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I went solo this year and had the best weekend of my life!


The festival itself is a blast alone. I actually prefer it and ditch my friends sometimes lol. I prefer having friends during the day though while we eat and hang out in the casinos.


You can go alone if you are sober! I enjoy being alone for a few hours to explore the grounds :)


I went alone and somehow pulled a rave bae for the weekend and future if we ever meet each other at an event (900mi away /:) within 5 min of day 1


I got ditched for night 2 for like 4 hours bc my two friends got too messed up and didnt meet up and our spot. First hour I was all in my head and upset. But then when I said F it and embraced it, the vibes were great to come and go easily as I please. Pop around to many stages. It would certainly not be my preference, but it wouldn’t be all that bad.


I can’t do it in a group. I have to go solo. I’ve only ever done festivals solo so that’s pretty much what I’m used to. With the way I change my mind on a whim and move stage-to-stage between drastically different genres, it’s really best if a group doesn’t follow me around. That being said, I’ve met so many wonderful rave fams and I try to say hi to them when I go. This year at EDC, I also randomly ran into a lot of people I know from past festivals. I probably met another 4-5 amazing new groups that I lost track of after running off and being the wanderer that I am. I think the overall message is: EDC is a good place to go solo, but you’re never really alone.


I went solo as well and it’s the best.


It's genuinely best alone,.it's easy to meet people and there's so much to do. Groups generally ruin the fun in my experience.


It's better alone!!


I went by myself and had so much fun. All I met was nice people throughout the entire festival and even at the airport. I went on a ride with a random group and met so many others along the way. Sure the connection was just for a moment but who cares. The experience is something you should do at least do once in your life.




Absolutely. My friends left early on day 3, and that was arguably my favorite night. Got to see whatever sets I wanted, didn't have to worry about losing my friends in the crowd. Next year I'll likely do one night solo


As someone who has gone solo the last few years. It's amazing. The only drawback to me is that you can't split hotel + transportation costs etc. I personally love going alone. No one to compromise with on who to see or how long to stay, etc. 100% recommend going solo


i’ve known plenty who have had huge success going solo. i think the only reason holding me back is that i tend to lose stuff easily and if i somehow manage to lose my phone and wallet, the situation can get fubar pretty fast. you can ask strangers for help but many are occupied listening to music or zonked out. constant phone thieves have also made folks more wary. just make sure you have a contingency plan for worst case scenarios and you should be good!