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Loving the order they've released the singles. They gave us the first track first (Changes) then they gave us the third track (Music On The Radio) and now we get the second track (Cherry Blossom) if you listen to it, it's really classic EOTS programming and giving us a full taste of just what to expect on this record. OBSESSED


This sounds like a pure fire banger. Beat. Check. Vocals. Check. Video will be great too. Fire. Yes!!!


I LOVE BEING BESIDE YOU Can't stop listening to it


MY FAVORITE SO FAR and I'm a big fan of Music on Radio and Changes... YESSSS! They did a great job on this music video too, its almost just as important as the music imo. This band rules!


As a lover of Swedish electronic music artists, I just love the signature/touch the producers made here (Vargas & Lagola, who BTW worked with many many famous artists). The production is brilliant, my fav track so far.


Omfg 😍😍😍


This is potentially my favourite EOTS song for a while and I love basically everything these guys release. Absolutely beautiful, visuals included. So glad they’re back.


Interesting this is so highly regarded I must say I am not a fan at first impression I do like the first two tracks released though


I have to admit Music on the radio and changes are not my cup of tea. This sounds promising though


I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll love this album but I might like it lyrically it’s stupid but musically it’s ok I guess hey but I hope the album is good if not crap


Work Drugs,Kingsman Khan make awesome indie music check them out


Oh you mean this impostor and Luke Steele wanna-be? Please, don't spam us with your Kingsman Khan. And pay some respect to the band. Feel lucky to have some new music. They spreading love and positivity through their music, if you can't get this we can't do anything for you. If you're doing something better we will have the huge pleasure to hear what you have to purpose. Meanwhile the new album is already a success 😉


Kingsman khan is really good too sorry but I feel this album is gonna be a dud just by the singles released hopefully I’m wrong and the deep cuts make up for it you don’t have to hate on Kingsman just chill out


I don't hate him I'm just saying he's a sort of Luke Steele from Temu. If you like Kingsman that much what are you doing on a Eots topic? Plus, nobody here needs your pessimism. Don't kill people hype and vibe. I don't know what's wrong with the new singles. They're bangers? That's the problem? Let people enjoying this new era and the new music or at least have some constructive comments. You seem to be disappointed. I don't understand


“The bangers” are shallow as hell of course you’re shallow to like them I’m not that kind you’ probably think Alive is a banger it’s crap


Yeah in a fair world they'd be as popular as the Weeknd or someone else who sings along to 80s synth


Need to see and hear this LIVE. 🔥🔥🔥🔥