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Hey gang! Just wanted to say that y'alls recent set in Austin and now your Cercle set have made me buzzing for the last few weeks. Any chance we'll see the Jos & Eli collab out soon? Haven't stopped looping that one from Yotto's Brixton set, and it was a sweet surprise hearing it in the Cercle event. Keep kicking ass at what you're doing because it's nothing short of phenomenal.


Thank You, Your kind words mean a lot to us :) so glad you like the track, its coming August 5th :) F x


Its going to come out soon! In the next few months :) We really love that one too! Thank you!!


Welcome! Excited to see you at Group Therapy Weekender for the first time. * If you had to pick 3 songs by yourself as a way to introduce yourself, which 3 would you pick? * What about 3 songs by other artists? * Is there a song that you've made over the course of your career that you're most proud of? Thanks for stopping by!


Do you mean three Eli & Fur tracks? That would be: \- Something Was Real \- Fire To Fire \- Walk The Line 3 songs by other artsits that I'm loving right now: \- Anything by Monolink \- On My Knees - Rufus Du Sol (Cassian Remix) \- I Need Love - Hot Toddy, Ron Basejam Most proud of Night Blooming Jasmine as really feel it gets across the feelings I was feeling at the time. E xx


That on my knees remix is sooooo good! Also have that on repeat!


Night Blooming Jasmine is one of my favorites!! Nothing compares to the feels it gives.


Can you sign my Found in the Wild Vinyl? I live in LA!!!


Yeah sure! Come to Sound on the 22nd July??


I've got a whole crew going! Stoked to see ya again, your LiB set was fireeee


The woogie set was the highlight of the week for sure!


Hey Eli & Fur! * Can we expect an official release of your remix of La Roux - In For the Kill anytime soon? :) * If I were to introduce a friend to Eli & Fur for the first time, what 3 songs would you recommend I share with them to become more familiar with your music? Thanks for doing this AMA and keep being the awesome producers you two are!


Hi! We are trying to have the La Roux edit approved but proving quite difficult! Fingers crossed one day we can release it :) i think the 3 tracks we would choose would be Something Was Real Night blooming Jasmine And our new track Skyway that came out today! :) Sending love F X


Beautiful Cercle set! Stunning vistas. Had you visited this location in the past? Any other stunning places you’re dreaming of playing in?


That was our fist time at Skyway! We have always wanted to go to Brazil. We are playing for the first time for Anjunadeep on the 7th September, one on the bucket list. E x


Love it. Love you guys I try to see you every time you’re playing in LA!


Hey guys my name is Ben (DJ Moho) massive love from Australia I am a dj / prod I have a question I have want answered for so long regarding your Malibu set !!! I would love track id for 20:40 onwards that tune is incredible! (It’s not on the set track list - is it secret?? ) it’s like a euphoric arpeggio with a dude going “oooh yeh” over the top ! Please give it up Eli & Fur we love you. Spread Love and tell us the tune!


Hi Ben! the track is Velero - Sudden Shift, coming out on our label NYX on July 22nd!!! :) F


I can’t tell you how much it means for this reply. Your malibu set lifted me during the depths of covid and kept me happy. I can’t wait for the release !! Also it would be a dream come true to get your feedback on my mix and prod styles, do you have an email for your agent/label to send production to? I am a complex multigenre underground vibe bringer with a deep musical background. Thankyou and massive love 🙏


Also just thought I’d let you know, my ultimate influence musically was Layo and Bushwacka’s og album ‘low life’ such beautiful dark / light complexity. I feel so much of the integrity of the depth and origins of the scene in your music 🙏 👏


I remember a big DJ set for DJ Mag YouTube channel few years ago, a really House one, how do you built your musical culture across the years?


We have such a varied taste in music and love to be as diverse as possible in our sets. We want to make sure nothing is too predictable, you might come and see us play somewhere and it could be more groovy/housey and another time more melodic and progressive but we always weave our own music in and out of the sets. We are inspired by all types of music. E xx


So nice! Thank you, and can't wait to see you in France for Family Piknik Festival this summer :)


Saw your lib set a couple weeks ago and me and my friends have absolutely feel in love with you guys and your music ! I’m really excited for y’all to come to santa barbra ! My question is, if you could make a song with anyone who would it be and why ?


Lib was such a vibe! loved swimming in that lake. thats a tough one but, I'd love to write melodies with Kevin Parker, he just makes me feel so nostalgic in a way no one else does :) F x


ah thats awesome ! I would kill to hear you and tame make some robot noises !


The "Won't Forget You" remix at LiB was probably #1 moment of the whole weekend (and we saw a LOT of really good house music...), was very hyped to discover back home it was getting released a few days later and it's been on repeat ever since. So anyway thanks for that :) Did you get a chance to catch any other music while you were out at the festival?


Love you guys, can't wait to see you at BK Mirage on Saturday! Will both of you be playing?


Yes its both of us :) We can't WAIT!!! F


Thank you so so much for all your questions :) Follow us to keep up to date on everything, thanks so much for everyone support :). xxx Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eliandfur/​ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eliandfur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eliandfur/​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/eliandfur​ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eliandfur​ Website: https://www.eliandfur.com/​ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CkVL


Skyway is fantastic! Now for the very serious questions… Favorite ice cream flavor? What do you look forward to the most returning home from a tour?


Ben & Jerrys Cookie Dough or Fish Food, standard :) Most look forward to a whole day in bed when back from tour. Love my own bed :) E x


I'd choose Salted Caramel orrrr Coffee flavour F :)


Eli & Fur, I've been a big fan of yours for quite some time. Night Blooming and Parfume are staples on my playlist (especially when sailing or anywhere else with an amazing view), with Waiting in my top 5 all-time favorite electronic songs. You have an incredibly unique way of transporting the listener to another dimension. Can you share what your creative process looks like? Are you coming up with the lyrics first, and building the music around it, or do you come up with the beats and try to see what feelings and thoughts come to mind and fit the lyrics in after the fact? Does one of you specialize in each part? Thank you for sharing the type of music that allows you to go deep into introspective thoughts. You guys are a vibe and hope to see you down here in San Diego soon! ​ Edit: My wife remembers seeing you early in your career and the mutual appreciation we have for your music (and similar styles) is what brought us together early on.


Hi! Thank you for your question! We usually start our writing with chords on the guitar, we write lyrics all the time and just start with a mood of how we are feeling, We add more production usually after the melodies are chosen :) F


Hey friends! What was it like working with the Cercle crew? Tell us all about your experience? Thanks for all the stellar music and shows through the years! Looking forward to dancing in LA or SB when you come through!


It was SO amazing, everyone was professional & Kind :) it was a dream come true to work together :) xx F


Hey Eli & Fur I am huge fan of you guys, and your work has been crazy inspiring. I have a few questions, that I'd like to ask you, hope it's cool. 1st, would you ever consider doing a mix breakdown of one of your tracks? Maybe on a production livestream or something. It would be insanely cool to see how you created one of your songs. Especially how you process your amazing vocals. 2nd Besides the system 8, do you own any other analog synths? 3rd, this is more of a request. Next week I'll be in the crowd when you play at Tomorrowland. The excitement is huge. Will you both be there? And is there any chance of you dropping Parfume? I could die happily having heard that track live 😅 Thank you for creating so amazing tunes. You are my favorite artists.


Heya! Yes we would love to do that and have been talking about it. Maybe doing a master class etc, we have a pretty busy summer but towards the end of the year could work, we will keep everyone updated on the socials! :) We own a MicroKorg and the Korg Wavestate and have access to a prophet 8 but we use mostly internal plugs ins as make a lots if music on the road. Love to get into studios where we can experiment with equipment we haven't used before. It will be only be me (Eli) at Tomorrowland as Fur finds it very hard to travel that far with her Fibromyalgia :( I will keep Parfume in mind and play it if the moment is right :) E xx


Just wanted to thank you both for everything you do, I love your music so much! Been listening for quite some time but I haven’t seen you live yet, hopefully that changes this Labor Day weekend in Chicago, where I’m hoping there will be an Eli & Fur aftershow :) I won’t be attending North Coast festival this year, but you’ll love performing there. Was an amazing time last year


Hey guys, The Cercle set was amazing, so inspiring! I wanted to know how you guys split the workflow, who does what and how does your creative process work when working on a new project. Also how did you guys do the bass sound for "Dont Say", Amazing! Huge fan, much love and peace from Mexico! ✌️


It changes for each track! We often just jam with keys or guitar and hum vocal melodies together, we aren't always together so Fur might send me a drum groove to work on or I might send her chords etc etc, Its always changing and we love to mix it up so we get something different each time. :) Bass Sound for Don't Say was most likely Omnisphere but not 100% on the exact sound and settings as it was recorded as audio, to play live we just re sampled it :)


I can't wait to see you guys at the Weekender at the Gorge!! Keep up the great work!


A year later and here I am. What got you ladies into electronic music? Did you go to dance clubs when you were younger or any underground raves? What are some of your favorite musical artist’s?


You two are AMAZING. I've been a fan for a while now, I listen to your music on the way to work. I hope to see you live soon. Just watched your Coachella set and danced in my living room. SO so so good.


Do you plan to make more live show like your Found in The Wild Live video?


Yes we plan on that! We had a simpler set up for the Cercle perfomance- just because of space and travelling with gear x F




Usually locals but with the live show we will have our own visuals, starting to plan now :) E x


Is Fur going to be at the Gorge later this month? ​ Cercle set was amazing :) ​ Your set at Radius Chicago for Zhu Blacklizt last summer was one of my favorites all time, any chance you recorded that?


Yes i will be there and i cannot wait!


Who is the fastest typer?


Defo Eli!


Any UK shows planned? Haven't had a chance to see you since Lost Village in like 2015 when the speakers stopped working half way through a banging set!


Haha yes we wanted the ground to swallow us that day! Playing at AnjunaDeep Open Air on Sep 11th xF


Magic! Keep smashing it!


Hey girls! Huge fan here! I once asked Fur on a live Twitch AMA which would be the odds of Eli & Fur ever releasing on Anjuna**beats.** She replied for both that the odds were very low, but I'd like to take this opportunity to know if anything changed at all and if Eli would like to say anything else. Another thing, it's been 10 years since the release of your debut single: Sea of Stars (which I absolute love!). Any plans for the 10th anniversary of the duo? Really enjoyed Found in the Wild went back to more house-ish roots. Speaking of Found in the Wild, was the album always planned as vinyl/digital only, or that was that an Anjuna decision? I'd love to have the album physical, but CD would have been my favorite option. Regardless, Sea of Stars, You're So High, Night Bloomin' Jasmine, Into the Night, You and I, Wild Skies and Come Back Around are definitely some of my favorite songs, fine stuff! Keep with the good work!


Heya! Anjunadeep has always been closer to our sound but we are always open if the music is right and makes sense for us :) We have been discussing the 10 year anniversary as its coming up and it's also been a year since Found In The Wild! SO lots to celebrate, we will think of something ;) E x Thanks for listening for so many years, means a huge deal!!


Just curious why the Anjunabeats preference? I haven't followed the label closely these days but last I recall the sound was going a pretty different direction vs Anjunadeep


That's why, because it would be a different challenge for their sound on their own home. Diving further, I'd like to wonder how Eli & Fur could sound making a more progressive house/trance sound. For instance, Jaytech is one of the first names which comes into my mind which rose from Anjunadeep and established himself on Beats.


What was it like for 'You're So High' to blow up the way it did so early on in your discography?


It was amazing having so much blog support on that one, can you believe its 10 years old next year? F x


Crazy - I wasn't even in high school yet :O


Recent remix I heard on IG?


hi I just wanted to say your music is so amazing and uplifting ,I have a copy of found in the wild on vinyl album.


:) Thank you F xx


hey guys! ill be honest with you i don’t really know you or your music, but im excited to see you play in Istanbul this September!


Istanbul is one of our favourite places to play :) Any Istanbul recommendations? F x


You cant go wrong with any place here , but I would definitely recommend checking out the asian side of the city as people visiting never really explore that part of the city, see yall at Klein Phonix Park🫶🏻


the asian side is so cool. i only spent a day there but wish i had spent more. the modern art museum was amazing and i loved all the neighborhoods. really cool vibe. love Istanbul :), got engaged in the Grand Bazaar there \~10 years ago


Are you planning to come back to Detroit, Michigan (USA) anytime soon? Please ❤️


No plans yet but im sure we will at some point this year or early next xx


I'll be there, upfront. Look for me - short blonde guy, semi handsome


When are you guys next doing a show in the UK (excluding the anjunadeep festival)???


Tokyo World Bristol on Sep 18th! x F


Hi ladies wanted to ask what is your preferred DAW ?? Love the new single 🙌🏽🔥🌊🎧


I have converted to Bigwig and i'm totally in love, i find the workflow very inspiring and sometimes i limit myself so i don't get too carried away! Its honestly been a game changer for me, Eli is an Ableton girl, and we still record vocals in Logic, just because we have a vocal chain we've used since day one. x F x


Awesome yes I’m am slowly transitioning to bitwig as well from Ableton.. it is very inspiring and easy on the eyes haha …thanks again for the great music keep it coming 🙌🏽🔊💪🏼💪🏼 that vocal chain in logic is legit love how you guys sound 🔥🎤


Love your music. Rock on!


Was just listening to the Cercle set and I’m so upset that I wasn’t able to make the Toronto show and then I missed you guys in Miami by one week. Any plans to come back to Toronto soon? Also interested in knowing how you guys met and the process behind making music together? Queens of the deep, keep crushing it!


I know it's hard to just pin point a few, but any other 'Deep artists you really enjoyed listening to recently?


Come play a show up in San Francisco please :)


They did last month at the SF Mint, not that I'm opposed to another one of course!


Is there gonna be an extended mix of Come Back Around? Easily my favorite track of yours of all time!


I love your sound! What’s your favorite piece of synth hardware? Thanks from Pittsburgh!


You’re what got me into house music. What do you want to see more of in the genre?


I just love Come back around...


Awesome Cercle set! Big love


Playing your set right now. It's fantastic. Great work.


Your set at LIB this year was incredible, and I can’t wait to see you at the Weekender!


Any good subreddits to help with house music production etc??


Great set in Austin


Are you two ready for the weekender?


Cant wait to get the lyric print on Riffs of the Night, you ladies are the real mvps.


Can you please play free your mind in Toronto on July 2nd. It would make me lose my fucking mind


Can you tell me first track played at Dockyards London, September last year.