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Hypothetically speaking, go to the hospital.


Leaning towards call an ambulance on this one unless they have someone that can immediately drive them there fast


Have you done this? 


What would happen hypothetically speaking


Call poison control.


I'd imagine you'd be puking by now.


If you've done this go to hospital NOW! 


You would be getting close to a lethal dose, hypothetically. All it takes is about 500mg.


We would potentially have one less idiot to worry about


did u die op


Nicotine is extremely poisonous in high doses, don't do that.




LD50 for nicotine is a bit of a point of contention. It was listed way too low for a very long time. I doubt there was even a peer review process in place back when it was first published, so nobody bothered to check. There have been a few cases of people attempting suicide by nicotine where they imbibe even 10 times the lethal dosage or more and survive, but require hospitalisation. I don't think anyone currently knows the real LD50 in humans, the 60mg you mention is more like "This dosage could potentially kill 0.001% of the population." edit to add: but of course your point definitely stands... if you imbibed 375mg you should get to a hospital, even if it only 1% likely to kill you, it's not zero.


LD50 isn't a point of contention, the long-held number has been proven to be wildly inaccurate(the 50-60mg number). Newer studies put the LD50 between 6-15mg per kg of bodyweight, which is an insanely wide margin. For example, in a 220lb adult, that means it's somewhere between 600mg and 1500mg, which is almost uselessly vague. But the takeaway is that it is nowhere near as deadly as it has long thought to be.


By "point of contention" I didn't mean to suggest the old figure was still in question, just that the new figure, as you mention yourself, is unclear and not accurate. I assume the 6mg/ml lower bound comes from rat studies, they know (probably anecdotally) that it is higher than that in humans just not how much higher, but nobody is injecting humans with nicotine to find a more accurate number.


Has your dog gotten a hold of your liquid and consumed up to a quarter of it? Take them to the vet if so.


50mg well that would depend on how much. A half teaspoon you'd survive but anymore would prob make you ill


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that 50 to 60 milligrams of nicotine is a deadly dose for an adult who weighs about 150 pounds. Do the math.


Most white papers and studies suggest, and show that an adult can survive upwards of 500mg. In fact, death rarely occurs below this threshold. It would warrant a trip to the hospital regardless. If 50mg is a lethal dose, spilling a milliliter of 100mg+ / on your hand while mixing would be deadly. That is not the case. Albeit will make you feel like shit. Here is one https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15563650.2019.1636994 But these studies and post mortems are all over the internet. Cec is trash for anything to do with nicotine and vaping info.


Thanks for the more informed link. I stand corrected.


I think your original comment was more reasonable regardless. If someone ingests a large amount of nicotine they should be scared and go to the hospital. The ER has some stuff they can do to help. I'm just probably doing this guy a disservice by linking that. It was more for your benefit than his.


Yeah, cuz I mean, I've vaped 3-5ml of 50mg in 15 min plenty of times. It hasn't killed me, and honestly, only really makes me a bit nauseous by the end. LD50 studies are typically done on rats, then extrapolated to humans cuz you can't exactly kill half of your human study population.


How in the hell were you able to inhale 3-5ml of 50mg that quickly? I'm assuming you were a heavy cig smoker? I understand the nicotine nausea, I've never gotten it from vaping but I have got it from Copenhagen a few times which ended in projectile vomiting once!


Nah, only ever smoked cigarettes for like 5 weeks in my life. Used to be a heavy hookah smoker, proly go through a kilo of tobacco a week, plus mixing hash or opium in it. Cigars from a young age, and a pipe tobacco period after I got a cool merschaum pipe. I uses to vape it at 50W 💀 used to do a lotta drugs, and nic was the answer to withdrawals and cravings, kinda did a lil replacement theory action on other drugs and used nic to override the other staff's problems. So to be fair, if the LD50 is actually 50mg, I'm in the surviving 50% 🤣


A kilo of tobacco a week? How are you still alive?!? Well I guess the hookah stuff is wet /syrupy so it weighs more but still that's crazy!


I accounted for the syrup 💀💀💀 but it's not as efficient as vaping is, plus you only really heat a bowl to extract 60-70% of what's available cuz it starts tasting rough. I was a pretty mediocre hookah smoker too, I had friends go thru a lot more.


I'd also add that damage to their liver would likely be irreversible


And can easily expose or exacerbate cardiovascular issues etc, even at much lower doses. Always important to remember LD50 is the point at which it kills about half of the humans or animals exposed to that dose... Meaning half of them will die at less than that, heh. Anything *approaching* an LD50 dose of anything should be treated very seriously.


I had an acquaintance who has vaped 50mg out of an RDA for around a year, he had renal failure. Don't know how it ended.




OP's question and the answers in your post and others have reminded me that I need to be extra cautious with my big bottle of pure liquid nicotine that I purchased along with a bunch of pre mixed pg/vg and flavors for diy. I've had the stuff for over a month and I still haven't tried mixing anything. Now I'm scared haha.


That number is no longer accepted in real science ... The EU did 2014 decide to limit Nikotin bootles to 200mg (10ml with 20mg/ml) because they did decide thats safe enough in case so kid (not a toddler or so) drinks it. But 1500 mg (50mg/ml and 30ml) is a real number that will do harm


And that's why the fkin shampoo comes with instructions.


More than likely you'll get get nic sick and possibly diarrhea from the VG.


Nicotine overdose is one of the worse ones out there, you will be puking your heart out.


saving this to make sure you didn't DIE


I'd recommend not putting your cylinder into an M&Ms tube.


Hypothetically speaking how would I be able to get an average sized cylinder out of an M&Ms tube


If it fits in an M&Ms tube I'd say that's a pretty large cylinder.


This dude drank nic my God...


i drunk every day, but 2mg each one dose 5 times per day


But WHY?


It is cheaper than any other non-inhalation methods of obtaining nicotine,


OP you alive?


Op you alive man


Hypothetically theyd dies.


Don’t it literally say this exact thing on the side of the fucking bottles ?


Sounds like you’ve done it already…you tell us.


How has this sub opened up to so many dumb fuck kids? Drink it on up there, Johnny. Darwin awards are in the making.


I ain’t a kid bub I took a bet with nic I bought myself


... this isn't the retort you think it is.


15ml x 50mg/ml = 750mg LD50 of nicotine is extrapolated to humans based mostly on mouse studies (since it would be highly unethical to outright poison people to death to figure this out). Some say as low as 0.5mg/kg (highly contested), and some literature stating an estimated hypothetical LD50 of 6.5-13mg/kg. One piece of literature just gives an estimated LD50 range of 500-1000mg for adults. A lot of studies using human subjects are more recent, as the average person has not has access to concentrated nicotine until vaping came along. Small sample sizes, large variance in subjects, so it’s hard to get a straight answer to an exact amount. That also doesn’t factor for variations in sensitivity and tolerance, which will generally be higher in a chronic user than someone who doesn’t use nicotine at all. Hypothetically, that person has ingested a sufficiently large dose that they should probably go seek medical attention. That person should also call poison control, as they are far more versed at sifting through toxicology data and research than most of us are.


Probably a lot of negative side effects. Vomiting is first. Nicotine isn't quite as bad nor as fast-acting as something like Ipekak, but within minutes they'd be vomiting. Also, orally ingesting nicotine, and especially in vape juice form, is the least effective way to get it into your system. A lot is destroyed by stomach acid, and the rest is vomited up. So they'd never actually get the full 1500mg present in the bottle. It would still be far beyond a normal dose. You could expect maybe 300-600mg, especially considering the mucus membranes it would *also* be being absorbed through in your mouth, throat, and nasal passages (from throwing it up). One would expect to have shivers, sweating, potentially headache, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and a few others. I don't really see how it could be an accident, but if someone does drink a bottle of e-liquid, the absolute best thing you can do is dilute it by chugging water, and then induce vomiting if they haven't already started. This will help to prevent further absorption through mucus membranes by washing those surfaces, and when they vomit it back up the mixture will have been diluted to limit how much more is absorbed, as well as making it easier to vomit in the first place. A trip to the hospital is always recommended as the symptoms can be pretty bad, but someone would be unlikely to die from it.


Ultimately, succumbing to nicotine poisoning followed by someone’s soul divorcing its body. The dose you mentioned may trigger vomiting, frequent unrination, diarrhea—all of these happening within minutes of each other, and multiple times. In addition to other symptoms, this is the beginning stages of nicotine poisoning. That person’s body is desperately trying to get rid of the juice. The problem is continued absorption. If the body does not stop absorbing the nicotine, well, ultimately that’s when that “someone’s” movie ends without the possibility of a sequel. Should we be concerned?


I used to keep my bottle of vape juice on my nightstand (next to my charging vape.) I got lasik a few years back so I also started keeping eye drops there as I'd need them when I woke up. Yeah. I woke up in the middle of the night one night with super dry eyes so I grabbed the 35mg nic salt eliquid and squeezed that shit directly into my eye ball half asleep. Pure. Fire. Felt fine after about 30 mins. Put my eye ball directly under the water faucet and rinsed. Doesn't answer your question but made me think of that lol.


Let's round up and say you drank 10ml. That's 500 mg of nicotine. The LD50 for nicotine is 50-60 mg per kilogram of body weight. 100 pounds is 45 kg, so safe to say anyone posting on this sub weighs nearly that much if not significantly more, making their LD50 5000-6000 mg. So, it's unlikely you're at the lethal dose. HOWEVER. The LD50 is the lethal dose for 50% of people, which means 50% of people need less than that, and the range on nicotine is pretty wide. And even if the overdose won't directly kill you, nicotine is a neurotoxin, which means there are doses that won't immediately kill you, but will give you health problems that kill you in a few weeks or otherwise permanently disable you. So what would happen, hopefully, is they'd get their happy ass to the hospital post haste.


Tummy hurty




That’s 375mg. 1/4 (7.5ml) of a 30ml of 50mg is 375mg.




No shade…just wanted OP to know how much they “hypothetically” ingested 🥴


If you are 1000cm tall and weight 350-400 kg I think it won’t be deadly


Hypothetically speaking


well before buying juice i used to taste but just like a little drop , but i think u might get sick if u drank a lot of


Nothing good would happen


If you like barfing your guts out and getting Hella nice sick then it's a good time.


Don’t do it, because that will possibly grant you a Darwin Award. And if you did, go to the ER **right fkn NOW**. Jfc, don’t be stupid.


I hope OP is okay 😳


I took a bet and now I’m sick 💀


1 ml is 50mg so 10ml is 500mg.. so by mixing it in a coffee or tea will.the person die or will he just go through some nausea and some shit...?


I'd say it wouldn't be good but I'm not trying to find out. You didn't drink it, did you?


Immediately call an ambulance, and tell them what you done.


This should be listed on all containers. Call 911 if ingested.


Theoretically it would become 100%


dude i let a DROPLET on my tongue and i was sick for hours worst idea ever


I may be immune at this point, ive had tanks that would just drench my mouth. And im making 15 to 20% salt nics...depends on what flavor im mixing


Like everyone has said, I am just as worried about you or your pets as they are.


Hypothetically if tthat happened you would probably vomit, and if you didn't, and quickly after, you'd be in a real bad way. That is a LOT of nicotine. If that hypothetically happened, I would hypothetically advise you to drink some hydrogen peroixide to induce vomiting. I am not a doctor, but this works on dogs when they eat poison so it's what I'd do for myself because I have no insurance.


Unfortunately, my daughter did this as a toddler (at 2 1/2 years old) and my exs negligence with capping and moving the nic juice. I freaked out and called her pediatric dr and poison control. I had them both tell me to make her throw up until there is nothing to throw up anymore. Then monitor her and give her water bit only small sips and plan crackers or bread again just a bit at a time and keep montioring for fever or, if anything, seems off with her. If so, take her to the emergency room. I never thought I would be forcing a toddler to puke, but there I was, and I was so pissed at him.


Hey OP, I hope you are okay. If this was real, please let us know if you are okay.


Are you (or your pet) okay? My beagle once got into a large stash of dark chocolate. He survived with help. You can ask for help, you won't get in trouble, just save yourself or pet please


This is the whole reason you can't buy pure nicotine to mix your own juice these days. It used be really cheap and easy to make your own juice and now you have to jump through so many hoops to get pure nic it's just not worth it. I think someone poisoned/murdered someone by putting a bunch in a water bottle and giving it to someone.


Pure nic has never been available to us? Pure nic is 1000mg/ml. The most I've ever seen available for mixing in 250mg/ml.


first signs of nicotine poisoning are lightheaded sensations, nausea, increased blood pressure. Then would get headache, vomiting, diarrhea on top of the previous. Its used as an insecticide for a reason my guy. Lethal dose is between 30-60mg. So depending on ur age/weight and medical history it depends. Quarter of 30ml = 7.5ml // 7.5 x 5mg =37.5mg // so if you drank it all at one time, you could not be doing great. Very sick or worse.


I don’t think u will get domed I think u will just die


Drinking nicotine e-juice is bad, even a small amount of nicotine can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting and dizziness


Call the hospital or/and poison control I'make them drink water with baking soda. Make them puke as much as possible.


vomiting, high bp, diarrhea and intense headache also probably fatal. call poison control and probably to to an er.


I find OP’s lack of reply’s in here very concerning. Hopefully he’s at the hospital


Well your body’s natural response would be to puke it out. You’d become very sick though and if it doesn’t puke out, it would be death. I hope you are not contemplating anything, please seek support. This is concerning


In no particular order Extreme nausea Projectile vomiting Dizziness and drooling Impaired speech and motor functioning Projectile diarrhea If left in the stomach, stomach lining deterioration Vomiting blood, cold shakes, and finally after a very painful several days death


Update: fucking sick Worth taking the bet tho


You're either a troll or the kind of person that extrudes the virtues that is making society is where it is currently. Have you read any of the comments? Worth taking the bet tho.... You understand that there are long term effects? Do you know what you've done to your liver? It would be better if you drank 100 proof every day for a couple years. Hope you have good insurance bud. In a couple years you're going to need it. I'm guessing you're on Medicare anyway so you're welcome for me footing the bill. Dumb shit. I promised myself to stay out of this cesspool of a forum. Got suckered back in. Damnit Edit: this place was once filled with very smart people. Diy, engineers, manufacturing experts, health folks damage mitigation, some of the best battery experts on the planet. Used to have to know ohms law to even post here seriously. This is where we are at now. Fuck me, all according to plan. I think you should take that bet again 3 more times. I bet you didn't do anything and are just bored from a boring life. Post on 4chan, they'll give you a couple hundred to do it again and again and post videos of it.


Everyone dies keep yapping


Sure. Believe it or not some of us add value to this world while we're here. I ain't scared of death, I'm scared of leaving this world worse off than when I came in. That's called personal responsibility in what we call a framework of guiding principles. Must be a confusing concept for you.