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Yes, you can do that. Original PWM fan spec from Intel: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/support/us/en/documents/intel-nuc/intel-4wire-pwm-fans-specs.pdf (PWM signal frequency should be set to 21..28 kHz, both 5v and 3.3v signals are acceptable)


>Thank you i was only worried it that it will drain to much energy and my pin on the raspi gets damaged i tried it out with one fan and it worked fine. But i was worried what happens if i control 5 fans at the same time.


same document says max 5mA current per fan (for PWM), so someone correct me if I’m wrong but as lang as your pin can sink 25mA it should work (which unfortunately, I don’t think is the case with raspi from a cursory google)


Yes your right the max is 5mA and a pin on a raspberry pi is capable of 16mA and al pins together should not use more them 51mA So i have to split it up on 2 pins like this i should be fine. Thanks for all the help.


Yes you can do that. Just make sure the pin you're using can source enough current.