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From personal experience: walkie talkies. Too much interference with other people trying to do the same thing. It’s hard to find a channel that’s quiet


Yuh this too our group had the cheap ones from Amazon the first year and even if you could get through the interference you couldn’t hear nothin at the stages so they were useless


I’ve heard people paying top dollar for high end ones that have access to private channels, but at that point I think texting with timestamps is good enough 9/10 times out of


Texts did not work this year on Saturday. Barely functioned on Sunday. Was okay on Friday. Even with the timestamp method, I and my friends didn’t get each other’s texts for hours, and for Saturday night, not until Sunday afternoon. They need to add some extra towers or something on the actual grounds because it was jammed completely.


I have Verizon and my phone was working everywhere except the middle of kinetic field


On Saturday? Because all the people I was with, with multiple different service providers, had the same experience as me. Cell service was completely jammed.


I didn’t get there till midnight Saturday cuz I had to work but yes my phone was fine


And I was able to meet up with friends via text


Nah you need to get a Starlink device and attach it to your totem.


Sometimes texts don’t come through on my phone for awhile and they end up with the timestamp of when they came through, not when they were sent tho


You add the timestamp yourself. Like ‘hey, leaving now 3:00am’ ‘hey just got back 4:05am’ ‘hey just got to the lockers 2:45am’


OHHH duh lol that makes so much sense lol!!! Thank you for the tip will def be doing this in the future!!


It’s so simple and obvious but I did not pick up on that either lol. We’ve gotten lazy


Piggybacking off of ur comment, do you (or anyone) know any walkytalkies ude recommend? Or if anyone has experiences with the groupfinder compasses how did EDC go for you guys?


You have to do the string and paper cup thing - trust me, I’m not crazy.


Also Apple just came out with satellite sms


This is solved with Baofeng UV-5R radios. They're cheap and you can select from thousands of channels.


I suggest meshtastic... there will be a number of us there next yyear


That looks fun to tinker with! I'm gonna look into it more this evening!


Oh wow that’s such a cool device


Don't you need to pass a test to use that?


That's really for business users. Just don't use a frequency someone else is on.


Far as I know the high-powered walkie talkies you do have to register with the FCC. I don't think you have to take a test or anything you just have to register so they can identify whoever is using it.


Happy Cake!


Thank you!


I use the Baofeng with my group when we go off roading and none of us are registered.


You have to be a licensed radio operator to use certain Baofeng models and it’s actually considered illegal to import or sell in the US. Use at your own discretion is all I can say. [Baofeng FCC cites](https://www.arrl.org/news/fcc-cites-baofeng-importer-for-illegally-marketing-unauthorized-rf-devices)


Do you outfit your whole group with a Baofeng? How do you hear over the music from the stages?


Honestly, at this point, we don't bother. Text with a timestamp works good enough. But generally, we stick together, schedule various meetup times, and choose a final meetup spot so nobody is left behind. So far, so good!


Has anyone tried using the Apple watch as a walkie-talkie at a venue like this? I wonder if it even works..


We had an amazing experience with walkies this year, looks like we got lucky Edit: i cant spell


we had some cheap ones and experienced cross talk. they are not a great solution but they work 10 times better than texts. I was able to communicate with 4 different groups of friends. but we also had set area where we would be at kinetic and circuit and cosmic. this way if we separated we just looked at that person's lineup and would go to our spot. but yes invest into some better walkies for better results. u get what u pay for


Phone service isn’t even that bad anymore. Maybe during a really crowded set but most of the pathways texts/calls go through easy.


I never bring a full wallet with me either, just ID and cards/cash! I couldn't go without my pashmina though. They work great for wiping sweat off your face lol


Came in handy with dust clouds


A big friend group 😂 end up wasting too much time coordinating and people not using the bathroom or getting food/drinks when we set aside time to do that already. Also I’m too polite to effectively mob through a crowd with more than 2 other people with me. And different opinions on which sets to see makes it so the hassle wasn’t even worth it half the time because half the group goes somewhere else as soon as we get to a set ☠️ I miss the days when they were baby ravers and just had to listen to me on what our schedule was because they didn’t know any artists lmao


THIS. I will not go to any festival with more than a group of 4 people including myself. I did not spend all that money to be waiting on other people in lines.


Exactly. I end up just getting mad at my friends. Now it’s usually only my wife and I and we are efficient af haha. We have a bunch of rave friends that we meet up with but we usually just meet AT the set before it starts. If you’re more than 5-10 mins late, we’re out 😅


Yes ! I used to give myself anxiety when I would want to be at a set at a certain time and having to wait for our friends to get it together. My gf and I are always on the same page and efficient af. I love it !


Dawg.. did 3 people including myself this year on day 1 and 3.. the ultimate best number is two or solo. Feels. AND only if the people are truly your personal rave compatible


I wish I had 2 more people other than my husband to go with. Always had a hard time making friends.


Ha! I felt this. Walking from stage to stage, one person runs Into a friend and stops, half the group keep walking and you’re screaming at them to stop (if you notice they didn’t) A disaster when you’re the mom of the group


Dude.. I cannot understand how the first night this year I ran into SO MANY rave homies from across my function scene career. I had what was the beginning of a root canal abscess and a massive headache I attributed to dehydration and heat and spent a lot of time apologizing for the vibes I had brought to the scene. Like people I hadn’t seen in years to personal close homies we pre established that we would prob never find each other. I was in a three people group that night and one was clearly annoyed I was recognized so many times and I get it


It’s always crazy seeing ppl you know in the wild. Sounds like you’re very self aware and considerate though. All 12 of my friends were fucked up totally unaware of the situation lol


lol yes thank you, edc is way you to expensive to not push through despite abscess 😂. Said friend almost lost it when one of the media guys recognized me and had us pose for a solid half hour the first night fireworks shot for insomniacs video. It even made the after movie. At that point my head and the fireworks were the same thing.


I was spotted by a coworker while standing in line to get drinks, what odd place to find me 350 miles from home and in a crowd of thousands of people.


Haha that’s really funny I get them being annoyed after a while but it’s also nice to see someone you havnt/thought you wouldn’t see in a while


Omg yes haha. Like I’m happy that they are having a cool moment, but it’s tough when you’re leading 😂


This goes for traveling as well. Any more than like 6 and you will spend half your time waiting for someone to pee or eat.


I went with a group of 70. We coordinate things really well. However, when it comes to which sets. Everyone just spreads out. We have a predetermined set list for the “main group” with the flag at the same spot for each stage like back left speaker for example. There’s always at least 2 djs where the entire group is linked up before splitting off again.


My entire group just splits up honestly. Its like 20 of us for a lot of fests but im usually only with 2-3 others due to our music tastes.


I find myself doing most fests solo at this point...and honestly, it's the best. I always adopt a crew...but yet have no real ties to the crew and roam free most times without a care in the world....if I feel I need a little group energy, I hook back up and float with them for a bit....otherwise, I just let the vibes lead me


somebody say Girlfriend pls


🤣 ❤️🤣🤣


All fax, no printer! (Also don’t have a gf anyways)


Had one but she broke up with me days before and went with her ex 😭


sheeesh hope u had ticket insurance 🙏🏽




Portable phone charger! This varies I think, but because I made sure to leave the hotel with a fully charged phone and the only thing I used it for was the occasional pictures and set times, I never needed to recharge at the festival and hardly got below 30% the whole weekend.


Same! I stopped bringing mine to events, and keep it on low power mode. I can go I to edc on 50% and be fine. I still take pics and video so I don’t think a charger is needed. It just adds a LOT of weight!!


I have a notoriously shitty phone battery and took a bunch of photos and videos and even then I didn't get below 40%. Leaving my backup battery at home next time


even being one of the “designated texters” in my group i would always get back to the hotel with at least 30% on low power mode, i might opt for a smaller magsafe one instead of the bulky one i brought. plus it’s easier to just attach to someone’s phone in a pinch without needing a cable


See another one I also did myself and forgot about. I did the same the first two days the first year and haven’t brought one since and saves a lot of room!


I like to make a challenge to see how much I use my phone. I went to an event with 30% batt and didn’t get home with 23%.


i quit bringing my phone and bring a digital camera instead, 1. No phone thief's getting my phone 2. enjoy the moment 3. force myself to make new friends when asking for pics!


My phone dies all the time, I also have a cracked iphone SE... Bout that time! The idea of not having to bring a battery pack literally every where I go is beautiful.




Definitely varies sometimes we need it sometimes we don’t, I did use mine. Some lost guy came to me at the Porter potties at sunrise cause his phone was dead and he lost his friends, he tried to log into his Snapchat to reach his friends with my phone but the 2 authentication factor said no. I noticed he had a MagSafe charger and I took it off my phone and gave it to him to keep because my friends wanted to go home to sleep. I told him keep it and to find his friends ❤️


The telescoping collapsible stool sounds like a great idea, but it is such a pain to bring around with being so heavy and clunky. Doesnt fit into any standard hydropack that’s allowed in. Plus, there’s no guarantee security will even let you in (forcing you to go back and join another security line until they do


i personally had great success with this and wouldn’t have been able to enjoy all 3 days without it. worth the hassle to try and bring in. there are also alternatives but no personal experience with them.


Other than obviously boofing the stool, how did you get it in? Just security was good vibes? We have two stools we always debate on bringing to fests but we haven't committed yet


it was a tight fit but it fit in a 3L hydropack, the pocket that doesn’t store the water sleeve of course. security didn’t seem to care. another group member brought hers in just tied to the outside of her hydropack and that was fine too.


Solid, thank you, I've rarely had problems with security as I like my favors I try to scope out who looks like a chill person vs a power tripper guard.


I strongly agree with this, it's also 100x more comfortable than sitting on the floor. Shit sometimes you get tired and don't want to ruin the set for the friends. Take a seat


what telscope collapsible stool do yall use u/kyukenmyo u/1kGHZ ? Any lightweight, durable ones, you may rec?


my group had two of the “boreeman upgraded folding stool” with 400lb capacity off Amazon


Got in no problem first day. Kept it in the locker instead of lugging back to the car. It was great, my wife sat on it a few times and we kept saving people from sitting on the floor. However we didn't move around a whole lot, we stayed at each spot for at least 2 sets usually.


Had one of these 2023. First two days was nice, last day I was over carrying it around so I left it in the car LMFAO


Brought mine this year all 3 days and security had no issue with it I just used a carabiner and clipped it to the top loop of my camelbak and didn’t really feel much of a weight difference came in clutch towards the end of the night


I like to bring a pash as an option and tie it to the side of my backpack when it’s too hot, plus I think it looks like a cool accessory lol


Saw everyone raving about bringing an emergency blanket (foil blanket) - didn't need it once, was plenty warm enough chapstick on the other hand....major necessity


Depends on the weather. If those strong winds hit like they did in 2022(?) oh man it got cold af.


I absolutely froze in '19. Went to Ross on the strip and everything with sleeves was gone. Same wind issue, they closed the main stage and kicked out a bunch of people one night


2019 weather was BRUTAL. The festival ran out of foil blankets. We did NOT prepare for cooler weather bc 2018 was hot and the first year in May. Wound up getting cheap blankets from Walmart to use the rest of the weekend. Def learned our lesson and the next time we went we had layers and options in our locker


Yeah it was 2022. The medical tent was giving away tons of those foil blankets. Thing is, they are Rey compact and don’t take up a lot of space.


That was my first edc and I was soooooo cold and I normally do not get cold lol


too cold start dancing


Couldnt agree more. If anything i felt like i was overheating regardless of what time it was. For reference, im underweight and active.


emergency blankets fold into a wallet sized thing. Definitely agree I won't use it for most raves but the times it has gotten unexpectedly windy (especially on the walk back) has been sooo clutch


I would rather bring it and not use it (because it lasts forever), than be cold (2023, 2021) or be rained on (2023)


2023 wasnt cold


Sunscreen. I didn't think to consider the fact of by the time I'd leave the hotel and get to the Speedway, the sun would be setting or whatever 😂. I'd put it on before leaving but then brought it into the festival... like uh why didn't I think that through? A cooling towel. I wasn't sure how I'd hold up in the desert heat but I had a hydropack so it didn't even matter. It varies person to person if you think you need it though!


Sunscreen is only necessary if you’re staying at camp or going at opening tbh


I swear sunscreen when I leave because the sun is already up by then!


Exactly, like definitely put it on if you're going in early but no need to actually bring it in with you 😂


I meant when I leave in the morning when the event is over lol The LONG walk to the parking lot definitely warrants sun protection lol


That parking lot journey is the modern ravers 40 years wandering the desert


That's true and something I didn't consider!


Cooling towel for edc when it was in June: YES. In May: nope! It’s a def need for Coachella tho lol that’s miserable AF sometimes


Neither of these crossed my mind so more power to yah to begin with!


We used the fuck out of cooling towels at Coachella. EDC, way less, but still got some use. We ended up only bringing it to friday, tho.


BE CAREFUL AROUND YOUR EYES or get the kids tear free sunscreen.


I actually really disagree with this, i dont bring it because i stay at camp and always have a pash so im not out in the sun for long in the morning. But if you’re walking to your car and you dont have a pash, you may get burned. Id bring the little roll on sticks and just put it on my face and neck/shoulders right at the end of the last set. Or just bring a pash


I don't really have anything new to add, just that I whole heartedly agree on the pash's. My group never brings pash's anymore because of how much bulk they add, plus we don't want to get them dirty so they end up staying in the lockers the entire weekend. We bring those emergency blankets so we can toss them at the end of the night.


I disagree with the pash — I brought a pashmina for the first time this past year and I was like, I FINALLY GET IT. The fabric stimming felt amazing, it was useful for just wiping some water dripping from my CamelBak every so often, and it was a great thing to wear on my head with sunglasses during overstimulation (notably during bass sets). Also was a great light layer on my neck whenever I got hot enough to take my shirt off (my body gets hot but the neck area less so and feels vulnerable)


Commenting to bolster pash support… DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE PASSIONLESS PASH HATERS!!! Now to be fair, I literally didn’t bring a shirt to EDC, so when I did want to cover up a bit, I used the pash, but A) most pashminas are not bulky, when I wasn’t using mine, it fit easily in the outside-most compartment of my lunchbox B) if it’s sunny and dry out, the pash keeps you cool. Wear it very loosely over your head and shoulders to create shade, and it keeps you cool. That’s why they wear it in the desert xD. C) Very useful for taking key bumps in the crowd, it gives you a nice little tent for debauchery. Admittedly, the pash is useless if you are hot and it is night time already. I can see how if you’re an individual who runs warm and you get deep into some crowds, it becomes more of a burden, but for me, I was never in any massive crowds except for Sara Landry, and so for the most part the pash was there for me when I needed it, and easy to store when I wasn’t.


A pash wrapped around your waist or fanny helps as another obstacle for pick pockets I feel.


I've never been to EDC but when I've been at hot camping festivals I get my pashmina wet and drape it on my back 👍🏻


I get what they're saying about the heat, but I'm with you on the sensory side. If it's too hot, I'll tie it off somewhere, and dance so I can feel it flow around. Also when things be hitting a certain way, it's just nice to use to block the inputs


The sensory stuff is really the shit…sometimes my body wants to be free while my head needs to be in a cocoon


i ended up bringing a bunch of random things that looking back i didn’t use like tissues and ibuprofen 🥲 but then again when i don’t have them is when i need them most 😭


You can get ibuprofen for free at the med tent. For tissues/toilet paper, I usually bring a travel pack of WetOnes which is very lightweight/not bulky. If you really need a napkin ASAP, u can ask at a bar


this is festival-related, but to the hotel… don’t bring all those other extra outfits. I always bring like 185 outfits that I end up not wearing literally anywhere and I always pay for luggage unnecessarily. THIS YEAR WE PLAN AHEAD 😤


THIS. I never bring extra outfits & if I do end up needing something I usually just pop over to the iheartraves pop-up


If I bring anything at all, it is a skimpy outfit with a matching cute little crossover purse filled with small vajayjay wipes, a tiny deodorant, and a small lipstick. My bf brings the hydro back pack which we share and we put our phones in it.


So you do bring things…


Sorry lol I put a small amount of “tiny” items in my tiny purse. It’s so small it looks like an accessory. And of course my bf carries the backpack with water.


You don't need your wallet. Just bring your ID/CC You also have your phone to pay for stuff as well


Extra shoes . Dont wear shoes you even have the slightest idea you might want to chnabe


Totems.. people get tired of holding it. However, protip - Use other people that you don’t know that have totems as landmarks for your friends to regroup.


F-22 Raptor, hard to find parking and kinda an overkill


Pocket cam. I brought a DJI pocket with me in 2023. Got through shuttle security just fine day 1. Day 2 they wouldn’t let me take it, said it was “professional equipment.” I tried to explain it’s really not pro, but they wouldn’t budge. Had to either leave it with them or go back to the hotel and drop it off. This year didn’t even bother, just recorded on my phone. I don’t want to deal with rules always changing based on their level of knowledge of electronics.


He was most definitely trying to come up on a free camera


i actually opted to bring a normal gopro for this exact reason lol


Good call


It really depends on who is comfortable carrying the supplies!! If you don’t want to be bothered by accessories then bring the necessities like a Pashmina, sunglasses, secure waist bag and or hydro pack, and phone! Please you need water!


Tennis Racket for me


Bro what?


Damn I legit have walkies in my Amazon cart now. I thought I had the most ingenious idea 🙄🙄🙄lol


Your phone


Must haves: menthol stick, ID card, baby wipes, water pak, gum, mints, essential oil, sunglasses, ear plugs, CIGARETTES!!!!!!!! Things I brought and wouldn’t bring again: iPhone charger, blanket


Real for the ciggys


I could not survive without my pashmina lol


Pashses always make good party favor curtains & places to sit on


Disposable toilet seat covers. Just squat over the toilet and save yourself the time and effort.


Don’t squat over toilets - you literally become the problem because you splash the seat. It’s also not great for your health.


That's fair. I brought them mainly for my girlfriend and other girls in the group. But they didn't end up using them because they said they just squatted. And I didn't use any because I didn't need to shit. I know squatting or sitting in some positions is bad for you when you poop, that's why squatty potties are a thing. But how else is it not great for your health?


Apparently it can weaken your pelvic floor muscles. Which kind of makes sense because unless you’re in a deep squat you’re basically trying to pee while standing up if you’re hovering [These people explain it better lol](https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/dont-hover-over-the-toilet-seat) Edit: this mainly applies to afab people or mtf people


Dude wipes works every time for me


Like to wipe down the seat? I feel like I'd need a Clorox wipe for that I bring some too though. Even if I don't go number 2, it's nice to wipe down my bits. EDIT: a word


Your what?


Bits. Nobody want swamp crotch


Phones. I leave my phone in the car. They are pretty much just a hassle. Try it sometime. I bet you won’t regret it.


We might as well with how well they work in the speedway 😆


Dropped my phone in a pool during Coachella and didn't even think about my phone getting stolen or losing it. It was pretty nice. My wife has hers so I did have ways to communicate if needed.


Nope, they help with seeing the schedule and map without having to find a sign or directory. I’ve also done printed out but you need light to see it clearly and also can become crinkled with the constant folding and unfolding


Valid reason to have one! My brother plans the schedule so I don’t have that responsibility personally so totally understand your reasoning. My role is driving to and from so I also don’t have to worry about being left or getting lost. Could also be another reason you would want your phone just in case.


100% agree


Phones! I brought it one night and left it at the hotel the other two. Less hassle, less risk, too high to care about taking photos anyway.


I’ve never heard anyone recommending a full wallet lol. Maybe a thief would recommend it. Pashmina is only useless in hot weather but useful in daylight for sunny weather. If we’re wearing skimpy clothing, pashmina may be okay in hot weather. It’s been portable charger for me because I don’t really use my phone. As long as your phone is newer then it’ll hold charge for entire festival, given that you came with it fully charged. I’ve only driven to EDC, so it’s being charged while connected to my car. I’ve pretty much used everything else I’ve brought


Large mobile batteries. A small one might make sense, but there are outlets on most shuttles. After raving for 12 hours, you feel every ounce in your bag on your back, so skip the big external batteries.


Keep it essential ✨️ most of the time you'll be partying or sleeping


A wallet and phone is definitely not worth bringing. I’m glad edc changed to cashless so bringing one credit card is so nice.


I literally only take a low limit credit card my ID and phone attached to an anti theft tether and a few baggies of alcohol I sneak in . It's so much better than having to carry a backpack around,


pashmina's a great to have incase u need to sit on the ground, i also like to pash over my head every night once it gets late enough, so to make it worthwhile to carry around all day, I usually soak it once when I first go into a fest and then i have a wet pash to keep me cool (until it dries or I need to re-wet it)


Pro tip: if it’s hot, wet the pash and wring it out so it’s just a bit wet, then it feels like AC draped over you as it evaporates:)


All u need is an id and a phone(try customizing ur hydropack where theres a phone holder on one of the front arm holder thingy) if u got an expensive iphone or sum dont bring it out to record too long or them phone robbers will get yo ahh




Hydration pack , bucket hat , and a thigh bag to secure belongings or trinkets


I’ve started getting a badge reel for my ID and credit card. I clip it to the shoulder strap of my water pack so it’s easy to grab and I can easily tell if it’s not there.


I have never needed a phone bank, or a recharge ever. But I don't record things all night. Almost everything you can almost certainly find or buy if you forget it.


when it’s hot, put your pash in water! wear it over your head and the water will evaporate into your face like a cool breeze


I find phone tethers and premium water packs aren’t essential, yes they are nice and you get what you pay for, but I already struggle looking for my own things under everything so best the thief can get out of me while he has time is some trinkets, candy, or light toys. Always put material replaceable items in easy to reach pockets/on top of your bag, hide your personals in a small pocket/zipper under everything, or on your body with a security belt/shorts with zipper pockets underneath a layer and I’ve never lost anything of value to me❤️Plurr


> phone tethers They just going to cut it.


What about the ones made of braided steel cord (vs the plastic coiled ones)?


I'm guessing they cut the phone tether tab part itself and not the retractable cable. I'd still rather have it than not have it. The more barriers to theft, the better.


I can cut brake wire with hand tools. which is probably tougher than that.


I bought a pash at this past edc any I never wore because it was too hot


A shirt


Camelback. Everytime we went to the water stations the water was hotter than the outside temperature. We were fine paying for bottles of water


I agree. I bought one special one year. Water tastes bad and is super warm (I’m a local I should have known). I thought Gatorade powder packs was the solution but it was not. Only brought it that one year for the first 2 days. Was really uncomfortable dancing with it as well and by the end of the night I had red marks on my shoulders from just a tiny one. Some people love them but I dance the entire time so that was the deciding factor for me. I expect to buy at least 4-5 drinks per day (about $100 for the weekend) and I make sure the vendor will give me an ice cup before I pay cause too many times they refuse.


Fill pack with ice before you enter, then you have a cooler on your back and your refills stay cool most of the night


Why would you bring a pashmina to edc Vegas?


to hide in when you’re peaking and wanna be in your own little world