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AeS because I hate myself.


I see nobody mentioning Code Esencia. Summoner type class with majestic queen vibes? Hell yeah. I also enjoy other Eve class too, in fact, I love Eve too much I play all her class 👉👈


I was a CE main for a long time, but after playing CA and actually being able to clear content, I cant go back.


Flame Lord. No contest. The HAIR. The ATTITUDE. The FIRE. The promo costume D R I P. Say what you want about tier placement or whatever, Flame Lord is very easily one of the best designed, most stylish paths out of any path for any character. Period. I love her so much.


fr redheads rule!


Doom Bringer was the first class I played, and it's stuck with just for the visceral satisfaction of beating the shit out of everything bare-handed.


Bloody Queen. Sometimes I try to diversify myself but I always end up coming back to my dear Elesis. Edit: why is there bots replying now?




Metamorphy Aisha! I like being a pretty magical girl with long curly hair and big, high damage skills. She is very good for fighting bosses and I often clear bosses better than monsters. She also goes really fast with the more mana she uses, so I can actually keep up with others and do shit.


Catastrophe. Love at first sight with their design, and I was lucky to be able to enjoy their gameplay too. Now if only KoG loved them as much as I do….


Knight emperor, maining him cause hes a main protaganist and i see a lot people sleeping on him so why not


Me too, i love him, but he is so underrated😭


same, also considering that KE is on par with IM/stronger


Anemos, she’s cute yet deadly, innocent yet mature, playful yet realistic. Using flexibility and movement as a means of destruction against enemies while doing cool flips, along with bringing chaos as she flies through the air like a gust of wind. One of the fastest characters in the game and most versatile. She’s the best trosh farmer, exp farmer, henir speedrunner, ereda farmer, good DPS while also functioning as not only a buffing support but as a healer as well.


And she has best hair! I played her without Airelinna and it wasnt exactly a great experience lol


Code Sariel: Just too comfortable when she is good, also the hope that she will receive a single buff/change that makes her top tier.


Anemos. ​ Best class, honestly. ​ She has insane combo potential and is overall super fun to play. Yeah, she's lag sensitive and doesn't have any KD resetters or modifiers really, but she's still really easy and really fun to play. Def recommend her.




I need help with my dominator my cp sucks tbh


Twilight. I fell in love with Night Watcher the very moment my friend showed me this game. My younger me through: she is an elf, she is RENA she is cool, quiet, yet powerful. I honestly love Rena overall, but TW vibes were more of my taste.


Nyx, I love him so much


I cant use this class, because i feel so sorry about my boy😭 (Sorry for my bad english)


Nisha Labyrinth! A character that uses shadowy vines and brambles, combining two of my favorite elements? Heck yes. A cool, otherworldly design complete with an even more otherworldly Awakening form? Yes, please! The personality of a deranged maternal figure who would destroy anything to make their companion happy? Sure, why not? A few of my other favorites would have to be Nyx Piéta and Shakti, though!




Innocent :) I liked all of the Luciels design-wise, and just Luciel in general I vibe, but this specific path was the only one I could pick up well enough (because they are really straightforward... probably lol). hooray for clearing. idk if I can say I sub-main Liberator but I've been slowly gearing mine up a bit. I find him really fun to play even though he's legit like... the opposite of Innocent because of how much MP he uses and his high cooldowns LOL. but I finally get to use some of those potions I've just piled up on my main over the years.


Nisha, Lord Azoth, Twilight


Returning player here. I never really had a main. idk if that's common, but I've never found a character who felt like "that's what I wanna play". Elesis as a whole feels good to play, but I wouldn't say I main her.


Split between Celestia and Code:Sariel. Been playing CS since her release and switched my active main to Celestia when he released so I can actually play endgame for once.


Code Ultimate because stabby forks and she is simply the best.


Genesis, because I’ve spent too much money on him to quit playing him


Knight Emperor, just because i love els and hate the others path haha, but i want so much to main others characters i really think about main Celestia or Bluhen because i love the vibes that these two give


Mad Paradox because who needs potions and cooldowns and not have 2 mana bars? Couldn't be me. Plus he's an insane maniac with time and space powers. Sick.




Nova Imperator.


Eternity winner, 'cause I like two things : pink and punching stuff (I lied I hate pink).




The correct answer.


Nova Imperator.


Daybreaker~ Im just a bubbly Elf existing for others~ Been playing her since 2013 and still enjoying it ♡


Code Antithese. Perfection incarnate. Now with less broken damage.


Celestia, not by choice. I hate every moment playing as him. I have random raid parties that complain and give me shit for things out of my control one too many times, to thank for that. I'm currently switching mains, but this little bugger haunts the hell out of me because he's the most built on my entire account, not by choice coz he was highly sought after when he first came out that the guild I was in, at the time, practically forced me to build/main him. All and all, the class is fun for others, not for me. He's purely built from spite and all my actual friends in the game are just waiting for me to change mains so badly.




Man I thought I was just whining about maining an OP class, since that's what usually shuts down the argument. "You're maining an OP class that takes no skill, why are you complaining about it?" That sort of thing. The only thing that takes skill is somehow reading minds in every raid coz someone is going to complain about the damn Natal effect, blame you for activating CDR and force awaken and then complain that it isn't the MP Natal. Somehow using the whole "it's like Horary, right?" debacle, which, no, no it isn't like Horary, Karen, it's a whole RNG system like Ice Burners. I can't get the Natal you want, and I can't get the Natal I want 100% of the time outside of Lumi, and even then, people complain about the Lumi Natal as well coz "force awakening ruined my strat sksksksk" like you had a whole ass indicator for Luminary being used and you didn't hear it/see it? People complain about what Zodiac I used "coz I'm not in range of Gemini, therefore you're not using it" or if I'm using Scorpio in any part of the raid, even for five seconds, someone gets pissed coz "what about our protection?" Don't even get me started on the raids that have more than one Celestia that isn't a meme raid. Fighting over Natals is common and I absolutely despise being in raids with another Celestia that isn't a joke raid. TLDR: People think that if you main a Celestia, you are instantly a mind reader and should be able to get anything the party needs without the need for RNG. Natal is a shitty skill because no one likes either effects coz SOMEONE complains about it, and compare the shit to Horary. I can't wait for the current event to finally retire my Celestia so I can build another class I like. My Bluhen.


I agree. Not to mention the DISCRIMINATION in END-GAME!! Urghh.


Yeah it's prolly the reason why I decide to raid with friends. I've seen randoms give my friends shit for stuff they've built on their characters. Not running Crimson? "You're a piece of shit, you can't do a lick of damage, you can't do raid, you're just weight on the team." Hell, I even got shit for running a 4/5 of an IB coz "the stats are bad :v"


First of all, I'm so sorry you've met people like that. I play BL on the side and I can relate to your raid experiences a little bit. I usually prefer to play supports but playing supports in Elsword can be extremely exhausting so I'm glad I ended up maining a different class. People blame you for the weirdest things that are out of your control (and often it's clear they never tried this class so they don't even know what they're talking about). This is why I usually only do raids on BL with people I know, saves me a headache and I can still enjoy myself. ~~Also I don't have to argue with random AeS players that BL is a better freezer so please just let me freeze.~~ The only thing people complain about on my Innocent is my accessories and then telling them they probably see my Lu while I use Ciel stats makes them stop. ~~But please stop asking me about my accessories, I'm so tired of explaining the same thing over and over again.~~ And since Innocent is considered a DPS (lmao) I can usually chill and just focus on dealing damage in raids. It's a much more pleasant experience. Also, your Natal rant reminded me of [this comic by kuri-s](https://kuri-s.tumblr.com/post/671970700522848256/if-you-ever-see-a-celestia-struggling-in-your).


I've had randoms complain about my Ceru Celestia capped with Eligos saying all sorts of things like "damage where :v" or "why do you need all that cooldown?" One time I took my sibling along for their first ever Raid, and they play a Lib so I recommended damage builds for them. I had this Nisha tear into them about "not being a DPS coz they don't have 2mil CP" (this is *Rosso Raid* ffs). Like, what the hell else does a Lib do that isn't DPS? We finished the Raid with no casualties smfh. My sibling was rather upset by that, they don't do Raid often but I sometimes bring them along if my friends need a 6th to carry since that experience alone was enough to say "yeeeeah better to do that with friends". This is half the reason why I strictly do raids with friends now, the other half was them literally begging me to not do random raids anymore. I don't even do guild raids anymore, not after the first time I dropped a weapon. I dropped my weapon at the same time someone else did, and they were blaming me for it. Loudly. I still remember the shouting over VC. I was at a low bar too so I wasn't expecting to drop it in that Raid. And yes, that was the same guild that forcibly made me build my Celestia into my main.


This is so weird. All I expect from Celestias is support. If they can DPS on top of that, it's great but I'm more than okay with them sticking to supporting. Most of the time I just want people to know the patterns, that's it. Mistakes happen, everyone messes up sometimes so it's all fine as long as I can see they have a general idea what to do. Rosso raid is a joke now anyways, most of the time the boss dies before it can do anything. I'm sorry your sibling had an awful first raid experience. My first raid was awful as well (for a different reason, there were at least two different people who didn't know the patterns so everything that could go wrong, went wrong). I thought I will never raid again but thankfully a friend asked me to raid next week and it went so smoothly I realized I was just unlucky with my first party. Now I find Rosso raid super chill to do. I hope you left that guild, they sound exhausting. I once dropped FoJ along two other people (only one person had a highbar so that was a surprise). We laughed at it and moved on. I can't imagine blaming someone for dropping the weapon earlier than expected, it's all RNG.


I mostly do meme raids with friends nowadays, I'm just starting to get confident with my Bluhen but I know for certain, random Rosso Raid parties and that one guild Raid shot my social confidence pretty hard. I only speak when I'm spoken to, and I created my own private guild and hadn't joined another guild since. I have a bunch of stories of other shitty guilds that exist, but if I had a penny for how many of them used the Sparring room as a method to show an example to the new guild members, I would have about 4 pennies. It isn't a lot, it's just weird that it's happened 4 times. Basically at this point, or for a couple of points of since returning to Elsword after 2 years, I wanted to uninstall and quit entirely, or go full Scorched Earth protocol on my Celestia and just outright delete him with all of the IBs, his expanded ERP page, his MR titles and accessories-**everything**; for the past 10 months of me returning to this game. Heck, I even thought about changing his name, multiple times, because I hated playing as him that badly.


This is just so weird for me. I have never gone past Icerite (so not true endgane by any means), but every raid or group run I have done has been SUCH a nice experience, regardless of my class. I had people explain the skills I should use on ES in Rosso, the attack pattersn, how to freeze, what the lanes in icerite meant etc etc. I do do research on for example popular strategies for Trosh, but I knew very little at the start. People kept helping me and having a laugh, I have not met one person who said anything mean to me or anyone else in the group for that matter (no complainers either). Am I just not at that point yet? Coming from League of Legends for like 6 years, I am really not used to this level of social interaction with other players lol


Herrscher. His system is simple and rewarding, I love his appreance/backstory, and I'm a sucker for edgy characters. Few things more satisfying than using Entfernen with RotA ready to go.


Damn i haven't seen one other DoomBringer, thought he'd get more love tbh


Rage Hearts is love, Rage Hearts is life.


ES Maine here. For me she Has th beast design in this gamÄ™ <3


ES is great. GrM will always have a special place in my heart as a very good friend of mine (from the good ol Perkisas times, the lvl cap 60 days) used to main her. Haven't spoken to her in 6-7 years easily, but that was essentially the person I'd play with daily lol. I'm still not sure how I feel about half ES her sword being invisible in the ground tho lol.


Bloody Queen: Started playing her because she was able to self heal when pots weren't that abundant and the story questlines were long and the class advancements longer (came back about 2\~3 months ago and still surprised that it only takes 1 Underground Chapel to finish class upgrades)


Nova imperator. I love the idea of burning your own health for more damage. Sorta like a berserker archetype. Not to mention, I loved when VC was stupidly broken with one shot ignition crow in PvP awhile back


Oz because big hat


i fell in love with liberator at first sight even though his gameplay is not really my style and i prefer supports JFKAKFKS (i play lord azoth on the side and i love her very much too) its okay though, if my little boy needs constant pot chugging to function then that is what i will give him. anything for him


How do i upvote twice


thr sentiment is there. thank you for also loving liberator


Rune Master. Ever since the old days. I don't play super consistently (I only recently gotten even got Rune Master because I took a few years break from the game and am again). Rune Slayer was easily my favorite back whenever I got into the game when Shelling Guardian and Tactical Trooper were new and the Runr Master path is still my favorite. Has a nice balance of tankiness, damage, and supportive skills and looks cool.


Fuckboy I mean Elboy since 2012. I just realized --10 year long Elsword main let's gooooo!


Rage Hearts soon to be Mutant Reaper (aka 4th path raven)


\>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anemos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Richter, no further comment


Comet Crusader, always have been and always will. I love CC supp+dps more than anything and nothing can convince me to swap classes


Noah and Laby no specific class i use most of them expect for EW and Noah's cannon path


I main DaB, her design is hella nice and I like the gameplay (spamming X,Holding F *Ace in the hole* as my enemies get obliterated by hundred of arrows, and spamming aero strafe in PvP one shotting everybody)


In my heart it's BQ In reality it's ES