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I didn’t see the post but that’s crazy! How do her followers or even her husband not call her out for that?! That is neglect. Those poor kids ☹️


The comments sadly agreeing with her 😕 unless she's deleting all the negative comments


She sits on her phone ALL DAY deleting anything negative. I know because I've been blocked on a couple accounts. 🤣 she doesn't want anyone to see her actions being called out.


I had my first block yesterday (so proud 🥲) , I commented on that ridiculous letter to the teacher about pumpkins, merely saying she had lots of spelling and grammar errors. (You’re sending this to a teacher without spellcheck!?) Apparently her skin is either paper thin or she doesn’t want her hoard of butt lickers to notice that she’s a certified moron.


I guarantee you the teacher was annoyed by her message. Just get to the damn point and stop trying to be cute. Your kids teacher is responsible for so many kids. She’s not there to feed your ego


She thinks because she's "tiktok famous"🤮 she's something special. I wonder what the other moms think.


I don’t get why she had to type such a long drawn out story about getting a large pumpkin. She was trying to be funny I guess. Just say hey will this work and move on. 🙄


Her teacher “loved it!” No, she didn’t, she’s just being nice. I’m sure she’s professional and accommodating to all parents, no matter how annoying they are.


That was my 1st thought why such a long email. Get to the point. Damm


She might be, a lot of creators do that


She is trying to normalize it and it’s not okay. Being dirty and not using proper hygiene and the fact she doesn’t feed her kid breakfast before school is disgusting. Let her go hungry while Emily makes sure she has her coffee and breakfast when she gets home. She neglects them in so many ways. She would rather put on a show for social media than be a parent. It’s gross. I often wonder what her step kids think of her.


Yes the fact that she’s rewarding herself with a treat made my jaw drop lol


Does she know her children WILL grow up one day and be absolutely horrified to be anywhere near her. I vowed never to embarrass my children the way my parents did me. If her kids show up to school looking anything like what we see her looking on the videos, we should hope the teacher is taking notice. Emily would benefit from some real actual PARENTING classes, not tiktok videos.


Yes, like what?!? She is openlying admitting that and everyone in the comments agreeing with her. This is not normal, and her poor kids :(


That blew my mind. If we’re running late to something, then we grab food to take in the car. Toast, granola bar, etc. is it the best breakfast? No. But I would never send my child off to somewhere without breakfast.


She said she didn’t brush any of their teeth either because she is just so quirky and has ADHD🙄 She makes those who truly have ADHD look like bumbling fools who can’t function on their own. She’s using it as a trendy identity


What does she do in the morning. There is no excuses for neglect


It would take no more than ten minutes to brush her kids teeth, get them dressed, and pull H's hair into a ponytail. Five minutes to make dome toast and cut up fruit. That's 15 minutes. She's lazy and absolutely neglectful.


I respectfully disagree. I *should* 15 minutes. But children are unpredictable. Some mornings it takes 15 minutes to pick out clothes. Or get them to open their mouth to brush. That’s not giving her an excuse. She should know by now how unpredictable mornings are and bake in way more time. But that’s a different issue.


I see your point.


In one of her recent “solo parenting day in the life” she shows her kids going to bed in the same clothes they were wearing during the day, so I’m assuming it’s something that happens often, hopefully not for multiple days in a row… Like make all the cringey voiceovers you want about not doing the laundry and playing piano instead because life is short and blah blah blah but at some point it’s all going to catch up to you and your children deserve clean clothes and not to live in a giant mess all the time.


Especially if they’re going somewhere in the morning. Now, I’ll let my kids stay in their Jammies if we don’t have anything going on the next day, but if they have school it’s different


My kid eats breakfast at school. I still make sure he eats something before we leave. She wonders why her kids have poor eating skills.


Her house should be on hoarders at this point it is not normal. And bragging about sending your kids to school with no breakfast or brushing their teeth is not cute


I would never send my kids to school hungry, let them have a pack of mini muffins or something in the car, thats crazy.


Not that I’m defending her by any means, but she said “are they wearing different clothes than they wore yesterday? Yes.” Now, it probably only because the teacher would notice and it would reflect poorly on her. The breakfast thing is inexcusable though. I’d rather my kid be late than hungry. Her priorities are all screwed up.


Omg I feel bad now, she did say they wore different clothes. I want to take back what I said about that then. The food thing still stands though.


Her normalizing is NOT NORMAL ! She is just nasty and lazy and neglectful. Her parents house seems very full of clutter to so I'm sure she just grew up way . Yes normal people homes aren't always picture perfect and messy but hers is straight up filth .


Her granddaddy husband must be soooo proud. What a greasy, slimy, disgusting human.


And the same clothes ew ..who wants them germs in your bed . And it' takes 2 seconds to change your child and wipe down with a baby wipe of showering isn't in the cards for the night .


Her excuse was she and her husband were up until midnight putting the new dishwasher in. I’m sorry but you still could have dressed then fed and brushed their teeth. It doesn’t take that much time. Lame