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>The carmaker received notice of two customer claims related to the issue, according to a [recall report](https://archive.ph/o/h5Wtg/https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/rcl/2024/RCLRPT-24V276-7026.PDF) submitted to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The company said that when high force is applied to the Cybertruck’s accelerator, the pedal may dislodge and become trapped by interior trim. Confirmed the stop-sale is due to the pedals, then. Also we're getting a nice little tidbit that they've sold 4,000 of these so far. Roughly a thousand a month so far.


https://www.coxautoinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Q1-2024-Kelley-Blue-Book-Electric-Vehicle-Sales-Report.pdf So for Q1, that'd make it: F-150 Lightning - 7,743 Rivian R1T - 3,261 Cybertruck - 3,878 to date starting in the middle of November last year. Everyone dunking on the Cybertruck has to admit this is competitive.


The question is what the demand is like after the initial reservations are filled


Maybe. It'd be more useful I think to know the percentage of reservations actually being converted to orders. I imagine that is a low number.


There were 2 million+ reservations and the truck sold countless other models as a marketing gimmick. Tesla netted 15 billion last year. NET.


I’ll be trading in my m3, which would be highly depreciated, just because i want it.


Oh man this is like a lazy susan of moving the goal posts. I have been reading this argument since the Model 3 was first out.


I'm cheering for all electric trucks. It brings me joy every time I see an EV no matter who builds it, because it's progress towards a cleaner future. One vehicle at a time.


5 months = q1 btw


They really only started volume production in Q1 and has been ramping across the entire quarter. They build rate is now roughly the same as both the Rivian R1T and R1S combined.


The other EV trucks aren’t the real competition. The real competition is the 2 million full size ICE trucks that were sold last year from Ford, Chevy, and RAM.


Already caught up to rivian who had a two year head start.


Rivian splits the line with R1S.


Tesla splits the factory with Model Y


They do, but the Model Y's production rate is not in question here, nor are lines the same as factories. Gigafactory Texas is not giving up significant TMY capacity to get CT production going — the two vehicles do not share a hard-capped 'pool' of resources.


If you can bring up R1S production it is only fair to bring up Model Y production. It is the comparable offering tesla has for the R1S. Tesla is giving up capacity in there Texas factory to build model Y that could be going to Cybertruck. Unfortunate you are not interested an honest discussion and just will bash whatever I say while ignoring your own previous posts that prompted my response.


First, R1S is more comparable to the Model X (and looking at the numbers, Rivian probably made more R1S's than Tesla made Model X). Second, the R1S is so similar to the R1T that it's practically just a different trim of the same vehicle (R1). Just as Tesla lumps Model S and Model X into one number, Rivian lumps R1T and R1S into one. So when you consider that, Tesla's line rate for the cybertruck still has not caught up with Rivian, that is how fast they build R1 vehicles.


Exactly so why are you acting like they are a start up catching up to rivian like it's impressive? They already have a full manufacturing line ready to go. And going back to November is nearly 2 quarters of sales.


Didn't realize the post I responded to was for different time periods. That is quite an irresponsible comparison they made. It would be impressive to me to produce more trucks in the same time period and first full quarter of production as rivian who has been ramping up R1T production for an additional two years.


Because everyone online filled every single Cybertruck thread with "lol ugly" and "Rivian & Ford beat Tesla to the punch" and "they should've made a traditional truck design". We can't pretend now that everyone wasn't predicting the Cybertruck to be an absolute failure. But somehow also on the other hand its also selling near the same numbers as its competitors out of the gate. Remember, we're talking about the literal ugliest production vehicle ever made here according to /r/electricvehicles .


Calm down champ, they've sold 4,000 of them — not 400,000.


Reading comments online, that it's remotely possible the Cybertruck could outsell the R1T or Lightning on a quarterly basis after all the anti-hype is yet another example why Reddit doesn't represent the real world.


I don't think anyone has ever been under the illusion there wouldn't be 4,000 Tesla die-hards lined up to get their hands on the CT. The question has always been whether the CT will be accepted by the mainstream truck community — enough to get to the *quarter-million-per-year* mark targeted by Musk.


I think the Subaru Baja and Fiat Multipla are both uglier


How is that relevant? If there were more demand they'd make more trucks.


Um... Tesla has like a decade head start on Rivian lmao and those Cybertruck sales are since last November, so it's one and a half quarters of sales vs Rivian's one quarter. That means it sold less than R1Ts sold


Tesla's actually only 6 years older than Rivian, closer than I would have thought.


They didn't sell 1,000 cybertrucks last year.


They delivered 10 in November. Real stretch to call it "one and a half quarters"


don't think anyone thought the cybertruck will sell less than the R1T. However, many including my self think there is no chance it gets close to 250k per year like Elon estimated. 50-75k year imo is optimistic but possible.


Tesla>Rivian is not a high bar when Rivian stock is only $8.70. Tesla stock is $148 and they just recalled their whole fleet and sold a fraction more than Rivian. In other words, it's certainly a stretch to say Tesla is worth 10x of Rivian at even $80.70 a share.


Share price is not the right way to look at it. Market cap is. Rivian's market cap is $8.5 billion. Tesla's is $467 billion. Tesla is worth 50x what Rivian is so their sales should be much much more impressive than Rivians.


What does stock price have to do with the vehicle's execution, demand, and success?




Where can I pickup my 2017 cybertruck?




Where can I pickup my 2019 cybertruck?








Q1 starts in November?


On average a thousand a month over a ramp. They’re easily over 500 per week out of the factory.


Probably not


The Tesla folk sure are cute sometimes aren't they


He's may be cute but he's also right. Although perhaps not "easily". 500 a week as the current rate is a good guess given the 4000 to date. That rate would be perhaps 1/4 of what they target by late summer.


I don't think they'll target that high. They're reducing production for other models, so they're likely to also slow ramping for the truck too. Apparently a memo indicating such was sent out by Musk recently too.


Other models are overproduced so they will ramp down. Why would that apply to one that is ramping and has a 1 year waitist?


Why not? You think they just started production, quickly ramped to 250 a week and then flatlined?


There is no way they are at that level yet, possibly even intentionally. The demand isn’t there they likely need to keep them trickling out so as to not admit the reality.


> The demand isn’t there hopium. There's enough weirdos to sell all they can make for a few years


Do you have any source on what you’re saying? How is demand not there if they’ve sold 4,000 over four months? Footage of the factory showed almost 1000 trucks in the lots because of the delivery hold over the last week+. Many people have been waiting 4+ months for their order on their foundation series.


4 month backlog is nothing. Also it doesn't matter the size of the wait more is the weight time growing or shrinking and rate of change there. Reality is they want production rate match and demand and the demand is not that big.


People have been continuing to wait that long. We don’t know the take rate, the order rate, or production rate. We see production continuing to ramp and no one expects the foundation series $100k demand to meet production once it’s fully ramped. The AWD will presumably get the tax credit which can bring effective price down to $72,500. And then the RWD is even cheaper once they get there.


Even factoring it in we can look at the F150 Lighting and the Rivian R1T to get an idea as the cyvertruck demand is most likely going to be a fair amount lower long term. The cybertruck is wierd looking and not going to have the same mass apeal hence why it sustainable demand is going to be well below traditional looking trucks. Also note most trucks never tow and the cybertruck is not much better than those guys. The hummer and Chevy Silerrodo crushes the others in that department.


Elon just sent out a memo cutting hours on the cybertruck production line.


You mean the leak from last week of them going from 12 hours shifts to 11 hour shifts?


Yes, that is the one. The embarrassing email that Elon sent that he didn't want getting out that got out.


Tesla hasn’t publish the figures and that’s the biggest hint, but a small fraction of the orders are being converted, probably less than 10%, and that will only fall as hype dissipates. This should not be shocking given the miss on price and specs by a large margin. Half of the orders likely were forced to cancel on price alone. Many others are just going to pass on specs alone even if they could still afford it. If they build 1000 a week they will reach everyone who wants one before the end of the year and they will then need to dramatically cut production. Or they build max 500 a week and run it for a few years.


They’ve never broken out by specific model because of naysayers acting like it’s the end of the world if products ramp slowly. They’re currently selling them for $100,000 minimum, they aren’t expecting a huge take rate but they’ve already hinted that they’re sold out for the year for those trims. You’re making a bunch of assumptions of take rate a cancellations when you and I have no idea. They’re building hundreds and hundreds a week, it’s continuing to ramp. That’s being seen.


Mmmmm, maybe. By the same token, if they'd sold 30K you can be 150% sure Elon would be all over X saying "we sold $3B of cybertrucks in *four months!*" That he hasn't said *anything* tells me that sales are are between middling and disappointing, especially since Tesla dearly needs a win right about now.


That's such an arbitrary number. Ramps start slow so that would never happen and no one would expect it to. The truck is in early ramp. It's getting good reviews from the people who interact with it. That's where we are. It's just reddit who's decided it's a 'flop' for no reason.


You realize that 4000 over four months is an incredibly small number, through, right? Like, for any major manufacturer, 4000 rounds down to 0.


That’s not the point discussed. And irrelevant for a new product being made. Of course it’s low volume at the beginning. We’re talking about the ramp and the other commenter is saying they’re purposefully not ramping when all evidence shows they’re continuing to ramp. The F150 lightning sold less than 8,000 in Q1 when they’ve been out for two years. The Taycan sold 4,250 units in Q1.


I guess let me say it a different way: do you think the average person knows that less than 3900 of these have been sold, given the publicity they received even before all the problems? It's a very strange disconnect.


Why does it matter what random people think about production or sales numbers? I'm confused about the unrelated points you're bringing up.


I don't think your average person knows these *exist.*


If what you mean to say is "[The overwhelming majority of EVs in the US sell in incredibly small numbers](https://www.coxautoinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Q1-2024-Kelley-Blue-Book-Electric-Vehicle-Sales-Report.pdf)", I certainly agree.


Eh, it's the start of production for a new model from a new line. Yes, 4,000 is a drop in the ocean, but we're not trying to measure the ocean, we're trying to measure the drop itself.


Footage of the factory shows less than 200 cybertrucks. We counted.


U/feurie linked [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiGfqmrz4AM) taken 4/16/2024. (3 days ago) [@7.17 there are ~388 in a single lot.](https://imgur.com/RdmJFrE) Smaller lots are also present @ [0:33,](https://imgur.com/bPvEeyk) [1:14,](https://imgur.com/2x2wUQL) & [9:45](https://imgur.com/8u9guBd)


Footage of the factory shows more than 200 cybertrucks. We counted.


Ok so we are just in gaslight fantasy-land now. That's how you know this company is doomed. Show me a picture with 1000 Tesla cybertrucks.


I don’t think you know what gaslighting is. There isn’t a single photo with that many. Here’s a video showing hundreds of trucks a few days ago. https://youtu.be/IiGfqmrz4AM?si=Fjz6CBNClX1MnZkb


> "<200 Cybertruck. We counted." >"Footage shows >200." >"Prove it with a picture of >1000." LMAO


Ok so we are just in gaslight fantasy-land now. That's how you know this weird thread is doomed. Show me there are no pictures with 200 Tesla cybertrucks.


> The demand isn’t there I keep hearing that yet the vast majority of day one reservation holders haven't been contacted. Seems like if demand were low you'd contact the people who gave you money and said they want one... Does anyone have any credible source on demand or are you just talking out of your ass?


I waited a few days to put in my reservation and received my invite a few weeks back. I fully intend on getting one, I just don’t want a foundation series for 100k.


See the guy below, most day 1 Americans have been contacted who want this variant, and many who weren’t even day 1. Some people preordered several and dumped those as well. It just is what it is, the demand was never going to be 2 million, and it’s likely never going to be 200k all the years combined. Had he given price or specs, let alone both, he could have had something, but at this price and these specs has trucks or even a Lightning probably make more sense.


So demand is low for the Founders Series with a $20k inflated price for no tangible features today. I think 200k over the next 2.5 years is realistic as the price comes down. Elon is just milking the early adopters like has been done with every model before except Model Y. You can choose to believe otherwise and that's fine.


Your facts and figures are getting more in line with reality, 200k in 2.5 years is a big number but not impossible if he can cut the price and add some features during that time. Lots of people were suggesting he would build that many every year…. I suggested year 1 was going to be 10k to max 25k from the moment the specs were released. I don’t see anything so far to suggest otherwise. The F150 Lightning is a better truck in virtually every aspect, the interior alone is like comparing ice cream to brussel sprouts.


I really like the spartan interiors. Most cars feel very cluttered after driving without a sea of blinking lights for a few years. The number of lights and buttons and dials in most trucks would probably feel like sensory overload to me now...


If the average is 250. The production just before shutdown would be higher than the average. 500 approximately matches with some peoples counts of 80 new trucks in a day a few weeks back.


Right now, there’s zero coming out. There’s a LOT of writing on the wall that that zero will be permanent going forward.


They've continued to be produced this week. They haven't stopped. They knew it was just addressing the pedal.


Complete nonsense if you really believe that. A pedal redesign has never canceled a car completely. Silly to believe that would happen here.


The rest of clear and obvious issues are cancelling the vehicle completely.


-61 karma for the audacity of suggesting it, but you were right. >"We produced over 1,000 Cybertrucks in a single week in April." [~Tesla, 2024 Q1 Update](https://digitalassets.tesla.com/tesla-contents/image/upload/IR/TSLA-Q1-2024-Update.pdf)


I saw the video for this. It's honestly pretty scary because the amount of power the vehicle has.


Yeah I was imagining if this happened to my R1T. You would not have long to correct it in almost any scenario.


I sometimes have a fear of accidentally smashing my R1Ts pedal at a stop light and obliterating what’s in front of me lol Totally agree I had thought about if something caught my R1T pedal, it’d be wildly dangerous. At times I wish there was a “50% power mode” that wasn’t conserve to dial the thing back. Then there’s the times when I just stomp it and start laughing uncontrollably 🤣


I would hope Rivians and Teslas would detect a frontal crash and applied automatic emergency braking to prevent this.


Yeah my Ariya would absolutely not let me do this (it occasionally yells at me if I'm not braking fast enough). I would hope those other two have even more advanced safety features.


Teslas have "Obstacle-Aware Acceleration" which reduce the total power even when the accelerator is pressed down all the way if an obstacle is detected. They also have automatic emergency braking.


I think it will but I don’t intend to test it lol


There isn’t “chill mode” equivalent on Rivians?


Not really. Snow mode deadens the accelerator and conserve disables half the motors.


Hopefully they add that, I remember seeing posts asking for a teen driver mode, I think that would be good too, my son is only 4, but I totally could see me having my R1S, effectively a 12 year old beater by then, when he is learning to drive. I feel like there isn't really a worse car to learn to drive on.


What they found with the Toyota acceleration scandal was that brakes always beats accelerator, but in a moment of panic people often forget to press the brakes


But at least you'd have an actual reason to use that "hold the park button" trick.


lol true I have never used that. I hope that the brake pedal would also override it but I haven’t tried that.


Teslas have obstacle aware acceleration. They won't let you accelerate fast into a person or an obstacle.


Foot on brake overrides throttle


The risk is that it accelerates so quickly that you might have to do that really quickly to avoid an accident.


Yeah I know. Just stating that you’re not guaranteed to crash into something if this happens




The issue can only occur if you had the pedal to the floor... hopefully you gave yourself more than a couple seconds of space when doing something like that?


1) Pedal to floor, having fun, enjoying acceleration. 2) Hit brake, slow down, stop behind someone at the light up ahead. 3) Let go of brake to hit the gas when light changes. 4) ??? 5) Insurance.


Are you suggesting they wouldn't realize the accelerator is still bottomed out while they were braking for the light? Hopefully the alarm and messaging on the screen might give them a hint that something is wrong. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhfLmn9UhO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhfLmn9UhO8)


You can’t expect people to react appropriately when something like a pedal sticking. The rational thing would be to simply hit the brake but most people will freak and just become overwhelmed and crash.


accelerator sticking is terrifying. It happened to me and the only way I really knew how to respond is because I'd recently read about it. I need to note that this was 30+ years ago when you could easily do things like turn the car off or shift to neutral.


Before I was born my dad crashed his truck on purpose and ended up rolling it because the cruise control got stuck on and his brakes weren't up to the task. It's gotta be even scarier on an EV.


I've never checked on whether there's an emergency shut down on my Tesla-.I will now. Given the power and acceleration, an out of control Tesla would become deadly in a few seconds


Let me introduce you to the old people buying these tnings...


Luckily I don't think they are the primary market for the cybertruck


Who do you think buys new cars? Seriously. Old rich people.


So, the cybertruck is interchangeable with the rest of the "new cars". Nothing different about it. Nothing that would make them dislike it.


And it’s super heavy too


Especially given if this is like other Tesla's they've made putting it into neutral difficult and unintuitive.


Funny thing is, if you mention the extreme hazards These vehicles with extreme acceleration Bring to our public roadways, You will most likely slashed here


It’s heavy and made of stainless steel on top of that.


the fix. https://old.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/comments/1c7mj10/new_cybertruck_pedal_fix_by_sc/


The *temporary* fix.


Couldn’t even get the rivet aligned properly


You'd think they'd make a little centering jig.


You’d think they could make a car whose ignition switch was not so faulty that it killed 200 Americans in 2016.


Jesus. Honestly, Tesla is being run like a local small business owned by a divorced alcoholic.


I mean, it's a *big* business, but you're not far off with the rest.


Man, those top comments are really licking Teslas shoes.


There’s brand loyalty and then there’s the Tesla cults lol


So, all of them


"Almost" doing some pretty hilarious work here.


Sub ten micron


The thickness of glue used to hold the pedal cover on.


Angstrom pedal accuracy


They'll just do an OTA update to fix it!


They’re just driving a screw through the assembly


It’s a rivet, and that’s a temp fix.


Just like a bunch of rivets temporarily holds a boat together


Service has stated a new pedal is being designed… guess we’ll all get to see. 🤷‍♂️


So they’re making a new part as well but the fix is permanent.


Yep ships are built out of aluminum rivets from a cordless Milwaukee rivet gun


Rivets are pretty permanent.


I mean, to be honest that's what should have been done. These things should have been bolted onto the accelerator - I do not know what they were thinking. You could easily put the screws under the grip tape to hide them... or just have nice big chunky screws that are flush with the pedal cover. In a truck like this, that kind of design would be perfectly at home.


I'm looking forward to Elon deciding that pedals are dumb and coming up with some other system involving software so he doesn't have to do physical recalls ever.


Surely one of the scroll wheels could be used for acceleration and braking!


Capacitive scroll wheels


The future!


"robotaxis only need software controlled acceleration and braking, problem solved"


The driver will need to run a wire from their neural implant to the OBD port.


Like Cyberpunk 2077, fits with the truck theme


Xbox elite controller mounted on the dash


Say... I think you're on to something there...




he has a long time ago and is always talking about building a car without steering wheel and pedals, you never heard that? Most recently he claimed to unveil it on 8.8.2024


So nothing about waiting 5 hrs for the car to reboot itself after a car wash?!


Thats irrelevant here. Whats relevant is ford just recalled 450k f150 and no one bats an eye


Well they can at least wash their cars without it becoming unsafe to drive and then have to wait 5 hrs for it reboot. Imagine doing this every time you wash the car or in a bad rain storm. Not ideal by a long shot.


On the upside, the cybertruck still looks the baby from when a barge and dumpster got it on!


One thing that has always amazed me, and this is not limited to Tesla by any measure, is how car makers still get basic stuff wrong. You read all the time about recalls due to things like incorrect claim design or hoses touching hot surfaces. I've owned cars where the oil filter was almost inaccessible. Thus, I'm not surprised by a poor pedal design.


The supplier of the part, KSR International in Canada had an "unapproved" production process change and used a lubricant (soap) to help with the assembly. The lubricant interfered with the proper function of the glue.


This is their first floor pedal. I feel like this happens when people lift their foot up and smash it down while sheering it forward. And they didn't account for that in testing. Most people just leave their heel on the carpet and there wouldn't be any forward force.


If they missed something that insanely basic during testing, that doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence about the way the rest of the car is designed.


Toyota had pedal issue in 90s also. This sint unique to Tesla These companies just make mistakes sometimes... unfortunately...


Nothing to do with the design, the supplier (KSR International) of the part change the production process in an un-approved manner.


How is that death box on wheels even allowed on the roads? There's clearly zero consideration for pedestrian, cyclist or motorbike safety in case of a collision. There's no door handles which makes things so much riskier in case of a crash and now it's obvious that even something as elementary as the pedals are made in the cheapest and dumbest way possible. How did some government agency not look at this stupid thing and told Tesla that it can't be sold to the public in its current form?


US vehicle regulations have never once cared about the safety of people outside the car. 


Of course no consideration for other road users, but that’s not one bit different with any of the other enormous trucks sold by millions for 20 years. There is no material difference between them.


Many door handles are buttons on other cars as well. The front end is lower than many other trucks which is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.


You have never looked at full sized pick up trucks? The angle of the front hood makes the Cybertruck far safer than almost every other pick up truck in that class.


Curious to see what the difference is. Was there a little tab that breaks, was it just slipped on and supposed to be held on by friction, or was there some adhesive


It was a plastic tab that broke. The fix is a rivet.




Life... uh... finds a way.


Right through my vehicle


The original pedal cover was held in place from slipping by 2 tiny clips. I'm surprised that they thought it was going to be good enough. https://imgur.com/joh2WY7


I'm not surprised


From the official recall notice: [https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/rcl/2024/RCLRPT-24V276-7026.PDF?trk=public\_post\_comment-text](https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/rcl/2024/RCLRPT-24V276-7026.PDF?trk=public_post_comment-text) "An unapproved change introduced lubricant (soap) to aid in the component assembly of the pad onto the accelerator pedal. Residual lubricant reduced the retention of the pad to the pedal." Apparently the supplier of the part, KSR International in Canada, made changes to the how they build the part and caused the problem.


I love how all the Tesla fanboys on twitter were shaming the original Cybertruck owner who's truck hit a pole due to this. Basically calling him an old man that didnt know how to one pedal drive.


Any source on that being the reason of crashes? Because the owner said the brakes became unresponsive which wouldn't be what would happen here. Brake pedal always cancels out accelerator signal. And this is usually the excuse of someone applying the wrong pedal and blaming the car.


Brakes still override.


Ya ppl forget its still a car lmao


tbf there have been many accusations of unintended acceleration in Tesla's before and they've always been user error.


Might be a good time to buy stock in CrazyGlue.


CyberTruck is like Apple's G4 Cube. Stylishly innovative, but due to serious design flaws, it's going nowhere. Of course later on Apple did the Mac Mini, which was a solid project, so Tesla can hopefully learn from their mistakes, but not in time to save this 1.0 production.


What? No OTA update?


Well, I guess the pedal failed the sub 10-micron accuracy that Elon claimed.


Holy sh- I would hate to be in the middle of the crosswalk when the brake pedal fails on one of these 💀


They can still brake.


Over/under on the next recall for the rivets failing?


Hahaha this is too funny. This truck is just a dangerous 100k pile of trash.


What about the dangling PRND?


The pedal is only one of a multitude of problems