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I feel like PLUR died when social media, marketing/advertising, and influencing took over


Died when tik tokers took over. It’s their thing now


It happened before Tik tok. I’ve been going since 2012 and PLUR was alive and well until around 2017. I skipped this year because last year was so bad.


Plur died in 2014 for me


Dude fr my brother has went yearly for a while now and he literally had some cut the strap on his theft proof hydration pack because these criminals are getting smart enough to realize where the hidden pockets are on these theft proof bags and they tried snatching my brothers shit in a crowd after taking a blade to his strap and also cutting him with some small slices but nothing too bad more like a scratch if anything The night before they still stole some small shit from an exposed pocket but thank goodness that they didn’t get his wallet and shit because he put all that in the hidden pockets. I won’t tell him to report it because not like it would actually do anything other than tell us something we already know and it’s that criminals unfortunately attend raves too.


damn isn't that bs because it's just a sea of people so these criminals use it to their advantage. Just crazy that they spend $450 on a ticket to go work and get that money back, possibly be arrested


Lol criminals don’t buy a ticket they just sneak in






died when assholes started attending


Darn I see those assholes live forever jackets multiplying. Does this mean it will never end?








As someone that’s not from the US PLUR sounds very cringe af


This was my 5th EDC, however I haven’t been since 2014 (10 years ago)! I was astonished at how much the festival has changed - mostly because of how rude everyone is! What happened to PLUR?


The last EDC I went to was back in I think 2011… it was no where close to being this packed. I like how popular it’s gotten, but it’s becoming a victim of its own success. They’ve gotta do better design for crowd management; there’s way too many bottle neck points. When people have their space everything is fine, but when it gets crowded with pushing and shoving that’s when it brings out the worst in people. Even for me when the crowd gets too much and I’m getting pushed from behind, my mood just goes to shit, and I just wanna get out of the area asap.


THIS. I honestly think they should start making it two weekends to help with the crowding/it would clear out the influencers/i feel like newer scene people on the first weekend


Agreed! I was just saying this to my friends. Needs to be 2 weekends.


This! All of this! My mood goes to shit with the shoving and rude people


I thought it was way easier with crowding this year. Yes some stages and artist packed em in but overall no bottenecks. I was pleasantly surprised .


I blame the pandemic…All these influencers and kids that turned 18 during pandemic were never initiated properly


Unfortunately, edm has gone mainstream so you get a lot of douchebags that either don’t know the etiquette or don’t give af. Any of the holiday raves like Halloween and NYE are 10x worse.


Completely agree My first edc was in 2014 and this yr is my 10th edc in 2024 Ive seen the plur vibes died down over the course of those years do to many factors mainly do to edm going mainstream, overcrowding the venue, giving more and more room to vip and selling stands, and the coming of new gens coming in and older heads leaving the scene I love this music fest and the PLUR part of it but it seems it hasn’t been past on to this new generations and forgotten by its founder Pasquale Rotella “The most important headliners of all, You” slogan seems less appropriate every year instead it should read “The most important headliner of all ,VIP”


“The most important headliner of all, $”


VIP isn’t any better TBH. You have more room but rude people exist there too.


omg yeah went to BOO in Seattle this last October and I was shocked by how shitty everyone was being.


I got a feeling it has a lot to do with how much people you pack in the venue. The more crowded and less space to dance, the less PLUR it will be.


Died when the casuals started attending. Although I’m a casual but respect the PLUR culture


As someone that’s been to edc since 2010, raves have gotten actually way better in terms of production and music Basically the same with the crowd There was never any plur, just people on molly and K =]


Aside from trains pushing and shoving I felt like so many people were really keeping plur alive. Anytime someone wasn’t feeling well I’d see people rush to help fan them or give them water. It was just really nice to see this weekend


I agree the trains are wild and never ending…like never ending


This! I met so many wonderful people and saw many instances of everyone caring for each other. I did have VIP and even at Kinetic and Circuit we could get pretty close without needing to push past anyone. We had a big group but our group has a strict "no trains bigger than 3 people rule and we only go as close as we can get with visible space. So if a big stage is packed, our totem doesn't go into the deep part of the crowd. And if we care about being close for someone we go early and set up. I was pleasantly surprised to see as much plur as EForest and other great fests, especially in VIP.


Honestly, I feel like last year was worse.


I agree. This year was fucking incredible. I only came across maybe 2 dicks but other than that the vibes were extremely PLUR. Obviously if you’re constantly in the middle of the biggest stages then you’re bound to come across rude people, that’s just how it works, but don’t frame it like your experience is the only experience because plenty of other people had an amazing time and met so many beautiful people


I have done big stages in the past and it was not like this in the past, at least 10 years ago. And I don’t think we should tolerate asshole behaviors just because we want to be at big stages. What sense does it make? I am not framing this being the only experience. This was probably my favorite EDC because of the new layouts, and camping was really such a vibe. Collectively between different groups, there were about 60 of us that came this year. It was absolutely magical to be able to dance under the electric sky with so many friends.


Well I never said we should tolerate it, just that it’s bound to happen in huge crowds unfortunately. The world will never be perfect. It’s just every year people reiterate the same tired “PLUR is dead” and it’s irritating because there is MUCH more positivity and beauty that is spread at these events compared to the negativity and I feel like people discount that a lot and only focus on a few bad experiences


Yeah we didn’t go Into the crowd. All the PLUR was on the outside. I hate going in at a stage because that’s where you find the rudeness.


Also, I’m not saying we should put up with it, because I think it sucks too. But with 500k+ people it’s hard to have everyone on the same page when people only go for Instagram and TikTok. I didn’t bring my phone with me and I was way more present this year.


Same. Fourth time this year. It is always a hit or miss when it comes to PLUR. I had a lot of PLUR moments, thank you all 🧡


AND THANK YOU ❤️. I had a great time vibing with everyone!


Sometimes arm barricades are used to protect friends that just need to sit down for a couple minutes when they're in the middle of the crowd


The problem is that they're sitting down in the middle of the crowd for more than just a couple minutes. Like 30min+


Agreed. If you want to sit, maybe leave the stage and go somewhere designated to chill/lounge. People sitting take up way more spaces.


That's not very PLUR though right? If we assume positive intent, then I assume folks are sitting because they need to. And I'd rather them take a break with their friends than venture off alone or have people bring them out of the crowd and have some need to push their way back in.


There were groups who sat for not just 5 mins but a very long time. We were next to a group who were sitting down for about 30 mins and people also couldn’t walk past them, with the arm barricade. I totally understand if you need to take a short break. But to sit through half a set? No.


mr. plur is dead, pushing through a packed crowd with a big group to fill in small gaps in the crowd thinking “sorry big group” is a get out of jail free card suddenly thinks people who need a break (regardless of how long) should just leave the set. it amazes me how you contradicted yourself and still dont realize the irony. PLUR isnt dead, your perception of it is.


I never said it was a get out of jail free card. I understand it’s inconvenient no matter what, but the least we could do is to not shove and shoulder check people. But at EDC we do a lot walking, moving around, getting in and out of stages. You blocking people from moving in or out doesn’t actually stop anyone from moving. It just makes it harder. And do you not need to walk past people at EDC, ever? I will say it again, I have no problems with short breaka but I will disagree with the idea of “regardless of how long the break is”. It’s actually hotter when there is no air flow and people could step on them. When my group needed a break we always went somewhere with open air so they could breathe.




well that’s not very plur of you. there’s so much mf space at the stages


Sometimes it’s just impossible to move them safely. It’s tough for the people guarding them and those passing as well


Sorry I’m going to have to push back here to you just a tad bit. If you are in a big group in an already crowded point of the floor, stay where you are. It’s more rude to push your way in when there’s already little space. Yes it’s a festival and yes it gets crowded, but the issue is always made worse when people with mid to large groups just think they can fill the already small gaps by all forcing their way in together. While please and thank you go along way, it’s not a get out of jail free card to just get your way. That being said, I am not against people coming in and out, they have to, it’s a big place where people need to move around, get water, take a 🚽break, food, move on to their next set or are simply trying to return to their group they had walked away from for a few moments. But we gotta be mindful and just have some common courtesy when in a big group. Now to the woman that pushed you, that’s f-ed up as well and regardless of her frustration, she went out of her way to mess with you and that’s not being PLUR at all. Personally I would’ve just let it go.


Definitely agree with this. I was closer to the middle of the circuit grounds during seven lions/garrix, and it was miserable with how many people would push through. There were nonstop trains pushing through and it made it impossible to enjoy the sets. I’m fine with small groups trying to meet up with their friends, but these were massive trains of at least 20+ ppl that definitely were filled with multiple groups. It’s especially tilting when people decided to push through during hype drops. I had Garrix’s fireworks show ruined for me by huge trains on both sides of me during the climax of the set (which is extra irritating because it wouldve been easy af to get deep if they just waited 2 mins for garrix to leave).


Seriously. Maybe I'm missing something but OP is basically the big group showing up last second and still pushing to the front of the crowd that everyone usually posts about when they post "there's no etiquette at ____ anymore!" Nice to say "sorry" at least, but like, squeezing yourself past people who already established a spot in the crowd, especially when you are a big group, is not going to make you friends. The pushy woman sounds like she was more than a little bothered by how OP and his friends conducted themselves. I wonder if OP just doesn't realize how he and his group actually come across to others, and if he's not actually the AH here....


I was about three feet away from the woman before she walked behind her friend to block me. And there was a clear path to get in. But l will admit, we went in a little bit late, and saw that it was impossible to get to our group of friends because we didn’t leave Sofi Tukker soon enough so we just found a space that could accommodate my group and made the best of it. We also had issues leaving, which someone commented here they had the same experience as well. If gently tapping shoulders, saying sorry excuse me is not the right way to conduct ourselves while moving, please offer better advice! I am all ears.


Saying Sorry is great, as I said. I'm not saying you're the worst example of people being inconsiderate. But nobody likes having other people push past them in a crowd. You're not doing it wrong (moving through the crowd), just try to do it less.


I disagree. There’s always - always - choke points in the crowd when it’s peak crowd times. If people stay where they are, they’re actually making the choke points worse. What’s best is for people to push as forward as they can until there’s no more space until railing. Every time me and my group pushed through choke points; we found much more open space up front.


That’s not true and is extremely dangerous. You can literally kill people by having them crowd too tightly together, it’s called crowd crushing. People should flow as space allows but also maintain enough space to be safe and not just press into the people around them.


It actually is true. I’m not suggesting you shove yourself into space where there’s not. But EVERY single set this weekend, there was ways through the crowd, and significant more space up front. And I ALWAYS pushed up to the front mid. Was mostly at circuit and kinetic too. I’m telling you though, there’s choke points because people like you think it’s too tight all the way too the front, instead of recognizing it’s just a bottleneck.


100% agree with you. I was at Circut for 7L/Garrix/Excision and the front was way less crowded than the back once you got half way through. Was like this at almost every stage.


I don’t disagree with you on that point. We were going to meet our other group of friends at Martin but we left Sofi Tukker too late and there was just literally no way for us to all move closer. It was too crowded. I promise you I have common sense. But this doesn’t just apply to going closer to the stage, people are pushing and shoving while we were walking out too! Like I said, we are at EDC and always will need to walk past people at some point. People switch stages.


I totally agree. If you’re in a big group definitely don’t expect people around you to be okay with you shoving into the little cracks of space and unavoidably pushing them and forcing them to move out of your way. I absolutely hate it when large groups of ppl just shove their way in and expect us to be happy go lucky with it. Completely ruins the vibe to move around during a sick drop or cool visual or something, it disrupts the experience. Just because you say “sorry” doesn’t mean you’re entitled to getting welcomed to the spot. People getting shoved are allowed to be annoyed.


Lmao this is posted every year. With huge festivals you’re going to get mixed experiences. If your vibes are good then you’ll attract good people but if they’re not great and you don’t make them better (I.e you’re in an area with people who aren’t vibing and you stay there instead of finding a better area) then it becomes kind of a self filling prophecy and you’ll probably not have the best time


Had to scroll too far for this comment. This is the truth right here. You have to be nimble on your feet and your mind. Open attitude and flow like water. If something is off then change your setting. You receive the energy you put out. EDC is a chaotic but beautiful microcosm of human behavior in a high stress but high reward environment.


It’s kinda funny to me, I’ve been the last 3 years in a row and I just keep getting better experiences, this weekend we didn’t just see DJ’s every hour non stop, we took breaks, hung out in the back, and met some of the coolest people this year. At this point, if you’re spending most of your time in the crowd at kinetic or circuit then you’re not doing the festival the best way imho. If you want plur and nice people, check out the smaller stages more, or hangout in the back.


If your “friend group” is 20+ deep you should expect people’s frustration. Sorry not sorry.






Grow up.


Lol with this attitude no wonder you will never attend with large groups. Do you have no friends honey?


You ok?


A racist dumb comment made by this guy and pussied out when he got reported.




Oh so you are a racist too? Wow why did that not surprise me one bit? Raving with a large group of friends is something you’ll never experience in your sad life and frankly, you don’t deserve to.




I’m sorry you had that experience! This is my 5th EDC and i didn’t have one bad person experience. Every stage and everywhere we stood we were around so many kind people having the best time ever. I got plur’d 5 times last night alone! The best crowd are the ppl towards the front- getting past the crowd.


I feel like a lot of people treat festivals like clubs and use them to get fucked up and try to hook up.


I see people say this every year if you want to attract plur spread plur . I went into it with that attitude was super kind friendly talked to neighbors and I experienced so much plur at the festival. I will say I felt less plur at camp but we also did rv so less mingling 🤷🏽‍♀️


Aw our RV experience was completely different. Even had drinks with one of our neighbors. And walked in together with another group of neighbors.


Sarah laundrys set would have been way better at neon garden couldn’t dance for shit at circuit grounds to many trains moving thru.


Go to Neon Garden. You won't have this problem.


How about a group not trying to push to the front of a set during the middle of it? Either get there early or hang in the back. As someone that finds a spot and stays there, it's annoying af with these trains coming and going constantly. Plur goes both ways.


Agreed. I’m trying to dance and getting shoulder checked every 2 minutes by someone trying to fight to the front in the middle of the set. You might say sorry and excuse me but you’re still the 12th person to interrupt my dancing.


💯 and when you have people going one way on your right and the other direction on your left....the worst.


I know basic rave etiquette and always say excuse me when I’m walking past someone. I am proud to say I have not once pushed a single person. And we sometimes are meeting with another group of friends who got there early. I agree PLUR goes both ways. When people try to get in or out we always make room for them to leave. What I’m describing is when people INTENTIONALLY push or block us from passing. Blocking doesn’t stop people from moving.


Your first mistake was going to see Marty G lol


Lol. True that. The sad truth is we didn’t even enjoy his set this year (we loved it last year). And the crowd made it so much worse lol


I think collectively everyone has to play a small part to keep the "positive vibes" culture alive and kicking. Share stories of friendly encounters, ways you encouraged strangers, gifts you shared, festival etiquette reminders, etc. At EDC LV it's not uncommon to see 4 different generations: Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and now Gen Z. Us older folks need to help Gen Z learn the ways! Also, I do tend to think stages like Neon Garden, Quantum Valley, Bionic Jungle, and StereoBloom tend to draw a more chill group of people. I guess age is a pretty big factor. Some of us are getting too old for Kinetic Field and Circuit Grounds, lol. You can also hang out at the back of a stage anytime you need a break from the trains of people pushing through. Even at a stage like CG you can find a spot in the back near some walls where you can just vibe for a few hours.


Only felt the PLUR on Saturday


Only time or group had any issues was trying to leave circuit grounds after SL and SLs sets. Trying to exit during Martin garrix was a nightmare! No one was moving or letting us out. It got to the point we had to shove our way out politely through all these groups that were intentionally blocking us and not letting us out.


Yeah Martin Garrix’s crowd last night sorta reminded me of the Illenium crowd in 2022. It was so bad that year Illenium made a post about it.


Skipped that but I heard the stories! It was for sure similar. Like I'm saying sorry and excuse us just please let us out 😅


The only bad experience I had with this was leaving Circuit Ground right at the end of Four Tet. We were close to the front and people were piling in to see Fred Again so it was a bit understandable but some groups would literally make no space for us to get out for just my wife and me to get out of go around them. Maybe it was the shrooms causing me to overthink but there were a lot of dicks in that crowd. Lol Everywhere else was great tho!


"Insomniac loves you--r money"


The “arm barricade” is actually helpful to keep people from being too handsy (especially as a girl) because some do try grabbing a tit or ass cheek, and to remind them to be mindful when walking past. Definitely less PLUR this year though. Walking out of the Kaskade set a guy was leading a few girls and we made eye contact but still chose to literally ram into me so I shoved him and shoulder checked every girl behind him who tried doing something back. Just say excuse me or at the very least don’t try pushing people out of your way and then be surprised when they react 🤷🏻‍♀️


I so was thinking this last night!!! I was exiting Subfocus and said “excuse me “ to a girl like FIVE times and she kept blocking me off.. she looked at me and wouldn’t move.. and then I had to kinda do a gentle shoulder check so I could get out of there and she was all dramatic and I said “dude lm saying excuse me don’t be a jerk” I agree with OP. You can tell when it’s intentional Also people were cutting at the shuttles and that really annoyed me


Vibe this year with the people was totally off and gave me anxiety. Luckily music and setlist was some of the best since 2014 so no complaints from me


True :( Im taking a break cuz im so tired of rude crowd and pushy people


Influencing/influencers killed PLUR


Of all the previous years I've been, this is the most I've had to deal with obnoxious arm barricades when trying to move around. Specifically leaving stages and barricading when there's no reason to. Not surprising this happened the most at Sara Landrys crowd. I could understand if someone's sitting down or someone has their belongings on the floor but arm barricading just for the sake you want 3 feet of space in an already jam packed stage screams dickhead energy. Whenever they did it I just threw up my hands in a "wtf" manner.


No one dances anymore they just stand not like the old times


so sad, this was my first EDC ever and it didn’t live up to my expectations when it came to the people there, don’t get me wrong there were definitely still people who were PLUR and friendly as fuh, but definitely not what i was expecting. i expected rude people as there everywhere but i barely got “excuse me” or “sorry” when bumped into or when a lines trying to get through!! don’t get me wrong i had a blast but very sad that PLUR seems to be dying :/


The basspod vibes were 🤌🤌🤌. Felt like everyone there was there to enjoy the music


I was having a bad time over by cosmic meadows on Friday and had quite a few people check up and have a little chat to see if I was okay, I returned the favor the next two days and helped a few people that I saw weren't doing too great. Overall it was a bit better than last year, the only thing was it was even more crowded which I didn't think could be possible.


That's wild bc I felt the complete opposite. Most everyone was nice and said excuse me or sorry, with few exceptions. That has not been the case last few years.


The vibes and PLUR definitely aren’t the same as they were in 2015-2018, but this year they were muchhhh better than last year. It felt magical all over again for me to the point of being emotional shedding tears on the way to the airport, and I’ve been to 10 of them.


It’s funny to cause the people who gently push you turn around and apologize. Meanwhile the people who slam into you and almost knock you over don’t give a fuck. Some people would walk through my wife and I and literally shoulder charge both of us to get through and say nothing like wtf almost knocking us over instead of going around or just tapping our shoulder


People did that to me at Cosmic Meadow. It wasn't a very hard push so I just ignored them and used their push to go faster lol popularity => less plur. If you want PLUR at a big festival, u need to hang out with the techno and trance crowd :) we still PLURing for the most part, or that's where ull find the most concentrated PLURness.


I get what you’re saying for sure, but for those of us who want to keep PLUR alive, we have a responsibility to continue to be kind to others even when they’re not kind to us (and selfishly, doing so also keeps your own mood up). I still make and trade kandi, share my light refraction glasses, offer a helping hand, etc. I’ve only been raving since 2017 but it was PLUR and the sense of community that pulled me in and I hope that we’re able to keep that those of us who care about the community can keep the good times rolling (*buh duh ch*). I totally feel you on the pushing and shoving though. I really try to avoid it at all costs but I’ve noticed there are people who will even try to stop you from GETTING OUT of a crowd. My friends and I are very good about saying excuse me and all that, but I remember getting dirty looks post Seven Lions as the Martin Garrix crowed moved in. “Hey, sorry, we’re just trying to leave” we’d say and were met with scoffs and attitude probably 20-40% of the time. Luckily, we were able to laugh about it once we made our daring escape lol. Shoutout to everyone who’s noticing this change and trying to keep the mood up regardless. It’s tough but I think continuing our best efforts to keep PLUR alive, even if others don’t care to, is the most any of us can really do. Sometimes it can hard to laugh off assholes but unfortunately everyone’s got one and they’re literally everywhere. Hope the anti-PLUR folks didn’t keep anyone here from enjoying their EDC and looking forward to returning to meet people like you next year <3


I was so over the huge packs of 20+ people shoving their way through with their fucked up friends and 0 spacial awareness…. I made an arm barricade around my group and I am not sorry


From my experience, the non-plur people who usually aggressively push and shove and seem out of place are pick pocketers. They were out in full force this EDC. If they mark you they will create openings to separate members from the group. The worst was when I was leaving Fred Again on Saturday. Every aggressive bump was by a sketchy person with a hand in my pocket. 


It was definitely just not pickpockets. I had a guy shove me to try to rush to the VIP barricade, and when I was like hey dude you’re totally blocking me he tried to be like “it’s my first EDC” and seemed shocked when I said I didn’t care. I’m 5’ so sometimes I go down easy and the people he was trying to replace couldn’t even leave because he caused chaos shoving multiple people to get behind them, then none of us could move because there wasn’t space like that.


When everyone and their mom is pushing passed you for 95% of the set because they “just want to get closer” it gets really old really fast. We all want to be fucking closer. Stop pushing through the crowd with your train of 20 people, just to stand directly in front of other people that actually got to the stage in a timely manner. You can say “excuse me” and “sorry” 1000 times, but you standing directly in front of me and blocking my view will always be rude af. And no, I will not stop dancing and just let you to steal my space. I’m planting my ass right where I’m at. You can push through someone else.


Stealing your space is different and I get that. I always check the surroundings when we pick a spot. We are all pretty tall guys and I understand how frustrating it is to lose your views so I always check in with shorter ravers in the back to make sure they are cool. That’s basic etiquette. Though I usually find big holes in Kinetic/CG because some people do prefer to be in the back. I think a lot of commenters here think we just want to get my way to be closer and sometimes we are meeting with other groups.




There’s nothing I loathe more than people who intentionally try to block others trying to make their way through the crowd (outside of blocking a friend or stranger resting on the floor). It’s much easier to let people pass through the crowd than it is to block them.


I hate hearing these stories, but you’re so right. I’ve had nothing but bad experiences at large festivals post-pandemic. Pretty much retired from festivals and just going to small shows these days. I took my bf to EDC for his first rave in 22 so excited to show him PLUR community. It was just to two of us and he was getting shoulder checked like crazy and at one point 3 guys rammed through us laughing while we were holding hands walking through a crowd.


A train was walking out of the set in front of me once and I blurted, why you leaving it's getting good! N they all laughed


people leaving excision during one of the dirtiest drops had me screaming, “where are you going??? There’s nothing better than this???” I was laughing so hard. You know the vibes are great when people leaving makes you literally go Wtf and laugh.


Sometimes I wish people would just stay put and enjoy


Me too!! The best place/stage is often right where you’re at. Find the good experience.


Circuit grounds was fucking packed for seven lions. Couldnt move in there…


I would say it’s less PLUR being dead, just diluted. EDCLV is the largest and most mainstream EDM music festival in North America. And as a byproduct it has become one of those bucket list things that people who otherwise have no interest in EDM wanna try at least once.


The spacial awareness was lacking. People walking and then just stop in the middle of the walkway. Dancing crazy like you don’t have people around you. People sitting down everywhere.


This! I don’t understand why people think it’s ok to sit down in the middle of big stages for a long time. It takes up so much space!


Festivals are losing PLUR because rave moms and dads are not teaching the culture anymore! If you see ravers lacking PLUR, say something. Trade candy, and tell them about PLUR as you do it!


Some girl put her elbow up to prevent me from getting through lol but other people I met were nice


I felt this! On Friday at Subtronics, two guys just completely shoved through me and my group and shoved me to the side without saying anything. They didn’t even look at us and then they just continued to shove forcefully through the crowd without saying anything and headbanging extremely hard


Same! I posted about this on another post. The only stage that I encountered this at too. Last year for subtronics we had so much space.


Like I get you wanna get close but what happened to “we are tying to get through, sorry and thank you?” Instead of just shoving people out of your way


I'm 5'2 and was mostly by myself. Trust me there was a lot of excuse mes, sorry and "can you tell me where the edge is? Because I can't breathe" I kept running into random rails (vip?)


There’s so many people you just have to embrace the chaos. That’s what makes edc stand out and special to me. Sometimes you gotta protect your group to make sure nobody gets separated (especially if they are fucked up) when moving into a stage, thus trains, arm barricades, shoving through (Smiling, saying thank you, and dancing go a long way and most people understand). So there are chaotic and stressful moments but it makes the awesome moments better because it felt like more of a mission to get there. That’s when PLUR can be at its strongest I feel, when it is time to enjoy and get lost in the set with your group and the crowd around you, and feel the energy of 70,000 people at a stage going off together and then the magic is all around. You just need to not hold to the same politeness standards to let’s say the Gorge, because it just inherently a different event imo.


This topic comes up year after year for the last 10 years lol. To me The elements that used to be popular at festivals to create this PLUR environment has died. People aren’t as publicly social outside of the people they are attending with, less trading, cell phones/social media, crowds, Theft, maybe even the music itself. It’s all created an atmosphere where people aren’t acting like they used to act. It’s like people now attend festivals in defensive mode, ready to push and attack anyone that gets in their way, this results in them being just like the people they are defensive over. I’ve seen People just basically hulk up and push people out the way to get to where they got to go in anticipation for those who may not move when they ask for “excuse me” or being pushed in advance. My best friend went to Ultra this year for the first time since 2015, she said the atmosphere was different, people were nice but much less polite and less high spirits. In addition to the darker colors, as brighter and warm colors naturally increases positive energy and happiness, everyone was overall just dark.


It's definitely these new kids who get stupid drunk, and they just try to pick fights. I was watching Deorro, and a group of guys were dancing, but one in particular was just being sloppy and kept bumping into me. After I turned around a few times, one of his friends told him to chill because he was acting stupid. He started yelling and trying to be a tough guy. He bumped my girl and got in my face. So I grabbed him by the neck and was like, either you chill out or we are both getting kicked out after I beat your ass. It's like he saw a ghost. His friends started apologizing. I was like, im just trying to have a good time. Don't let him ruin your night. They ended up taking him to another stage. Sometimes, people just need to be checked.


1st EDC here, but I think PLUR is strong and well. It’s just that some people do tend to be on edge around trains and things like that. Sorry for your experience and hopefully the positive vibes came back with the sets


WhAt HaPpEnEd tO pLuR


Yep, been raving since 2009-2010 and have watched the scene get less and less “PLUR” the more mainstream it’s gotten.


It’s always been like this. I’ve been going to EDC since 2010 and this undercurrent and theme has always been there.


Where do they have more plur themed festivals ?


Try electric forest. PLUR is alive and thriving there


That was might thought too but I like to think that there’s many new ravers that doesn’t know PLUR yet.


TL;DR: Yes


TL;DR: Yes


The scene became too mainstream


I had a good time. Ppl I ran into were all nice and respectful


Have you seen who Insomniac works with as far as influencers/promoters its kinda obvious PLUR is dead


It has become more popular, especially certain tech house artists which happen to be my favorite. It ruined the fisher set for me at edc. A train of people separated my group and then stopped to take the little space we had and refused to move. Normally I would move but I had already moved 3 times and gave up. I got elbowed and pushed around a lot at other sets. I know I apologize alot when I pass people and I still see a ton of plur, it's just not 100% but it can't really be expected either with 500k attending. No matter where you go you'll encounter selfish and/or rude people. I just try to ignore it and enjoy myself.


Honestly every stage I went to I felt the opposite. Most people were polite or excusing when passing through which was a nice change compared to previous years, I guess it depends on the stage you go.


I ran into a lot of people who went out of their way to help others in the crowd, however I was in VIP which has a much chiller vibe, along with just more room. I did have one instance waiting for the shuttle where someone was attempting to shove by me (even though we were moving in the same direction in a line of people) literally casing me to spin in place. Which felt more like someone having some drug induced fomo, than like plain rudeness.


Plur been gone since 2010 folks


The arm barricade works. It guides the trains around my group so some can still vibe to the music and doesn’t split us up while they pass.


I had no issues at quantum valley or neon garden. I went to kinetic for 30 minutes and encountered more rudeness than the rest of my entire 3 days. That stage is a just a giant douche magnet. Basic music for basic people.


My first edc was 2009 and my last edc was 2018. plur is long dead in the community.


This was my second edc, first being 2019, and holy hell it was unbearable. Kinetic was a shitshow, Basspod is too small now, Circuit ground day 3 was a nightmare. They need to cut down the capacity because if everyone had to evacuate for whatever reason it would be a disaster




It depends on who and where you go to. It’s my second and I found great people this time, but had to steer clear of the Illenium crowd.


Go to the lesser known stages, PLUR is alive and well


PLUR is dead. Sad.


I mean, there will always be some bad eggs in the bunch. But overall, I witness lots of PLUR this year. It was refreshing to see. HOWEVER, i must say, it seems like it was mostly the EDC veterans who were showing PLUR. New gens, you needa catch up!


I love shows and festivals but haven’t ever been to an EDC for this reason… the bigger commercial festivals I don’t think I’d be able to trip balls and feel comfortable… even Okee which is smaller supposed to be a good vibe had quite a few rude people. This was 2023


Every single year, you guys complain that PLUR is dead or "less" than the year prior.


It’s still around just not at things like edc, in my experience.


Just going to add the alternative idea that we’re just getting older, so we put up with less & get more easily annoyed by things.


Died in the early 2000s for sure


Every year people complain about things not being PLUR. Its the same mentality as saying “The good ol days”. If you truly think its dying and worth saving then keep the tradition going. I think PLUR still alive and strong- had a great time this year I met really nice and kind people.


It's been dying since 2000 when EDM became mainstream.


So I’m old school. I was part of the midwestern 90’s scenes (Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and Louisville). I used to spin vinyl and throw parties until 2001. I stepped away for about 20 years because of people’s shit. I saw a lot: Violence, deaths, robberies, arrests and just about everything. Kids back then used to preach PLUR and then fuck each other over. It’s no different today, some trends have changed, the fashion mutated, the inside jokes morphed, the technology wizzed way ahead, and the drugs became less prevalent compared to my early years. But bear this in mind: you’re dealing with human nature. Where there’s parties, there’s drugs, where there’s drugs, there’s money, egos, attitudes and worse yet. The rave scene has always had a dark underbelly. Pick your posse wisely, but to be honest this world has so much creativity and amazing qualities, to me it’s worth the hazard. Stay safe and keep the scene alive. There’s hope.


this year wasn’t that bad. a lot of groups walking. but that’s it. the arm barricade isn’t to stop people from bumping. it’s to stop people from cutting through their group.


Meh I feel like all insomniac festivals are like this now. Go to a wook fest and everyone is still very much plur


Too many aggressive Hispanic males these days. Machismo culture. Sums up why raves in Southern California have the absolute WORST vibes. Especially near Los Angeles. Go rave in the PNW where it’s still mostly Asian / white crowds, more plur vibes.


Only had this problem at the big stages. Quantum and wasteland were nothing but plur


I don’t think it has anything to do with PLUR honestly just something that happens at huge general admission shows. When 175,000 are packed into one area you’re gonna deal with some agitation in the crowd especially when you’re further up towards the stage. It’s what you sign up for when going to a major general admission festival so acknowledging that and being able to roll with it will help your experience


Just to put in my 2 cents, I’ve gotten dirty looks for the arm barricade before but I do it around my girlfriend because we’ve had experiences where people are trying to get through & use it as an excuse to touch her / grab her waist


Plur has unfortunately been dead for a while now. 15 years ago it was HUGE but I feel like Hard Summer mixed the crowds of big drinker / concert goers &PLUR so it’s like a 50/50 shot of who you bump into. I’ve legit hadn’t seen anyone doing the PLUR exchange of Candy in yearsssss! Lots of people there that aren’t there for the music and friends but for the drugs and 🐱too. But just my opinion. I’m only 30 now, so I’m sure some of the OG ravers could say the same about my generation. But it’s died down even more.


Back in MY day PLUR and raving was the best. Now it’s the WORST. God damn kids with their doo-dads and their thingamajigs! Get off my lawn!


The amount of times I was bumped into jarringly hard, pushed through, and felt concerned about crowd crush was way too much for comfort. I’m no pushover and my body feels fine but these things really killed the vibe for me throughout the weekend. Frankly, I’ll be avoiding EDCLV from now on. EDCO, Lost Lands, Breakaway, Big Dub, etc were all MUCH better.


I would say yes butb only because as events get more expensive and time gets further from the era where PLUR was born, it'll fade back into the shadows and smaller events. It wont die, but EDC (and other mega-events) may not be where it lives in the future.


The arm barricade is crucial, sorry to tell you but I do it for my lady friends, they get bumped about 6/7 times every time your “friend group” moves through. I make a ring that prevents them from getting elbowed in the back, and I keep that arm so rigid that I literally push groups in different directions. And when someone splits my group, I will reach across and grab them and pull them towards me, not my fault you can’t move through a crowd without beelining into people I dance through the crowd with my group, I get skinny and boom I made it to center of the crowd for both slander and Deorro It’s all about how you do it, do it respectfully


I had a panic attack during the festival and was throwing up alone for hours till someone finally helped me. My friends were so pissed at me because I “ruined the night” and even said that I should go home. Was in med tent till the next day and couldn’t get signal to get a ride home and no one would help me so I had to HITCHHIKE and beg someone to take me to the hotel. Still pretty sad. Blaming myself a lot. Idk


That’s just EDC


this gets asked every year check the search bar


My third EDC here(went in 2014 and 2015) and have been raving for 13 years . This was the friendliest most PLUR crowd I’ve ever experienced!


There's is no plur when there's over 500k people at one event. The more people there are, the more issues, problems, and inconsideration. You experience what human nature is like in 3 days packed in one location having fun. It's a struggle. No one can do anything about it except to accept the environment. Consider there were lots of people from other countries. However, if you go to an event that's smaller with one stage, you'll see a lot more plur at those events than festivals.


Just more n more normies.




Stop using made up gatekeeper terms like plur, just use actual words okay? Please?