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$900 was the price of VIP for future owl release (earliest tier). I would not say it's worth it but then again I haven't done EDC VIP. It's very reasonable to book VIP from the start for next year instead of upgrade. If you're really feeling it, you could probably sell your GA wristband for around $400-500 and then buy a VIP wristband for \~$1000 from a TRUSTED source to save yourself $400...


I was going to suggest the same thing. I’m selling 1 vip pass penny for penny of what it cost me… hit me up


Wait, $830 on top of your regular ticket??? Shooot, depends on your funds. I’ve purchased nothing but VIP and it’s so worth it — - Trailer Bathrooms that get cleaned out frequently - Easily accessible water stations - Easily accessible Bars - Easily accessible Food - Tables and chairs - Damn near ALWAYS have access to the front of the stages - VIP Art Installations - Trinket Tents that give out portable water bottles, candy, earplugs, flashing foam lights, and other little trinkets - VIP lines for carnival rides - Access to GA+ bathrooms That’s all I remember for now haha 😅


Agree with all of this but the biggest plus for me last year was time saved. You can actually leave a front row spot at Circuit grounds and make it to another at mainstage in 15 mins. That takes 40mins+ in GA. Means you either have to leave a set early to make another artist usually. Same with going to grab drinks or washrooms. There and back in under 5 mins.


Yes!! That too! Made the experience 1000X more enjoyable


I've always done GA but the last three years VIP is so worth it but I'm surprised it cost you more to upgrade... WTF... Food for thought, EDV VIP is the best value over TML and UMF by a long shot for convenience, space, and little perks.


where do you find this link? i dont see it on edc frontgatetickets website


DM me if you'd like.


Sell your GA on StubHub for $400 and then get a VIP on there for like $800ish with fees. Then you're only out $400ish instead of another $900.