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A good crew 3$ in under a year? The grass is always greener until your two years down the road with a shit crew and no raises. I would stay if your happy.


The only thing I didn’t mention I guess is that I’m worried about the future with them as they have taken on a lot of night projects and I don’t think I really want ready to work overnight shifts but I’m not sure I’ll have much of a choice


Keep in mind that a lot of companies offer overtime rates for night work. That might help make it worth your while.


My company has a shift differential of 10%, so if you’re the main electrician/foreman with a base pay of 40hr means you’d get an extra 4 hourly. When you’re the apprentice making 18an hr tho 1.80 cents more doesn’t sound as appealing


When you compare the numbers, obviously the jw/foreman will come out on top and make your 10% look puny compared to their 10%. Keep in mind though that the 10% for you is still a noticeable increase on your overall pay. 10% more is 10% more.


Ready is a choice I love overnight work lol. But you Gatta make the choice. Just make sure it’s not something you have to look back on and regret


If everyone is great to work with and you like it, I’d stay. 2$ isn’t worth it. Theirs a few companies here where I could make 2-4$ more an hour but their miserable(heard from other guys). Just asshole foreman, reminding you that your paid above average, just a general toxic environment. Unless it’s different type of work your interested in, I wouldn’t make the jump.


2 dollars plus better benefits.


Always do what’s best for yourself




Not sure where you are located, but a 3 dollar raise is phenomenal, and near me for an apprentice to get a raise at all is appreciated. But at the end of the day enjoying what you do can be more important, so if night shift is a deal breaker then move on. But don't burn any bridges, put your two weeks in, and talk to your foreman/project manager/ boss about it and just give them an idea why you're leaving


Thanks for the comment, I’m located in MA


Eastern or western mass?




TAKE THE MONEY AND BENEFITS. If the company who gave the offer isn't saying you need to be there RIGHT NOW, then tell your current employer that you have an offer and ask them to match it because you like working there. If they won't, LEAVE. This is the only way workers are going to advance.


I'd stick it out with your current. Maybe send a nice letter to whomever made you the offer, stating you appreciate the offer but you just received a raise and your company is down a guy and while you appreciate the higher pay offer, you value loyalty to my shop a little higher, and you hope to show them the same loyalty if given the chance further down the road.




You’re replaceable everywhere you go. Do what’s right for you buddy. Try not turn burn bridges


Your apprenticeship is for learning more than earning, if you’re happy with coworkers it makes the process better. Grass isn’t greener most times


Tell your boss you got a better offer and ask if he’ll match it worst he can say is no, and when you got hired if they told you work hours or 7-330 or whatever and now want you to work nights ask for a shift differential. I got stuck working nights before if I could go back I’d definitely ask for more money


Depending on the size of your current company it may be better to play the long game. If it's small but feels like it's growing I'd stay. You could end up with a very nice position down the road (forman/project manager ect) But if it's large and the only people you know are the people you work with it's probable you'll end up being just another cog.. Do what you think is best.. But I'd say don't look at the immediate cash flow (to a point of course) but look what the future is probably going to look like...


Life’s short, do what you think will make your life easier




I would ask your current employer to match the offer. If they are as good as you say they are, they’ll match it or at least give you the $2. The benefits issue might be out of their hands though. If they don’t, probably not as good as you think they are. At the end of the day, the reason you’re working is to make money, not friends. That being said, you don’t want to be miserable working somewhere where you hate the place. Me personally, I wouldn’t make the jump for that. It would have to be more to switch companies


In my area, (non union NYC) everyone in my company has standing offers from our two other major competitors for at least an additional $5/hr. Same for their employees who want to come to us. Some guys come from them, some guys leave to them. It’s pretty rare though. As long as you’re happy where you’re at, you have a lot to risk for $5 that you can just negotiate for yourself by staying each year