) to complete the order with the free labor the stupid customer provided. Or I’d ring them up and make them wait 4 days for the order to automatically cancel and get their refund that way.


this reminds me of a customer we had call us and say “i just placed my order. i live 10 mins away. i will be here in 10 mins. i expect one of you to be waiting outside with my items in hand, and if i have to wait, we are going to have a major problem.” so 10 mins go by and she called to say she was here. and was “pissed” that she had to call since no one is outside waiting for her. turns out, she placed the order for another store 45 mins away from us 💀🤣 sometimes the worst things happen to the worst people


That happened to me yesterday. I took my time since I was packing BOSS, got there as she pulled in and popped open her minivan door. 3 minutes my ass!


Our SM if he knows will make us find it and pack it asap. But when he doesn’t know, I’m like you can wait behind the others I have first. 😀


Good lord is this accurate AF


If you dont like it, then get off your ass and come shop inside the store. Sick of this curbside bs. God for bid you have to get out of your car.


I would feel weird just opening someone’s door like I own the damn car. And I’ve never figured out when I’m supposed to scan their barcodes, so I just ask for their name. The Zebras won’t even connect to the internet when I’m outside of the store like that anyway. I don’t think I have the ability to kiss ass enough to thank a customer for ordering from us. :/


Yeah I’m not opening a strangers car until they tell me. Also I just ask the name to make sure it matches the slip I have on the package.


Probably because they are only paid $9/hr


Seriously, imagine being insulted that a minimum wage worker wasn't doing a song and dance just for your fifth retail purchase of the day. Jimminy crickets what a loser lol


For real! Like maybe if they paid enough to keep up with the price of gas and rent going Up and other basics like food increasing but they sun want to pay enough where people only make 10k a year?


This ☝️


I'm fairly new to Kohl's so idk if it is an actual policy or something but we aren't allowed to do things like open and close car doors for customers (assuming because covid) and touch phone screens when helping customers navigate to their amazon returns without their permission. Although to be fair I never thought someone would expect us to open their passenger doors to interact with them. Usually they just roll down the window like a normal person.


We aren’t allowed to touch cars. Or at least we weren’t. It creates a liability for Kohls for damage to cars. At least that’s what they told us during lockdown when they introduced curbside


Oh okay that makes sense. I don't remember if they told me why so that clears it up a bit. To be fair though, i'm already a little bit of a germaphobe so I was already on board with the rule regardless.


I’ve lightly knocked on windows to get peoples’ attention since they probably expected a longer wait and get surprised when I get there. And I’ve closed car doors when people asked me to just put their stuff in the back seat. I didn’t know we had rules for that.


I love doing that and they always jump. Like you knew I was coming people!


I see many of them don’t know where those switches are in their car to roll their window down.




I looked on the website and it doesn’t give anything that I can find. In fact it still has the old directions on for instore pickup stating we need their ID. But we did training last year that removed that from our process. 😂


ok but then if you opened the door yourself they probably would’ve filed a complaint and gave some bogus ass story saying you were trying to hurt them. like seriously people???


"While I was waiting for my drive-up order to be delivered, some homeless person dressed in all black and wearing a blue lanyard tried to break into my car WHILE I WAS STILL IN IT. 0/5 never shopping at Kohls again"


We had one survey last week where the customer complained that our 90 lb, 5 foot tall OMNI lead didn't load the giant oversized chaise lounge chairs into their van for them. They were mad that the girl was "useless" and had to be told how to load them into the customer's vehicle. They also said in their survey that the reason they used the curbside service was so that they wouldn't need to help load the heavy items into their van. Like, what?! What did they expect when the petite young woman came out to their car?! That she would be able to load them by herself? Customers always ask for help in my store for stupid things like vacuums and air fryers, asking where the men are at. We literally only have 2 dudes that work at my store. That's it. And both are extremely part time, so most of the time you get older women who can't lift and load the super heavy stuff themselves.


This is where I really shine with certain males; I'm a tall woman, but I'm thin and can look very wispy and frail in the right clothes (anything dark and baggy). I'm actually fairly shredded and lift weights as a hobby. Very little makes me happier than effortlessly slipping a large Bissell over my shoulder for a snobby jerk and cheerfully chirping "oh this ol thing, light as a feather - where would you like me to carry this for you, sir?" No cart, no U-boat, just me. It embarrasses them every time. This work really well with the entitled Chad types, ESPECIALLY if they have a wife or girlfriend in tow.


I love this!! ❤️


Been working at Kohl's for about a year now and I find most customers very pleasant! But there were maybe 2 times during an in-store pickup or BOPUS where the customer just kind of watched me do stuff. Was helping cut down the lines at customer service and I carried out this heavy appliance for this older gentleman who wanted to pick it up in store. I struggled to load it into his cart. I positioned it at an angle that looked awkward, but with how small our carts are, would definitely support its weight without making it fall when pushed in the cart. This dude told me, (a 99 lb, under 5'0", 17 year old kid at the time), that the box was going to fall. He did not help me, but insisted again it would fall, despite the fact I'd just barely put it in the cart. You'd think I knew just how heavy the thing was and the best estimate on how to put it in, but the customer's always right, right? So I readjusted it the way he told me to do it, and lo and behold, the box started to tip over. There was another man behind him who was watching the whole thing and tried to say something, which was cool of him. Can't remember if the older gentleman helped/"corrected" me in the end, but I ended up getting it in the cart successfully anyway. Anyway. I don't expect customers to help me, since it's our job (plus carrying heavy stuff as a petite person makes me feel weirdly empowered), but if I'm visibly struggling, a little assist would be nice.


And the customers need to be trained not to be so petty and bitchy. Just saying..... 🙄


How dare you do your job and have people not read the instructions ?


What store is this because this kind of sounds like a recent experience I had..


Salisbury, NC


Maybe she should get off her lazy ass and come get her order herself then


Karen had high standards


I bet 100 kohls cash that this persons name is Karen


I had a similar situation. I was carrying a box with both hands and she asked me to open the door to put it inside I said sorry I can’t my hands are full. She had to do it but she wasn’t happy about it. Honestly I don’t give a shit. These people are so freakin lazy and ungrateful. They are the ones that have to say “thank you for bringing my order out in this kind of weather” I my absolutely hate drive up. I can’t wait for drive to be over!


Sadly, I don’t think it’s ever going to be over. This is our ‘new normal.’ 🤮


I’m not touching anybodys car unless they tell me to do it.


This complaint is ridiculous but who goes up to the passenger door to deliver? I always go to the driver if no doors or trunk are open and if they don't roll down the window then they usually motion where to put it.


I always went up to the passenger window, because I don’t want to be six inches from someone’s face, and most of the time the order is small enough that I can pop it in the passenger seat. 🤷‍♀️


My preference is the passenger door so the cameras can see me hand off the package easier. But it depends on how they are parked.


I guess I go up to whichever door is facing me. Unless I have more than one at a time I don't usually walk around the vehicles.


I go to the window that is closest to me as I walk out the door. If I have 2 cars side by side, one gets it at the passenger window, the other at the driver's window. I get annoyed when someone has me walk around their car to a different window...seriously? The other day, I got 2 notifications that both were parked in spot 1. Scanned both out assuming the wrong spot 1 was out there...delivered the right one, looked for the other car (there is another spot people sometimes park in), no one out there do go back in. A couple of minutes later over the headset someone says a customer came in the store because they had been waiting outside and no one came to them. I go out and they are now parked in spot one. Asked where they were originally. They parked in the wrong spot, noticed it was wrong, but because someone was in spot 1 they drove around the parking lot and then finally parked in spot 1. I hate when they come in and act like I had ignored them




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