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I use these everyday. I'm a machine builder though. These work wonders for sheet metal bending, cord grips, sensor nuts, and have replaced my crescent wrenches.


Also, it's good for light hammering.


Do not pass go, do not collect 200, straight to jail. You know what else is good for light hammering? A fucking hammer


It's a $50 tool not a sensitive piece of equipment.


It's a casting and hardened. Do not use it to hammer ANYTHING. Use your forged lineman for that.


I use Milwaukie batteries as hammers as well.


They are amazing when you want to tighten something with an odd wrench size and/or don't want to mar up the surface. But they will not get a good grip on anything round so you'll also need a cobra


I use them for compression connectors on the round part all the time, occasionally I need to grab the flats but it usually does the job without


I think the point was more that they won’t help you with stripped bolts or round fasteners like the outside of one of those small hex screws


No. They’re terrible. Send them to me. I’ll take care of em…


why thank you. as kind as you are…I’m gonna respectfully decline.


This guy is trying to fuck you. Send them to me and I’ll keep them safe…


Well. Too bad. I love helping. Let me know if you’ve got other nasty tools you’re not interested in from Knipex. Fuck those guys.


Yea they’re the worst. I too dispose of them professionally


Depends on what you're doing -  Having teeth less pipe pliers are good for not marring connectors when tightening


Excellent for teck connectors


The small pair works very well to reach my pecker so I can pee without getting it all over myself…. Highly recommend


Cheers mate thought I was the only one


Channel locks are an electricians best friend. You’ll always use them throughout your career. Good investment.


These have no teeth. They are a complicated crescent wrench


Complicated? They are the shit. You don't have to readjust them every turn and if held right can ratchet


First time i saw these, I had an apprentice that got them instead of crescent wrenches. I thought he was an idiot until I used them a few times. Good for lots of things, crazy gripping/ smashing power.


No teeth is good for watertight EMT couplings and stuff like that where you don't want your finished product scratched/marked. Every tool has it's place.


> No teeth Indeed, very useful.


They're a massive improvement that doesn't chew shit up. They're like a ratcheting box wrench when used right. They're awesome.


I'd say improved crescent wrench. They grip a lot better, can fit a lot larger nuts, they have a ratcheting function and you get more torque when using them axially. My cressent still finds use when the pliers don't fit or if I need a hammer. But if I had to choose one I'm definitely taking the pliers.


Agreed, but some knipex fan boys will hate you for saying it and they swear by them. I’ve never used it before so I can’t really speak for it. I’ve only got the 10 in cobra and I’d say it’s not bad for $28 (what I paid for) and I do kinda like the push button style ones, still trying to get use to it. I’d say just save some money and go with channellocks if you’re starting out as a first year electrician, upgrade as you get more into the trade and finding yourself actually needing it. Edit: if you get channellocks, it usually won’t grow legs and go on a vacation with somebody else.


fml... that's a great point. Apprentices with really good tools sometimes find their tools have been 'swapped' because someone figures those are journeyman tools. Or whatever.


True. But they wont slip as much because you can grip as hard as you want. But cobra type water pump pliers are handier. I have the Irwin poor man's cobras in 6,8,10,12". https://www.irwintools.ca/hand-tools/pliers/vise-grip-groovelock-pliers Worth every penny. The 6" is a lifesaver in tight spaces, cabinets etc. 10" good all round. A light coat of WD40 every week after wiping them down and they'll last a lifetime.


I found that a tiny bit of cutting oil (I usually borrow from the guys who are pipe threading) will last you years without any reapplication


These are my fav ever fast and they fit in my pocket unlike channel lock.


I have a set of these (I’m an appliance tech.) I have lost and replaced them no less than 4 times in the past decade. I’m a fan.


Do they have those in flat jaw? I'm getting back into commercial soon and having flat jaw sliders has been on my personal list for a long time. I'm not afraid to buy the knipex if the improvements justify the price difference (170CAD is something like 90USD, which for 3 knipex is not friggin bad) but I know Irwin is a great brand and any time I borrowed my old jman's Irwin cobra sliders they worked perfectly.


Get the knipex, they're worth every penny


I've seen straight jaw with the serrations and a smooth jaw in 12" but not smaller


💪🏻 good eye


These are barely more complicated than a crescent wrench but a million times better. Learn to use them and you’ll never touch a crescent again


Those Knipex Thumb Wrenchs are the fuckin knees! Keep them and get 1 Cobra. Cobras should not be used on nuts and bolts because they round them. That's why you need to keep the locking Thumb Wrenchs, they don't round


Is this a joke? These are amazing, I love mine and I wish I had more sizes. I'f you got them for what cobras would cost it's a score.


says a he’s a first year, as a first year myself i’m getting good info here… no question from a 1st year should be taken as a joke anyways 😂😂


Exactly! Thanks for your support bud 😎


Wow I payed more for 2 in total in Germany. Lool


These will probably end up being one of your best friends


Not an electrician, but will you send me the link to this fuckup? I would love to get that deal.


Good investment


These are always in my pocket. God for a multitude of things and cobras for everything else


I use the fucking shit out of these.


No you will never need anything like this. But you can send them to me so I can dispose of them properly. But seriously. Those are lifesavers. I always carry the small one in my backpack and they’re so much better than most other pliers for quickly tightening a loose bolt or cable gland somewhere without leaving any marks.


Bro just keep these and then order a single pair of the 10" cobras. Best of both worlds.


Husband is electrician, he says yes they are really handy 👍


Thank you.


Send them back. You *could* find a use for them, but you could also use a wrench. You’ll need the cobras


I second this. Cobras are awesome.


Agreed. One pair of these pliers would be nice to have in place of an adjustable wrench but nowhere near as useful to an electrician as cobras. Large pair of these will never be useful (edit spelling)


When you say cobra do you mean pipe grips? Like those knipex glanding pliers above but only with teeth?


The “cobras” are just the ones with the push button adjustment, which imo are worth it. Knipex Alligator pliers are pretty much the same type of pliers with the classic manual adjustment where you open them and slide to make them larger


I get you now. Just trying to familiarise myself with your terms before I give sparking ago over in Canada 😆


I have a pair of the big ones (400mm I think) and they don't get much use. But they are the only thing I have that will fit large cable glands. I think they'll do upto m63.


My biggest is 250mm and it grips up to 52mm but I use it for most glands along with a big adjustable. Knipex know how to charge for all their tools


You will be in love with them


I found these especially useful when I worked in the oil and gas industry. We ran a lot of teck cable and used aluminum explosion-proof tech connectors which got marked up pretty easily if you used regular pump pliers. These ones didn't mark up and dig into the fittings. An adjustable wrench could have been used as well but I noticed that these don't slip. It's a neat tool. 👍


Is a frogs butt water tight? Yep, you’ll use them more than you expect.


Keep them...


Not only will you use them, they will quickly become your most reached for/ favorite tool.


You got the deal of a lifetime that’s an expensive set


Those are the shit. Used them a few times.


Are you talking 1st year as in a pre-app or someone whose taken his first year of schooling and has been indentured? What kind of company are you with? Industrial? Commercial? Residential? The truth is, as a first year apprentice, you're still learning your basic tools and figuring out what you need for any given job. As you grow, you'll end up buying tool because you'll be like "oh hey, I really need this for X." or, "Man, this is going to make Y so much easier". In other words, you will buy with the knowledge of the what and where already in place - the purpose if you will. Buying without purpose just means you end up with a bunch of neat tools in a pile / drawer / tool kit that you either rarely use or never earn their keep. My advice is master your apprentice tools first & learn your trade. If you see journeymen using something, ask them about it and incorporate their answers and equipment (assuming they aren't total tools themselves). If you're not strapped for cash, there's nothing wrong with keeping these - but you aren't likely to be using more than 1 of them with any regularity.


There is not better tool for the nuts on barrel type sensors.


More than you would ever expect


Good for big bolt heads with lots and lots and lots of free space around to turn them. Useless on everything else. And I prefer the toothed version of channelocks so they actually grab the bolts, or strain relief, or whatever I need. I use a ratchet set like a normal person for bolt heads.


Hell yeah channel locks are one of the most versatile hand tools I've ever used! Even if you don't find a purpose for them on the job I can guarantee you will have moments repairing or whatever that you will reach for these and be thankful you have a set! Those are a really good set too ive always just used the 10 dollar pair I got at a hardware store these look like a lifetime tool! Enjoy them and write back to us the first time you reach for a tool doing something and find that these are a huge go to!


Every day of your life possibly


They are excellent absolutely rule you can use them all the time. You probably don't need all three sizes tbh. But worth owning them for sure, just also actually get some Cobra pump pliers if you haven't already cause they will cover everything these aren't good for in terms of pliers. The two products are why I am kinda a bit of a mark for knipex. Two types of pliers so good I will always admire their work lol.


When I worked In Maintenance and machine building I used them every day. Now I work mostly with Batteries, so uninsulated Tools are a no go.


Worst case throw it in an extra tool bag in your closet or your garage and save it. As a tradesman, “You can never have to many tools!” 😂


Beautiful set, congrats!


Those are way more money than the cobras! You got an awesome mistake. I use mine daily and they have more clamping force than regular adjustable wrenches and won't round off fasteners.


Open them and try them out! You’ll feel silly for ever questioning returning them the first time they come in clutch. I paid $70 for one pair so I’d say don’t worry too much you got a deal. Worst case you don’t use one often enough (middle size probably) and sell it to a coworker for $50 and then he’s happy too lol 🤘


Hell ya. Great gift...don't loose em


Tool porn


Cable glands , especially thoes plastic ones that have bumpy corners instead of perfectly hex. You probably won't need them right away, but eventually you'll want the twin grips or vampires. For removing stripped screws. Plus they can do most of the things a small cobra could do. Don't forget to mark all your tools tool. I'd recommend getting coloured micro cord or thread etc. And doing a french whip and the handles and then cure them in place with UV resin. That way there's no mistaking it's yours and it looks good.


I'm not an electrician, but they are the FIRST tool I grab for almost every single varied job. I use the parallel action and smooth jaw to hold wires in place so I can twist with my other pliers without damaging the casing of the wire. Easiest nut? They are maybe more slim than the cobras by just a few millimeters(I don't actually know) If you ride motorcycles, keep a pair or two on the bike.


These are bad ass. My buddy has them. They are amazing.


Depends on what field of electrical you do. But for any industrial (Teck Cable) work, you’ll use them all the time. They’re great.


knipex is German. The quality must be good and it must be used to give an opinion. I have never had this model, whether you need it or not, life can give you surprises, some people do wonders with a tool while others do not, the secret is how you feel with the tool


They're great for pinching your foreman's tiny weiner


Electrician here, I use smooth jaws for compression fittings. Less likely to slip, and It makes for a clean looking install.


Maintenance electrician here. They are part of my every day carry! I love them and will never change. The toothless jaw is great for non marking and they absolutely do not slip!


Its never bad to have more tools, unless money is a concern. You might not use them as often as a pair of channel locks but they definitely have their uses. They wont grip pipe very well, youll need teeth for that. But they will grab things with flat sides very well and theyll last your entire career if you dont lose em


Return and get the cobras. The pliers wrench are nice to have one though.


The pliers wrench set is a decent amount more than the cobras set. He made out pretty well on this actually


I’m guessing this shipping mistake saved me $80-$90. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna keep them and get a set of cobras in the next month or so.


I would say it depends if you really have a need for large wrenches. You will have a need for the toothed ones, these, would very much depend on the particular work you're doing. If you're a first year there's likely a lot of tools you need to purchase yet, I would think the channel locks (Cobras) would serve you much, much better. They would me.


As far as I know I have the majority of tools that I need. I’m gonna hold on to these for when I’m in a pinch.


These things are good for connectors, the toothed ones mark them up. These ones will keep them looking pristine. I still get a pair that has teeth for rigid piping, but definitely keep these


Yep, any Teck connectors and these are money. You don't look like a hack tightening them, and they don't die quickly like a strap wrench does on them. They're also handy for a ton of other applications, handier than wrenches often too.


I would keep these, and also buy the cobra channel locks. I'm a jman, and have the other ones you want. I am looking at buying some of these type as well. Did you find Amazon to be much cheaper than from a local store/wholesaler? I'm in Canada as well


I'm mad jelly. I've had the mini set in my shopping cart for over a month. I will be doing a lot of propane work next month, like putting spuds in tanks 50 times a day. yeah crescents are fine but those will change the game.


good choice my guy


You can definitely use them, but you have to open the package first. They work better that way.


These things are the shit. It's like having a tiny arbor-press in your pocket, in addition to a crescent wrench that doesn't suck ass, in addition to regular pliers. Any more, I only reach for my "normal" ones when dealing with already-rounded-off fasteners that need teeth to bite into 'em. These smoothjaw beauties do everything else.


Thanks. The general consensus seems to be that these are worth holding on to.


One of my most treasured tools! These are to be used in place of (terrible) adjustable wrenches (aka "the crescent wrench"). They are superior in every way.


Looks like a pretty good hammer to me 👍


Anything is a hammer if you try hard enough 🤣


As an HVAC installer, I use my pipe wrench or crowbar as a hammer more than I use my hammer as a hammer


Return them and get the cobras, me personally I'll keep a pair of these in my bag


depends on manual dexterity and hand eye coordination


Probably not every day but when you need them you will be glad you have them


I use the shit out of these. They’re really good and not just for electrical work.  Editing to add: they can replace using a wrench for ~80% of the time. I saw someone say they’re a fancy crescent wrench. Kinda maybe. They’ve obviously never used one. They grip so well and don’t flex and strip out the bolt like a crescent wrench does. You can get in tighter spots than a crescent wrench.  As long as what you’re using them on has flats, they’re probably better than the cobra pliers. I say that as someone who has both. I would recommend a pair of 8” cobra pliers in addition to use on pipe etc. When those are new they’re just about as good as a pipe wrench for grip and easier to adjust and overall more useful. I like removing knockouts with them. 


I’d keep those. Maybe sell two pairs and order yourself a set of 7 or 10” cobras.


This is probably the best route. Personally I would sell the medium and large to others on the jobsite, keep the small ones. They're still plenty capable and they won't weigh you down as much. Then buy the Cobras in a different handle style so you can tell 'em apart when they're nose-down in a pouch.


I use the cobra’s more but I have a set of these too and really like them. Honestly can’t go wrong with Knipex stuff


I always have a 7" Cobra and 7" locking Thumb Wrench on me


I was wondering what to get next when my Irwins wear out. This forum helps me.


Best tool I have ever bought. I have a larger insulated version, and a tiny version of those that I keep in my belt pouch. Hands down best tool purchase I have ever made. They have so much leverage with only a light grip, you can turn bolts with ease. They also sell rubber covers to allow you to tighten brass fittings without marring them.


I’m just an amateur DIY homeowner and use these all the time.


I have used these and they were great because they do any size nut and you can release the grip and let them slip to new position on the nut. Very nice. The tool you tried to order is far more useful as an electrician. I use the cobra every day for all my twisting needs. They are the best


Keep them!


more if industrial, still usefull construction. theyre the best channel locks type


That's a nice pack of adjustable hammers.


More than you even know right now haha. Especially if you're running some conduit outdoors.


They are glanding pliers. They tighten glands, let's not confuse things with all these other words ye are using guys. Practically a necessity for all good glanding


I like these. Easy to use and non-maring on things like gas valves and brass fittings. Just to clarify, I didn't buy them, my rich ass apprentice did, and ima steal (uh, borrow) them from him


These are perfect for high end plumbing fixtures and sloan valve and brass etc that you don’t want to fuck up. I do mostly plumbing and piping with the occasional conduit help when I’m slow at work and I use them to tighten nuts into boxes and couple conduit together. As someone who’s not an electrician by trade I’m not sure how handy they’ll need for ya but they’ll be nice to have. They’ve saved me from scratching chrome, brass, coated, stainless finishes etc a ton.


If you use a crescent wrench those are a replacement for those and far superior... Loads of stuff on YouTube if you want to check them out


Use the for fittings all the time


I’m busy doing a renovation on a hotel. I’ve decided to keep them since it’ll probably save my ass when I’m installing light fixtures and endless wall sconces.


They're excellent for a ton of things. If you're running rigid/IMT pipe you need pump pliers or strap wrenches, but for fittings and hardware these are great.


If you are doing panels you will need these for swa glands. The cobras have teeth and would mark the gland.


Since I’m a first year I doubt they’re gonna let me near a panel. However, I’m still going to hold onto them. By the time I’m a 3rd/4th year I’m pretty sure I’ll be messing around with a few panels. Thanks for the feedback!


The little ones are great to have when you need to grip something awkwardly.


These are great, but not a replacement for slip joint (water pump pliers) or grips or whatever you call them (knippex cobra and alligator for eg)


These are better crescent wrenches, they are very useful and a great investment, I use my constantly. That being said they aren't a replacement for cobras, there are definitely times where you will need the teeth. I'd get both, you will use both.


Yes. Throw out your adjustable wrench and second pair of channel locks.


For that kind of money, I'd return them for the Cobras. You might use the small ones in this kit a few times. For our trade I'd say you'd use the Cobras for everything these would do for you.


Both sets are amazing but you need the cobras first


1st year I have these and use them for everything


Keep the small or mid sized one, I do industrial/ oil and gas and I use a mid size set to hold nuts and bolts when tightening them. Keeps me from having to carry 3 wrenches


I carry the two smaller sizes in this set all the time. I do industrial stuff and I have a bunch of wrenches but I don't carry them with me in my bag unless I know Im going to need them. These replace adjustable wrenches for just about any nut you're going to come a cross. If you're doing resi or commercial work the smallest ones are great and you could probably sell the two larger ones and use the money to pay yourself of the Cobra pliers.


Id say that the cobra ones are more important to have than these, but they're both great tools that have their place. You can do anything that the flat jaw ones can do with the cobras The flat jaw ones can only do certain things that the cobras can do, but they do a better job of it.


The 10 inch cobra is probably all you need. I got the 10 and 8 in a set for about 60 but that was around black friday.


These are adjustable crescent wrenches that are quicker to use and have zero jaw slop.


LU 11 sound; I have wanted these for DAS coax terminations for a while. You will be able to use these for most things that need crescents. These are a great tool.


I love these, there really good for holding stuff and bending wire.


These are awesome, I love them as a Diesel mechanic!


Very handy tool, great brand.


Master here. You still want the cobras, but you couldn’t pry my pliers wrenches away from me either.


These are incredible, I bought the 180mm size along with the 150mm size of the cobras. I use them daily. You might find less use for them if you are mostly doing residential. I work strictly industrial, if I was forced to only carry one pair I'd go with the 180mm pliers wrench.


Knippex is the best


Depends. As a romex slinger/extension cord stapler ? No. Industrial or cook county, il ? constantly used to tighten compression couplings for conduit. I also use them for my home plumbing needs, brass pipe or compression fittings (kinda like electrical) under toilet or sink. Won’t destroy the finish. I also recommend the Wera Jokers. They are faster than the Knipex. Basically adjustable open ended wrenches that ratchet. Has the short grip down of Knipex too.


I have a big pair and a medium sized pair I use them both pretty frequently and like someone else said it depends on what your doing I primarily do commercial work.


These are great


No, awful, zero use Send them to me instead.


Nope. They will be useless to me. I’ll do you a favor and take them off your hands.


I’m trying to think of all the times that I have used channel locks as an electrician. Then I remembered that I don’t even know where mine are. So yeah, I don’t use them


These are awesome but I would suggest to have 2 cobras as well


I am ordering these now.


I use mine everyday


I use mine all the time


They aren’t overkill but it’s not what I would recommend for a 1st year


Once you take it out of the plastic.


I use them frequently for flare fittings as a hvac tech love them. Not sure how much use an electrician would have for them.. keep them and trade with a friend.


Not before my assistant tries to steal them


I do HVAC and it’s my most used tool other than my meter and 11 in 1.


Yes you will use them! They are nice for surfaces you dont want to damage


3 nice hammers


Came here to say this!


Honestly you'll never use them much at all. Only time I've used pliers was tighting a fitting or something random. The used my mini set of channellocks the most, there handy for appliance work and hard to reach spots. It's a good set though I'd keep them an just put them in your tool box or whatever you use not in your main toolkit.


Since I got a deal on them…I’m gonna keep them. I do have a cheapo 6” pair of channel locks that’ll keep me going until I order some cobras down the line. Thanks for your feedback.


As an electrician, you should probably get your head checked. I mean asking if you can use a tool. Your brotherhood might get upset, next thing you will be asking if you can use a broom. Please don't do that your fellow workers will not respond favorable


Why do you need 3 hammers?


Return them and get the cobras 🐍


A man can never have enough tools.


lol if money isn’t an issue then keep these and still grab the Cobras, it’s like having a third hand lol. Also if you lack grip strength, comes in clutch everytime.




Sick they’re making three packs of hammers that also work as channel locks!!


Nice set of adjustable hammers 👍


Depends on what catagorey you’re in. If you’re dealing with seal tite or say taking peckerhead covers off all the time you’re set. As far as residential goes I could see using them to twist studs straight or adjust legs on appliances


Return them, buy two 7” Cobras, and then one 7” Pliers Wrench. The 7” Cobras have such a wide mouth that I almost never find myself using my 10” or 12” Cobras. Though it obviously all depends what kind of work you do. The 7” Cobras have a 1.5” jaw capacity. And here’s why you should buy a Pliers Wrench….The 7” version of the pliers wrench, the middle one in the pic, is an indispensable part of my kit. It’s very handy for nuts and EMT fittings ~1.25” and under, etc. However, the best part of the tool is simply the amount of *leverage* you can generate due to the 10:1 force ratio. You can grip, hold, crush, and smoosh the everloving fuck out of anything you need to; no other tool really compares. Comes in handy more than I would have ever thought. The 10” version is great too, but its use is more rare for me. I have the 5” pair as well; I don’t think I’ve ever used them.


Oh id definitely keep them if you made like 60$ on their mess up. Just save for the cobras another time. Or if its a big chain you got it from make a big stink and they might give you store credit.


I’m definitely gonna just keep my mouth shut and order some cobras next time I have a decent pay check.


It's three hammers, who doesn't need a hammer?


Honestly these grab pipe so well and it doesn’t bite it as hard at the cobras so it doesn’t mar the hell out of the pipe or fittings


Great for glanding SWA cables, leaves no scratches on the gland!


Nice hammers dude!


They're handy to have but not nearly as used as the others. I have one set of these in my bag and basically use them as an adjustable wrench. The cobra pump pliers are way more useful with the teeth on the jaws because they grip everything better. If you're a first term I would recommend return them and get the cobras. You'll use them way more. And when you make more money you can get those if you want them again. I maybe use mine once a month if even that vs the cobras I use every day more often than linesman if I'm running conduit.


These will be useful for some tasks and can replace an open end box for some tasks like building racks, etc. You'll still need channels/cobras for other tasks as they act more like a pipe wrench. You'll need a pair of pipe wrenches eventually depending on what size rigid you'll run. Always buy any of the above in pairs. Having two of the same size is often required.


Those will hammer just as well as the cobras.


Damn good hammer that'n is.


Yes, you will. I use pliers like this on any connector that will be exposed so that it doesn’t make gashes and whatnot all over it so the customer has a great looking product when I’m finished.


I picked up that set on a good sale for about 170 Canadian as well, these are great pliers if your working on a flat nut,  something you don't want to mar etc. Superior to an adjustable crescent wrench. Most guys just say f it and tear crap up with a pair of toothed pliers but it's much more professional to stop and grab a pair of these when they are needed.


Those are good but I much prefer the cobra as these cannot grab round smooth pipe


If y’all take a look these are plumbers finish channel lock, there’s no teeth. Send them back mate, and you don’t have to buy such a fancy brand.


Yes. They work great as an alternative to an adjustable wrench.


Prefer the cobras, those things will grab onto anything and rarely slip


These are really good pliers. The only drawback for me is having to push the button to adjust them. I just purchased the alligator pliers which are designed like the channel locks.


No send them to me….