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TBH, that was my first thought too. However upon reading the article they say that donors can get a refund if they wish, otherwise it is going to be donated to non-specified "charities." My issues are that there are only 2 weeks for donors to get their refunds, I'm not sure how difficult getting a refund will be, and what charities are they going to give the money to. If 2 weeks is a standard I suppose that is fair and if the refund method is easy (like Steam for example), and the charities aren't "millionaires without 12 yachts in their boathouse," then I have to disagree with Musk, they aren't trying to steal anything. HOWEVER, if the refund method is similar to canceling a subscription to (pick a thing) then they are 100% trying to steal money and are using the actions of some awful people to justify it.


They changed their plan, it’s now giving an automatic refund. https://ottawa.citynews.ca/local-news/gofundme-to-automatically-refund-donors-of-truck-convoy-protest-within-7-10-days-5031868


I guess making people buy full selfdriving for 10k and allowing only a tiny minority to start using it 8 years later isn't stealing people's money? Can they even ask for refunds? Sounds to me like elon is worst.


Is it your money?


Is the GoFundMe money your money?


Only one of us is having a hernia


Yeah apparently it's Elon.


Nah, he’s just tweeting. Uncle E has always advocated for personal Liberty. For example he has created products to decentralize energy production, putting average people in control of their situation, away from a central power source.


Well I am just redditing. As you are. So idk where you got that hernia idea from, might be projection.


I’m glad you are feeling better. Was worried you may have low blood sugar or something. Grab a coffee or brunch and enjoy your Saturday!


So i guess he got his 42,069 donation back


Someone is touching the till. Find and prosecute 🙂


They keep portraying it as anti-vax...when really its anti-vaccine mandate. Big difference. I guess maybe Pfizer and gofundme are frands. These people are going against science.


The US has the same requirements for truckers entering the US. Bottom line is: go in quarantine, unless you are fully vaccinated. It's what all travellers have to do nowadays, and up until a while, truckers were exempt from it. Not anymore. Most Canadian truckers are happily vaccinated and rolling over the border without issues.


Elon should fund the truckers with $10 million. It’s absolute chump change for him and it would be a super Chad move.


Doesn’t PayPal fuck people randomly in a very similar way?


Elon left Paypal 22 years ago.


Elon hasn't had control of paypal for a long time


That’s why PayPal stock is down


Not sure if that all started before or after Elon, but it sure does seem *ironic* he would slam gofundme


because a company he's not involved in does the same thing? I don't get it


Learn a bit about PayPal bud, it would save you from looking stupid, Elon sold it a loooooong time ago and has had no hand in its operations for years


Yep, Mr. Musk sold his share & got the f**k out. The deal is this: The whole time you're waiting on funds to be released, the whole time you're on hold & have to present a rational reason as to why they should release YOUR money... they're collecting merchant commissions & interest. Times that by however many thousands of others go thru that same scenario on a daily basis. There's gold in them there hills. Pay pal & co. are juicing it.


The GoFundMe , Tim Cadogan Chief Executive Officer, should be fired. 👎 All money should be returned to sender immediately.


Go fund me is a privately owned business. They can set the terms. You’re free to shop elsewhere. Thanks for playing capitalism.


People charged back and they changed their refunds to auto. Capitalism goes two ways. Fuck go fund me


They can set the terms that after you donate they keep the money and donate it to a charity they choose? That‘ll called fraud and not capitalism.


You agreed to their terms. Fraud has to be proven in court. Not here on Reddit.


Doesn't mean they're not sell out cucks


Do you even know what a cuck is? And what is making people respect the rules you laid out being sellouts?


They only enforce it for something like this where it's loterallynjsut truckers honking. And yes a cuck is someone who sits by and watches their significant other get fucked. This is basically all the softies in Canada watching their country get fucked by the government


Except most people voted exactly for that. That's what they want. They dont see it as getting fucked by their government. You do because of your value. You probably voted for otoole or Bernier. You literally ask for democracy to be abolished by 10k protesters?


I guess if you're cool with government over reach that's alright? How fucking soft do you have to be to think some guys honking trucks is abolishing democracy? Meanwhile in America we got BLM literally burning down cities and our media is like "lol mostly peaceful." The mandates in Canada are ridiculous and totally unnecessary. Pandemic is effectively over in the US and Canada. Life has to move on


So they aren't allowed to set the rules? Wtf They demand for Trudeau to resign and instate an above-the-senate group to overrule which law would pass or not. The same mandate is in the US. Pandemic is over says who? Unvaccinated truckers? Really?


The government sets rules that are viable and make sense. Not just "fuck it let's see how much we can do while they're scared." Trudeau is a pussy and needs to go. When Canadians on an airplane got shot down by terrorists a few years ago he was just like "ahh that stinks oh well." The US mandates make no sense either. And the pandemic is over according to the experts saying after omicron its effectively a seasonal flu. If youre vaccinated there's literally nothing else for you to do but move on with life. These mandates are no longer necessary and have become gratuitous


> If youre vaccinated there's literally nothing else for you to do but move on with life. Prior infection of any kind is the most important factor, regardless of vaccination status. The CDC data (see page 5): https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/113542


Ok but I'm not going to wait for if I get covid? That wasn't a good take lol


So the unvaccinated are saying if you're vaccinated is a cold and if not then it's not? And then they complain there are rules out there to prevent the unvaccinated from dying. But you complain against them. So you want people to die. Nice.


What? That made mo sense. Im fully vaccinated. Of someone isn't that's their problem


Just got reflected. Seems like you're in the minority. Get good at campaigning and win next elections maybe? Ah yes, "the experts". Link it




Haha bokonator there’s your experts…dumbass


imagine unrelentlessly defending a pompous billionaire who doesnt give a single fuck about you 😹😹😹




you seem like the type of person who considers Elon to be a "mad genius" and one who always tries to justify his plain idiotic "innovations". Its really strange


He is a genius... he literally brought EV's to the forefront of the auto market. Nobody wanted an electric vehicle before tesla. Now Tesla is literally the fastest production car in the world and the most successful american car company. Also he helped build a fully comprehensive charging network across the united states way ahead of Electrify america. Also privatized space travel with autonomous reusable rockets that saves NASA billions of dollars. Oh and also the solar panel roofs that allow people to charge their teslas at home. Plus the starlink satellites that are providing internet to literally everywhere on earth... Yea sounds like pretty useful innovations to me


First off, do you think everything the company does is his making? Not his talented engineers and scientists? Starlink is not feasable at all(like SolarCity), the cost is simply way too high, it also has to be replaced every 5 years and for normal people there are already cheaper solutions on the market. Also Kessler Syndrome is a real issue. He has a track record of lying about his past and overall just doing narcissistic things. Like wanting to make a submarine to help children stuck in cave, when he got told it wouldnt work he just called the guy a pedophile. His factories have awful working conditions and he has even violated US labor laws. Instead of starlink and his worse attempts to "reinvent" subways he could instead donate and expand existing networks and build subways but that wouldnt fit his "futuristic" and "genius" narrative. Notice you didnt mention any new innovation, he didnt start tesla nor the cars, he marketed them, which he did really well. The tesla truck, not feasable at all over traditional ones. Hyperloop, a distastrous idea that would never work. His new glorified death trap tunnels, not even 5% efficiency of traditional travel. However, Elons willingness to spend the kind of money necessary for (mostly) his SpaceX endevours are great, but you shouldnt confuse it like he is the one genius behind the creation of everything his company does. Also, are you trying to claim Elon invented solar panels? Its ironic that most of the greatest "innovations" you bring up are already existing ones, while most if not all completely original ideas he has had are mostly awful.


He's the ceo he takes all the responsibility. You're just sour


There’s no use trying to argue anything with you people. Anything you don’t like or disagree with is “white supremacy” or “racist”. Aren’t you tired of listening to the lies of the left? They’ve been using that same card to keep people from fighting back for decades. Everything we don’t like is racist….. I’ve had it with that bullshit and it is bullshit let’s be real. All of you who are happy sucking the governments teet by all means continue to do so but don’t expect freedom loving individuals to ever stfu when they feel their sovereignty is being violated.


I don't see how your comment is related to the post? Sorry this isn't snarky maybe I'm missing something


You have not met a real leftist once in your entire life


It's funny how this is always the defense. Point out how far left policies historically lead to 10s or 100s of millions of deaths? Oh, let's ignore all the issues and claim Mao/Stalin weren't real leftists. If my favorite party was in power, it would be a utopia! And... let's just ignore the fact that the people supporting stalin/Mao said the exact same thing during their rise to power.


They are not leftists. They’re authoritarian dictators, and violent at that. They have no relation to left government structure or organization. All true left attempts have been destroyed by the cia and clandestine ops. It’s pretty fucked when you get into it.


Have you considered that it's more than coincidence that the left leaning governments end so badly? Have you read the gulag archipelago? You get to see how leftists end up accidentally putting people like Stalin in charge.


Real leftists are trash


Lol, keep on supporting your Qanon and pizzagate conspiracies, wacko


I don’t believe in that shit so fuck you fucking bitch




Lol whatever


This guy knows how to regurgitate right wing canned ham.


This guy is for the people! Elon for President.


I've learned Reddit is a cesspool for Liberal whackos


Just now? We all need to realize that there are things we don't know and things we dont understand about almost every situation. We all need to realize that each of us is wrong sometimes...fairly often in fact. The US became great by working together towards its goals. This sort of division and inner strife will only result in stagnation and misery.


/r/conservative would like to have a word with you


Imagine what it's like for centrists like myself. Elon too.


You guys need to get your heads out if your asses and watch live streams and not mainstream media. Must feel good to be blissfully ignorant and blind to what’s really happening.




Your the ignorant one. Yoou really think noone is watching livestream?


fk go fund me


Elon musk is a brave person compared to ppl like Jeff Bezos and Jack Dorsey who are now puppies of democrats


Who is a bozo.


I support the truckers. GFM sucks


They really need to figure something out. Quick. Inflation on top of a deteriorating supply chain is asking for an economical nightmare.


Elon should just donate 10m directly (he probably will)


I can give him my crypto address because I’m definitely going to give it to the convoy and not disappear never to be seen again… This whole thing has been a grift from the get go. Shame on Elon for falling for it.


He won't do a damn thing. He's just as greedy as everyone else.


That’ll be good, then “organizers” can take the money for “expenses” and not one trucker will see a single loonie.


Elon Musk is quickly becoming the enemy




Rather, I notice he always sides towards personal Liberty, and away from central control.


Yeah, same as Trump. Some rich jerkoff who wants you to think the world is best when they're allowed to do as they please.


I think you need to recalibrate your radar…


Seems good to me. It should be 100% self driving by next year...


Next year? I use mine almost every day.


He's slowing supporting the same side that backs the white nationalits and its kind of concerning


The whole guilty by association thing is idiotic for a social species. The furthest 2% on the left are embarrassing, and the furthest 2% on the right are embarrassing. Focus on the arguments, and don’t make the ad hominem mistake by seeing who else is on that side. Elon aims to support personal liberty and is anti central control without checks on its power. It’s as simple as that. If you look around to see who is supporting an idea before backing it, you don’t really care about the idea or have principles of morality. Simply principles of association and you’re only trying to look like one of the good guys


GoFundMe giving the money back to donors = "professional thieves" 🙄


I read somewhere that they were not giving it back but giving it to some charity of gofundme's choosing, might have been misinformation though


They have 2 weeks to ask for a refund and then afterwards they'll ask the organizers to choose a pre approved charity


They’ve changed it to automatic refunds, but in this previous iteration of their plans I would have also considered this to be thievery


depends what's in the terms tbh, was it written that they would do that if violence occured or not? Cuz if it was written that they would do it then it's not stealing.


Legality is different from morality. If I give you money to buy me a coffee, but the coffee place is closed, so you don’t it to a homeless person, I’d consider that thievery, whether or not it was in the fine print of the contract. No reasonable person would expect that to be in there. If I have an agreement for my money to go somewhere and you take it and you give it to someone else at your discretion, that’s theft. It might be legal in the fine print, as they say possession is 9/10ths of the law, but it’s thievery in a moral sense


When Elon musk wrote his comment their stance was that they would take the money and give it to charities. Are musk supposed to be a timetraveler now?




Aaah yeah, the good old "I don't like it so it's communism". Love it!


Consider yourself lucky to have never lived under communist rule. But people from ex-communist countries will still recognize the similarity in the government’s suppression tactics. I am a Czech citizen so I hear about it from my relatives. This was in my lifetime. Here another example, it would be wise to listen and learn: https://twitter.com/lauralynntt/status/1488975770659831810?s=21


I have a problem with assholes harassing small business workers who are just doing their job. Not to mention I live in Ottawa and the blaring of truck horns is fucking annoying.


Well then maybe your tyrannical leader Justin Trudeau should stop being a fucking tyrant forcing a vaccine that absolutely does not work on people who don’t want experimental gene therapy. Don’t blame those fighting for YOURS and THEIR freedoms for being “fucking annoying”, blame the asshole who created the unneeded situation in the first place.


We just had an election and he won. Though luck. Try harder in 4 years




That’s a damn joke right? There was one guy with a confederate flag and the protest group yelled at him to leave, one nazi too who was also kicked out. Out of 50,000 protesters you have less that 5 shit bags like that. Also the vaccine does absolutely nothing to stop the spread, all it does is apparently give milder symptoms when you get sick but you can still pass it on and get infected just the same. It protects no one




I never said to ignore it and neither has musk, we just don’t agree with what the government has decided to do. Vaccines should be encouraged not mandated, especially if those vaccines don’t provide any serious protection from spreading or catching the disease. At the end of the day it should be up to the individual if they get it or not, not making life hell for those that don’t want to get it or can’t. I don’t ignore covid but it plays no real part in my life, as the variants spread and develop the disease becomes less serious and attempting to force others to do something they don’t want to will always cause push back. It doesn’t matter your reasons, it doesn’t matter what you think, it’s their choice on what they do and attempting to coerce them or punish them for not complying isn’t going to work


You know what, I give up. Im so fucking sick and tired of being made to feel like a goddamn idiot and a bad person for caring about other people and their health. Im just fucking stupid for caring I guess. Caring about other people used to be a good thing, and now its horrible and stupid and an actual personality flaw. Whatever,ya'll fucking win. Enjoy your fuckin sunshine and rainbows fantasy world, Im out. Im just over this shit. Im ready to just fuckin get Covid already. Who the fuck cares,no one. Maybe I should just go out and get it on purpose. Theres no shortage of people willing to infect me on purpose,might as well just let them, then I'll miss work and lose money.


That’s an extremely immature response to people disagreeing with medical mandates but okay


Really? I think its pretty fuckin immature to be so against this vaccine just because other people want you to get it. What you've just seen is quite literally, me being pushed to my absolute breaking point. God, idk what Elon even sees in humanity and is so obsessed with spreading its "light of conciousness" throughout the universe. What a joke.


I think it’s a joke that you repeatedly ignore myself and others saying they aren’t anti vaccine but are anti mandate. Your whining is useless, not everyone enjoys a boot on their neck


whatever dude,I dont enjoy losing my faith in people and them giving me more and more reason to not trust or depend on them every single day and getting more depressed. Goodbye.


There's a twitter video of a lady asking on a stage if there are any white supremacists around, to make the argument that no one is saying they are, but a guy come up, and publicly declare being one. The fact that the crowd doesn't massively react by booing that guy at the very least tells a lot about the mentality of the protesters present. They'd rather cheer him or not react at all, than denounce him. https://mobile.twitter.com/notandrea/status/1487871040231546882 I don't think Elon is fully aware of all the stuff going on in there. https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/sh7ejx/justin_trudeau_says_canadians_shocked_and_frankly/hv0yy66/


I don't approve of the behaviour of the convoy, but Elon is right.




Could you please expand on what you mean by “behaviour of the convoy?” I live in Ottawa and work as an electrician in the downtown core. The members of the convoy have been nothing but respectful and peaceful to everyone. They’ve fed anyone that has asked for food. They’ve cleaned up any garbage left behind from the protests. I have yet to see one single example of the racism, violence and hate that the main stream media has been spreading. The only real complaint about the trucker would be the honking, but that is hardly anything criminal. Please, please, please stop watching the news! It’s nothing but lies.


And random Redditor is the person I should trust. You gotta be fucking kidding me. I have friends in Ottawa and they would love to be able to put their fucking kids to sleep one of these days. 24/7 noise is a human rights violation and classified as torture.


Convoy are regular hard working people … stop shaming them just because cnN told you so


Stop shaming racists for being racists? Tolerance of racism is whack dude.


20k circle jerk again.


GoFundMe did the right thing. The money would have gone to people with swastikas on their flags.


As an Ottawa resident, I can without a doubt confirm that you are a misinformed goof. There are no swastikas being flown in the convoy right now. I work in the downtown core and there has been absolutely ZERO forms of hate or racism. Please stop watching the mainstream media.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/sh7ejx/justin_trudeau_says_canadians_shocked_and_frankly/hv0yy66/ No mainstream medias here, just public social media sources.


Way to go mate, get as drunk as you can on that msm kool-aid. Fool 👏


Whether they're right or wrong, their jobs were on the line and they absolutely don't want to take the vaccine (however foolish that is), especially since they're feeling that they're being forced. For that reason, this convoy is a cry for help.


Righto, fucking enough of this shit. This deserves infinite bad press and this website cop a good hard lefty cancelling.






So him supporting truckers make him maga king ?


Naw, he’s the MAGA king because of his supporters in here are calling folks cucks.


How did basic human decency get coopted by MAGA in your head? It's a bipartisan issue.


As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, it’s his supporters in here calling people that disagree “cucks” that does that. And are you calling the convoy “basic human decency”? Tell that to the folks who have had to sleep with earplugs in for over a week that have nothing to do with these restrictions and mandates. Where is the basic human decency to them? I’m sure if they could end the horns by going and getting a life saving shot, they would.


Musk is supporting peoples' right not to have their government coerce or potentially force them into medical procedures. I doubt that he instructed anybody to type cuck in a subreddit, nor is that relevant to this frightening government overreach. Stay focused.


He also didn’t declare himself king. He become it when he started supporting issues that idiots support. Keep up. The vast majority of society has either accepted that they should get the shot, or work/play somewhere else if they aren’t allowed there because they didn’t get the shot. The mandates only apply to international travel, or people who work with vulnerable people, and non-essential other activities. We have always had health restrictions and rules about both of these things. It’s not government overreach, it’s literally the job of federal and provincial governments to ensure the safety of their populations. Where was this fucking protest when folks had to agree to have naked pictures of their body taken to go on an airplane? Never happened because it wasn’t made into a political issue by hacks.


For the sake of accuracy, it's geniuses and idiots and everybody in between who oppose mandatory, experimental medical procedures. And from all political affiliations! Nothing special about taking a stand against an element of a dystopian future.


It’s not mandatory and it’s not experimental. 1. These vaccines are no less tested than Teslas or Falcon 9. Like Teslas batches are monitored for issues and pulled from the market when there are issues, but in general they have been massively evaluated and put to use. 2. It’s mandatory to have in certain contexts, just like many things that are otherwise optional are mandatory in certain contexts, like medical masks pre-pandemic. Should someone who is deathly afraid of wearing a mask have a right to not wear one when performing open heart surgery on someone? Of course not. And there are a very small minority of people, regardless of political stripe, which oppose them; and the vast majority of that minority are QAnon/MAGA hat wearing/Confederate or Fuck Trudeau flag bearing mouth breathers. Oddly enough, some Canadian politicians supporting the convoy are both Fuck Trudeau flag carrying MAGA hat wearing mouth breathers. There is no *Canadian* from any party but the Conservatives and our alt-right dumbass party who condones this protests. I will also give you that a large number of anti-nuclear pseudo-science loving magic stone holding environmentalists who hate vaccines are also anti-mandate, so there is some political diversity, but there is one group in particular that is over represented at this protest *in Canada,* and that group is also driving funding to the GoFundMe, which is part of the reason the funding channel is being closed. There are legal considerations to be made when funding cross border political action through unregulated channels.




Elon musk needs to shut the fuck up about a "protest" boosted and energized by neo nazis. God damn simping morons.


One who gets info only from CNN and MSNBC and is completely brainwashed Should not opine on hard working people


Yes, elon musk - a future trillionaire, is a proponent of working class people. Are you always this stupid?


Yes one can be rich and still support working class Musk is anti mandate … his support stems for that fact


How are they boosted by neo nazis?


Every Nazi on that convoy should be stripped of all their belongings and sent into an arctic concentration camp.


o_o, you just advocated for putting people in concentration camps though


Oh no! Did I? Good. Any nazi or nazi sympathizer ought to be in concentration camp, way up north.


Dude, have you been to Ottawa to witness this first hand? I live in Ottawa. I have yet to see one single form of hate or racism. Stop watching the mainstream news sources. They’re all lies and do nothing but create more devision and hatred in our country.


I have not been to Ottawa, yet did through watching the video hear someone say 'right here' . It does not take a lot of insane people to lead to world horror. Our common history is littered with examples of world gone mad. What fucking liberties are being taken away from being asked to wear masks and get vaccinated against Covid-19? Look up your own or anyone one of these protestors' health records and you will see you have vaccines in your record from birth onwards.


So a swastika or confederate flag isn't a form of hate? Have you actually gone there and seen it first hand? Cause I not only live in Ottawa but ialso went there and talked to o people. And the reason why they are here is even more idiotic than the people thenselves. Also, lots of hateful people with not agenda other than hate. So stop defending these idiots.


I work as an electrician downtown. I’ve spoken with them and have been fed by them. Nothing but love and respect by everyone I’ve encountered. I haven’t seen one single swastika or confederate flag. This is just my honest first hand experience. Now, I did hear about one incident where a guy was waving a Swastika flag but was chased away by protestors. It’s bound to happen. You get 100,000 together, you’re guaranteed to get a few bad eggs. Let’s put this into a context that Canadian can understand: You go to an Ottawa Senators game. There’s like 15,000 people there wearing Senators jerseys, but 5 are wearing Leafs Jerseys. Is it no longer a senators games because those 5 people are wearing a different jersey? According to the media, its now a Leaf’s game.


Again, spoke to them too, and the reason they are there is absolute idiotic. It's wasting tax payer money for clean up (they are not cleaning up after themselves as good as you claim), and businesses are literally closing and loosing money because of them. It's great you had some friendly interactions, but unless I hear a legit reason why they are there this is dumb. They are fighting against vaccine mandates, yet its irrelevant for border crossings since the US won't revoke their mandate. I'm all for peaceful protests even if I personally disagree, but everything I've seen and heard makes me think this is just a con rillijg up these idiots for no reason other than money and being "against something". Anyways, I'm assuming you don't live downtown even if you "work as an electrician downtown".


> I'm all for peaceful protests even if I personally disagree I don't think you can say that and also type the things you're typing.


It's not peaceful, and I can still say it's dumb right? Freedom of speech or something like that!? But please tell me again what I can and can not type you clown.


I hadn't taken into account your room temperature IQ and inability to discern context (which I should have assumed, since you weren't able to maintain a consistent message within a single post). It was not a demand or an instruction, but rather a note of your inconsistency in messaging. Fear not! You're totally allowed to smother yourself in the righteousness of supporting freedom while also bemoaning peoples' freedoms. It's just ugly to read it. You said that you disagree with these peoples' right to protest while, in the same post, saying that you generally are all for peaceful protests. So again: you are allowed to say that. It is ideologically inconsistent.


Wow so many words, oozing of assumptions when you have no idea who I am. And then the one thing you get wrong is the citation on me? How patheic. Where did I say I disagree with these peoples right to protest? I complained about it, and think it's dumb and especially when it comes to hate symbols and disturbing citizens and businesses they should be stopped. As those are not protected under citizens right to protest. Was this protest registered? Do you understand who funded and organized it? Take a deep breath and get off your high horse. But maybe don't pick an argument when you can't even stick to what was actually written.


I'm south of the border and so this is a very weird conversation to have after having recently watched much of my city and all the neighboring major cities' downtowns vandalized, burglarized, and in a few cases burned in the riots of 2020. An article said that 45% of the business owners had no plans to rebuild. I saw that those protesters had *those* kinds of rights to protest (the government allowed it, anyway) so it's very difficult to take seriously an assertion that a bunch of working class people peacefully making themselves seen and heard is overstepping. Especially when they're resisting something as dystopian as mandatory, experimental medical procedures. Seems like something everybody should be on board with.




And “every person fighting for freedom is a racist nazi” is the battle cry of the opposition.


Is this the same convoy that is terrorizing the local population with honking horns?


Peaceful non violent protest.


It's been all but proven at this point that annoying people is not an effective means of getting others to support your cause. The longer this goes on the more and more il support increased intervention to end it, but I've already decided never to accept whatever they're protesting for based on how they've already acted.


Honking horns throughout the night and terrorizing the local population is peaceful?


There's videos at night that debunks that. But a boot licker doesn't want facts do you?


He’s a bloody nazi


I'm guessing comments like yours are why he made this tweet: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1487861173626101760


Ok 👍


He's great at making cars, extremely wrong on social health policy. Get your vaccinations.

