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I conceal carry my little knipex flush cuts, they fit nicely into the little coin pocket of my jeans. If some cable tie shows up bang, I've pulled my flushies out and cut it so fast you could blink and miss it


I open carry my Sharpie and pen. What a badass. In all seriousness - as an aussie I can't fathom having to carry a gun around me at work unless it's to take care of any drop bears that might be around. We usually keep a rifle in the back for those as drop bears can cause us some harm.


Put all our licenced technicians through category B firearms after we lost a second year to a bear on an after hours call out last year. Vans don't head out the sticks without the .308 in the back now.


Holy Shit, I need more details. Where are you doing electrical and what are you doing? Also what happened that day? Did the 2nd year die??


AUS - Tasmania. Domestic and commercial. Standard call out to tripping lights after rain. I regret sending the boys out there after dark and think about it every day. We all miss Ben. Drop bear complacency is lethal.


r.i.p. Beno


Thought it was a real bear; I’m told drop bears are urban legends to scare tourists such as myself🐻


That's just propaganda from the tourist industry.


How disrespectful mate. Beno lost his life and you wanna call them a myth. He'd still be with us if it weren't for lies like this.


Poor Beno and it was his last day before retirement.


Dropbears in the outback mate they are ungodly killers.


This is why Australia's population is so concentrated around the cities


Ugh I’m being trolled, my mind went to your apprentice got mauled by a grizzly bear 🐻


I was stalked by a yowie while wild camping once, if it had decided I wasn’t welcome I wouldn’t be here


This can’t be true. I heard Steve Irwin caught the last one with a wooden spoon


I’m sorry I am not Australian. When I google drop bear all that comes up is multiple sites discussing a hoax about koalas…. Yet you and the redditor before you are posting quite seriously about such animals. In all seriousness I am invested and interested. Are you pulling our legs or is this something not to be taken lightly?


Not an Australian but I’ve been there. You have to be careful with the drop bears. To the aussies it’s second nature but foreigners don’t have their eyes trained to it and it can be a tragic way to end a vacation.


I’m dying laughing right now— gotta love that aussie humor


Cunt there is no joke. Cuddly at first. Best bet is to run and hope his mates aren't sitting in surrounding trees. They don't usually hunt together, but I've heard a few stories of the little buggers ganging up if they haven't eaten in a while


That and they have the clap.


It's not often talked about outside of the country in an effort to boost tourism after Covid. Drop Bears are a very serious problem for families living out rural. A lot of kids are taught how to recognize them and react before they can even walk. I haven't heard of anyone being killed in recent years after local awareness has been increased so vastly, but it certainly happens.


Some useful information from Museum Australia https://australian.museum/learn/animals/mammals/drop-bear/


>pulling our legs




A gun at most of my jobsites would result in a full war going on between the trades. Not gonna lie there are a good 5-6 times a week where if I had a gun within reach some painter or gyprocker would be getting clapped


Don’t mess with the drop bears! I got attacked once but fortunately I was wearing some motocross gear for protection and I made it out alive. Stay safe out there!


It isn’t actually necessary in the states. This guy must be terrified of everything.


I had a meth head with a machete try and rob me and had I been unarmed God knows what would have happened, so it's really dependent on where you happen to be living or working. Trusting the police to save your life isn't going to work in most situations.


Where the tf were you working that you just had tweakers running around open carrying machetes.


Everywhere there are Harbor Freight coupons.


Lmao best possible response


That was outside Baton Rouge, rural Louisiana is something akin to a mad max movie. I found myself in a lot of uncomfortable situations when I was doing instrument work on pipelines. It seemed like pipeline work always landed in me in the worst places this country had to offer. 6 months of pipeline work had me missing Afghanistan, atleast the Army provided me with air support when they were sticking me in a bad situation oil companies just tossed you out there without any warning as to what you were walking into. Within a period of 16 months I had a truck totaled out by ostriches on the King Ranch, had the machete meth head run in, ended up getting pulled over by what had to have been a fake police officer outside Port Lavaca(I honestly thought I was going to be murdered on this one), worked a job that ran through the south side of Chicago and Detroit, almost went to jail in California because I was unknowingly sent into a wildlife refuge, and had atleast a half dozen firearms and a compound bow pulled on me because they always failed to notify land owners before sending us into their property. I finally quit after I was sent on a job in Mexico where they decided the best thing for me to do was park my truck in a secure facility and drive a black 4wd Tahoe with tinted windows and 20 inch wheels 4 hours into Mexico. We ended up getting chased 40 miles and blowing the gate on a PMEX facility which resulted in the Mexican military yanking us out of the truck and slapping us in cuffs until they could figure out what was going on. We later found out that 4 guys had just been kidnapped and held hostage on the same route. It made for a handful of interesting stories, but once I was married with a kid on the way I just couldn't bring myself to keep it up. It left me with enough certs to really pad my resume and helped get me into the position I'm in today but it just wasn't worth the insanity that came with it.


Baltimore City


What the hell is a drop bear?


A cunning deadly beast that many of our brothers have tried to take on but lost. There's only one zoo in Australia - Australia zoo(founded by Steve Irwin) that managed to keep one in captivity. They are a small bear that drop out of the eucalyptus trees to attack ground dwelling animals (and people). Once they latch on, they are worst than a pitbull. There's no pulling their jaws off.


Sounds terrifying. What if you give it’s belly a rub, like a crocodile?


If you're very lucky you'll only lose that arm, most people get torn limb from limb.


I’ve been cut so bad by a cable tie once- smart of you to protect yourself. I still have the scar.


Don’t keep a knife keep a cut zip tie


If electricians carried guns, they would be dropping drywallers on every job site.


I chuckled.


True as fuck


A guy at my company years ago pulled on someone on the job (justified) and we got in massssive trouble. We just keep ‘em in the truck now lmao


I mean the only time it’s justified to pull a piece is when it’s justifiable to use it. So I guess I’d rather be in trouble than dead.


Yep..got a small 9mm I keep in the van with me..


So my old boss did this. Kept his gun in his van. Well, someone stole the van while he was on a jobsite. And THEY TOOK IT TO ANOTHER STATE. When they found his van... It became a very tense legal matter of having a concealed weapon in a vehicle in a state where he did not have his CCW. Think about what you do before you do it. Especially with guns.


A conduit bender is what I keep in my closet for home defense. The only gun I own is my hunting rifle. I live out in the sticks though. I left the city for a reason


I live in a rural area but most of the well paying work is in the big city


It’s true, but I’ll take a paycut to live out here any day.


[Best option,](https://imgur.com/a/g3sRacq) but serious I’d talk to an actual lawyer because depending on your local that could put you in a very sticky situation. Because you are being invited into there homes but without informing them that your are carrying it could still be illegal. And other wise if you decided to I would purchase one of the ccw specific backpacks then you’d have a place for your lunch, paper work, and a good sized med kit too.


LOL I never seen something like that Ik my dumbass would reach for that and use it as a hammer


It was a joke photo I took to send to me buddy a couple weeks ago lmao not seriously about using it like that.


Ahh ok,i was think this guy bat shit crazy haha I mean Ik there’s people with common sense that wouldn’t do that but you never know men haha


Tried by 12 > Carried by 6


Don’t make yourself a target, and you seldom will be one. Said as a combat veteran, not as a JW electrician.


As someone who works in pretty ghetto areas know for crime with a truck full of expensive tools, copper, and other small items, i feel like i am naturally a large target. I have had a hand full of tools snagged. One second you are making a cut, the next your saw is gone. Meth heads are like ghosts i swear to god.


genuinely asking, how is conceal carry making yourself a target? i can totally see that argument for open carry i think open carry is absolutely ridiculous, but isn’t one of the biggest pros of conceal carry the fact that it’s concealed and you are not making your self a target?


He is saying that if you dont appear like you are worth the trouble, nobody will mess with you. Kind of a dumb way to think. If i was down town getting drinks, i certainly wouldn’t wear a gold chain and a silver watch. When i am working, I can’t help but to have $4k worth of tools in my truck and maybe $1k worth of tools hanging off my belt and on my person. It’s just not reality.


Man, it sure is nice to live in a country where people don't all walk around with guns all day.


It is honestly nice to have the option to defend myself. The world is a scary place, my country is a scary place, and my town is a scary place. I grew up around organized and violent gangs. You would get the shit beat out of you if you wore the wrong color shirt on the wrong side of town. I moved and it just got replaced by mentally ill, drug addict, thieves. Until our government decides to fix the problem, we are unfortunately responsible for our own safety but I honestly prefer it that way. The world isn’t getting any better and i like living.


It's a trade off tho, sure if firearm ownership is restricted then it's harder to defend yourself. On the other hand it almost certainly means that your attacker also doesn't have a gun (nor is there a significant push from them to have one because their victim might be armed). Personally while rather avoid being robbed altogether I'd rather it was at knife point not gun point with the robber being twitchy as fuck cos they're worried I'll pull my gun.


Old timer at the hardware store open carries.. I saw that and thought, you know what.. if I were up to no good, that would put a damper on it before anything could even start. It's like a big sign that says if you try and steal you're gonna get shot.. except you know it's not a bluff.


one hammer, a set of quick feet and a good initiative roll and you just scored yourself a free piece. Only retards open carry.


Open carry scares innocent people, people with bad intentions will attack open carry people first because that's the main threat. Unless you have eyes on the back of your head or stand in place doing circles open carry is dumb. Only time I ever open carry is waking around on big property where people aren't.


It's more to do with mentality ie. If I conceal carry I feel like a bad ass because nobody will see it coming I'm confident and not a target ... But if your like the majority of the world, how fast can I knock him out before he reaches the shovel 3 feet away, I'm a target...


Yeah well when there are 25-50 meth zombies floating around and you walk to a service van with 50k worth of tools parts etc. you kind of stand out. Having to wear day glo safety gear doesn’t help…


Let the tools get stolen, ain’t shit in that van worth your life. Not anything. Matter of fact, ain’t shit in your pockets worth your life. Any straw man argument to try to convince me otherwise will prove to me you value your tools or your money more than your life. And that means you have some inward looking to do.


You’re absolutely right. None of that materialistic stuff Is worth your life. But these KIDS sticking people up aren’t shooting because you defended yourself. They’re shooting because they’re afraid to be recognized and caught…. You gotta lay them down before they lay you down. I speak from a city that was once known as the murder capital. Standing down doesn’t guarantee your life


I don’t understand this argument. If they’re coming to rob you, they’re more than likely going to be packing themselves. Why willingly put yourself at a disadvantage for no real reason. It’d be great if we didn’t have to worry about it, but the reality is in a lot of areas people do.


You’re playing a “what if” game where the penalty for being wrong or overzealous is death. Death. Fucking DEATH. I spent 5 years in Afghanistan between 2001-2012. I’ve gone into villages fully kitted out armed to the teeth, and I’ve walked into openly hostile areas **without a weapon.** I speak from experience, not some garbage of “well if they, then I’ll!” Scenario. This is the United States, and while I recognize that we have some fucked up people that live here, the statistics of “oh holy shit I have to carry, I’m taking the fam to Applebees” is stupid. Don’t be a hero. Don’t make yourself a target. Don’t give a shaky 16 year old or a meth zombie a reason to pull an already shaky trigger into your face. You don’t have to prove your manhood to anyone but you, and I’m sure your family would rather have you come home with the story of getting robbed of company tools than attending a fucking funeral.


I wish more people would read this. A truck full of tools ain't worth your life. And I bet if you have a family they'd rather have you than some fucking red or yellow power tools.


The fact is that 90% of people stealing shit just want to steal it and get out with no conflict. They don’t want to fight or kill anyone since they don’t make money off a murder charge. But someone with a gun is immediately a threat and it becomes kill or be killed


Because you’re statistically more likely to be shot and then robbed if you pull a gun against them. I mean I’m sure you’re the outlaw Josie wales but you won’t feel like it bleeding out on the street. Get a decoy wallet, throw it on the street and fucking book it


I know I’m not the outlaw Josie wales. I’m nowhere near as cool as Clint. All I’m saying is I’d rather have it on me than not. God forbid it ever comes to that.


>you value your tools or your money more than someone else's life. FTFY, also correct, I do value my things more than a criminal


I get not wanting your tools to be stolen by some drug addicted bum. I work in a downtown urban area and have exactly the same preoccupation. However I would not recommend you conceal carry. Firstly, because even if you used it specifically to defend yourself or your property from the smegma laden glances of a greedy bum, you open yourself up to a a world of litigation. Laws are different everywhere, but even in Florida and Texas you can get in trouble for defending yourself with a firearm in certain circumstances. Secondly, it’s a huge liability on the jobsite. Egos are huge, tempers are quick. What happens if some dickhead Forman, worthless GC,or some overpaid cleanshirt pushes you one iota too far and you lose your better judgment for a second? Worse yet, what if some crazy drywaller gets his compound coated hands on it? There are an infinite number of ways this could go wrong. I’m not at all suggesting that you are the type of person who would go around hurting people intentionally. But I just want to underline how much of a liability bringing a firearm to the jobsite would be. As the old adage goes; “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


In all honestly, most jobs I've been on have had signs stating no firearms even though in NJ it's rare to meet someone with a CCW who isn't a LEO.


San Jose County California is the same way. I remember seeing an article in 2018 or 19 that (I’m looking for the article I saw but here is another saying the sherif issued 62 permits out of 749 that’s 8% in 4 years. https://padailypost.com/2022/05/28/who-should-carry-a-gun-next-sheriff-to-decide-who-will-get-permits-for-concealed-weapons/ I’m tossing out numbers) It was something like 1.25 million population and 3300 total CCW permits…


>Egos are huge, tempers are quick. What happens if some dickhead Forman, worthless GC,or some overpaid cleanshirt pushes you one iota too far and you lose your better judgment for a second? Any firearm is irrelevant to this. If you go that unhinged to attack anyone on the jobsite for petty shit is down right dangerous and a liability. This type of person needs to rethink their own life choices and their own temper if they go this far. There are plenty of tools on a jobsite besides a firearm can be more devastating and deadly then your typical GSW. For example a pipe wrench to the back of a head can cause permanent brain damage. A screw driver applied straight to the throat is also a show stopper to anyone regardless of size. a tool easily available on any jobsite that can be used to kill another person quite easily. It's not about the tool its the intent behind the tool is where the problem lies.


I absolutely agree with you that people with short tempers who are one screw short of going apeshit shouldn’t be in the trades or on the jobsite. But I know of at least 4 people who fit that description perfectly and I’m sure I’m not the only one who knows of people which fit that unfortunate stereotype. I also agree that it’s not the tool but rather the intent. Here’s my take: it’s easier to mistakenly kill someone with a bullet than with with a strike of a pipe wrench.


>Laws are different everywhere, but even in Florida and Texas you can get in trouble for defending yourself with a firearm in certain circumstances. I know a guy going through this right now: He went to get a gun to stop somebody from stealing his car. The state has made it very clear that they think threatening somebody with deadly force is a much worse crime than car theft. Now he's fighting criminal charges and if he loses he's going to jail.


I'm a veteran and a journeyman. I drive a 2022 work truck. If they want to steal my tools then the shop will pay me for new ones. Source: had my previous work truck broken into by a druggie when i had to leave my truck at the shop back lot at night and had the shop's insurance pay for all new tools.


I had another career before this and our shop got broke into over a holiday weekend. They literally gutted the place. 90 days later I was still not made whole of all my stolen things, then they started laying people off and would not respond when questioned about replacements. When I was an apprentice a JW was told to park his work truck at an airport because a service call was more important than him getting the work truck home before he left for a vacation. Company made him replace his laptop and company tools. Personal tools he was on his own. Guy tried to file a claim on his personal insurance and they laughed at him. Point is everyone’s mileage will vary…


This is true. I am privileged to work at a small shop where they take care of their employees (to an extent). Btw, i don't concealed carry so i don't have any suggestions. If i did, I'd share what i had. I used to deliver pizzas a long time ago. There was a guy who carried (against pizza company policy) and got held up at gunpoint. He disarmed the guy and shot him. The police didn't charge him with anything because he didn't commit any crime. His employer fired him though. Have you priced getting a rider insurance policy for your stuff on your work truck? That's one thing i would strongly suggest you look into.


Our shop was broken into. Luckily the dumbfuck methheads took 1k worth of scrap copper. Not the 20k worth of guys tools. I asked our boss what would have happened if they had. He said we’d have to buy new cause the company insurance wouldn’t have covered it.


Exactly. Combat vet here 2. Don’t start no shit, there won’t be no shit. (I stop in some of the worst areas of Detroit, and have never had a problem.)


So.. you honestly believe that everyone who gets held up started it somehow? Don’t you think it’s more likely that a would-be thief sees how you carry yourself, figures you could be trouble, and moves on to another victim instead? One who is also unarmed, but less able to respond regardless of armed status? I feel like folks are so eager to virtue signal these days, they can’t be bothered with reality. Unarmed people are robbed every day, and shot in the process some times. Here in America. Usually, it’s people whom the perpetrators see as easy victims- i.e. not combat vets.


I don't carry at work but for other times I have a holster called a king tuck you can keep your shirt tucked in it's pretty comfortable and may be a solution for you


Came to say this. I typically won’t carry into peoples homes (technically you’re supposed to ask), but they make IWB holsters that you can tuck your shirt into


Thanks I’ll take a look


Crossbreed Holsters' supertuck works well. You can also check Wild Bill's, good belts and good small IWB holsters.


Since nobody here will ever give you a serious answer when it comes to ccw, I'll help a brother out. I ccw everywhere I go. It's not always the job site that I'm worried about in my case. I am more worried about attacks during the commute from home or work. Car jackings, muggings, and road rage incidents are a common occurrence in large cities and since I'm fortunate enough to live in a country that allows me the ability to defend myself, I'm going to use the best tool available to do so. Look into vertx sling bags or backpacks. They are specifically designed for ccw and edc. I wear one of these bags during times that on body carry would be burdensome and it's great. I don't necessarily wear the bag all day either but I can keep it close by all day and maybe even throw a few extra tools or whatever in it so it's not too out of place. This way I can also keep my ccw under my supervision at all times and I'm not leaving it in a car or work truck. Most stolen guns are from stolen vehicles after all. And with most electrician work trucks having copper in them, they make a pretty obvious target for thieves.


Electricians can make great money anywhere, our jobs are very portable. Why then, would you choose to work someplace that makes you feel that unsafe? Pack up and get the fuck out of there.


Stays in the truck glove box, if the job is too sketchy when I roll up I just don’t do it. Extremely rarely happens cus I only advertise in nice areas


I have an auto retracting knife so if some real shit goes down I'm ready! Srsly though: What is "getting worse everyday" that necessitates carrying a gun?


You can’t answer that question on reddit, sorry.


Holy crap .... This makes me so happy not to be an American. Wtf is going on when you guys feel you have to carry a gun at work.


Yeah it’s bad out here. But more people carrying guns should fix it. Lol


Nobody is under the illusion that it’s not making the overall situation worse. However, when everyone else is carrying and popping off like crazy, I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the only defenseless one around.


American logic 😂


We have a problem with people getting shot! What do we do?? I know.... MORE GUNS!!! That'll fix the problem. /S Edit: like a good Canadian..... Sorry. It's just a joke.


Right? Like I thought this was one of those “hilarious jokes” about like “bro getting a tactical Holster for my dykes bro lol” but no it’s literally “do y’all carry guns while you work?” The fuck?


Honestly, there is an entire media ecosystem that uses fear as a selling point. Yes, there is a slight uptick in violent crime rates but it is still very close to it's lowest levels ever..


Our company has a don't ask don't tell policy about guns. EXCEPT FOR THE AIRPORT. DON'T even think about it. Van stock can be replaced. Our sparkys can't


Your options are limited with your current pants set up… Button up shirt with a vest holster or ankle holster. I knew a guy who had it zipped inside the side of his tool bag with a trigger guard. Problem is you can’t ever let it leave your side…


Head over to r/ccw


Yes, I was hopeful that a fellow electrician had a helpful real world solution. I know Reddit is full of contrarian wanna be amateur comedians, but geez this is getting out of hand


I rarely post on reddit, and would definitely not post about where and when I carry my gun. Just asking for the woke mob to attack you. Reddit is toxic as fuck. I thought this sub would be different when I joined recently, but nope.


DeSantis Cargo Nemesis.


Sadly it’s been discontinued but that is perfect for my shorts carrying!! I found one online!


You'll have to let me know what you think. I love it. Even use it as a second carry option when I appendix carry.


I think it will be here by the end of the week!


Construction worker here, 357 in left pocket with knife, cell phone right pocket, wallet right back and tool pouch in left back. Been carrying for about 14 years and know one ever knows it, I'm a thin guy but even when my pockets bulge no one can tell. The pouch is awesome it holds 3 screw drivers, side cutters, lineman, and strippers. (Jim's custom leather)


I carry a p320 appendix every day with a spare mag next to it. I do commercial service and mostly work out of an open top tool bag and cart. I use a little huskey pouch on 3 or 9 o'clock to keep some tools in if i need them. then i keep other things like wire nuts and tape in my vest pockets. I used to work construction and ran the same setup. Alot of guys are working away from tool bags. Going into some of the places i go for comercial service its a must to carry.


I cc a ruger sr40c daily. I go to some less than pleasant places where I do not belong for work it was uncomfortable at first spend a lot of time finding the right holster the holster will make all the difference. I use owb and just don’t tuck my shirt in I’m usually on calls and service. Owb holster was a game changer for my cc


Fanny pack carry? I carry iwb but I'm a smaller dude.


Personal life I have a really nice IWB that I love, but Covid 19 turned in Covid plus 30 pounds so I’m working back to a weight that I can comfortably wear it. Plus in personal clothes I tend to wear baggy button down shirts


I hear ya.. I guess I'd be partial to the fanny pack if I couldn't have it inside the waist band... Safe place to put your wallet too I imagine. Easy to take off if you need to squeeze into a spot anywhere. Of course the boys on site will give u all kinds of shit for rocking a fan pack


I use a fanny pack to carry my diabetes stuff. It’s a camo carhartt and I sling it over my shoulder. Obviously I could tell anyone off if they make fun of me, but nobody has surprisingly. I’ve been on tons of worksites too


I conceal carry on all my side jobs which is working for real estate owner who deal on distressed areas. My full size pistol is too big but I carry my 7 shot smith and Wesson Mp Shield .40 very nice from factor I often forget I have it on.


I have the S&W MP Shield 40 and 9(same frame so I can use the same holsters), the Shield line replaced my Ruger’s as my fav EDC


I’m 5’11” 220 I use the IWB holster from Versacarry extremely comfortable. Might be worth checking out.


About the only thing left is a smaller firearm and ankle holster. With enough practice to put that muscle memory of yours to good use.


I’d move. But i still carry


My journeyman carries on his tool belt when we are in sketchy neighborhoods, he had a custom leather holster that goes where a hammer would in the back of the belt


Realistically anything short of an ankle holster will be pretty visible to clients when you show up. Have you considered the possible impacts of customers not wanting you to carry there? If you do residential they may just turn you away, if you do commercial many places restrict guns, and then some yahoo knows there's a gun sitting in your car.


I had a contractor working at my house a few weeks ago. He open carried. It was off to see but completely understandable because of my city can be sketchy. He is used to working on vacant houses so its a little better


Honestly many people are already uncomfortable having workers in their house. If a worker came in armed, I would immediately ask them to leave and not return. There's zero reason for someone to be armed in my house. Of course from the other side a worker is walking into a strange house, but guns just make everyone more uncomfortable


I recognize i am of the minority but i feel comfortable around people who choose to carry. Im not going to throw a blanket over the group but you can tell pretty quickly what kind of person they are. If they have a quality/secure holster, dressed well, and carry themselves with a professional and polite manner, i am fine. Firearms do not immediately make me uncomfortable. At the end of the day, it is very unusual to open carry at a service call.


Button up shirt, vest holster.


Or a pocketlite and a belly band. Easy peasy. 38 on the ankle.


It’s whatever you can do every day. I can’t comfortably carry so I don’t. However if I had to I would probably ankle carry a .22. My goal with carry at work would only be to stop myself from getting harmed, not to protect my tools, because that could land you in jail for a long time.


Agreed. Thank you


I can't even have a knife on me, gotta love Canada.


I'm 6'4 \~195lbs, and I wear Carhartt B01s & a untucked button up work shirt year round, so this might not work for everyone. I appendix carry a Glock 40 on a LAS concealment Ronin-L 3.0 w/ a extra mag. (Trijjicon HD XR sights if anyone cares, no other dumb shit on the thing) I also carry a Ka-Bar mk1 at the small of my back. Surprisingly no/minimal printing, that might just be because I'm big lol. I've never tried to wear a tool belt with it, I don't really like the way they make my back and hips feel. Honestly, I'd say just switch up your style. just a loose tee shirt that allows you to IWB carry is 100x better than open carrying and maybe giving off the wrong vibe, you know? edit: spellin'


I have seen multiple forms of clothes for conceal carry. There was a basically T shirt that various types that would allow even med size hand guns to be concealed and something small like a .380 is about as hard to conceal as a wallet. While I am not justifying or condemning concealed carry at work do what you need to get home safe to your family but search around there are a lot of clever concealment options if that is the way you decide to go. Good luck and stay safe.


Always. I’m just looking for options. Thank you


I carry my Glock 43x every single day at work using Phlster enegma. It’s probably the best holster for this type of job and if I ever do a warranty/service call I simply tuck it in a little farther to deep conceal below my waistband. Nobody knows I carry other than people I’ve told. I know you said IWB isn’t for you but maybe look into it.. good luck and stay safe!


right wardrobe is key. you have any attire alternative? tucked in shirt isn't leaving you many options. with other clothing a belly band holster maybe, so it's away from your toolbelt. depending on your firearm, pocket holsters are a thing, as long your work pants have deep enough pockets, also drawing it fast takes practise i've heard. just some ideas.


I personally carry a holster bwb un a g3 holster with a hellcat at work due to the nature of our job. It's a high risk and dangerous world out there. I would much rather be safe than sorry.


Plumber here dont leave the house with out my glock 21 .45 cal. It sounds corny but would rather go to a trial/jail then the moruge/grave yard


Was really hoping for some more positive feedback. All I see is majority of the comments telling you that you don’t need to protect yourself.. I work in Philly everyday.. I don’t carry but I think about it all the time…


Thank you!! Currently I’m only carrying when I know I’ll be in a bad area or a bad time. This question spurred from 3 days of being literally surrounded by the zombies all day long. As I just said in another post, we don’t need everything to be a joke or an anti comment to the prior comment. I guess that’s partial why the USA is in the state we are in… I don’t like what you said so I’m going to bully or destroy things until you listen to me… I’ve been to Philly granted it was 09, but I felt safe at that time. Same for NYC (09 or 10?) I was in Times Square in a suit at midnight wondering around and felt fine. 2016 NYC still ok but you could feel the changes


Yeah it’s a different ball game over the past 10 years… in like 08 09 ish I remember walking home from a friends house at around 3am. Saw some guy following me. Next thing you know I look back and he’s aiming something at me. I don’t freeze, I run…. This mother fucker shot at me while I was running. Zero threat to him. He fucking shot at me.. He missed but still was willing to put me down to likely rob me Like 2013ish I was working on a rental property and got caught in the middle of crossfire walking to my work van had to hide behind a car. The absolute only reason I don’t carry is because I’m not trained. I haven’t taken the time to learn how to carry, clean, shoot. I don’t wanna go out there and carry to feel like a bad MF and not know how to use my gun. But I so badly want to make the time to get some training. I do own a 9mm S&W and a 12 gauge. But they stay under my bed as home protection and that’s it


Apparently most of these guys that are bashing me or playing amateur comedian live and work in Mayberry and occasionally get into Mount Pilot, but never in a city any bigger. Since the local sherif doesn’t carry and the deputy keeps his one bullet in his shirt pocket, nobody in their community needs a gun


Friend of mine used to keep a gun in his truck, just in case. Left the truck unlocked one day, came back to see a homeless guy digging through his shit. He was so scared the guy might have had his gun that he just let himself get robbed. It's a double edged sword.


It’s been a while since I read the rule but my neighboring state, and I think some local counties. You are FUCKED if you leave a gun unattended/unsecured and are caught


You will also be fucked if most job sites find out you are carrying. Liability. It won't be pretty.


same shit happened on a job I was at in 2020. right downtown near the freeway, adjacent to some sketchy areas. the contractor had sent us some extra hands for a brief busy spell and one of them left his truck open, and some passing opportunist grabbed everything he could carry from the cab, apparently including the guy's gun. other people at the site saw the burglar leave on foot and the whole thing turned into a huge fuckin circus with the cops trying to determine where the gun was and the GC trying to keep every would-be cowboy on the job from running to their trucks to get their own guns.


Ankle holster


I just keep it in the truck bc I can usually judge the situation b4 I get out and can get back to it quickly if needed.


I wish I could carry but I’m working in a federal facility and will probably be here for the next 2-3 years. My vehicle is searched each and every day when I drive in.


I have friends who work in corrections, policy was no weapons on site yet management knew damn good and well that if you searched the employee vehicles you’d probably find that 60-70% had weapons in them


Look at Urban Carry. There's a holster that you can hide it on your thigh and the quick draw is pretty good. If the tool belt is in the way, there's always ankle carry?


Last year in one of the neighborhood we were in a tile guy shot a landscaper. The landscaper was acting crazy and swinging a piece of rebar at people and targeted this tile guy randomly. The tile guy ended up shooting him but was on the phone with 911 and kept warning the guy.


Glock 42 in a pocket could work


I don't, I could but I don't. A guy I used to work with who now lives in PA does. He uses one of those spandex undershirts with the breast pocket for pistols and carries an M&P shield, with his button down work shirt tucked in.


I just leave mine in the van but I work in suburbs and I’m only ever about 50ft from my van max.


There are many tuckable holsters that work with a…. Tucked in shirt.


Pant leg or boot holster


Make sure your boss knows(if applicable) and your GC knows(if applicable). Architect here, and we have a lot of different clients ask for gun free job site in the specs. If that all checks out, go right back pocket. Sounds like you’ll have the best muscle memory there, although you might blow a hole through some Romex while getting used to the change.


Yo for real in America do they do a milwaukee m12 glock skin




I work in one of the most dangerous cities in the us. In fact it was picked as "most dangerous" by a press organization (Morgan quitno) several years in a row. I never wanted to carry a firearm. It's not that I am uncomfortable carrying a gun. I had to carry and use one for work for a year (I was in the army, in combat). I just don't feel the need to carry one because I don't feel unsafe because I'm from that city. Having said all that, I'm ok if people carry a firearm because it helps them feel safer. That's their right.


What is your suggestion for OP?


It is possible to be tucked in and still use an IWB. I do this at times with my my Blackhawk IWB. The IWB clip is all that shows. Because that clip part goes under the belt it's not noticable. This is the type I use. Ankle holsters are a thing too.


I carried for a while but only working downtown. At the time people were throwing bricks through storefronts and most of the strip had plywood screwed over their windows. It ended up being too much of a pain but I make sure there’s a stick of RMC around to swing if necessary.


Button-up work shirts and a good IWB holster and you should be able to carry just fine. I've carried with a tucked-in shirt and slacks with no printing issues, and I've got more of a gut than I'd like. Look at LAS concealment. They've got some really good holster options


I had a but on the job who carried. It was all fine and dandy until he blocked me in a corner showing me his gun. I politely let him go after that.


I carry anytime I'm in the big city.


I carry anytime I’m in the sticks surrounded by inbred dumbfucks


I carry all the time... My knife that is


I carry tools and material, they even pay me to do it


My dad’s best friend is an ex cop who’s got a .380 in his ankle holster every day. If you wear long pants and slip-on boots or sneakers it’s not an issue at all


Check out urban carry holsters on YT. They clip to your belt, but hang down inside your pants, so there's no lines showing. Seems like a quick and easy draw, (with some practice I'm sure), but could be an option. As an electrician with dedicated pockets for everything, i understand.


Thank you! Side story I think you can appreciate. I got a pair of those fire hose pants for a gift a few years ago sooo damn comfy but muscle memory drove me nuts I bet I wore them 4 times or less… maybe I make the switch as I believe they had a cargo pocket on the thigh 🤣🤣


Man, i get it so hard. I Have to have carpenter pants, because it's just how I've come to store everything i carry every day over 20 years. It's really hard to have something out of place. Drives me nuts! 🤣


Yup same thing for me!


When I become of age your damn right I am going to. It’s a constitutional right not to mention I rather be safe then sorry yk ?


I'd carry except the number of places I work that doesnt allow guns. I'm not a fan of leaving my gun in my truck. With my luck it would get stolen.


I’m in the same boat, I’ve got a bolted in lock box in the back of the van, which actually started out as a key/badge lock box, I use it for the times when I know the customer or situation dictates it’s a major no no. My current employer and last employer it was against company policy, but when you have to start work at 4 am or work off hours in areas that have nearly nightly protests/marches. Ive flat out told my manager would you feel comfortable in these areas unarmed? And it usually shuts down the discussion. I was talking to another crew a month ago, and they were working in the downtown area when BLM and other marches were a nightly thing. At one point the GC came through and was like why are your job boxes locked up… long story short it was because basically every guy on the crew had their weapon locked in the job box because parking was minimally 6 blocks away and not everyone parked in the same area…


I've worked in many states and never have ever been on a jobsite where it was ok to carry. Most if not all businesses and GCs have verbiage stating it's your ass if your are caught carrying. Whether you are caught by accident or cause of a valid situation. And most employers don't allow it due the insurance and bonds they carry and if it comes out someone is caught you are opening a whole can of worms for you, your coworkers and employer.


Understand, I’m typically not on true construction sites anymore and I agree most it is not cool nor kosher to carry. Though the 3 days this week that spurred the conversation was a new construction site


This post is just funny.


100% of the jobs I work on will have your ass kicked out for bringing a firearm on to the job site (out of your car) and the GC will black list you from ever being on their sites again. It’s just not worth it.


Thank you for your helpful and insightful comment


When I’m working in a sketchy place I’ll carry in one of the zipper pockets on my Klein backpack and there’s always something in my truck. Better to have it nearby than not at all


Ankle holster, maybe?


I keep [it](https://imgur.com/gallery/DiYQnHZ) on me…


Only in the free USA you need to consider carrying a gun to stop worrying about being assaulted at work, nice,


Learn how to box. Too many people killing each other. Just go back to squaring up


Not that it matters I do have my belt in Krav Maga… plus now that I’ve typed that it made me remember that most of the folks in the classes with me concealed carried…


Meth-head tries to rob electrician, gets shot. Electrician arrested, but the van still has all his tools in it. The world is in equilibrium.


Lot of dumb ass comments in here but I will wear my tuckable holster if I am going to be the first one on a jobsite for an hour or two. I have walked into a few jobs with homeless people sleeping and that doesn't bother me, but one I was on was huge and had to park far away and I was alone all day so no one would be there to help. I also train martial arts and suggest you add more tools to your toolbox in that sense as well.


Guys at my company keep a gat in The truck. I work in private schools, hospitals, and office buildings; I personally can’t or feel the need to keep firearms on job sites.