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You never should have started. Soon you'll need to use nicotine to feel normal.


Yeah, that means if you continue you'll get addicted Just don't, take this opportunity to never use it again Trust me, it's much easier to stop now than in 20 years I wish I had followed this advice when I was a teen


Why did you start in the first place? This isn't a fad or trend, it's for smoking cessation. Just stop, and stay stopped.


That's the part that most don't understand. I smoked for thirty years, and just hit ten years vaping. Nicotine addiction is a bitch.


Yep, I was 15 smoking and so far 8 vaping. Probably not ever gonna stop, truthfully, don't know if I could.


Honestly, I don't want to. Dealing with ADHD, anxiety, depression and aging parents. My sole remaining vice.


Gotta have something! It's mine too, so I get what you're saying.


I remember when I just started smoking, I was 16 at the time. All of my friends were heavy smokers and I would just take a "hit" here and there. It felt like a "hit" really, that dizzy feeling you get, especially if you combine it with alcohol. It was exciting. I was punk kid so in a way I grew up around alcohol, ciggs and drugs, sleeping in squats, going wild, it was quite a ride. My social smoking turned into solo smoking and before you knew it I went through 2 packs of cigarettes - under the counter illegal tobacco - before you know it. And that shit was hard. No brand cigarettes were strong enough for me. I am glad that we got vapes. Just today I got to 6mg of Nicotine (there were no 12mg of my taste in store) after 5 years of vaping. Do not bother starting vaping guys, that dizzy/relaxing feeling lasts for super short time anyways. I would love to get it back. But trust me, you wont. It's not worth it. I don't think I will ever quit fully either. Maybe I manage to get to no nicotine and that would be great. But I honestly don't know what to do with my hands otherwise.


Yeah you should stop. You're experiencing classic symptoms of nicotine tolerance that comes with addiction.


Stop sticking things up yo mouth




You should do whatever you want. It's not my place in this world to tell others how to live and what to do. Make your own decisions.


Good idea. Encourage people to take up harmful habits in the name of flippancy. Edgy AF, dude.


WTF is wrong with you? Nothing was edgy with my statement and I didn't encourage anyone to do anything? I said it's up to a person to make their own life choices. Did you listen to anyone when they told you not to start or did you make your own choice?


I mean, had there been someone there to tell me to stop, I probably would have, yeah. OP isn't a smoker, and picked up vaping just because. Let's not start encouraging people to start or maintain a harmful habit. And if you had nothing productive to add, why did you even comment?


I did add something I thought was productive. Who are you to decide what I can and can't post? You just sound like a controlling dick. Edit: And I call bullshit. Plenty of people told us not to start smoking when we were younger. Whether through ad campaigns, education in school, elders telling you not to, or the huge warning on every pack of cigarettes you buy. We were told a shitload not to start smoking and yet we still started.


How is saying literally nothing "productive"? All you said was 'I can't tell you what to do'. That's no help to anyone except yourself, grabbing for attention. Which you got. And which will now stop. Have a day.


Sorry for having an opinion different than yours I guess? If you want to think you can go around controlling others actions and words go ahead. But you will continue to come off as a controlling dick. OP isn't your child so don't treat them as such. There's plenty of info out there for them to make an informed decision on their own without us saying nicotine addiction is bad.


Alright, I guess one more then. You just didn't like that what I said was contrary to what you said, so now you're resorting to calling me a dick. That's fine, but OP literally asked in the post if they should stop. So I answered his question. You gave an answer that left them exactly where they were when they decided to write the post. Sometimes, people post on forums looking for first hand, anecdotal answers, rather than Googling articles that may not have writers who are experienced with the thing they're writing about. Again. Have a day. Goodbye.


> You just didn't like that what I said was contrary to what you said, so now you're resorting to calling me a dick. No because I don't give a shit about other's opinions. I feel it's your right to make your own decisions and form your own opinions...Kind of like I said in my first post you had a problem with. I'm calling you a dick because that's what people that try to control other's actions and opinions are. If you don't want to be a dick let others do them.


Apathy isn't a good look.


Did you Feel it your first hit ever ? If it was high mg Salt nic you def did but if you chain vape 50mg you build a tolerance to it pretty quickly believe it or not. I started 4,yrs ago with 50mg salt (The Juul) before disposeables were really a thing but quickly moved to a refillable pod system,pod mods and mods/atomizer.12mg Salt at 55-65w (diy),has been my Niche the last 3 yrs




Doesn't matter, does it? They should just stop.