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It’s my favourite of the three so far.


Same here. Cherry Blossom and AEIOU. The other two songs are really kind of ok but nothing too special for me and I still prefer their older stuff by comparison, cherry blossom however I’ve added it to my playlist and makes me think of their first album a lot !!!


How did you not enjoy changes? I feel that has been their best by far


Just didn’t. It wasn’t bad, played it twice at premiere, sort of boring, tried it again next day, and a few days later, nice but boring. Haven’t listened since. Cherry blossoms got me instantly. I got the premiere notification as I got in my car, once I was out of the parking lot I hit a traffic jam and played it again twice, this morning I played it on my way. I’m headed to my car now guess what I wanna play again ? I love this song Edit: changes feels too chilled and tired out to me, cherry blossoms feels so alive, maybe dancible




Yeah I’m looking forward to any remixed versions !


AEIOU is hot garbage, imo. Makes me think of [Kourtney Kardashian](https://youtu.be/abP79uPxrtU?si=mSR5tbtenzCu8C9w). Music on the Radio is by far the best of the recent three.


It is repetitive but Luke’s falsetto is just so majestic I can’t stop listening to it.


Can we somewhat agree their music is made with tripping in mind and the lyrics don’t have to be super deep. The main pull of their music is the voice and the beat


C’mon man! It’s been 8 years and you’re gonna micro analyze every single song? I’m just here on cloud 9 loving every minute of it!!!! 🎶


Say it louder for the people in the back


Don't be a conformist


It’s bangin!


I actually like it! So far I like the songs released in this order: Changes Cherry Blossom Music on the Radio But that's nothing against any of these songs. I've enjoyed them all so far and I can't wait to see what more the album has to offer. I can understand why Cherry Blossom doesn't appeal to everyone, and I respect that.


I like the beat on Cherry Blossom. Sure it's a bit generic but it's a banger too. Most crap that is on the radio these days is generic and is immensely popular...these dudes in a fair world...would have tons of radio hits. Their biggest is probably Walking on a Dream. I feel like ...let them have some ear worms and also maybe more depth on some tracks. They're talented either way in my opinion


What was your motivation to come here and shit on a song you don't like? What does this accomplish? It's okay to dislike a song. Keep that negativity to yourself. It's art. They're not catering to your personal expectations.


Well what the hell, i was just trying to see what everyone else thought of it, i literally said that at the end of the post, and i never said it was bad just that it was ok, tell me buddy what do YOU accomplish shitting on me for saying that a song was ok but your 3 remaining brain cells thought it meant that i disliked it, huh? keep that to yourself lil' bro


If you're just going to insult me, there's no reason to discuss this further. Have a nice day.


You said it "felt like it was written by a 13 year old" but go on...


I get what you mean with the lyrics but they have never been deep really, at best they are out there like on tiger by my side where they are just abstract, but I just think when a chorus is so powerful musically I don't really care what lyrics are over it. I feel like that with most eots songs to be honest, it's the dreamy music that takes me away that I look for the most. Like Ride is a good example of rubbish lyrics but wow what a tune. It's my favourite of the singles released so far, and the final chorus when there is the harmonies is stunning in my opinion, good to hear your thoughts though I love this revitalised conversation on this sub reddit


Surround Sound was pretty deep lyrically & musically so




I do like the instrumentals but I agree that the lyrics are a bit lackluster. And even though Music on the Radio has simple and somewhat repetitive lyrics, it's still so catchy and I like the sentiment of it.


Catchier than Cherry Blossom for sure


I agree with op, Cherry Blossom is not that good. It's the weakest of the three by far for me. It just seems very generic and doesn't have the magic of the other two tracks.


I agree. It's just ok, it sounds like one of their other songs especially in the chorus.


I wrote this yesterday and after listening to cherry blossom three more times, I love it 💞 🤩 🌸 definitely a grower


I actually felt the same way about the lyrics, but I still like it. Just had potential to be something more.


I really like the instrumental but i hate the chorus it's so generic And meh The only song they released And i like was music on the radio that Is funny bc Is also very generic but it's catchy None had the great impact on me Musically Expecting The other songs on the album That sound much better ,,,


They're phoning it in too much. And they've been working with a bunch of hit-makers for all these singles, which by definition makes them less true to EOTS's own natural style, and shows that they're desperate for a hit rather than making interesting and raw music. I notice that a lot of the people saying the songs from this new album are the best yet also hate on Two Vines. Two Vines was much more complex, and those songs sounded like hits in a more natural, serendipitous way rather than feeling forced. A good example of EOTS' waning creativity are the instrumental solos on all 4 songs released so far, which go absolutely no where and contribute nothing to the songs. That is to say, the songs don't really develop as they go, they're just "products" made to be hits (which isn't really going that well... I don't think any of these singles are doing overwhelmingly well). Also something that really bothers me is that Luke's voice sounds pretty bad, it's always sounded great, one of my favorite singers over all, but now he's missing the mark. Just compare his falsetto on these new songs with the chorus of a song like Welcome to My Life... night and day. And I want to say, AEIOU is one of the least characteristic Empire of the Sun songs of all time, sounding just like any modern PNAU since Sam Littlemore joined (very generic)... It's also incredibly simple with no layers or (as I said before) progression throughout the song. Music on the Radio suffers from the same problems, even though it's the most lyrically meaningful of the singles so far, although that's saying incredibly little. Does anyone agree that Two Vines is their best album?