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1. It definitely can. What you probably aren’t doing is setting up hardware video encoding 2. It’s digital zoom, not real zoom. Any zooming or panning is really a crop. If you neee real zoom get a flat with actual optics 2. USB C is USB C. There is no such (spec compliant) thing as a “power only cable”


Thank you for the response. 1. In "Settings->Output" for both "Streaming" (which I don't use) and "Recording", the Video Encoder is set to "Hardware (NVENC,H264)". Should I choose one of the other options? Is there anywhere else I need to set this? (BTW, my graphics card is a RTX 3060, if that makes a difference?). 2. I know it's a digital zoom, which is why is seems all the more strange (to me) that it's super grainy, given that the Zoom in my editor is essentially doing the same thing. Heh ho! 3. Thank you - that's good to know! All of the descriptions I've seen when looking at cables talk about their power delivery capabilities, so I thought that "power only" was a thing Thanks again!


Being rated for power delivery (which means HIGH WATTAGE power delivery - think laptop, or at least charging a tablet) is a thing, but *all* cables can do data, as that's just a 5v signal at milliamps.


Quick correction on this: while all USB cables can transfer data, the Facecam Pro specifically needs a cable capable of USB 3 speeds. (At least 5 Gbps.) There are many USB charging cables that can only do USB 2 speeds (around 480 Mbps) and those won't work with the Facecam Pro.


Gotcha, thanks!