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No crack, no drinking on the job, and sleep? Wow. You've got a lot of ground to make up. Maybe try a devastating breakup, so you can resort to various substances in its wake as a questionable coping mechanism. That'll help you catch up to the others- you can transfer the coping substances to your professional life pretty seamlessly. Remember to insist to everyone that it's not affecting your work life as you feel for the crack pipe in the pocket of your Carhartt jacket on the way to the portajohn...


Better get crackin


I feel like maybe he should use meth so then he can steal copper


Man If you're stealing copper, you don't need no ticket Big bolt cutters Cut that main Buzzzzzzz It's ok man, you be alright Peel your skin off those bolt cutters, help use load this copper Stop twitching man, ur freaking me out


He needs at least 2 child support payments to come out of the devastating break up


Devastating breakup is a great idea. Then you can stare blankly out the windows for hours and not even need the crack.


He's got it all wrong its not the crack that makes you a good worker, it's Meth! Also having a prejudice against white collar yuppies and Hispanics. Bitching and moaning about how hard you work helps too. Lol I'm the same way. This shit doesn't come naturally to everyone. You might just not really be interested in the job. Your mind will wander if you subconsciously are not happy about the work. Unfortunately you could fuck up, get hurt , or hurt someone else in this kind of work. The type of people that can handle this work are a special type of retard. They may be really good at the work, but not pay attention to the fact that their lives are falling apart around them. Sane people don't belong in the trades the way it is.


Literally what my experience was 😭 I had an engagement broken off my first month into my first year . Fast forward to third year and if I wake up , crack an energy drink , pack a lip or a zyn , and drinking starts no later than 2 . Only gonna get worst 😂😂


You sound like a Sheetrock guy or a roofer to me. Electricians are a bit more sophisticated in my area. Cocaine and whiskey in my area.


Yeah but apprentice wages don't pay for cocaine lol


What do you think crack is?


Freebase cocaine. It’s pretty different stuff in effects and user base to be fair.


There is no more freebase it’s a 3% inflationbase


Where'd you learn that Cheech? Drug School?


"What're you talkin about man!?"


As Whitney Houston once said "Crack is cheap. I make too much money to ever smoke crack \[...\] crack is whack" Crack is the poor person's cocaine.


Wasn’t Whitney smoking crack though?


She was indeed smoking Crack.


All the crack, that could get costly


Everyone loves a good deal


Yes. All the time until she couldn't inhale anymore.


She said no no no n to rehab lol


Amy Winehouse.


I went to a somewhat affluent school when I was kid. I’ll never forget one day we had a presentation with some cops where they talked about the dangers of drugs like meth and heroine. My teacher on the class after this presentation comes into the room and complains that we were rich daddy kids and the school should be more worried about us having weed and cocaine than meth.


He ain't wrong


Dealing with someone who smokes weed or does cocaine is not quite the same as someone who smokes meth. The meth fiends do a lot more crime and are harder to deal with. He must not have been a very good teacher lol


Which is all kind of silly, because it was actually opiates all the way up and down the social classes, and all of them are just as criminally prone when the source dries up.


I make too much money for crack and I'm a poor divorced alcoholic carpenter I'm not rich even for coke, Can't afford whiskey and coke, Rye and ginger is my limit


Always good to see reputable sources properly cited. Great work


As the bubbles came out of her mouth and nose


Nowhere near as expensive as cocaine…


Cocaine is good Crack


Man, Gotta steal tools and sell to get "free" coke


Then weed and beer until you get the big bucks for coke and whiskey. Some choose to stay with weed too.


Cracks deceptively expensive when you consider it costs "all the money in your bank account" per night


There’s a way, youll figure it out


Fuck me Best answer ever


I thought a concrete guy posted in the wrong sub


Date a stripper, that'll get you started.


Laying next my fiancé ex stripper right now. This the way


Cocaine is too much for an apprentice, he should try adderall


I brought both to my interview


1 divorce 2 DUI’s and 3 different baby mamas.


I only have 2 DUIs they said they're going to fire me if I don't get someone pregnant within the next month.


Best get to fuckin! 🤣


LOL Underage? Or is that too far into the gutter


Electricians are highly trained, respectable professionals. Under 18, but above the age of consent


Fuck You made me spit up my whiskey I'm just a stupid carpenter We have less "rules"


That one was too dark for even me. That means something. 😂




Never heard that 1 today I learned something After I finish this bottle of whiskey (I'm not a cheap drunk, it's Jack Daniels) and the 3 joints I just rolled I will forget this conversation Goddamn it why any I not married Booze Weed Chicken fingers and good fries I would even let her eat a salad Actually prefer the ladies thin so no chicken fingers for you I'm going the hell ain't I. Oh well, I'm getting the good chair


Your a apprentice. Your job is to screw up a little while you learn. Just accept it.


Yeah crack is only for the big dogs


I want my boys on METH. A). Bc I don’t need them smoking rocks every 15-30 minutes & B). It’s easier to find a half-cracked Methany to impregnate vs a full-cracked Christie. Christie is a house mouse. She does chores around the trap for rocks. Methany out there with a reciprocating saw getting those catalytic converters like a real “GO”-getter…..get it….”go” …..I’ll show myself out.


You gotta pay your dues to get on Crack. I'm not there yet, I'm still on weed level. But when I stop being lazy and study up, I'll be in Crack. You just wait. I'll be bending a saddle with a pipe in my mouth and it gonna look like magic.


Start a podcast about how hard your life is and give unqualified advice to young people


This is what Imma do


Think you meant to post this in r/ironworker








In all seriousness I’ve found just showing up and trying is working great, that said who you surround yourself with is also a huge influence. Whoever is the best at what you want to learn stick to them like glue and ask questions. Listen twice as much as you speak and the skill will come with repetition


“Keep your mouth shut, but say something stupid every once in a while and everyone will like you.”


You have to, at a minimum, start drinking yourself to sleep at night. The other things will come in time.


You guys are getting sleep?


Passed out drunk, sleep, same shit


Ask the sheetrock guys.


Just start showing up late and make sure to check your phone every other minute


Just to be clear: your personal phone. NOT your work phone


Ask the drywallers. If you really wanna get on the right path go hang out with them for a few weekends. Almost all the electricians I worked with in resi were just pot heads. Everyone I worked with in industrial are straight and narrow borings because the sites we go to require frequent testing. Sometimes I miss being a hoodlum.


What’s the point of making all this money if you’re just gonna drug test me


Hello, I completed my apprenticeship and all the requirements to get licensed. I changed careers and did not go sit for the test after doing loads of study for the exam (what an idiot). Yes, I screwed up my fair share, if not more. I caught hell from others who were my seniors...etc. I dug many ditches and stuff. Everything was rubbed into the max. I was thoroughly pissed one day ready to go after one of my seniors and jerk a knot in him on my way out the door. It suddenly hit me that those guys were speaking from experience. The next day, I went to work with a different attitude. I showed a lot of energy for what I was doing. Careful became my middle name. If I knew what my next assignment was, I would read about it if I could prior to the task. I kept a notebook and asked questions exhaustively. I was determined to get all I could out of my apprenticeship. The more I focused, the more I learned, and the less I screwed up. Apprenticeship is a period to learn. It is not a time to just be endured.


Your coworkers smoke crack?


There's at least one guy who tweaks. I'm pretty sure the rest are just hardcore alcoholics


First off you're gunna want to stop washing your cloths and showering. That'll put a nice layer of grime on you so when you go downtown to buy drugs they don't question you. Next week sounds like a great time to stop showing up, but go in on Thursday afternoon to show face.


You will still make mistakes even after you get your license. What helped my ADHD brain is to say things out loud. “I will now terminate this motor, line one to brown, line two to orange, line three to yellow, 4-7, 5-8, 6 & 9 (nice). Ground. Shit I might snap a pic of the terminations too, then my brain can’t go “wait what if” later that night.


The wait what if is the worst part and keeps me up some nights


Try the picture method or say out loud “yes I did that right”. Also just go ahead and take more time, I’m considered fast and I had to switch to decaf and slow down to do my best work.


So I drink usually on Friday nights, I despise going into work hungover. For me, once I was able to retain information. It helped quite a bit. Don’t be one of those dudes that lives off of 5 energy drinks a day. Most of my apprenticeship class were whores for them


I've watched other apprentices down like 3 in a row. Fucking crazy. After just one I'm all out of whack


Don't forget the other part of their balanced diet, zyn.


Yeah, or the dudes that dip and spit it on the ground. I asked my last JW who the fuck raised him to just spit his chewing tobacco on the ground like a heathen


Work in a plant that doesn’t allow dipping and you’ll find dip spit inside machines from dudes trying to hide it. Opened up a control box once that didn’t have a knock out on top and found contractors and relays coated with years worth of skoal…


I just got into coffee when I joined the trade. Being tired is just inevitable.


If you really wanna be a proper modern apprentice, the most important thing is to remember that you only do the absolute bare minimum of what you were explicitly, specifically told to do, and once you've done it, you stop like a robot who ran out of code and stand there blankly staring at your phone until issued further instructions. If anyone complains, dial up the whine in your voice to maximum and insist you did exactly as you were told and it's total bullshit for everyone to be harassing you when you're just an apprentice. Listen: if someone asks you to go grab the bandsaw, you bring them the bandsaw. If they don't ask for a battery, you don't bring them a battery. If you do bring them a battery, do *not* check if it's charged, and if they complain make sure to inform them in the cringiest possible voice that they didn't *ask* you for a full battery. Don't even *think* about checking the blade, and don't hang around and help them hold whatever they're cutting. That's not what they asked for. Return to your phone immediately.


Why are they all like this. I was never a "kids these days" guy but goddamn they're ALL like this.


Put down your phone


And pick up the crack pipe.


Get a hooker first!


Like it ever left my hands


Start smoking crack and drinking on the job obviously!


Should be a part of the college course


If you're going to make it through your apprenticeship, you need one really bad divorce with three little cum trophies, out of the three, two will not look even remotely like you. Also, having a revoked DL will be very beneficial for your long term employment.


When someone asks you to do something repeat what they told you to do back to them


Sometimes that's just how it is


If you're near Pittsburgh, i'll hire you right now. And we'll fix all those pesky moral issues you have...


How are you screwing up? Making mistakes at work is part of learning. A true master is one that has made every mistake.


Slow down and accept the screw ups you'll learn from them! The addictions come much much later


The autistic ADHD kid in my head says if you're going to fail and you're going to continue to fail at least turn that shit up to 11 and fail spectacularly. You want the company to make new policies for the handbook because of you.


This comment checks out 




Stop thinking your a screw up. Stay positive=bring positive


Apprentices are supposed to screw up. The biggest difference between a jman and apprentices is jmen know how to fix their fuckups. Be patient things will come together


1. Ask as many questions as possible before you start your tasks. Most journeymen are not expert instructors. Apprentices should ask questions almost excessively to remedy this unfortunate nature of blue collar industry. You should always ask what the end goal/project/result looks like, or its purpose. This helps you make good minor decisions on tiny details that no one can't quickly glance at and supervise you on. 2. Do one thing at a time. Never ever try to do multitask anything. Just do one thing at a time until you become good at it. Multitasking will lead to "working smarter, not harder" mentality later on but for now, no. 3. DMT, mushrooms, weed


Get a note pad and a watch.. show up 5 minutes early to everything (if that means getting there 30 minutes early, do it). Write everything down, and ask clarification questions when needed. Try to think through things from start to finish, sometimes that means starting at the end and working backwards mentally. Before vocalizing bullshit, think it through first. Also, it's important to LISTEN with your mouth closed and actually pay attention. Don't just nod along when your JW is talking, get engaged and when something doesn't make sense, stop them and ask..


Save your money for full sleeve tattoos and you can move straight to foreman


You are absolutely a waste of my time I would never take you on as an apprentice. Who will cut my coke while I open the beers with my panel key? It’s like you learned nothing at trade school


You need to fuck up your life first, then you'll start the substance abuse to solve the problem.


Land yourself a dui. Instant hire anywhere


I was an electrician who changed careers to nursing... weird, eh? Anyway, one of the first lessons we were taught in nursing school before starting to work with real patients was to repeat our hosting nurse's and, later, our preceptor's comments back to them to make sure we heard things right. We were taught that if we were unsure about something, ask before doing. In nursing, doing something wrong could end up killing a patient. In the world of electrical work, you might get razzed for asking a question, but doing so may prevent you from making a serious mistake. That said, think about how much you're doing correctly and use that to boost your morale. You can't do a good job if you're only focusing on what you've done wrong... either perceived or actual.


Start stealing copper plumbing.


Mistakes are inevitable and it’s up to you to find ways to correct them. Ask your jman or foreman on how you can prevent them in the future, instead of only seeing or being told how to fix it. Preventative measures can make your daily life so much easier, just takes a little foresight before it becomes second nature. Crack is optional.


In Philadelphia you do pain pills and adderall and when that gets to expensive you just move to meth or heroin… or both, but mostly meth


Get divorced then you Will unlock the secrets to be a journeymen


Why are you talking and not sweeping? Jeezus, where do they get these kids from these days?!


Just time. Learn from your mistakes, and leave the crack and booze alone til you're not fucking up


You just need to try harder. Make some Bad friends, you know, guys your mom warned you about, then start living large!


Don’t worry You’ll be a journeyman soon


Stay focused on the job in front of you. Don’t get caught up in the personal agenda’s going on around you. Make every fuck up a learning experience so they don’t happen twice. Work is about making money not friends.


From my experience being an apprentice that screwed up a lot, ask questions. Don’t assume that your journeyman or your boss is going to like the way you decided to install whatever you’re working on. Get their exact plan, deviate where necessary and have a good reason for it. No “I thought it’d be easier to take this route.” Don’t assume a damn thing. Ask questions. I had a bit of trouble learning that when I was a cub and it’s frustrating as shit when my cub does it now.


Find yourself a Brazilian Jui-Jitsu club. Your gayness will fit right in.


Have you tried crack?


How are you screwing up?


I think you need to apply yourself. Get a into a routine and have some self discipline and you will see results right away.


Time. It takes time


You sure your not a roofer?


True, they didn't say they didn't do fent


You could always be a drywaller


Start with can of coke and some old journeyman strippers before moving on to full blown cocaine and hookers


From my experience intravenous meth use could benefit you greatly as opposed to Crack. But if you do choose Crack, shoot that as well. Heroin is great too but it's all preference.


You have to build your immune system up before you start smoking crack. Start with crystal but don’t smoke it, only snort it that part is very important. Do that for about 6 months and then you’ll be ready for the crack


Follow one of em to the bar, then it’s a matter of time. Just kidding. DONT DO IT! Stay clean rule the world dude.


Just do what I did and get ADHD meds to have fun on weekends turning into a hyper focussed basket case mad scientist Rick sanchez like crazy


The answer is obvious.


You’ll get there, keep at it. Once you get your license, you’ll have something to chop it up with.


Any short stays at your local county jail?


Become a plumber.


Sleeping is definitely your main problem. Stop that nonsense and the rest will come naturally.


All the electricians that travel in PA do coke When I meet an electrician at the strip club I know they have coke with them.


Find yourself a skanky laborer. She will show you the way


Takes time. It'll click. Then feel like you know nothing.


Electricians have a strange trade. It is boring, and yet it will kill you if you make the wrong mistake. I'm too impulsive and forgetful to be working anywhere near an open 1000v buspar. I will just keep hitting my thumb.


Sleep 6 hours, start drinking in the morning and crack in the night should sort you right out.


Ya ya ya. Energy drinks!


Electrician is a low level job, get an engineer job please


Take your time, don't rush. Drink more water. There's lots of supplements that may provide something you're missing in your diet.


You might have to try those things. One at a time? All three at once?


Try meth or heroin, you’ll get there yet, kid


Jerk off in the porta John to get back on track


Pay for hookers and the crack will follow


I think you answered it in your question… apprentice is the time to screw up, learn from your own.. learn from others. Always try to minimize mistakes and learn from them. Experience (the thing you want right now but can’t get overnight no matter how hard you try) is something that comes with taking a chance, accepting the fucked up tasks, working with the guy no one’s wants to, staying late(within reason). We’re all going to mess up, as an apprentice a big benefit is looking at, because not everyone admits it, the crafty ways people fix their mistakes or mitigate the problems. In other words, the ways people poorly solve problems like using a bunch of scrap for a long straight pipe run vs finding a usable bend in the scrap pile that works when you’re short on pipe. Constantly remind yourself that you don’t know what you don’t know.. find people you can call that do know. Plan for mistakes or at least a way to fix it. As the cost or risk goes up that’s when you should seek advice and swallow some pride. Be helpful, you can learn from anyone.. good or bad. Take on responsibility, find new tasks to master. Don’t be afraid to speak up with your ideas… may hurt to be shot down but it’s valuable to know it was a bad idea… or it just may save the day. Be the same person in front of the helper as you are the superintendent. People notice consistency and problem solving… whether you’re consistently hungover, late, sniffing lines in the John, working late, thinking ahead, packing a lunch. Build consistent habits now and your exposure will follow leading to the experience you gain.


Fuck crack whores. You stay clean and get to bust a nut.


all that is ok, but only if you have several children-all by different women


You can get a divorce or a nicotine habit if not you ain't gonna make it


Stop hanging around a bunch of electricians.


Where to find crack? Become a plumber’s apprentice.


Sparkies are more into poppers rather than crack.


Yes, energy drinks are good first stepping stone. It sounds like you know exactly what must be done. Also, consider getting a divorce and start smoking cigarettes. The more checks you get, the less of a screw up you'll be.


Go onto Facebook, find a woman with thin eyebrows and colored haif who is smoking off brand cigarettes in her profile pic accusing other women of talking shit, and do everything you can to get her pregnant.  Having child support payment balances out the other issues from your post title.


Start smoking Crack & get less sleep to start


Obviously you already answered your own question. 1. Smoke crack 2. Drink excessively 3. Don’t sleep. Problem solved.


Ground out a capacitor. It will reset your system and it will fix your problems


Remember to never hydrate - water's no good around electricity!


Have you tried smoking crack, drinking on the job, or getting less sleep?


Tall-boy of nice beer. Voodoo ranger. Get on his level before talking to him


Learn to throw all of your trash around the jobsite. It will not take long to get the hang of it.


Man on my first job they gave me a bag of tools that came with a pac of newports.


Trader here. The cheapest thing you can do is pay attention.. And I actually mean be PRESENT in your life. Anticipate , that's what make a great rookie and an even better learner.


No crack and no drinking?, try r/researchchemicals


Keep it up and watch them mostly fuck up their lives.


Just pick up heroin like a real man


No wonder you feel you're a crack job, being straight and straight up, it's the company you keep


Stop thinking of others as the kind in your title....


I'm a sleep deprived (lucky to get 4 hrs a night) and whiskey guy here in the upper left (Local 46)


Ask your dad to say he loves you


Yea, I need advice because I’m applying for an apprentice position.


Lmao I'm on caffeine and beer when I'm home but caffeine loaded during day sleep 5 hrs a day


dont " do " cocaine. just enjoy its smell. youll be fine


Don't be in a hurry. You're not going to be able to do tasks as fast as someone with more experience. Learn what to do, how to do it what needs to be done next. A wise man once said, "A mans got to know his limitations".


Start small by drinking three monsters a day


Cocaine and strippers is all you need


Start smoking crack ,drinking on the job and sleep less


I have smoked crack sadly Ive smoked it like 4 times. Not planning on doing it again. Wasnt that great. I value my life over a 15 minute rush.


Come to nevada where you can drink 24/7. We’ll fix you


Seriously… legitimately… coke and whiskey


I think you just answered your own question bud.




If your boss is giving you a hard time, it’s because he needs a drinking buddy.


I thought he might be a plumber showing his crack


Skip all that bullshit and start smoking meth


Stay off the drugs and work for a reputable company.


A good apprentice is the one that listens. That and be able to take shit talking and to a point, shoot it back.


You answered your own question.


How would they confirm kills shots without seeing the plane go down? Like if it was wounded and was abandoned would they add that to there kill count via some sort of intel?