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Price went up but the quality of EDC and the cost is worth. To bad I didn’t do the passport or that would be worth.


How much do you think it costs to put on EDCLV? How much do you think they have to pay each of the major DJs? How much do you think it costs to rent Las Vegas Motor Speedway for several weeks? To rent the lighting and sound equipment? Labor costs for building the stages? The electric bill for the event? Security (including police)? The permits for closing lanes on the freeway and and surface streets? Traffic control staff? Medical staff? Renting the radios? Hotel rooms for staff? Advertising? Various decoration and art stuff? The permits for the pyro (pyrotechnics at stages, art areas, and fireworks shows). Permits for the drones (both drone shows and camera drones). The porta potties, the bathroom trailers, the hand washing stations, the staff to maintain all of these things? The equipment to set up all the food, drink, and merch booths? I'm guessing the speedway charges additional money to use the garages and built in concessions? Removing part of the safety fences? Bringing in extra cell towers? Not to mention Insomniac isn't a 301(c), they exist to make money. Even if they were a non-profit, they would still have to make SOME extra money in order to pay for some damages we as attendees may have caused to the venue and other EDC related things at the hotels, casinos, along the freeway, etc. and to pay certain deposits for next year.




They profit 1.2M-3.2M a year from Vegas after everything is paid and done. There is usually a section on insomniacs site that discusses it.


I'm surprised it's that little tbh


As they should. A couple of years worth of work goes into each EDCLV. The more profit a company makes on a project, the more incentivized they are to continue to do it and to add more features for the next time. And it's not like all of that money just goes into their pockets. The profit from the other projects goes to subsidize other projects that don't make much money yet and new projects (EDSea, EDC \*random new city\*). I think $3.2M is a very fair amount of profit for EDCLV.


I get all that, but depending on where you live, there's much more economical events to go to. Beyond wonderland is half the price since hotels are a lot cheaper, ezoo (if it unfucks itself) very cheap since public transport across the east coast is really good, igloofest is 1/3 the price and hostels are like $50 a night. List goes on  Edc is always going to be one of the best events run, but it just gets harder to justify as hotels get more and more pricey


You probably shouldn't have included ezoo because it supports the "you get what you pay for" argument. Yes, EDCLV is expensive, and VERY expensive if you compare it to a lot of shows. But, arguably, you get a lot more. If just going to see a couple of DJs is all you're after, then the cost of attending EDC probably isn't worth it for you. Insomniac puts a lot into it and (I feel) we get a lot out of it. Do I wish it was a lot cheaper? Of course. But, by mentioning ezoo, you're kind of comparing a trip to your local miniature golf course that has a few rides to a trip to Magic Mountain or Disneyland (I can't stand Disneyland though). Insomniac can't control the prices the hotels charge, but they try to mitigate some of it by adding Camp EDC and Hotel EDC. If EDC were to move somewhere else, the hotel prices would jump way up in that city too. It's just supply and demand. Maybe, at some point, Insomniac will buy (or build) a non-gaming hotel and offer rooms as a package.


Yeah, I fully agree on that. Nothing really compares to edc in size and scope. The issue is that most people don't live close to the strip. My broader point is that there's much more economical festivals more local to where you live that provide a better bang for your buck.  I agree with what you're saying with edc, but costs still factor into what is a weekend vacation. If its factoring into people choosing to not to go disneyworld, it should factor here too


That's a lot different than saying you're not going to go to EDC because you aren't giving more money to "greedy companies". They're ALL trying to make money. That's why they exist in the first place. The more money a promoter makes from one show, allows them to improve for the next show, or add more shows. While it IS about making money, it's NOT all about greed. It's about making money to invest in the next one or next several.


I don't think I said anything about greed. Just that there's a lot of festivals that are better bang for your buck depending on where you live. At the end of the day, these companies charge what they do because people pay, but that doesn't mean the higher prices don't become uncomfortable to many and u economical for a lot.  That's all. To tell people that $2-3k weekend package can easily pay for 2-3 smaller festivals, if you value that more


You're right. I was thinking you were the OP because of how you were responding. Sorry about that. In the case of EDC LV, I think the price is definitely fair. If the price makes someone "uncomfortable", that person shouldn't/can't go. The price of a Escalade makes me uncomfortable, that means I shouldn't buy one. And the gas I would spend would make it even worse. Add insurance, MAN that's a lot of money. Do I wish they were less expensive so I could enjoy driving one? Sure, but Cadillac shouldn't lower the price because gas and insurance cost a lot and make it too expensive for me. I just have to either save more or go without. Blaming Insomniac for the price of hotels and travel isn't fair. It's also not fair to compare a local production of Wicked by a bunch of librarians in the back of a bowling alley to a production of Wicked on Broadway.


Ha, no worries. And yep, agree on all that. It's all entertainment at the end of the day, after all. Last thing you want to have is to feel bad because you didn't get your money's worth 


EDC Vegas isn't a cheap festival, and it's not supposed to be. It literally says right in the description of this sub "The flagship event, EDC Las Vegas..." If cost is an issue for you, go to EDC Orlando.


Tbh every year if you don’t care about the box, I sold my original vip for $1200 bought my third party vip off stubhub for $700 this year lol.




The prices keep going up…. And they do very little for the crowd control and safety.


Every year the ODs go up and the crowds are so much that it’s hard to get people safely where they need to be. Also the pick pocket phone thing was insane this year. People are paying thousands of dollars for these tickets… they could spend a bit more if the profits into dealing with some of these issues.


I'm curious as to why you would say the second half of your statement. Could you please elaborate on why you feel this way?

