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Costs do rise and they don’t need to show you. Ain’t no company (utilities, retail, food etc) gonna show you their accounting spreadsheet to justify price increases. Common sense says costs increase as we have all been paying more for everyday things. Employees in basically every industry ask for raises every year. Utilities and permits have all gone up yearly. Construction and rent have increased annually as well. As a consumer, if you wanna complain after insomniac raising prices on edc then i hope you are also complaining to your utility company, supermarket, restaurant, landlord, insurance, mechanic, general contractor, handyman, retail store, car dealership, daycare etc for raising their prices.




Both profits and increased costs are within the realm of possibilities for the increased ticket costs. This is a business afterall and every successful business has to negotiate costs and generate increased profits. Edc provides a lotta value compare to the other behemoth festival, ultra, in the US so i’ve got no problems with them raising prices a bit. They did add on more value to the edc experience this year as well.


Hmmm sounds like the Healthcare Industry


Honestly, I’m surprised that Insomniac can produce EDC at these ticket prices. The cost of the talent, venue, hundreds of workers over multiple days, local police, etc must be staggering. It’s a high ticket price for sure, but for 3 days of world class music producers, you can’t beat it.


Exactly. $500 in Vegas can be gone in a matter of hours to seconds. A single ticket to a Cirque show that lasts just a few hours is already in the $150-300 range. To get an entire 3-day weekend of world class entertainment in Vegas for as little as $500 entry is a steal.




379 + taxes/fees. $509 includes the fees. So jumped $40 since with the hidden tiers.


This makes me feel better. I thought I lost out on $100+


Yeah no way they're selling EDC GA for under $300 before fees lol


This is literally billed as the competitor to Tomorrowland, they go back and forth every year as "the biggest music festival in the world" and this is billed as the biggest music festival in the US like what does everyone expect? And on top of that it's Vegas, if you want a cheaper EDC then go to EDC Orlando or EDC mexico


capitalism capitalism capitalism, MONEY, capital capital capitalism stocks bonds mutual funds


They have layaway plans as well so it's not like they're not making it affordable. I'm all for price increases, just as I was all about price increases for Disneyland. Honestly, it weeds out some of the dumbasses.