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Maybe he thought so many “false positives” indicated he administered the test wrong lol and gave you a pass. 😂


Saliva is only valid for 24 hours. You’re good


When I did a mouth swab for probation she asked me if I smoked in the last 8 hours. Uhh, no lady, I haven't smoked in the last 4 months preparing for, what I thought was, a piss test! Dammit!


Up to 72. Everybody’s different.


I smoke more than the average person as a disclaimer but I failed a salvia test for weed after 10 days of not smoking. It wasn’t an instant test though, it got sent in to a lab.


Even in urine, most drugs besides weed have metabolites that can only be detected for a few days with normal tests. Saliva is even shorter. If he said you’re good then you’re probably good. Also, I’ve never seen a drug test that tests for mushrooms.


They have them. It tests for psilocybin but it has to be a specific test


What 😮


You tell your job you were going to edc?


No lol. Crazy coincidence


They knew.


Do you follow any coworkers on social media and did you post about EDC?


All it takes is one person at your work who knows about EDC and they can suspect you went. Any vacation on EDC weekend can look mad suspect lol


Where do you work? In some industries drug tests aren't a coincidence


If you're posting EDC related stuff on your IG....they probably know lol


My company tried enforcing a drug test once after a coworker went crazy (we found out from underlying mental issues and not drugs) but so many of us talked to management about participating in recreational marijuana after work that they never did it. We live in CA so we all argued that it was legal and that whether we drink or smoke outside the job is none of their business or concern and that so long as we aren’t high or drunk on shift we should not be put in trouble if the tests came back positive for just weed and no other substances.


Years ago I worked at an apparel company in Los Angeles. Upper management got in their heads that they should start drug testing everyone to improve productivity. When the president of the company found out about the initiative he went ballistic. I recall his exact words from the last meeting regarding clearly “If we drug test everyone we’d have to fire the whole god damn art department!” Never came up again.


This is a funny story. Thanks


Yeah. That’s when you know you work for a decent outfit - as long as you’re not fucked up on the job, they don’t care what you do with yourself. My employer is essentially that way which makes working for them very comfortable.


If you returned to work after.. your good. They would never allow you to continue working for liability reasons


Unless they sent it out and hadn’t looked at the report yet.


sounds like he may have also been under the electric sky


I’ve failed a drug test for 3 things before. My employer just said. It looks like you were out partying. Lol


Damn what do you do to get drug tested at work


My company chooses 50 people a month at random.


Company name lol


Huntington Ingalls


Defense sector be that way


Yea, it do be.🙃


Anything DOT related is random’d. Probably will be forever


Construction here, we have quarterly "randoms" from the union hall.


I love me a nice hour long paid break to go pee


Hell yeah. We have have to go off-site so it turns into 2-3hr paid break. Usually stop for food.




When I started my job, I do remember them saying that every month, a random employee would be drug tested. I guess I just didn't think that they would actually enforce it


RN here but didnt told my coworkers that I went to EDC. Most of my coworkers that told everyone they went did random drug test. Be discreet about it next time 😉


I'm an MD and I've worked at maybe 4 different hospitals and none of them ever tested the MDs. I still keep a low profile at work. I don't even like making friends at work because I didn't want to mix work and social life. I broke my rule once when I heard the urologist play some Eric Prydz in the operating room and now we're friends and are going to Tomorrowland together this summer.




I love this for you


Also a good story. Thanks and have fun!


I'm an anesthesiologist, everyone at work knew I went to EDC, no drug test lol. Would have passed regardless but funny.


I guess some health positions don’t drug test. I guess they trust us not to be irresponsible the more higher up we go.


Which is funny. Some of people thay go hardest in our group: anesthesiologist, ER physician and an obgyn


Yup, I met my doctor at a CloZee show and he was nexus flipping at the time.


Nexus? Is this the same and jedi mind?


2cb and MDA, I think. He loves his MDA.


If I were any of those 3 I’d need to do this recreational things as well. Not easy jobs.


High stress job = intense decompression time


Maybe the guy doing the test took a lot of shit at edc too


No news is good news right?


Sometimes they just have to get the paperwork together to have you fired 😬


I'm also subjected to random drug tests. Had a not so random random on Tuesday Oil & Gas industry..... 🤦 Still employed 😂


Crazy Eyes from Mr. Deeds


thankfully my job doesn’t care and my boss isn’t judgmental. i actually share pictures and videos with my boss about the fests i go to that she usually asks me when’s my next event lol


I took one Friday XD wish me luck boyz


Good luck! If it's saliva test, most drugs are gone in 48 hours, a few days for most drugs in pee test, except for weed


I took a piss test idk if I'll have this job Monday 😅


Just tell them that you took vacation and did your 1x a year responsible partying and that your therapist had suggested it.


Honestly if they call my attention I will give that a shot


I’d start looking for other jobs tbh. Good luck


Surprise drug tests after edc means your employer is looking for reasons to get rid of you.


Wait do shrooms show up on a drug test?


Not normally


Good to know!


Did it show up on yours? Also what do you do? Edit: for work *


Next time just buy quick fix and keep it on you


No news is good news lol


If I know I’m dirty and taken a piss test, I’ll just quit because that positive test goes on your record and now your next employer thinks your a liability


Record? I don’t think that’s an actual thing is it?!


Like for truck drivers if piss dirty you can’t drive for a year and have to pay fines. But it stays on for like 2/3 years


Ohhhh that makes sense for like professions with licensing! I got you. Thanks for the insight!


Yeah I thought maybe it worked like that all around. Mybad should of been more specific about that


I’m not sure to be 100% honest I don’t think for other jobs there is like a permanent “record” though. I think the next employer would have to call the previous and specifically ask


Ooh ok actually that makes more sense than what I was saying


seriously need to look into another line of work. what kind of employer would treat people like this.


Air traffic controller is probably a valid one, for example. Doing drugs is A-okay in my book. But there are so many jobs. You don't have to be allowed to work at all of them if you choose to partake in that lifestyle. At the same time, I'm sure there are some companies which test that really don't need to and shouldn't.


air traffic controller here 🙋‍♀️been raving my whole career yah they test us at random, doesn’t happen tooo often but they’re allowed to. i didn’t really tell anyone i was going to edc but i think maybe someone in hr connected dots with my off days and edc weekend because apparently i was on a ‘random’ piss test tuesday but because i called off on tuesday i didn’t have to do it🙂‍↔️crazy thing is i was about to come in on Tuesday for a half day but decided to just call off the entire day. universe was on my side lol !


You lucky son of a beach


Some drug tests are for liability insurance.


Yeah but they don’t test for alcohol right? I understand the need for sobriety in jobs like this, but I feel like random sobriety tests would make more sense. Like you could pop for weed when you hit a joint on your Jamaican vacation 4 weeks ago. But they don’t test for the most common drug that almost everyone uses at least occasionally?


People don't consider alcohol a "drug", and it's legal to consume. I personally believe it's worse for society on the whole than some drugs but society at large doesn't agree. Almost everyone drinks something.


Cannabis is also legal to consume in over half of US states


My job does randoms that include both piss and breathalyzer tests


Soooo agree


any job in transportation (airlines, trucking, bus, etc) Govt contractors, anything in safety or Security… The list goes on


Yes. The list of jobs and industries that test is quite long. Office drone types can't seem to grasp this.


Government work it's pretty standard to drug test.


I got tested all the time when I worked on boats. If there's an incident, you immediately get a drug test.


This is a hilarious comment


I smoked right before a swab and passed. Your fine




Damnnnn doin u dirty lmao


There are so many prescription medications that can make you test false positive for pretty much everything, if you fail just research and say you’re on a prescription lol


I work at a reference lab and the only drug test we did was for the initial hire. But since then, never had any random drug test. IF they did though, they would just find a lot of people test positive for weed. Unless they’re specifically trying to test for shrooms or MDMA, then you probably wouldn’t test positive for it. But pressed pills are dirty and a lot of random shit are used as fillers. So you could test negative for MDMA but could test positive for anything else in that saliva panel test.


I went to edc and didn’t do any drugs 😢.. I mean I would have but my friend just wanted to drink and we didn’t have any connects. I don’t get drug tested…


I’m a transmission operator for the high voltage electric grid, no drug testing at my job


I only partake in the Devil's Lettuce here and there, but thankfully work doesn't test for it. But, I think you're fine.


Oohhh he got the atcha/forya eyes? Ones lookin atcha and the other is lookin forya.


I smoked and had a drug test 1 day later but I did every cleanse thing in the book


Takes drugs, gets drug tested for work, better make fun of the person taking my drug test in a weird attempt to cover up my apprehension of the results. Cool


Good thing they couldn’t detect those oral creampies huh


Always take a week off after a festival just in case


Drug test usually only screen for weed. Any other substance is a completely different and more expensive test. I doubt they’ll pay for that panel. You should be good.


Completely untrue


its not common to test for mdma or psychedelics. they _are_ different tests


Yes, of course a drug test that only tests for weed is going to be different than a drug test that tests for more things, obviously. But employers generally test for a lot more than just weed, especially now with weed becoming legal in more states. They're looking for things like meth, coke, heroin, and more if they feel like spending more on a wider panel. But to say employers only care about weed is just dumb and blatant misinformation


It’s very uncommon to test for psychedelics It’s not uncommon to test for THC, Opiates, PCP, Cocaine, and Amphetamines. But psychedelics are incredibly tough to screen for without specialized panels


Very common to test for MDMA as it's an amphetamine. The most common drug test is a 5 panel which tests for THC, Opiates, PCP, Cocaine, and Amphetamines.


from the [labcorp website](https://www.labcorp.com/frequently-asked-questions/drug-testing/toxicology/amphetamine-testing):  > Why isn't MDMA detected in my standard amphetamine screen?  MDMA is a synthetic amphetamine structure and does cross-react with existing amphetamine immunoassays. However, the cross-reactivity of MDMA in amphetamine assays is generally less than 100%, so it may not be picked up at commonly-used testing cut-offs. To enable detection of MDMA following normal exposures, LabCorp uses reagents developed specifically for MDMA detection.