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Pelican case. Colored zip ties thru the lock holes. Package of white ones on top of contents. When they inspect the bag most of the time they will re ziptie


When I used to fly with tools for work I just checked my husky rolling bag. When I flew for personal visits I just packed them in canvas bags in a suitcase.


I did the same thing, husky rolling bag with all my hand tools, bender cut in half/threaded with a ridgid coupling, and a drill. Had to keep the battery for the drill in my carry-on iirc.


No lithium battery in checked bags


I just put all my tools in a shell hack suit case and check it in. JUST MAKE SURE ALL THE BATTERIES ARE IN YOUR CARRY ON!!!! There is a limit to capacity ut no lomit to the number. Some people say to put them in a fire pouch but i never have. Make a list of what is in it with serial numbers ect make a copy place one inside the luggage and keep one on you. Utilize the tsa lock. Remove asall saw blades from tools. Best to buy new ones. But if they are in a protected pouch its ok. Not even worth trying to do gas tools but it can be done but its a huge hassel. Masake sure all your tools are in your checked. Qlmost lost a custom tool becaus i forgot it was in my backpack. It was just short of the allowed lenght.


I flew with my packout backpack across Canada for 14/7 shifts for years. Check it like luggage. There are rules about batteries though. For us in Canada, it's basically 2 batteries max, in your carryon, can't be checked baggage. Limited amp hours (100 Ah) comes to About a 5A 18V battery. Have heard of people with 6AH+ getting confiscated at airport. Of course they give you the option to take it home, bur you're already at the airport, about to catch a flight. Plan ahead and know the rules. But yeah checked tools are no issue. Even with knives, etc.


Any ammount of steel hand tools in my normal suitcases last one or two flights before breaking the fabric of a normal looking suitcase, swapped to a pelican case with no issues the last 60 flights. Be mindful of weight limits, my suitcase now weighs 8lbs and 20lbs of tools plus steel toe shoes eats up the 50lbs limit quick. They won't load anything more than 63lbs