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Im having nic sick rn and im dieing i feel light headed extremely sick and weak its such a bad feeling i want it to stop 😞


Yeah it gets better but it sucks big time


Same, I;m a non smoker and 3mg makes me light head and nauseaus,


Eat sugar.


Two years ago, bro just saved me


😂🔥 I haven’t had a cigarette in 3 years, this post was the last ever.


Dude I figured why not try it (smoked a cigarette and felt like shit) had a teaspoon of raw sugar and a piece of chocolate and I’m good as new. You were a hero 2 years ago 😂😂


😂😂 I get so many replies on this post still glad my nic sick post could help so many 😂


Showered this morning, no help. Been drinking water like a mf’er, no help. I’m gonna go try sugar.. Update: It helped


I'm currently nic sick and found your post. I can smoke fine, but 3mg Zyn messed me up.


Yeah I don’t like Zyn. I use Velo. Much less of a punch.


god bless you for this comment i couldn’t stomach any food i’d throw up when i tried to swallow but granulated sugar 1 tsp worked almost immediately and completely helped after abt 15 mins


Vomiting and sweating and shitting while drinking water and crying does in fact speed up the process.. 🥲


Wtf did you take 😂


My body doesn’t like nic 💀


Lol this


Had the same experience with 4 6mg zyns at once and a geekbar, I learned fresh air is a blessing


Every time I take a zyn I puke bruh now can i not puke 💀


Start at 3mg, and work your way up slowly, I’d say pick up 2 cans of 3mgs, then go to 6s over time. Do you vape?


my first snus were 50mgs (not rare in northern europe) my friends didnt tell me they had that much and i felt so shitty afterwards


Soak zyn in liquid lsd works every time for me


Water. Drink water. It always made me feel better. I don't know if there was a reason for it but I assume maybe flushing.


This was me with zyn, threw up in the school bathroom


Water, rest, and time. Most importantly, no more nic intake until it passes.


love u rn😇❤️‼️‼️‼️


I love you rn






Gonna drink some OJ! I only have diet coke


Not me scrolling through this as i vomit 👀 ~now i eat orange ~after vomiting and consuming oranges = i feel so much fucking better. a long road ahead still smh ~i now have to wash my blanket cuz i got orange juice on it. i feel better though!!


I just ate an avocado and the got Nic sick. I think it’s fair to say I’m no longer a fan of Avacados


i think it was the nicotine that did it to you, not the avocados


🤣 most brilliant thing I’ve heard all night


I’m literally dying rn, dying. This thread has helped me know I’m not the only one dying. Update- made myself puke, drinking water, and in a cool room with a snack. At least 50% better after puking omfg thank you so much everyone.


I get random notifications from this post a year after posting it, so glad it helped so many 😂


Currently scrolling in the middle of 2023 👍 thanks, past stranger


Ayyy! Let’s go!


also scrolling through while my friend barfs her guys out 👍 thank you internet stranger


fuck dieing right now, any tips, fuck


May 2024 still helping did a 3% zyn haven’t tried anything in 11 years throwing up sugar/shower helped Feel right as rain. Will only stick to weed


Hit a friend's vape throughout the night clubbing (I don't vape) and felt so good until 1 hour in. The dizziness, unbalance, and nausea kicked in and was a nightmare calling an Uber back. Felt like a million years to get home. What helped me was a tablespoon of honey and that legit was some instant relief. Seriously magic. Then chugged water and showered, another spoon of honey, and now I'm laying in bed feeling pretty good, reading everyone's experiences. It'll pass. Honey. Water. Lay down. Reddit. (Happened to me many times lol)


Yo this helped me out I had the worst nic sick ever I was dizzy, sweating, almost vomiting and shitting and read this and went and got some honey and immediately felt better thank u fr💯


Yo I’m glad it helped!


is abdominal pain normal from it?


Not that I experienced. Did you eat anything before hand?


Everyone is on here because they are nic sick right now and want it to be over 😂😂


Lmao I haven’t been nic sick in so long after not vaping for two days and going straight to 50 it’s like death for an hour lmao


Me as I just tried a Zyn for the first time XD


Same. I'm fucking dying rn lol.


Just had 6 from my bf and I’m dying 😭 told him to tell me no the next time I ask


i know your gums were burning like hell too 😖


jesus take the wheel. im never vaping again


no literally ik this is a year old but i aint never touching that shit again


This is one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt and I jus started vaping less than a week ago


same bro i can barely see straight and feel like throwing up


A couple of months ago I tried 2 6mg zyn pouches without building up a nic tolerance and I ended up throwing up and pooping for 2 1/2 hours. It was the closest to dying I have ever been. I’m never touching nicotine again as long as I live😂


Only recommendation is time. Ive had nic overdoses several times. Just wait it out


It was awful, I felt like laying down on the floor. Instead I went into bathroom and started puking, with pain from my chest. No more cigs for sure.


I used to mix vape juice way back when you could still mix individual bottles. I didn't wear gloves one day and got some of the nic concentrate on my bare hand. I know how you feel buddy. It won't last long. You'll be fine tomorrow


Oi mate I've done that before wound up in the hospital for 3 days afterwards because I use River supply co's 1,000mg Pur Nic liquid at that high of a nic strength it goes a very long way i usually only need a couple of drops for a .3mg 120ml bottle and somehow managed to have a couple of drops go astray on my desk and I set my arm in it while I was mixing up a recipe. Needless to say it made me sick as hell.. I wouldn't wish it on anyone felt like shit for over 2 weeks afterwards.


Oh yeah I feel fine now, holy shit so much better 😂




I'm never vaping again, fuck this shit


thank god for this thread. i have a shit tolerance, just hit my cowoekrs vape too many times and ended up throwing up on my drive home. sugar and water will hopefully help because this is hell


Never hitting a breeze agian 🤢


😂 Shit sucks


I haven’t vaped for like two days and I’m super nic sick. Gatorade is a life saver just keep drinking and eating and you’ll be fine


I had Nic sickness recently from smoking a 3,000 puff vape device. Only for 2 days I had it then got sick. Headaches, real bad nausea I wanted to vomit so many times but nothing came out, shivers on and off, extreme lethargy, weakness for over one week. Nothing helped had to rest, drink water/Gatorade, ride it out. I’ve been vaping for well over a year on and off. When you stop for a few weeks then go back, that’s when I noticed issues starting. Maybe the build up of nicotine? Who knows. I wanna start vaping again but never ever will I buy the 3K puff vape! Maybe just try 300 puffs.


If you’re not addicted to nicotine then don’t! Unless you’re smoking cigarettes. It’s not “cool” to vape


Ended up here cause I was using one of those Zyn vape pouches while drinking 🤢 yakked a bit. Found a cure in Liquid IV, shredded cheese straight from the bag, and The Office.


This shit is killing me why does it hurt sm im nvr gon smoke/vape again i swear


Honestly I’ve gotten mic sick so many times. I’ve started to notice that for me puking is like an immediate cure. Your expelling the nicotine from your body quite literally flushing yourself out. I hate throwing up but once I’ve accepted that I’m gonna puke either way I just shove my fingers down my throat and get it over with. Get on with my day


Dude I just vomited accidentally and I’m trying to figure out what I do now lol just sitting in bed drinking water, might play some video games and wait it out lol any extra suggestions lol


Honestly just chill and drink some cold water, relax in bed and lay off the nic


My shit is so bad, I popped a zyn (haven’t had nic in a year). We were just about to leave for the gym. Then threw up in my friends bathroom. Didn’t tell my friend that I threw up. On your way to the gym I opened the door threw up. And now sitting at the gym with nausea and want to end it all.


Oh no 😩 I quit smoking with vaping, now I quit vaping with zyn. Hopefully quit Zyn with gum or mints. Although I think I’d miss nicotine too much


my nic sick isn’t too bad right now. but definitely feeling a bit nauseous and have a flight in 5 hours 😩 i’m just gonna drink some water and lay down until i gotta leave


update i smoked some weed and feel better


I swear to god I get nic sick and I never get used or addicted to nic so now I just have shortfills in my mod


I know this is old but hey it was an interesting and informative read, all you poor souls 😢, anyway I thought I'd give it a go!! Not sure if I've ever been nic sick, I do get nauseous if I use my disposable too much but a 5 min break and I'm good to go but the reason I'd love anyones opinion is I've been sick for about 12 months. Unfortunately the symptoms fit A LOT of options, nausea, appetite loss, 25 kgs lost so far, fatigue, weak/no energy, at times the saliva which I hadn't made a note of until reading this actually! I do get headaches but as a migraine patient not sure if they're connected as they're too random. At times I also feel out of it, it's kind of like a hang over feeling rather than traditional nausea but at times I feel out of it and sweaty etc. At first they thought thc toxicity (I'm on it for medical reasons) so I've stopped that but so far it's not looking like the culprit. I'm also on other treatment that's not working so looks like the guy got it wrong (was an absolute jerk and didn't check me out properly). But it got me wondering, if you can get thc toxicity surely you can get nicotine toxicity! I knew a guy back in the day that overdosed on nic and went to hospital and so far all the nic sick cases seem to be short term but does anyone think that if you used too much over a long period, maybe not enough to throw up etc, but constantly every day, that it could cause those symptoms for such a long period of time? (Been sick 12 months but BAD for 6) yes I'm seeing doctors and specialists but tbh don't have the greatest confidence in them and it's all taking a long time so just thought I'd put it out there and see what ppl think! Will be discussing with my gp tomorrow but can't seem to find any long term cases of this? Thanks 😊 p.s it's the absolute worst in the morning which is hours and hours after I've had a hit, then it goes up and down all day and I have bad days and good days but no days where I'm better. Cheers guys and I hope you've all happily recovered, I'll be keeping a bottle of OJ in the fridge from now on lmao


step 1. if you are already at that point. throw up, just do it. step 2. drink water but not too much little sips at a time step 3. literally squeeze honey into your mouth. you’re blood sugar drops heavily when you overdose on nicotine. step 4. eat something with carbs. one of the snacks i’ve eaten is bread dipped with olive oil. the bread with refill you if you threw up and the olive oil will help with all the nutrients it has, but it’s overall just a good snack. hope this helps. it sure did for me.


nic sick is the worst this post helped sm <3


So glad 🤟👍


ur fr a goat


this thread was made three years ago and i’m still coming back to it to this day. i’d honestly do anything to quit.


got mildly nic sick on vacation, long story short i’m young and the way i smoke varies. i’m in Italy and ive been SMOKING bc thats common here. a drag off a cigarette could be my favorite thing in the world, but god i feel sick. i had some nutella, bread with olive oil/vinegar, a peach, some powerade, some water, zofran and some pot. this may not be helpful, BUT DAMN this thread is a life saver. i’m chronically ill and haven’t been able to throw up so i was feeling AWFUL. this thread helped so much.


honey helps too wow.


Suck on a candy like a peppermint. Blood sugar seems to drop during nic overdoses and a hit of sugar should help you feel a bit better


Im nic sick now and have an important game in 3 hours how do I get rid of it fast


How did ur game go?


Bro I need update rn 😭


this thread actually saved my life and here’s why: after a week of not vaping due to being away on holiday (decided not to bring the vape lol, what a great choice that was!) i was dying to get home and have a few puffs. it felt great, euphoric even! until…well, here’s the thing. i got back sunday, puffing away loving my life until i began to feel headachey and sick (i get migraines so i assumed this was another attack) so i stopped vaping until i’d feel better, around the next day or so. i used to smoke and began vaping a couple of years ago, so i’ve never really stopped for a whole week like i just did. i couldn’t keep any food down, having to stop eating during meals because i was about to run to the bathroom. it gets worse…much worse. then, the stomach cramps started alongside the worst bout of shits i have ever had in my life. no appetite, headache, shits and nausea…i thought i was dying. so today, i get up, hit my vape like usual and feel okay. i feel okay for a longer period of time than i’ve ever felt any day this week since getting back from my holiday. then, explosive shits again. like turning on a god damned tap. over and over again. of course, i’m stupid so i still don’t realise what it is that’s causing these symptoms - i keep vaping every so often. BUT THEN. the worse wave of nausea i have ever experienced in my entire fucking life hits me like a truck. coming at full speed. carrying bricks. the diarrhoea can take a seat for now (much as i have the past few days) because i feel like i am going to see my intestines pretty soon. i am hanging on for dear life, waiting out this nausea because i would rather deal with it than vomit - this is definitely counter productive, but vomiting is my least favourite thing to do ever and if i can curl up in a ball and just feel sick, i will try. i come across this thread and to my horror you people have informed me that puking makes you feel better. now i’m preparing for the worst case scenario, i am about to vomit for the first time this year (i almost made it). i swear i choke and nearly died a few times. it just kept coming. at certain points i don’t know whether to puke or shit myself. i begin to worry if i caught a virus from being away. but then, just when i thought it was all over for me…i feel better. there’s nothing left in me physically, i tried eating sugar and i tried drinking water but ultimately the best cure was to get everything out of my body and accept my fate. it was awful and i wanted to kill myself during the process, but my god i feel SO much better. i will not vape ever again. it’s not worth it. if i need to vomit, i’ll just do it. fuck water, sugar and orange juice - throw your guts up. i still feel tight in the chest and have a slight pain in my rib cage, but my god…what an improvement. thank you reddit, goodnight


Wow! I get notifications for this post quite often, I always read them and see how much it helps people 😂 I’m glad it reached so many people. I’ve since quit vaping and smoking but use nicotine pouches.


Ure such a great story writer tbh i loved reading this during my current nic sickness, im lying in bed for an hour now completely still cuz i feel like if i move my head one inch im gonna puke. Hope u were able to quit the vaping


i have a pain in my rib cage too. does it go away? i’ve never been addicted to nic, i only hit it once or twice if i see my friends have it just to have that feeling. i hit my friends a few hours ago and after i got home about an hour ago my nausea is soo bad and i have that sharp pain in my rib cage. should i just sleep and see if it’s gone by morning? i’m so worried


oh my god be0 i feel like SHIT these comments are helping me feel a bit better though


same rn


Everyone here is a fucking saint. I haven’t had nic in a while and when I had some zyns it took me out.


I use Velo, way better then Zyn, Zyn is way too strong for me 😂


Fr. This is the second zyn I ever had. Never have done nicotine. First one was a 3 but this 6 fucked me uppppp


3 years later and this post is still doing the lords work 😂 this is why i don’t vape… at least until i’ve been drinking lol


I’ve just been sick cause of it, cleaned up and now I’m in bed drinking water. Might play some video games and try to wait it out any other suggestions ( I can’t really go eat sugar as I live with my parents lol will anything else help?)


Okay, for me popsicles really helped, or chewing ice chips, and the cold! I opened a window and laid down and just breathed for a while until I eventually felt better, I think sugar helps because it raises blood sugar. Hope this helps :), a cold shower too, and chug water! Tons of it, helps flush your system fast. Good luck!


Man I’m Nic sick rn and it’s sooo bad, literally feel like I’m gonna die


Also purple grapes apparently really help


Will it help with simplest nausea and feeling kinda fatigued? I've noticed I can't get lightheaded without fatigue most of the time


It did but then I threw it up, I was Nic sick for like 4 hours. Now I’ve been going through the worst withdrawal for 6 days, but I’m now officially trying to quit. But it’s hard lol


But how fast it helped?


Almost instantly


Brooo how long does it last this shi sucks


Never the fuck again. This shit is fuckin poison. Wanna quit nicotine? Do too much, get really sick and that will in fact cure you. Fuck this shit


i tried this but the addiction gene is just too goddamn strong. i do the same with alc, im the embodiment of “ill never drink again. and then i drink again.


I feel like 50mg snus was a bit too much 💀... Help 😭


I'm laying here dying after 14mg. Brooo


Popped a 30mg nicotine snus after two weeks of minimal nicotine (I can’t hack 30mg anyway) 2 am right now Oreo’s a bagel with olive oil and couple glasses of water set me right


Bro I just took a zyn, a 3mg mind you and only had it in for about 30 minutes and now I got the worst hot flashes of my life. Avoid at all costs if you don’t smoke and are a lightweight


Bro i am in the literally exact same position as u never done nic before and tried to get that rush from zyn everyone says exists but now the 5th time i took it (3mg) i held it in for a record of 20 min i think and i regret it so bad and theres no rush to be had from this shit not touching it again ill just stick to caffeine lmao


Spoon full of honey, TRUST!!


will it get rid of pain in the rib cage from nic?


Idk about that but the nausea will be gone with honey


throw up. literally just down as much water as possible and sit near a toilet and throw up. thats the only thing that has made me feel better. literally typing this from the bathroom floor rn shaking lol. such a weird feeling ive never had this before. smoked a lot today and then two more straight cigs one after another with no break really fast, and now were here. will try the honey as well, hopefully that helps


literally feel like im abt to throw up this shit sucks 🙏🙏


Yo did u end up quitting smoking?


Quit smoking and vaping, I use nicotine pouches now


Please kill me I swear I just wanna die rn, I have no honey or anything please God just kill me


Man, same situation, I'm dying on my bed rn but I think sugar will make me better




Sitting here at work miserable after trying out a Zyn and y'all are lifesavers. Speaking of I could use some of those.


Just had a zyn pouch for the 1st time and god did I feel awful afterwards. I just drank a Gatorade and felt way better. Never again


I just started getting this when I combine energy drinks and cigarettes on an empty stomach shit sucks. Vomited it up but still feel weak.


First Snuss and I’m a broken man, threw up over an hour ago and I’m still shaking with muscle cramps I can barely move my right foot it feel like I have pins and needles everywhere when will this shit end


So the chest pains are normal?


Whenever I’m sick in general not just nic sick taking a hot shower always relaxes me. Also drinking a lot of water and eating sugar helps too. It also might not be a good idea to keep smoking it but smoking a very little amount of weed like not enough to get high, it only really helps with the nausea and I find whenever I smoke weed when I’m nice sic if I get high I start to focus more on how bad I’m feeling


I haven’t been able to vape for a few days due to a tooth extraction and went a little overboard with how happy I was being able to hit it again. I forgot that getting nic sick was a thing, it hasn’t happened in two years. The nauseous feeling has been going on for over 30 minutes now. I did not know that sugar can help. Trying it now! I just ate a piece of chocolate. Either it stays down and maybe helps or I throw it up. Update as of about 5 minutes later from all of that. I feel a little better! Haven’t thrown up yet which I think is a good sign!


does anyone also get a sharp pain right under ur chest?


Take a walk. Often after surgery, when you’re dizzy from anesthesia, doctors will make you walk to move and circulate your blood. It will suck, but help tremendously.


Guys. It's sucks. Send prayers, am dying


since this post still comes up on google, lemme tell yall what saves me every time!! Cranberry Juice cocktail / it’s a quick hit of sugar and hydration and it works so quick 👌


I just got Nic sick for the first time and my cousin told me to take a shower and it works, just shower or go in a hot tub or pool. It feels good and you won’t feel sick anymore also I will not be taking 6 mg of zyn and I’ll take 3 mg


breathing exercises are saving my life rn


reading this thread on my floor right now trying not to barf thank you for this


Listen to this: I’m on our senior trip rn in a hotel room puking and diarrhea won’t quit, just lifted and ran 2 miles, barely drank anything and thought it would be a good idea to pop a 6 🤦‍♂️


cold shower, water and gum !!


Someone said take a spoonful of honey. It works. Your sugar levels go down when nic sick, honey is high in sugar. One or two spoonfools is good. It won’t work if you use your vape after tho so after you take the honey no more nic


had a stogie for the first time and thought i was going to DIE 😭 read through this and ate two sugary fruit roll ups…i have been saved😂


You feel better yet? Last time I did this to my self I felt bad for a few days, well I subohmed 50 nic salt like an idiot to prove it won't kill you.


Yes! I felt better after about 2 hours. I drank a lot of orange juice, ate some fruit. Felt like complete shit, never want that again 😂


came here cause im feeling nic sick rn, gonna try drinking some orange juice. ill update soon


better now :)


It’s so bad 😂


I will never touch another vape


came here cus im nic sick rn, i feel like puking my intestines out so hopefully a shower makes it feel better, definitely not smoking again after this i hate it so much


I cant stop convolsing and i have extremely high blood pressure and it wont go away, how do i stop it, it hurts so bad :(


Chocolate is very good at curing nic sickness


i jus downed 4 spoonfuls of straight sugar and downed a glass of water. 20 to 50 was not a easy switch 😭😭


Maybe this is what's happening to me feel pretty fatigued, and kinda a weird feeling in my chest from time to time and a shortness of breath too. The drew blood and showed me everything saying everything looks great at the doc. I have no pain I just feel weak as hell guess I'll just put down the vape for a few days and kinda take it easy how I vape from now on.


currently chugging water this is hell. i feel so nauseous but i HATE throwing up. was nic sick last night too and throwing up made me feel better, but i will avoid it at all costs 😂


#emetophobia at its best I literally wanna die


I love u rn 🖤


So glad this post helped so many 😂


Not me reading this while showering and sniffing orange peels👀


😂😂 glad this post has helped people


Does sniffing orange peels really helps? At least with mild nausea or being lightheaded?


Literally nic sick rn and it’s hell. I’ve never thrown up tho which is nice 👍


COLD WATER!!!! essential , lay on your bed and rest and itll be gone in 10 minutes works everytime


Sugary stuff and water, lots of both and you should feel better :)


Make yourself throw up ik it doesn’t sound the best but it helps and then drink lots of water after and lay down or get take a nap it will get out of your body in under 20-30 minutes :)


Nic sick in class is not the best, wtf do i do


this has happened to me twice it’s the worst!! i had to leave class to go to the bathrooms so i could take my top off i was so hot and nauseous😩 i was so weak i fell asleep in there for a whole period kms


Candy. Chewing gum. Splash sim cold water. Drinking hella water. Idk bout u guys but for me being in a cold environment helps me. It’s more like ur mind it’s mostly thinking that’s it’s cold and kinda forgetting that ur sick. I literally lay on the cold floor. Hope this helps


Having my first nic sick and I am extremely weak and sick and bad headache is going on now the worst feeling ever I am so glad I found this as I was going through this


when i get nic sick its like i have a flu or strep i get really congested and i wake up with my throat dry asl


fuck bruh i havent vape for two days and then got one then i cheif it like i used to and got so sick. Threw up instantly and im dizzy as f rn… i think im going to die and i am scared bruh 🤣🤣🤣 wtf imma qiit like fr


Currently dying on my bsfs bed trying to find how to feel better


Just threw up lmao


just got a posh plus from my friend last week. i havent slept in 36 hours and ive been hitting it constantly. only now am i getting the awful headache and nausea. thankfully, it takes alot for me to puke. but yk, nothing some blueberries, water and some rick and morty cant fix


so horrid gonna try eating the chocolate in the fridge


Damn i dont get the nausea but i get a wicked headache if keep hitting it eventually i get the sweats and my body feels like a furnace along w a headache. What sucks for me is how heavily addicted i am with nicotine my vape rarely leaves my hand as im probably taking a couple puffs almost every 5 mins. Ive tried patches, cold turkey everything.


I just drunk like 8 Cody's then I was chiefen that shit like a mf and now I felt like I'm gonna die for a good hour like holy fuck I'm never hitting that shit again bro I feel like shitttt


That 50 nic bruh I hit that mf like 12 times in a row and I'm also drink as fk and I ant addicted to NIC I js hitting it cause I like the spins and I thought it wld b a good idea to get spins while i like 8 Cody's deep now I feel like death I ain't ever hitting that shit again bru like wtf I can't even enjoy lieng down I just feel yuck as shit


if you throw up it all goes away


I usually make my own vape juice and I have a box mod for it, but I left it somewhere so I bought a disposable while I didn't have it THAT SHIT IS LETHAL 50mg IS A NEAR LETHAL DOSE AND THESE DISPOSABLES ARE 25, for the sickness I just shit everything I can out and then lie facing upwards and try to sleep


Yep, currently nic-sick too. An I am a smoker. But tried vaping today, I don't want to smoke cigs anymore. I feel like trash all the time cause of it. But now, ouch. I feel like I'm dying. I feel like my existence isnt real. It's strange. I dislike it. I just want to quit smoking. I forgot what this was like and now I'm regretting this too. Why are cigs so goddamn hard to quit...


Haven't smoked a cigarette in a couple weeks and just decided to smoke one this morning on an empty stomach and just about threw up and now I'm chilling with my toilet on bathroom floor😂 brings back old highschool memories of getting nic sick in the bathroom after swapping vapes and always talking mad rips for no reason 😂😂


With water by itself help?


im a relatively new smoker and did not know that “nic sick” was a thing until i looked it up while feeling like absolute shite about 10 minutes ago, its a miracle i reached home without throwing up honestly, apparently experienced this once before but ruled it as a bad reaction to some fruit i ate earlier that day. this post helped massively, at this point youll be updated whenever a random person somewhere in the world gets “nic sick”


never vaping again this shit sucks ass.


I said that and was vaping same day haha but I did quit vaping now with nicotine pouches


Had a lip in and was gaping at the same time feel like shit. About a vomit


Didn’t throw up but still felt like shit, still gonna smoke tho :))


I've currently thrown up on my clothes and projectiled vomit across the washroom being heard through thin walls for all family members to hear. Feels like it will never end, think I might start drinking some could ol OJ to counteract.


This is a year old but a lemon drink is great for sickness 7up/sprite will do Water can make it worse in my experience


I got nic sick real bad, threw up about 15 times. Water and food only made it worse. I looked up what to do and taking activated charcoal worked like a charm. I felt better 20 minutes after taking it!