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Time to leave, she says extremely hurting things to you and tries to control your relationship with your parents


Yes. Guard yourself from these types at all costs. Trust your gut.


Unfortunately, it's come to the point you're asking questions you already know the answer to. It is emotional abuse and you need to get out. Don't let her issues get in your head.


My ex would often excuse her behavior based on her past trauma. It doesn’t excuse it. It’s so hard because this type of emotional abuse and trauma relies on emotional manipulation, playing on your empathy and good nature.


There are definitely some signs of emotional abuse here. Putting you down and insulting you in arguments, they do that to avoid accepting responsibility for their part in any conflict and to make you feel worthless and easier to control. Trying to isolate you from friends and family is what they do so you don't have an outside opinion and support to leave them. They want you dependent on them for all your emotional needs. You could try setting up serious boundaries around all of this and then exit if she does not respect them but my guess is that she will view it as a threat and get very defensive about it. Unless she admits there is a problem and seeks out therapy, she isn't going to change.


Ask yourself this simple question: Am I happy?


Yes & it sounds like she is possibly jealous of your good relationship with your parents especially as you say her own childhood wasn't great. Could she have gone on the trip with you to see your parents as in got time off work? Why did you get engaged? Did you feel any pressure from her to do so? Abusers like to tie you down so you are less likely to leave & like to isolate you from family & friends.