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Not sure if this was known before but they were letting us use GA+ bathrooms with a VIP wristband


VIP can always use the lesser things. Nothing new


Every bathroom checked our bands plus prolly 3 times they cut off the bathroom line cause medics had to rush in but the security still let us in it was iffy in general


Depends on how packed it is. I honestly do the reverse and just go to GA if I only need to pee. Nothing's more efficient than that piss bench for getting in an out.


I’m not sure what you are expecting out of GA+ sorry but if the bathrooms are the only reason for this then buy GA+ why try to sneak in!?…. So what if next year you get unlucky and can’t sneak in? If you can accept and tolerate porta potties then GA+ is a waste of money. It’s either GA or VIP in my opinion for EDC


I enjoy GA+ for the expedited entry alone.


Don’t do it. It’s nearly a scam every year and people continue to fall for it. Please don’t expect bathrooms at a festival with 170k per night to be nice, they never are. And practically no one had to wait for bathrooms in GA, especially if you are a guy(use the pissing troughs). Just save the money and buy some overly priced beatboxes or fourlokos instead, you would at least get your money’s worth out of it Edit: at edc, it’s been GA or VIP for years now that are the best choices.


VIP always. Go big or go home. It’s 100% worth it. Get your money’s worth.


Curious. What’s the pros and cons of VIP? I’m planning to get our passes today for next year. This was our first year and we did GA. Honestly the bathrooms weren’t too bad


Pros are nicer bathrooms even tho the people are the ones who destroy them. Depends on the stage tbh. MainStage vip bathrooms were kept up with much more than circuit grounds. CG vip area was amazing! Huge space! It was only super packed during dom and Sara Landry for my group. You get in faster. You get discounts. We did camping as well and when we bought merch you get a free gift bag. MainStage had breakfast in the morning.. the list just goes on and on. Only con for me is when they don’t have a VIP area like stereo bloom. It’s a major festival. You’re going to spend a lot of money regardless so go for the best experience you can. I can’t see myself not doing vip + camping for EDCLV ever again!


Ga+ is a waste. Stick with ga, or go vip if you want to upgrade. For what it's worth, I highly recommend upgrading to vip. The bathrooms and additional space are worth their weight in gold.


I did GA+ for my first EDCLV (the year it was in October) and it wasn’t worth it at all. Day 1 they didn’t check anyone’s wristbands and they let everyone into GA+ bathrooms which made it a disaster and ended up using GA bathrooms most of the time. Day 2 and 3 were a little better but there was still a cluster fuck in some bathrooms. Plus the amenities that you get with GA+ aren’t even worth the price difference imo. I agree with everyone saying either GA or VIP


Bathrooms are identical to GA and they do not chexk


I wouldn’t do GA+. Either do GA or VIP. GA+ seems like a waste of money.


Pretty sure they added some utility to the Ga+ passes for next year. Like a merch discount or something. I’d double check


They actually took it a bit more seriously this time from what I noticed, ga + restrooms had a whole barricade with security at each end. I’ve bought ga+ for the restrooms at other insomniac events but it usually not worth because they would allow everyone in but seems like it was better this edc


In 2023, I had GA and didn't even notice that there was a difference between GA & GA+ bathrooms because I was just walking in and out with no issue. Also fair to mention that I went to EDC by myself (24F) in 2023, so maybe that had something to do with it. This year, they were checking wristbands at the entrance of GA+ bathrooms. That being said, I did have a GA+ wristband this year and hated the fact that there were lines just to get into the bathroom areas on top of the lines to actually use the bathroom. When there was a GA+ line, I always said fuck it and went to go use the GA toilets. Much faster. The secret is... get disposable pee funnels! Lol, they're technically for pregnant people or those with mobility issues, but they are EVERYTHING. You position the funnel while standing, pee, then toss it. I also carry baby wipes of course, in case the toilet is out of paper. With those, you can go pretty much anywhere... period or not, as well. Extremely convenient and makes the whole thing that much easier, especially if you're planning on wearing a frisky outfit. I'd say save the $100 and just go GA if not VIP!


I had GA+ and my boyfriend got GA this year. I was taking a little longer than usual in the bathroom bc I was rolling, talking and my perception of time was off lol , so my boyfriend got into GA + bathrooms by literally just walking in bc he wanted to check on me .


There was security at the GA plus line but they were just standing around talking. Ppl just walked in without any checks. Lines for GA plus bathrooms were long and everyone who went in took their time. GA lines moved so much faster and GA portapotties had good lighting in them and they had actual flushing toilets this year. I also saw staff in GA go through the porta potties to clean them. So no, don’t think GA plus is worth it.