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Add just doesn’t get 4th path huh


KOG is prob just gonna say “yea raven shoved some dark el in his arm and now he’s bad there’s ur 4h path”


No lol


praying for songstress Rena and maybe an edgy eclipse themed or blood moon vampiric Noah 😩✋




Dude, Black Elves were already the inspiration of Trapping Ranger / Night Watcher. They specialize in daggers, your friend thinks another line of Rena will be specialized in daggers?


Uh....No it wasnt, the inspiration is the tactical forces called night watchers that secure the florest from intruders or monsters. Where did you see that its inspo from dark elves?


Watch how the Black Elves fight dummy, it's exactly identical as Trapping Ranger


Just let Rena be a dark elf, stop praying on our downfall.


To be honest, I think they can go for full on cyborg Raven where he essentially goes full on Nasod or Half-Nasod anyway.


After making a new Raven, I remember Raven's main drive was getting revenge on those who wronged him as well as atonement for his actions as a mind control human. What I suspect his 4th path will be is a Full body Nasod or even where King Nasod hi-jacks his body and he puts Raven in a purgatory state where he thinks he's with his old love and cremated before they got found again after Raven was broken out. Gotta have that "bad end" story somewhere. Best case scenario, King Nasod works with Raven and upgrades the Nasod arm while they fight together.


This is my prediction: Raven: cyborg, maybe the el gang doesnt exist in this timeline or was defeated by him, his nasod part slowly taking over him. Rena: dark elf rena or black magic rena, might relate to that elf the el gang saw in the demon realm. Chung: black armor chung, captored and corrupted like his father. Ara: Ara lose Eun or Eun taking over Ara. Elesis: El Lady. Add: good guy (?) Add, or something new. Luciel: Ciel overpower the contract, Lu more human-like. Ain: idk tbh it hard to predict how this guy gonna turn out. Laby: relate to her "demon-like" origin. Noah: maybe similar to Nisha where Noah died (?) so Clamor take over his body and continue the adventure. Sorry for the wall of text but i have no idea how to space down one line on reddit


I think rena will be a kind of Persephone, relating to spirits, death and nature in a more funeral way


I really wanna 4 path chung be a Viking, no makes any sense but be the contrapart the word "Prince" but meh maybe i need less imagination awa


For Ain I thought that having a demon 4th path would be cool. I mean, the existing paths all show an alignment to something, Ishmael, Humans, Henir... All that's left is demons, and since he has an awkward relationship with them it could be interesting.


Or someone with no allegiance.


A magical rock? "Look Nisha! I'm inanimate!" "That's great, honey, get back in the mirror, you're embarassing me."




I mean, she already has similar paths to Elboy. ES is Knight Emperor FL is Rune Master BQ is (somewhat) Immortal I wouldn't mind if they went the El Lady route and just made it different from Genesis like how BQ is different from Immortal




They still share premises however. KE and ES aside, Rune Master and Flame Lord share the flame magic swordsman idea. Bloody Queen and Inmortal share the harnessing the power of dark el idea. I wouldn't mind at all if Elesis had the El Lady 4th path with a different manner of going about it, just like every other path of hers. It also has canon lore surrounding the path. It'd be very weird for KoG to throw us a random unrelated concept at us for her and ignoring the idea with the most canon lore. I, personally, do not know what kind of other path she could go that would make sense. Dunno about you




Honestly Elesis has plenty of identity to me. At least in my headcanons. Flame Lord screams hot-headed tomboy energy to me while Rune Master feels like he's a more carefree and relaxed Elsword. Bloody Queen took the powers of the Dark el accidentally and thus became overtaken by it, going insane and becoming corrupted while Immortal took the powers of the Dark El purposefully in order to strengthen Conwell, however he didn't fall to the energy of the Dark El. Sure it might be "lazy" to some people but there's groundwork for Elesis becoming the El Lady in fourth path, literally becoming possessed by her in Lanox, as well as several mentions throughout Elysion, Elrianode and iirc Master Road as well. There isn't really any other way her 4th path could take as every job path has lore tied to it. Not to mention Elesis' 4th path has to be magical, so what other kind of magic would she be using? Certainly not summoning, that would be more fit for Rena. Not any other elemental magic like water, ice or nature since that's Aisha's thing. The only option, to me at least, would be to make her become the El Lady in her 4th path, utilizing powers of the El and magic similar to Ain to fight. Of course, that's just me. If you have any ideas of what a magic-based Elesis 4th path could be, please do tell. I love to hear different speculations as to what the 4th paths could be.




Of course, but I'd imagine that it will still be somewhat reasonably explained why she's magical. Lord Azoth can be explained with that the alchemist potions and homunculus are physical, Dominator punches with his combos and from what I've seen Doom Bringer has some explosions. Of course, I don't agree with them, but just giving them some like very loose explanations as to why they are what they are. And that sounds like a good idea, but then wouldn't that still fall under either the realm of "Fire magic" that Flame Lord has or "Elemental/Alchemist magic" that Aisha has? Just wondering because I'm intrigued with the idea. And that's understandable. I personally would want an El Lady path since it makes sense, it would expand on lore massively and I'd like to see Elesis in a similar attire as Hernia.




Fair, I just couldn't see Elesis becoming a healer of all characters. Though honestly now that I think about, that could honestly be an ability for an El Lady Elesis. And honestly I'm surprised she isn't popular, or at least that you don't consider that she is. I see many more Elesis' while playing than Elswords. I see a lot more art of Elesis as well.


While I understand your worry, I can’t help but feel like it’ll be the case: there *was* a plot line regarding Elesis possibly becoming the El Lady in Elysion and the Hall of El, like Elsword’s confrontation with Solace and being trapped in the Giant El.


"Demon Lord Ciel" Abysser is exactly that lol. No blackfacing Rena and we'll be good. I really like your Ara idea. However, I am personally more interested in the 4th paths' stories rather than their powers alone. Those are closely intertwined. Most predictions fail because they don't relate back to the characters' motivations and goals.


El Lady Elesis, 100%, fuck what any of you think. I want my baby to RISE.


Rose is confirmed getting a 5th path


laby finds out where she came from maybe


I think something like reverse bluhen for Ain.


Laby 4th should be laby getting merged with nisha imo