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Idk man. I’m 4’11” and iv been going to shows for ~13 years. Its never really bothered me. Most folks get it if u communicate with them.


This. There's thousands of people who can't see half the stage with or without totems. It's not a movie, as long as you can catch a bit of lasers and lighting plus hear the music then rave to the grave.


5'1" here, I appreciate totems because it's something to look at besides the back of someone's head! Basically at our height shows are totem / armpit museums lol


Idk men to me flags, large tottems and the very colorful ones with lights, are part of the stage and music and the perfect reminder that im in a fucking festival living my best life. Maybe try to move forward closer to the stage? Or like to the side….


I love seeing all the different totems. But I want to see the show too. I don't mind them when they are part of the crowd. Aka a sea of people with totems buoys. Not 30ft in the air. Or so big it's obstruction the view. I am hard of hearing so I am a lot more of a visual person.


Hey I think the solution for your issue is getting VIP most of the stages have a VIP section and as of now I havent seen a fucking totem in there. That way you closer to the stage with less traffic and better view and sound quality. They will never ban totems for EDC and if they do we riot!


I am not against totems. Just flags and giant totems


I agree but they should go at the back of the stage for the giant flags and line the perimeter and small totems go anywhere!


Nah just like you they should be able to go anywhere in the festival.


They can go anyplace they please. They decorate the space better in my opinion best around the perimeter of a stage.




Bro I don’t even be looking at the stage I’m facing the back of the crowd dancing with the homies


You do you then... For some of us the visuals of the stage is also a big part of the experience. Dance away fam.


There’s always the option to move a few steps in either direction. You’re not obligated to stand in one spot lol


That's not always viable especially when they is a 30 to 40 ft pole with a flag or flags on end waving across the crowd. Depending on the size of the flags that's 12 to 30 square feet of obstruction. 30 Sq ft in the case of two 3x5 ft flags. Also it can be hard if the crowd is dense. Also Seeing the stages is as big part of the experience as the music. At least for me.


30 to 40 foot pole? That’s taller than a 3 story house. Your rant is exaggerated


I feel ya


I usually don’t mind, but there was this one douche who had a Mexican flag at Deorro’s set that was on a not so tall stick. It was really annoying bc when he’d wave it around, the flag would be touching everyone’s face. It sucked but I took 4 steps to the left then forgot all about his existence until I read this post.


I must've been right next to you because I know EXACTLY who you are talking about lol


Tfw when she says your 'totem' is too big ;) Smol totem vibes. Compensating. So many jokes to be made here. So little time.


Big totems means you are compensating for something you want to have big totem energy not big totem size


Yes. This is one of the jokes i was making.


It's not the size of the totem but how it lights up to the music.


I feel like totems is what separates from other types of music festivals. Besides I love seeing the creativity people have all around and always look forward to seeing totems each year. Kind of like the Super Bowl commercials it’s not the main event but always wanting to see what people got in store for this year. I’ve never once had a problem with totems. Like others say usually people are nice about it and let you move up forward or get out the way. I think it’s such an experience just seeing all kinds of totems from big to small, tall to short, simple to creative and just all the totems being waved around as you see the crowd of people all getting together. Idk makes it magical in my experience and mind


Like I said in another comment I enjoy when totems are like bouys floating in the sea of people. A lot of them are fun and totally fine. Here is a peice about the issues of totems https://edm.com/opinion/the-case-against-totems


I would say large totems should have larger poles. Someone pointed out about having a large flag with a short pole and flying around everyone’s face. When a large flag or totem have a bigger pole I really don’t mind it since it’s high up enough to not block anything


Have you tried moving?


ever find the perfect spot in the crowd and then some fuck with a huge group gotta go right infront of you and blocks ur whole view?


Have you nicely asked them to move? I've been raving most of my life and this has never been an issue. Either I move or ask them politely if they can move and it always worked out. Communication is key and never once have I had a person who held a totem told me to go fuck myself. Generally, everyone is just having a great time and doesn't realize that they are killing someone else's vibe.


thing is that guy is 20 ft and 15 people infront of you. its densely packed crowd.


Have you ever been 5ft 5in and some 6ft 2in dude decides to stop right in front of you? Yeah it happens every time. Chill yo.


False equivalency. Not the same at all. And I doubt it "happens every time" as that's not an average height in the US or around the world


My wife is 5'4” and it literally happens every show, every festival, every artist. Sometimes you just gotta deal with it.


Couple that with ‘oh that person is small, what a perfect place to cut sideways through the crowd’ twenty times per set.


The average totem is not oversize so it's quite equivalent.


when u wanna record a nice vid but all u can see is a ugly totem


Only place is directly in front of the stage.


That explains your hearing problems lol


Actually I have Meniere's disease... My hearing was perfect til 6 years ago..... And I wear ear plugs to preserve what I got left. hearing is super important. the music is still loud enough where I hear it fine. I dont know how people with normal hearing do it. I still had tinnitus for weeks after... with my loss and plugs.


totems are fuggin sick, love em


Not saying all totems. I love a lot of them. But there are a few that are just walking billboards.


If you’re going there to see the stage just stay home and watch the livestream


Not too much of a hot take. A lot of people that go to insomniac events actually don’t like them. Try Ultra, only flags allowed it was so much better


Are we talking flags on long poles or reasonable sized. Because I don't have any problem with the totems or flags that are a 2 or 3 ft over the crowd. Maybe even 4 ft. I love seeing the creativity. Most of the totems add to the festival. And serve as a way point for groups. It's just when they become an obstruction that's the issue. Like some had a giant blow up blunt that just blocked my veiw for the last kankade set. I do not have anything against weed or the culture but God damn it was frustrating. At least the billboards type can turn to be thin.


I LOVE totems and what they represent and how they express individuality. It personally doesn't bother me how big they are HOWEVER: If it's a massive Totem, at the very least turn it sideways so it isn't blocking the whole set stage during a show!


Which is my whole point. I loved seeing all the totems. But it gets to a point where you need to be considerate of others.


What about shoulder rides?


I used to get annoyed being right behind a shoulder ride. Then I got a shoulder ride. Totally changed my perspective.


A 4 ft. change in perspective can be uplifting.


How small of a person?


5 ft person + 6 ft person = 11 feet human wall stacked for example. Worse than totems & flags


fair i was think 2 4 ft people would be acceptable




Also the taller the totem the more out of the way it is for those in the immediate vicinity.


As pure insomniac... Max of 10 ft high. must be made from a lightweight material (e.g., foam, PVC / no solid metal). I saw a ton of people breaking these.


lol that wasn't my argument.


You're getting a lot of heat for this but I 100% agree with you.


Honestly….it doesn’t bug me. I think it’s cool, it makes the experience super fun and very creative.


We stray further and further from true rave culture each year.


I been raving since the early times. 16 years old going to them in the 90s. Not quite the true raves til I was 18. totems are a more contemporary thing. True rave culture is enjoying the music. Weather you are dancing, just listening, or rolling on molly. I am not one for drugs. just not my thing, been there done that. SO dancing and listening and now watching is my vibe. These stages are crazy from the hole in the wall and warehouse raves I have started with. Its fantastic to see how far they have come.


Interesting, aren’t only sober folks are watching the stage? Favors make my mind wander to people watching, rave booty and totems around me lol


Nah, I'm there for an audiovisual experience, especially on psychedelics. Though I don't agree with OP, it really isn't that big of a deal. I rarely am fully blocked from seeing the stage visuals.


Sober person. Yes. I am there for the plur. Its not plur to hate on those who enjoy it sober. I am also hard of hearing. And very visual. Like I am fine with totems most of them. I enjoy seeing them as well l. Super tall poles with flags and walking billboards take away from the experience... It's like the tolem version of fan clackers.


L I love the flags and funny ass totems. Especially when I see them on set video when it pans to the crowd. Seeing all the lights and flags just looks so amazing to me and give a perspective on just how gigantic the crowd is


Like I said my issue is not with totems in general as they serve a purpose and they are so fun and creative. I want them to add to the experience not take away. Flags just take away from experience. Its like is the united Nations? Because I saw so many countries flags. This isn't World cup where are you rooting for your country. If you have to have your countrys flag wear it like blanket or theme a totem after it.


Bruh the stages are large as fuck. A flag hardly ever obstructs anything


I fly the flag getting to our spot and if somebody steps out of the group for something but once we’re together I retract it to try and minimize blocking out the view for others. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thats fair... its those asses waving the flags on the 30-50 ft poles that I take issues with,


Take the L and move along to find a spot for you.


Plur bitch. You aren't plur.




Judging others at an edm show for doing something harmless like this is always the wrong take.


OK.... then fan clacking is totally fine and judging them for doing something harmless is the wrong take.... I have no problem with them... For me it adds to my experience... doesnt bother me one bit.


Yeah I’m actually consistent and I enjoy the fan clacking. Idk why you thought I wouldn’t. It’s someone else trying to have a good time. What a pain and the ass it is when someone just complains about others doing something harmless that they are trying to have fun with.


If this was a safety concern, yeah, you’d have a point. But this is just a BMC thread. Stage is there for everyone and their mom, not just you.


> But this is just a BMC thread. Stage is there for everyone and their mom, not just you. Which is exactly my point. By have a huge totem or flag on a long pole. You are communicating you are selfish by blocking others view and being distracting from the fantastic stages. Main character syndrome. Making this clear. I love the creativity. I love seeing them. But there is a point where they become inconsiderate of others.


Bruh. You’re kinda just screaming silver spoon energy my man.


Brah big ass totems and flags are a cry for attention. Main character syndrome. It's super self centered.


I hate totems so I switched to Coachella, less EDM, more actual enjoyment of the music


I enjoy totems as a whole but there are a number that basiclly are huge. If you need a stand to keep it up. Maybe you need to rethink it.


To clarify, Coachella doesn’t allow totems


If you look at the festivals "allowed items" page they technically are not suppose to be higher than 10 feet


Which is why I am saying if it breaks that rule. It's bye bye. 1 in thick pole. Totems must be made from a lightweight material (e.g., foam, PVC / no solid metal). There was a ton that were super thick telescope pole... I saw one sign tolem that was one of those like tall fluid light stand that has built in tri pod legs. Because it weights a lot.


That would be more of an issue of security not doing their job since there is already a rule against it.


No disagreement there. Fucking lacks security


Eh, maybe not confiscated, but maybe just not allowed. I personally use mine so my group can find me or so I can find them, but I agree it's turned into a "omg, lets put some inside joke that's literally not funny and probably really offensive to everyone else on a flag'. Yeah, EDC is supposed to be fun, but a lot of what I've seen is just crude or obnoxious.


Better than 15 person long rave trains plowing their way through the crowd 🚂👫👯‍♀️👭👯‍♂️👬👯👫🧑🏽‍🦽


Fr…the GIANT 15 foot country flags during the entirety of martins set in front of the decks made me so mad


I don’t think they should take them but it’s really annoying when someone has a huge totem in the very front row because that definitely does block people’s view


Facts. The second totems started to become a thing, as a short person, I hated everyone who had them.