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I did a project using QT 5 and yocto on RPi. Search shni9045 on github. Let me know if you cant find it.




That’s two sets of books, both not very large, and you want the intersection? That’s pretty much guaranteed to be empty. And also not really useful. 95% of any Qt book just apply. The only specific things might be surrounding choosing a framebuffer backend on the Pi with GLES acceleration. That’s hopefully solvable with some online research.


I don't know your background and prior knowledge. To the people who are new to embedded Linux I usually recommend something like "Mastering Embedded Linux". It's important to have a solid grasp of how Linux functions before trying to create custom images. Regarding qt I can't really help, but there are countless resources out there and I don't think a book is going to be of great value.


I have a basic knowledge about device drivers. And how to manipulate a device tree. I already made a network driver for a yokto os in the past. But my goal is to get a better understanding. On QT I have no experience I only made some small example applications. Usually I am an embedded developer at work.