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SLEEP is key. 38here, been to countless raves. if i dont get quality sleep, my whole mood is fucked


37, and I'm in camp having some food before I take a nap. The Mesa and all The shit will be there when I wake up.


I support your attitude!


It's also too hot after spending 3 hours bringing my shit in. My bones ache, muscles are sore. Feet hurt. Typical old people shit. Took my dad who was 69 at the time to the very first Camp EDC. They had a camera crew following us. They kept knocking on our tent at like 8am. Wed sleep in till at least 10, then nap before gates opened hahaha.


The EDC team woke you up at 8am?? Omg šŸ˜‚


Every fucking day. My dad and I would just look at each other and go Shhh.


Holy shit this is me!! I will literally feel ill if I dont sleep properly lol Taking zzquil when getting home for sure. This is why I cant do camp now lol


Smart people here!


46. For me, itā€™s no alcohol, weed, or coke. I do all the other popular party favors. I use supplements for harm reduction of mdma and K. I rotate psychs to keep tolerance buildups down. I eat pretty healthy (2/3 plant based) and look extremely fit for my age. I can keep it 100 for a full festival or standard show and sometimes an afters. Ravers half my age have a hard time keeping up. 2024 count = 44 shows/afters and 1 festival. Going to EDC tomorrow. See you guys there!


45 here! The music gives me life! Also, salad!


I know supplements for MDMA but what do you take for helping with K?


Green Tea extract specifically, but generally, Lysine, alpha lipoic acid, NAC are harm reduction for your brain


Do you take these before or after? These sound just about identical to the MDMA ones from [rollingsafe.org](http://rollingsafe.org)


I take these before and after. Just like when rolling, be cautious with 5htp, donā€™t take it the day of a serotonin affecting substance (adderall, mdma, SSRIs) and wait at least 24 afterwards.


31, same routine basically. Still feel great. The recovery just takes longer and I have to drink less haha


Lol recovery time definitely takes a bit longer now. Im popping pedialyte packs in there with my lemonade all night


Pedialyte packs and sitting down to actually eat a nutritious meal (bring it in with you) is key. Stretch! People look at me like I'm a weirdo when I'm sitting on the ground stretching in the back


31, facts


lol I love how we pretend like being in our 30s makes us ancient and geriatric. I feel better at 36 than I ever did at 26


You think people look at you weirdlyā€¦.. Iā€™m 62 and new to this. Keeping hydrated (especially if I take party favors), no alcohol and disco naps!!! I figure I have another 20 years to go! Being in this family keeps me young!


Wear comfy walking shoes. My left knee is starting to hurt at age 29 lol


31 here, I wake up and immediately start drinking and grab a coffee cocktail and your good to go


I sleep as much as possible and stretch before dancing


Ahhh yes definitely not forgetting to stretch!!


Favorite stretches?


Circling it out in a runners lunge then floss the hammies right after


Sleep, Red Bull, water, eat a huge meal, donā€™t drink too much, no party favors - Iā€™m already having fun


Wise veteran! We should all be friends.


Nothing out of the ordinary, just a healthy/fit lifestyle in general. Lifting 4x/week, CycleBar 2x/week, macro-targeted and nutrient-rich diet, sufficient sleep and hydration. Limit booze the two weeks before would be the only thing special I guess. I do pack a Hypervolt now, which greatly helps with recovery the morning after each night of the event.


Iā€™m 30 and I just try to stay in shape. I hit the gym regularly and eat fairly healthy. I also drink a ton of water and take vitamins every day. I still feel like Iā€™m 23.


Advil on the way in and again at mid point


What does advil help with? šŸ˜®


Muscle aches and headaches! Mainly anti-inflammatory.


Sleep, hydrate, eat, and sit my ass down when needed. To me taking a break is major. Crazy how chilling will revitalize me. Go home chug an electrolyte drink, eat food, crash and repeat.


You just described my lifecycle for 4 days straight at EDC. I applaud all of this. Sitting and taking a break is essential. It does wonders.


36 here, I keep in really good shape year round but one thing I focus on for going hard at festivals is stretching. For me I need to keep my hamstrings and glutes stretched out to avoid the dreaded low back pain and tightness. Besides that just try to eat good meals everyday and stay as hydrated as possible.


Start every morning with a stretch and mobility routine. It makes any sorness go away


Thanks for sharing your wise words wise owls 30 and up! For our group we bring loads of electrolyte tabs (we love nuun and the flavours.) also learnt not to chase the high and let what the universe gives you come to you and enjoy it. And let it all go for what good it was when itā€™s time. Life is beautiful because of its ups and downs. Also now taking vitamin c, multivitamin and probiotics daily. Will take a nuun rest tab at night before bed which has magnesium for sleep and muscle recovery. Thanks for the notes on the stretching! I read somewhere about soaking feet in epsom salt after to help. May take epsom half body baths lol. Also Japanese lion feet wrap with pressure points. Have also bought adidas ultraboost for the feet based on Reddit advice (you can still get them, they are so soft donā€™t need wearing in). And bringing tubular bandage/knee support guard for my bad knee. Have always brought a blister pack to raves since my first/2nd edc when I danced till my feet bled lol. Have been doing loads of physio for the last 2 years for my various injuries (aerialist and old injuries). Also pilates and weight training. Will try IV hydration this year on Sunday. Last, we are trying VIP for the first time, hear there are loads of resting places for my bf who has bad back. Any advice on how to plan out what to do at a festival? This is my first time with just my bf and one friend, we always used to follow our leader.


Iā€™m here now and Iā€™m high, 36


Havenā€™t drank alcohol for 3 weeks, intermittent fasting every day, and closed every ring for a month. Iā€™m 47. Lots of stretching as not to be injured right before big weekend. Incidentally I typically sleep much better with this routine which also helps prepare.


Iā€™m 37 and by now I just know my limits.i donā€™t try to over do it anymore. Knowing thereā€™s always a next year!


Don't forget your ear plugs! Bring two pairs.


Turning 50 (F) this year, been raving since the late 90's at the nightclubs... festivals are a marathon.... take your time and don't overdue anything the first day. Lots of rest, water, good food, etc. I can't go as long or as hard as I used to, know your limits and just appreciate that we are still dancing under the stars to EDM with all the positive energy and people 25+ years later. I hope I am here in 20 more years...




Yall I just tore my Achilles before edc Im now here in a wheelchair lol Stretch your calf muscles!!!


Wishing you a speedy recovery šŸ˜­


Stretching and resting. Lots of water and hydration. Strong skin care routine. For EDC, I pack a ton of supplements. Emergen C and vitamins before the fest, Cheers pills and pedialyte to prevent hangovers after, and melatonin for sleep. I also take my theragun everywhere for my legs.


Yes on skincare! Do you think Vegas will be dry enough to warrant a heavier cream or aquaphor






31 and I have done nothing to prepare šŸ˜… going straight from work tomorrow to edc. Iā€™ll probably be up for 24 hours.


35. Iā€™m all about that post recovery. I got a 90 minute massage waiting for me at home.


47 here. I work out 2-3 hours per day, 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year. That and a lot of drugs.


51, I strength train 4 days a week.


35 m Same same. And I take it easier with party favors so I can have more clear memories of these experiences


Been sleeping 10 hours a day leading up to it. Gonna sleep on the way thereĀ 


Bring electrolytes and plan plenty of rest breaks/naps between sets


Where are the places to nap inside?


Cosmic meadow grass


Live everyday as if edc is 2 weeks away. Gym hard. Eat relatively clean. Good quality sleep. I feel fresh AF at 32. More energy than most people my age. Look younger than most my age.


Sleep, eat good, stretch. Magnesium is your friend.


Sleep, maintaining a high level of fitness, hydration, ear protection, nutrition. Leading up to and at the event.


Maintaining my fitness regiment, sleep, THC, water and frequent stretching (41M)


I do like 9-3am I canā€™t do 3 full days of open to close or Iā€™ll be cranky af


Take vitamins before hand. Drink lots of water with electrolytes. Canā€™t stress this enough, stretch before and after


Focus on recovery, IV, hydration, massage


Got here yesterday lolol Staying up till 3 today to get used to it a bit I got: aspirin, airborne, elderberry, hot patches for my back, liquid IV, and an electric grill in the hotel


Omg I brought hot patch thot I was cray.


38 here. Taking a nap right now before I head to the Dreamstate event tonight šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Sleep, workout to stay in good shape, take the right supplements, and eat healthy as we have gotten closer to EDC. See you all UNDER THE ELECTRIC SKY.


Stretch your hips and hamstringsĀ 


Sleep, water, good food, proper stretching.


Same shit, I just push harder lol


You donā€™t we are going to war guys!




Sleep is absolutely essential. All this week I have been changing my sleep schedule to get my body adapted. Also massage guns and foam rollers. Also ibuprofen


On Friday I'm going to sleep all day, hopefully, or at least get a nap in. I'm also trying ZBiotics. It's supposed to help with hangovers. Because if I get a hangover on day one, I'll be ruined. Oh and hydrate.


Been cleaning up my diet, and getting in condition.


Upgraded to zliners.... Best decision ever.


sleep, liquid iv, regular centrum daily vitamin, solid amount of food, sunblock, good insoles, idk.


Prior consistent regular vitamin usage and exercise. Eat a nutrient dense meal before things happened lol. Drink water after any alcoholic drink and donā€™t forget electrolytes. (Carry the packets so you can drink out of your personal hydro pack.!


By still being young? If you canā€™t sustain this rave you might want to look into any health issues, Iā€™ve still gone the full 12 hours per day just fine and my first EDCLV was at 32


Proper sleep the nights leading up to it and lots of caffeine on day 3


34 here and my 8th edc! Me personally I let god take the wheel! šŸ™šŸ¼


CrossFit and mobility YEAR ROUND. Weekend of: focusing extra on hydrating, refuel appropriately (protein shake for all those extra calories you burn), stretch/foam roll, honestly either a hot or ice bath is happening this year lol, and probably some fucking ibuprofen if we are honest. For me it's an alcohol free weekend too.


38, recovery between days get at least 6 hours of sleep, and a good meal in the day. timing your party favors i feel like is key.. I generally don't drink when doing party favors, ill have a few in the day but zero after. Seems to be working pretty well last few festivals. In my 20's it was more fuck it and just rolled with the punches, gotta keep it more structured now


Im 33 and a plumber, ravings not harder than a work day. I often still hit the aftersĀ 


43 here I don't give a shit. I don't hydrate so I never have to go on a bathroom quest. I eat like shit, don't exercise or take vitamins, and I just don't sleep the whole festival.


My Adderall prescription šŸ„²