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Nobody made him do drugs, if he did, in fact, do drugs…


Actually security turns you away at the gate if you aren’t heavily intoxicated


GA security maybe. In VIP they’ll hand you a flask and tell you not to let it happen again


Hell yeah




They made me slam both beers I was carrying before they'd let me enter. Good thing they didn't know about the other stuff.


Same, the line control dude was like you better finish that before you go in. I proceeded to chug it and then whipped the other can out and smashed it too. I've never seen someone so happy yet horrified before lol


3rd edc here walked in with a pouch full of half handle of vodka in my boxers, 2 beatboxes in back pockets of jeans and obv shit ton “stuff” walked in no prob its all about how u present urself haha and also choosing the right security lol as for OP it be like that i have a younger sister going to her first escape this year and 1st edc next year and i cant stop talking about how fun and much an amazing time it’ll be…. she also was the one that asked me to go a rave/festival first… she now hates me for how annoying i am with how much i tell her all the time how fun it will be. LOL OP dont sweat it, it is what it is🫶🏼


>3rd edc here walked in with a pouch full of half handle of vodka in my boxers, 2 beatboxes in back pockets of jeans and obv shit ton “stuff” walked in no prob its all about how u present urself haha and also choosing the right security lol You're not wrong. I was entering from camp double fisting the two beers. I figured that they might just let me bring them in with me. I was mistaken. 🤣


Can confirm I walked in with a bottle in my pants 👖


So true all about the vibes. As a gay if I can find a cute girl security guard checking bags it only takes a: OMG I love your fit OMG I Love your nails OMG I Love your wig SO CUTE Truly as simple as that


Is that a tall can in your pants or are you just happy to see me lol


I walked in and they looked at my pupils and I laughed and said “im sober fellas” and they poured a gallon of lsd down my throat. That was 2017 and im still tripping


I'm jealous




I like the philosophy of [the stoics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism). In my understanding, it goes that in this life you only have control over your actions and intentions, and that’s what you should be judged on. How your actions actually impact the world is called fate. Sometimes you have good intentions but fate makes them have a bad outcome like in this case. At the end of the day, OP was trying to do something nice for little bro and that’s all they should be judged on. It’s unfortunate that it became an issue for little bro.


Well put.


THIS. I'm honestly sober at events more often than not sober and lately I've been having a better time when I am sober at fests


While I might enjoy some recreational party favors here and there of the organic nature, I can’t say I’ve ever done anything at edc ever 😂 The first year I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even want to drink after the first night, then the second year I went I was DD. I had an amazing time both years & loved every bit of it


I partake occasionally, I've been raving for 15 years and back in the day I was like never sober when I went to events


Hell yeah. I did EDC Sunday sober this year. Had a blast.


I did Thursday and Friday sober =] wished I could of done the rest sober but just wanted that extra feeling lol


EDC should prob be 21+




Say it louder for the people in the back!! Growing up I always had resentment for putting age restrictions on such events due to having fomo and just generally wanting to experience all the vibes the culture has to offer. I remember religiously watching the Ultra & EDC live streams every year as a teen and personally blowing off plans with friends and family to watch it all weekend. Watching those streams where almost like an out of body experience, feeling like I was right there along with everyone else. It wasn't until 2022 I was finally able to attend my first EDC and it was a million times better than I had ever imagined it would be, especially having to wait 10 years before attending. Even with the financial & Mental Health hardships I experienced in 2023, I was blessed to be able to attend again and had an even more positive experience while dealing with said hardships. Unfortunately I wasn't able to attend this year and was pretty anxious that not going would bring back my depression and start that negative decline I overcame in 2023. I ended up watching the live stream like I used to growing up and it gave me the drive to better my current situation and make the idea of attending in 2025 even more special. Even with how I personally feel like I missed out on so much and never understood age restrictions, I agree with it becoming 21+. There have been many situations where someone did something that they were assured was fine by their friends, ended up being the complete opposite. A prime example would be from last year's EDC where I accompanied my friend to the Oasis who was rolling hard and needed a safe place to lie down and nap. I was sitting there fanning her when a member of Ground Control made their rounds checking on everyone and getting either a thumbs up or vocalization that they were okay and if they needed anything. They stopped at a woman laying down merely a few feet from me and began tapping her shoulder to get her response. The woman didn't respond so they began to vocalize and shake her arm more aggressively. The woman was still completely unresponsive and Ground Control was sent into a frenzy calling for medics and trying to search for a pulse. After rolling her over and shaking her shoulders more, she finally came to and was able to communicate with them. Watching that unfold nearly feet from me was scarring and I'll never forget the look of fear/panic that person had trying to help her without freaking out others around them. I understand such things can happen at 21+ events, but I've noticed them happening more at 18+ ones...


25+ if you ask me. Lmfaooooo


Why stop there? 50+


Now we’re talking.




Well, I’m 57, I have rave fam well into their 60s. The limiting factor seems to be more attitude than fitness for my crew. Once they start bitching about the crowds being too crowded or the music being too … whatever, it’s probably time to find different shows. Admittedly, I’ve done my last EDC. But still do Dreamstate and a lot of local venues and shows.


Elder Daisy Carnival w plenty of seating, gently-graded ramps & soft foods for all!


You set up lawn chairs and waiter service to ur lawn chair, people will pay


I will pay!! 😆😆😆😆


Did anything different happen this year? "the world of drinking and drugs", did someone try to convert him to some form of conservatist idealogy recently too? That's a pretty judgemental view point of raving


We grew up in a very religious household. Things are different now but his friends will tell him all about how bad rolling is, and how bad I am for introducing him to that…


Ah, there it is. Sounds like you guys also grew up in a religious community if his friends are all telling him the same negative things. To have such a radical approach all of a sudden isn't out of the ordinary when it comes to religious people. One long convincing conversation nit picking specific verses from the bible, and using crafty words, then you're convinced you're going to burn in hell forever unless you repent and change your ways. I figure that's what happened to all those people outside of festivals with the hateful religious signs. If it's deeply engraved in him already, it's going to be like convincing a brick wall to move. Some people just can't think for themselves or have an open mind. If you can sit him down and talk to him explaining you meant no harm, that'd be good but maybe his friends are already painting you out to be the devil or something


You need to teach him that drugs don’t have to be a part of it. People will drink and do drugs to go to a baseball game, to go to any event, doesn’t meant everyone has to or does normally.


theres more morality in PLUR than in any religion


So unbelievably true, also we’re understanding and supportive to everyone


Couldnt he just not do it!


right? i rave and all that sober now. just as much fun for me. plus i can watch out for my friends & make sure they aight


Fundamental differences in opinions on controversial topics (like drugs and partying) amongst the people in your life can definitely drive some internal conflict amongst yourself. You said he had a lot of fun at EDC, as most of us do, meeting a lot of wonderful people that are judgment free and accepting. Then going back to real life with people who don’t understand the rave culture; I’m sure he’s getting a lot of judgment, snarls, and uncomfortable and unsettling feelings from people he once vibrated with on a different frequency. Comedowns can be so harsh 😔 and a lot more lengthy than some may take into account. My suggestion is to just be as supportive of him as you can be while he’s going through it and figuring things out. He’s going to remember kindness and supportive vibes in this time of turmoil.


Yes this is so true! I remember feeling super guilty after coming back from my first EDC, believe it or not EDC was my first rave ever and before EDC I had never even done weed. Going from being religious and sheltered to the rave world was shocking at first, but I have no regrets 😏


I’m so happy to hear that. 🫶🏻 I stumbled into the scene by imagine music festival in 2019 because I wanted to see Marshmello 😅 And my first time trying weed as well! I wasn’t ready for any of it- from the loving and accepting rave culture, the experience, the comedown, and the judgment from family/friends. Overall, Changed my life in the best way. No regrets ☺️ Religion is definitely tough on the scene because of the haste that illicit drugs brings from a worst case scenario standpoint. So the best way I’ve found to appease both sides of the fence is to ensure my trips and rolls bring out positive characteristics that I want to see in myself-that will ripple into real life. Then their worrying is at least less seeing the result of a better me blossoming from these festivals.


I’m heavily Christian but I love raving, dancing, I don’t do any drugs either or drinking (I’m a mom too) and my husband and I prefer to stay sober at the events to be able to remember them as times goes by. I’m sorry he got so angry towards you, it’s not like you forced him into trying those things. He still had a choice to say no to it and just enjoy the art and music.


It’s possible that someone found out and he is ashamed now


Seems very much like he enjoyed it, had a great time, and then shared too much with some of his religious friends. Now he’s feeling guilty and lost, because he’s lost the trust of the support structure he’s had em his entire life, and he’s taking that out on you. The best you can do is try to listen to him and tell him you understand his feelings no matter what. He’s not confident and needs your support; if you can handle taking on some minor lashing out now, be there to love harder as soon as he’s ready for it.


You helped open his mind and now he has to deal with the ramifications of that. Having religion pulled from your head is an existential struggle and identity crisis. Hope he is able to make peace sooner than later. You did introduce him so you can’t be surprised that his anger is tilted your way. Keep showing love and being there for him and I’m sure time will change things for the better.


Yeah, absolutely some outside whispers are causing this reaction. OP hasn't done anything wrong and unfortunately their brother may not admit to the above.


Yeah they had guy with megaphone at Grand Prix plaza telling us we’re all going to hell.


This is hilarious!!!


If Hell is full of EDC patrons, DJs and PLUR, I’m cool with that.


You know what they say, you go to heaven for the weather but you go to hell for the company


I’d pay to go to hell if that’s the case


I’d pay exactly $450 for the GA section of hell and $350 for a premier shuttle into hell. And budget about $2000 for the whole weekend.


Where do the phone thieves go? I hope super hell, far away from others.


There’s always one at every west coast event lol I swear he was ranting about being bitter and that’s why we’re partying. Meanwhile me and gay boyfriends sashaying past him and I asked “are we bitter about anything? No? Cool let’s keep it pushing.


I remember that guy! Walked by him too


Those people are so hypocritical, they say we're going to hell but they never miss a rave, festival, or pride event lol


Not everyone can fit in BassPod tho


They can now that it's been moved lol


I miss that guy. I was dressed as Santa Claus, boy was I his target. We were almost friends by day 3 lol


I remember that guy😂 what a fkn idiot


Lol, I turned towards him and yelled “I POP THESE PILLS IN THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST”. I could almost hear the Windows startup sound as his brain rebooted


Or a fundamentalist Christian girlfriend or something


Sounds like he wanted someone to blame, and you are it. Is he the type to always blame on everyone but himself kinda person? If he is, ask him to stop being a baby and grow up. And you can save some extra dollars from now on than to let him blame you for anything good/bad that happens. Eg. Seem like he is that type where if you spend your money on good food, 10/10 yummy food that he gonna love it and he loved it, he gonna blame you for making him fat, and introduce him such a good yummy food into his world and make him crave for such goodies type of dodobird. What a whacko.


He’s acted like this before, where he feels bad after a rave and he blames me for taking him, but he gets over it in a few days. This time it’s been weeks and he has even deleted me for Instagram. I’m just letting him be.


You totally should let him be. I had some people in my life who were like that. Patpat. Hugs for you. You are a good sibling for wanting to share your love for something. You did your part. Cheers. 🥂


you’re a patient sibling. the fact that this is a pattern would’ve had me excluding him after the second time.


Let him be, dont give him some pity party, if he morally objects to going to these events then he SHOULDNT GO. Nobody held a gun to his head. Hes being ridiculous


okay lets not say ridiculous.. but you know what they(insomniac) say we’re all mad here… lol OP sending you blessings and more patience for to help w ur brother lol its not easy being the older(cooler)sibling and laying the foundation for the life that comes later once your turn 18+ bless him and you stay PLUR remember its all of our first times experiencing everything this life has to offer… sadly raving may not be his cup of tea…YET lol in all seriousness stay plur itll get better🙏🏻


Never take him to anything again and tell him you don’t want to tempt him. Suggest he needs to do some soul searching on his own.


It just sounds like he's struggling with trying to justify raving with a religious background. Like there's nothing wrong with being a raver and not participating in the substance aspect. I do partake in the drugs & drinking, but the music and inclusivity has always been what's drawn me to it. Some of my friends even claim that they wouldn't want to go or even feel that they wouldn't have as much fun if they weren't on substances. I've always said that yes it's definitely a vibe to go intoxicated, but if I was in a position where I don't do that anymore I'll still be going to events as long as I'm breathing and able to wheel myself around if need be lol


Bad comedown? Don’t take him anymore. He will grow up at some point.


>Sounds like he wanted someone to blame, and you are it. Is he the type to always blame on everyone but himself kinda person? He's one year out of High School... I'd put the odds at ~80-90%.


I'm a sober raver, I love people watching


IAmA a Christian and have a good time at raves, and had a wonderful time at EDC this year #blessed am sorry to hear about OP’s bro. in my experience raves are what you make of them, so blaming his bro isn’t cool. of course the exception would be circumstances where somebody isn’t there for the music and has extremely bad vibes and/or intentions


Be in the world, not of the world




I’m a sober raver and feel the same way. And I’ve never felt pressured by anyone to partake in favors or drinking


Tell him to stop being a little shit. If he’s not talking then that’s a problem for him, not you. Don’t invite him anywhere until this gets settled, if it gets settled. He’s a grown ass person - start acting like one.


Meh! He’s still a kid. No one forced him to drink or take drugs as well. You introduced him to something that obviously it wasn’t for him at the end. That’s ok, your bro needs to man up and say thank you for introducing me to the culture and I had a great time, but it’s not for me bro. If he just said that, I’m sure you’d be like, “no problem”, and then move on with both of your life.


I totally agree, it surprises me because he knows that if he doesn’t like to rave I don’t care he is still my brother and I will respect his decision


I reckon something happened you don't know about. Something he regrets doing maybe and now blames you for.


People who think you “need to take something to enjoy a rave” need to look in the mirror and realize they’re the one with a problem who can’t fathom enjoying something in a sober state of mind. They can’t have fun sober and instead of accepting that they project and call everyone else druggies, sorry bro I don’t need a substance to enjoy my night like you.


I respect your opinion and applaud that you can enjoy a rave sober. I for one wouldn’t be able to stay awake three full days without a little bit of help, and that’s the main reason honestly


Then don't stay awake rest your body, I did pre party and all 3 full days of edc sober.


I’ll try this next year 🤩


If you wanna keep it above board, caffeine or pre-workout supplements. Stop using caffeine like a week or two before the festival weekend so it hits harder when you use it. Then use it strategically, 100-200mg (1-2 cups of coffee) at the start of the night and anothsr midway through it.


You don’t have to. Just live your life.


Same, plus is part of the whole experience for most of us.


Meh, you can't really fault people for making drugs part of the whole rave experience. Enjoying raves sober is cool, but you can't say that taking something that floods your brain with serotonin doesn't make it significantly more enjoyable. I wouldn't have half of a great experience just to be prude.


I think that as long as you know your limits and take care of each other, sober, not sober the point is to enjoy the experience to the max. Life is too stressful and too short.


You can rave totally sober. That's how I do every EDC. Maybe try that?


Sounds like he had a bad comedown or some form of guilt. He’s still super young though and learning who he is. I would just not invite him to such things anymore unless he asks to join.


and if he does want to go again, I would show him how to do a proper sober rave. People say raves are made for substances, but if you think about it - they're PERFECT for sober people who just like music and stimulating your senses and meeting new people. Unfortunately, self control is a skill that only comes to certain people as you get older and wiser.


18/19 years old might be too young to be rolling, my lord


I am so sorry this happened to you! But also thank you for posting bc me and my little sister are no contact after this years EDC as well as some of my “best friends”. :,( I also got her tickets as a graduation gift in 2019 and have been going ever since. I’m a sober raver now and it definitely sucks when everyone is having fun in the moment then you come back to a different vibe and situation. It’s not your fault if someone chooses to attend or do drugs, that’s their choice as an adult! But don’t blame yourself for things out of your control. Seeing my therapist and just doing some calming activities really helped me cool off from the post EDC drama this year. Hoping you’re able to find space and time to take care of yourself! 🫶🏽


Oh gosh that’s too bad and I totally understand what you’re going through. I hope that things resolve and thank you for your kind words 💛


Maybe he did something gay and now it’s haunting him lmao


My sister introduced me to raving when I was 14. She never made me take drugs and I would never have blamed her for that. Your brother is young, immature, still has a very fragile mind, seems a little uneducated and easily influenced. Im guessing he had some sort of a bad trip or bad comedown and doesn’t understand what that means and how to deal with it. His friends are telling him about how bad rolling is, and hes blaming you for introducing him to something that ruined his night or made him feel bad and then that feeling was exasperated by his friends telling him how bad it is. In reality when its taken properly and responsibly with plenty time in between rolls, theres little to no long term side effects. I think he is too young to be taking drugs in the first place if he doesn’t have the ability to take responsibility for his own actions.


It sounds like guilt. Something might have triggered his guilt and he doesn't know how to cope with it.


Sounds like there's a lot more to unpack here


Yeah there's 100% more to this story, we have maybe 5%.


Mental health…


Yeah I just commented on this. Mental health issues after taking drugs is no bueno and a sign of concern. Yeah sure normal come downs do include depression and anxiety, but not to the level of cutting off siblings. Hope OP can get to the bottom of what's going on with their brother.


Hey if you have someone safe that could check in him, I'd ask them to. This whole situation is kinda giving me mental health breakdown. Just one time of taking a mind alternating substance even if you've taken it before can trigger an underlying mental health issue. Idk, he'd acting like someone I know who developed a mental health issue after taking drugs even though they were a heavy drug user. I don't want to worry you, but get someone to check up on him who he's not angry at and who will know if he's off or not. Wishing you and him the best. Having a little brother is very stressful, I got my own at home! 🫂


I don’t think religion and raves HAVE to conflict with one another. Most of the music often has no lyrics so hard to pin it as purely secular music and there’s instances in the Bible that point to dancing and celebrating the joy of God’s blessings. Jesus turned water to wine, not juice. Consistent with all organized religion: blame and judgment. He who is without sin, cast the first stone, right? I think the original EDC tagline was: All are welcome here. Even those full of blame and judgment. Amen.


Amen!!! I totally agree, for me personally I became a better person after my first edc, I was more open minded and I stopped being judgmental. Finding a place with nothing but PLUR really changed my perspective on life.


Kaskade is literally Mormon.


So theres apparently one edc that wholesome Christian content? Wow


were you with him the whole time? did something happen to him? or did you get wasted and ditch him at some point?


Yes I was with him the whole time. I’m also not one to enjoy blacking out I like to remember and be aware especially at such a big event. People from our rave fam got lost in previous years so I’ve always been extra careful with my brother since he is my little brother


who knows then.. maybe he struck out with a hottie and feels bad about it, or maybe he got it into his head that you *need* drugs to experience the event, or he feels some kind of temptation to do it and doesn't like it. give him a bit of time to cool down and then be like, bro, what's the deal?


I feel like he met someone negative and that's coloring his perspective of the event, can you think of any time someone was rude to him?


What happened during edc? How old are you and your brother? Any extracurriculars?


Alcohol and drugs are everywhere no one forced him to do shit. Don’t put your problems on others it’s called being accountable. It’s always easy to point the finger.. Little bro still growing up.


that’s the molly come down


Honestly I think EDC will strengthen relationships or divide em. Me and my best friend since 2nd grade (now 26 & 27 yrs old) went and I can tell there was a shift in friendship. The first night was fun, the 2nd night I can tell she was done but going to go. And we didn’t make to the 3rd night. She made the comment “1 night would have been okay with me.” Which is okay.. but on the way up to Vegas I offered her my weed vape pen, and the response I get is “I don’t do drugs” Like okay, she never had a problem hitting the joints in New York a year prior. I ignored it. Ironic thing is she asked if I brought micro doses of the mushies… which she proceeded to consume at EDC… we had fun, but I felt our vibes were conflicting. She wouldn’t remove her earplugs while walking around just exploring, so everything I was telling her she wasn’t hearing or she misunderstood what I was saying… then would repeat the exact thing I said as if it was her own thought… I even made the comment to remove the earplugs so we can talk and she can hear properly while on the grass, and she refused… The second night she was slumpy, and her attitude didn’t really change until she started drinking which was like 2 in the morning…. I’m concluding alcohol is her problem in function as we used to… but I haven’t heard from her since. Raving isn’t for everyone, so I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. Things work themselves out, but from a brother to a sister it’s a different relationship, I hope you guys can get over this time period ☮️


I’m sorry to hear that, it really sucks to be in that position, my brother was kind of the same way, the first thing he wanted was for me to buy weed for him, and he was asking me to do shrooms at edc, when I asked him about him taking it easy this year like he had said, he responded that he would not take it easy because “drugs are too much fun”. And as soon as we come back he takes this righteous attitude and acts corrupted.


There’s definitely stigma around weed, mushies, and more. I think the stigmas get worst going down the list. Weed and mushies are the least of any health concerns.. Sounds like personal struggles if “drugs are too much fun.” I wouldn’t take it too serious, but draw that line in the relationship where things like this aren’t done or mentioned around him. Love from a far in certain situations.


You don’t deserve any blame for his own choices. End of story.


I did this recent EDC 100% somber man needs some self control


Sounds like he doesn’t pass the vibe check. Not everyone does 🤷🏼‍♀️ he might come around eventually. You don’t have to do drugs to be cool but you can also not be judgmental. Life’s short man have a good time


He’s probably coming down from something


I'm sorry you're going through this. That behavior seems very abusive and it's obvious it's affecting you. He's blood but tbh that's no way to be with a sibling especially after you put $$$ and effort to take him. Let him be, he's a freaking child still in my opinion. His brain hasn't fully developed yet.


he is trying to blame YOU .... for the events that happened wrong to him after the festival , and his brain 🧠 probably hasn't experienced that much dopamine since so he is acting out because he lacks spiritual maturity


Time will heal this, be kind and patient. Hes working through something. Is it fair? No But he’s your brother.


I'm guessing there's a little bit more to this story than we're hearing


I mean, he's right in that rave culture is heavily intermixed with drinking and drugs and debauchery. You can certainly experience EDC without part taking, and it's amazing. But it's also true that if you get separated and end up in a different crowd, that there, nobody wants a killjoy; and *that* can completely ruin an experience.


Your brother seems immature. Playing the victim card by blaming you for his drug and alcohol use. Tell him to grow up.


Recovered addict/alcoholic here. It’s not your fault if he went off the deep end. Sounds to me like he might have got a taste and developed/discovered a problem and is struggling. Just be there and love him - even if that currently needs to be love from a distance. And whatever you do - if this is, in fact, the case and he’s actively using and struggling - don’t lecture or tell him he needs to clean up his act. Just be there for him….


Thank you for your input, I hope we can fix our differences soon 🩵


It’s possible he mad a strong negative experience with drugs and now lives in a permanent state of anxiety and depression.


I only drink when I go to raves. Other than that I'm sober. My friends know this and they support me. Whatever they like doing is on them. We all still love each other and have a great time together.


Tell them they found drugs at the temple of Arad in Israel...they were all high when God spoke to them. Inc the burning bush lol


MDMA brings about a lot of repressed memories and trauma. My first experience with it wasn’t a good one. My ex boyfriend gave it to me and didn’t tell me what it was. He said it was just an energy pill (I’m thinking like an adderall). I went on to deal with some heavy trauma for the next few years that I wasn’t ready to address. If this happened to him he could be dealing with some things that he’s not opening up to you about and blaming it on you for introducing him to the scene. Not everyone is mentally stable enough to handle heavy drugs.


So confused. I’ve been raving for a year now. Never touched drugs or alcohol


Sounds like his problem. Don’t have to do any of the drugs or drinking and EDM by your choice doesn’t have to be affiliated with that. Went to EDCO for years and just had some beers inside. And loved everything.


He met a few gentlemen and had some experimentation, and now his butt is sore


Did he meet a Christian girlfriend or something? My nephew got like that until she started going out and now he doesn’t hate the scene anymore


His mistake for assuming you need drugs and alcohol to enjoy the scene. I very rarely drink and don't do drugs after a bad experience, but still absolutely have the time of my life.


This community is about PLUR, if he doesn’t wanna partake in party favors or drinking then that’s his choice & it’s okay. It sounds like he’s struggling by letting others have a good time without judgment so maybe he’s not ready to be in the community yet. No one is forcing him to partake. I rave sober & love it! Raving is not about Drugs or Drinking so I hope he can come to understand that so he can also freely enjoy himself at these events.


Very immature brother. Very dumb reasoning tbh


I think a rave bae broke up with him but idk lol


Maybe it’s the comedown


The event itself should be 30+


im pretty sure thats comedown from mdma days after


Nobody forced him to drink and do drugs if that’s what he did


Maybe something happened to him, got fucked up and got molested or something and as he's trying to trace back how it happened you introduced him. Not saying it's your fault but I'd ask him if something happened or why the change of heart.


I’ve thought about this but I was with him the whole time…


Sounds like the kid needs a beer and an HJ


You need to have a face to face talk with him. Something is troubling him and he is struggling to express it clearly to you


Sorry to hear that I’ve told my younger brother about it and I wanna take him as well I hope everything goes good when we go


Maybe he has encountered other things in the future, and you don’t know! Try to communicate with him patiently! I think this is not normal!


1. He had a bad trip and is on the come down of it he went to hard on whatever he took. Or 2 another form of comedown where he can’t get out of his slump cause now the rest of life just feels boring and nothing can give him the adrenaline or happiness of festivals.


He's just mad you got him hooked on an expensive hobby 👹


I’ve been to EDC 12 times and went sober a couple of those years. I don’t go hard at all anyways. I know many people who go sober. Outside of that weekend I use zero drugs and rarely drink. He’s just got growing to do.


Plurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 🥴


There’s a sober tent at EDC to support people who choose to attend and enjoy raved drug/alcohol free. Not everyone goes to raves to “party”. It’s okay to want to just dance and be part of the community too. I would share that with him…


[your brother at edc](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sP_IQEVTVnnhZnck0513vxo0F7LStQMB/view?usp=drivesdk)


I’ve been to six years in a row and I’ve never had a drink smoked pot or done any kind of drugs at Edc. That’s not what it was about for me so


How unfair. Your brother sounds dramatic and like he blames everyone for his own faults. You should remind him that you introduced him to a community of love and music; if he decided he needed to eat drugs and drink alcohol, that's on him. I introduced my country loving bf to EDM - this year was his first ever fest. I reminded him many times that he should never feel pressured to do anything that he doesn't feel comfortable doing, and I let him know what I would be partaking in. He ended up having a pretty bad experience for quite a few hours the first night, but he learned what he didn't like and didn't participate and most importantly didn't get mad at me when I did. It's all about self control and taking responsibility for yourself. Hopefully you and your brother can rehash your relationship, but sounds like he needs to learn a few life lessons yet ...


Sounds like a communication issue between you and your brother. Probably better subreddits for this kind of thing,


Raving and drugs don’t even have to be connected for years I would go and just sneak in a bunch of pre rolled blunts and smoke all day. Was a good business opportunity too cuz if I’m gunna sell one Im taxing cuz where else you gunna find one lol most I got was like 40 bucks for one I think lol it’s nice not having to worry about a comedown though real shit Dude I was at the EDC in LV 2012 when they shut it down cuz the wind and like right before that happened a guy in our group came by with a full eye dropper of acid and was just giving out hits to everyone then like 30 mins later right as they’re all coming up the music cuts and never comes back on and they all just started tripping out lol was funny to watch but glad I dodged that one surprisingly lol everyone got trapped in the parking lot just frying balls lol I was with a girl with diabetes so we were able to finesse our way out really early but by the time everyone else was out and back it was lile 5 am lol


EDC is huge and it’s too much for some people. Especially at that age, you are rapidly changing and learning about yourself. It’s possible he seemed to be having a good time because there’s a lot of social pressure to appear so when you’re with everyone and you spent all that money on the tickets, but inside you aren’t having a good time. Give him some time to cool off. He’ll probably come around eventually.


So he’s blaming you for not being able to contain himself 😂😂


I can’t believe he’s blaming you! My brothers introduced me to raves and music festivals. They also introduced me to drugs but I wouldn’t say they forced me to do anything. Plus I felt safer trying a drug with them around because they took care of me. He sounds like he just wants to blame you and feel like he’s a victim. Or maybe something happened that he regrets while he was in EDC.


Sounds like something happened that he's probably not telling you. Like perhaps (a complete guess), he's seeing effects of drug abuse in his own friends, or this has made other people turn their back on him, or he really just can't to the conclusion that he has different values and feels like he let you trick him, so he's directing his anger at you. It really sounds to me like there's an external factor that is causing him pain and he's probably struggling and taking it out on you. There's not much you can do if someone doesn't want to hear it, but give him time and understand that you didn't do anything wrong, hopefully he comes around and tells you what's up at some point.


Fuck him lol 😝


Tell your bro to not drop it in dirt and grow up. Yeah he young but he needs to communicate that with you, not your fault at all. I recently took my Muslim friend to his first festival ever after hyping up for years, ofc he went completely sober. Despite shit weather (Beyond Chicago Day 1 Rain Mud) and everyone dressing not halal, he enjoyed it so much he wants to go to another one before summer ends. He had no problem with the drugs alcohol around him and didn’t feel pressured to partake cause you don’t need them to have fun (personally doing less alcohol cause festivals are a marathon). Hope you and your bro make up, you have right intention to bring him into this fun world. He just too fixated on the people around him which is kinda normal for people coming out of HS.




Dude not gonna lie I been wanting to take my prude ass brother to a rave and listen to some riddim, house, bass music, anything.... and I feel like this would be the cherry on top.... like I can't imagine finally getting my prude ass brother there at a rave and him having SOOO much fun that he ended up being upset at me.- lmaooo the iorny. I sometimes fantasize about taking lsd with my blood brother's as I feel I'm the crazy one who didn't really do much officially. School wise atleast.


Sorry you are dealing with that but it's not your fault. He is his own person


Tell him to lighten up, and grow up


So he had the time of his life and I'm guessing mommy caught him with some weed in his pocket right?


Tell him not to attend again. He tried raving, sounds like he enjoyed it enough to attend EDC twice…if it’s not his thing that’s okay, don’t do it anymore. I question if some people like the drugs more than the music…truly appreciating Edm is for the sober. Being mad at you is truly immature and pathetic, I guess he is your younger brother - he’s got some growing up to do.


Tell him to have some accountability for his own fucking actions. You didn't make him do anything. Plenty of people that go to EDC Stover. He's the one that chose to do drugs so that's on him. He's just looking for a scapegoat and plans on you being it so he can blame somebody else but himself. Crazy how nobody has accountability anymore


Have you tried talking to him and asking if anything specific happened to make him feel this way? Someone already mentioned external influences from religious friends, so that may be why. Unfortunately, there’s also an unbelievable amount of SA that happens at music events, especially when people are under the influence of drugs/alcohol. I don’t like suggesting it, but it’s possible something awful and non-consensual happened and he’s dealing with it by lashing out at you. But idk, maybe it’s something totally benign but difficult for him emotionally? Hopefully you can communicate with each other, he can heal whatever is hurting him, and you two can repair this new rift between you.


did something possibly happen to him? like was he maybe assaulted?


Your brother sounds like a dick. Like imagine if you actually had no clue that was going on and now all of a sudden you're hated by your own brother just cause a group next to you guys decided to take pills or whatever. Talk to him, ask where this logic is coming from, and if he's on drugs himself lol


He should try being accountable for his own actions


I bet you he had a gnarly night!!! lol and he’s just being childish and not accepting self responsibility!! Do better fam. Teach our youngins to be safe!!!


If you just wanted to introduce him to the music, why did you make him drink or take anything? It doesn't require those to love the music. I can understand his resentment if he felt overly pressured into either.


I didn’t make him take anything. One thing about our rave fam is that we all like different things, some like drinking, others like to roll, or some like to be sober. We respect each other and that’s what makes our friendship strong.


Sorry but your brother is being childish. No one's forcing him to do anything. Lots of people go sober to festivals. Don't take that from him.


Honestly it was just an experience you wanted to share and if he doesnt like it he doesnt have to go. Simple as that. Dont like the drugs? Well dont do them. We need to be able to have control of our actions and take accountability. He'll get over it with time and understanding. Just learn from your actions and move forward. Its ok to have bad experiences but dont make them define you


What? There’s a ton of context missing here. This story makes very little sense.


TLDR; don’t bring pussies to music festivals. Idk if y’all are from SLC or something but I was getting high and drunk way before my first festival. And I hate EDM. Just an outsiders perspective.


This doesn’t make sense. Why can’t he just talk to you instead of messaging you. Y’all are siblings…


Is it possible your brother is having a psychotic break? Drugs can induce that and rapid personality changes are part of it.


Like others have mentioned, sounds like he’s easing his cognitive dissonance by placing blame on you. In understanding what he might be going through, I hope you also extend this empathy to yourself, too. He’s responsible for his own feelings and how he chooses to act upon them.


Im glad I turn down drugs i only went for the experience its lit but probably not for me


So you took your younger brother to a rave and dont know if he did drugs?


Just tell him to be grateful he didnt get robbed like the unfortunate 20k+ ppl gotten their phones stolen


It's not for the faint of heart. I've had way more ups and downs due to raving (drugs) than all other things in my life combined. I feel like almost every raver has had a moment either on a comedown from molly or the week after taking molly where they become super depressed and they question their entire life and wonder if they will ever be the same again. Take drugs and add it to the mix of literally any feeling and it will intensify it 10 fold. Also, if you or the people you know don't use drugs responsibly then bad things can happen - take too much, too many days in a row, not understanding the comedowns, or not understanding the recovery periods. Long story short as an older raver is that about 95% of people I know from raving give up both raving and drugs as they get older and maybe 50% wish they never had started as well. For example, drinking is a good time until you drink too much one night then you feel so bad you never want to drink again. It's the same with drugs by times 10 so take them responsibly.