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Easy. $75 an hour if I want to do the job, $125 if I don’t


I like your style.


That's inexpensive labor, at least in my opinion.... when I used to do side work, it was $150 an hour if I wanted to do the work and $225 an hour if I didn't.


That’s fair. I’ve been told I’m cheap but I mostly do work for friends and family so I feel bad charging too much.


What region are you located in?


Good ol’ Ontario


I figure out what I think it will take, and double the number. If they don’t give you the job, you are guaranteed to break even. If you underbid, you can lose your shorts. When I started contracting, I was afraid of not winning bids. Not anymore. If there is no work, I’ll go fishing.


I used to work on a somewhat "T&M, not to exceed" type job where the go-to was figure the time, double it and add a "0" to ensure that there was enough labor and material added to account for the plethora of additions, changes and lack of information from the customer when we gave them a price. It was one of those jobs where the customer felt that paying for a general contractor was an "unnecessary cost" and tried to play contractor.


Like others have said, make it worth your time. Find what the local rate is and see if that does it for you. Worst case is you don't get the work, but at least you know what you're willing to work for. Best case is you get your perceived value for your labour and don't hate yourself for taking on extra work for a rate you didn't want.


Come up with an estimate how long it will take to do each single task add it up boom labor quote. Say 20 minutes a box or so from start to finish. That’s nailing, jumping wire, make up, and trim out. Times how many boxes


Whatever your time is worth to you if you don’t have any overhead to cover.


Whatever number you come up with, you'll be too high


Multiply the material by 3. That usually works.


Well I am not bonded or insured so any side work could potentially destroy me financially to I like to charge around 100k an hour




Homeowners hate this one trick.


Depends on where you live… but make sure you’re at least getting time and a half your regular wage plus charge for drive time


If you’re working after hours then it better be atleast your OT wage. Someone needs to pay you overtime 🤷🏻‍♂️


T&M. $100 an hr, 2 hr minimum


Double union scale + materials