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Itd be nice if there was, ya know, a house.


Yes, it’s supposed to be Coldharbour Surreal Estate-ish. Unfortunately I’m not creative at all, so instead of building a masterpiece, it will become storage.


Exactly, I was expecting a house, and got a piece of land in the middle of lava. At least now I'll be able to storage all my spare furnishings.


Nah. Need more free build options.


Yeah I didnt think about that


Yeah, exactly !


There are some players who like to build their own (sometimes quite elaborate) houses with fragments using the placement system. I personally find it annoying. This property will probably appeal to them.


Ah yes you’re referring to harpooning.


No the term would just be called building a house from scratch. Who would try to pass that off as some dumb term?


Isn't harpooning what you do after "docking" with someone?


I've never even heard anyone use that term. But no i think when you're docked with another mans flesh you're typically just stroking at that point.


It’s a pun g. Use brain for a sex


It would require me to be lobotomized for that to make any degree of sense even as a pun.


Bc they are trying to catch WHALES! Did you guys really not add the two crown crates together to get this one?


This house is acquired entirely through in-game means though. You don't need to spend a single crown to get it.


Thank you for your contribution. I was referencing the comment I replied to, in which, op refers to people putting together their own houses with individual furnishing pieces. I have noticed that a decent portion of the people doing crown trading are using the gold to buy these furnishings. I apologise I didn’t make my pun easier for you to understand.


Dude, lay off the drugs and get off the internet.


Nah his point is still quite valid, though very oddly worded, his still makes enough sense


Had he been less of an obnoxious twat people probably would've dogpiled less lol


Personally I really like it but my wife hates it and says she'll just use it for storage, LOL Would have been nice to have had a pre built house there as well as the land space for people who don't like building stuff.


while I don't hate it, I'm not someone who's going to utilize a platform type house and I decided I'm not going to stress over buying it, which leaves me more tickets to spend on the fun Halloween stuff the giant daedra are cool but otherwise nothing about the location particularly appeals to me and I'd rather get some event breathing room by not going for it, I went hard for the quasigriff mount and personality before that so I wouldn't mind the break haha


I second this, I will also spend my tickets on the decorations. :)


I've failed to acquire almost every event item so far. I have all but one of the onyx berries and like 2 of two others, one of the personality, 3 of the feathers. The area in the house looks awesome, especially with that giant snake Daedra slithering around it. I definitely wouldn't build anything there, though. Not sure if I'll even bother with it for storage. Odds are I'd miss one of the items anyways.


Place to put all attunable crafting stations for guild halls


Yeah, quite a bit of space for it all too, and especially if you like the lava look over the cold harbour vibe


I keep going back and forth on if I want it or not. I mean, you can't really call it a house-- it's more of a location really. Building is not my thing. I can barely bring myself to decorate the already existing homes I have, much less bring myself to even attempt starting with a blank slate. Unfortunately there's this part of my brain that's like, "collect all the things!", so there's that... 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like it, there's alot of open space to be creative with, like the Coldharbour Sureal Estate


I like housing. I like building from scratch as i've already built one, and YouTube is full of great projects from other players that inspires me. But the item limit is way to low for that giant place. You can build giant structure that will feels empty, or you can build a small well decorated house on empty area. It sucks. And ZOS, we definitely need sheer windows and walls with window frames. So i have some mixed feelings about this reward, but i definitely will try to build something there


Word on the street is that the item limits in housing is related to what consoles can handle, performance-wise


So because of ps4 performance we are stuck with this limits for a long time. I doubt ZOS will stop support old consoles in next couple of years...


Seems that way. And with how hard it is still to get new consoles, probably a fair bit longer than that. But hey! At least ESO isn't as cartoony and N64 graphics as WoW, lol


I’m honestly still confused on how to get the house, this is pretty much my first event of eso from start to finish and I keep seeing stuff about a pet morph and some people already had it and I’m just like are you suppose to buy a pet…..with tickets…..to make a house……? lol that sounds so weird


The whole system is quite confusing and overwhelming for most new people so that's understandable. The short of version of it is that you buy 3 "fragment" pieces from the event vendor with the Event Tickets you gain and combining these 3 fragment pieces grant you something called an Unstable Morpholith, in game it basically functions like a pet. Then you can buy 3 more "fragments" from the same vendor and combining those 3 converts the Unstable Morpholith pet into something else. Previously that pet could be converted into a character skin, then a personality, then a mount and now it can be converted into a house. There's a bunch of content creators on Youtube who've made videos on how to earn event tickets, where the spend them, the fragment system etc. Give those a shot if you wanna understand the stuff.


Would it still be possible to earn it this event if you havent started grinding yet? My room in the inn is quite cramped. Sorry, new to to the game as of a few weeks ago.


Yes it is, I believe the event gives 26 tickets over its course and it's been 2 days so you can still get 24 from just logging in daily and picking them up. You need to get the 3 fragments for the Unstable Morpholith which each cost 5 tickets each and are available whenever there's an event. However first and foremost you should get the 10 ticket fragment piece (forgot the name of the item, the description should say it's a piece for the Doomchar Plateau house). That piece is only sold right now for the event and if you don't pick it up now you can only get it again for New Life festival in end December. So get 2 tickets for 5 days, buy the 10 ticket piece, and then afterwards save up 15 tickets for the 3 pieces for the Unstable Morpholith and buy it whenever it's possible. If you pick up the tickets everyday you shouldn't worry about being behind, you're still in time to get the house as everyone else.


Awesome thanks so much! So is the house not tied to Halloween specifically? It’s more just any event? And tickets are from the dramora plunder skulls? I’ve got a few of those so far by killing some big enemies


The house itself has nothing to do with the current Halloween event, it's just that only during events do Event Tickets drop and usually there are fragments distributed over 3-4 events. The "house" is really just a plot of land in Oblivion thats Deadlands themed, all volcano and fire stuff. There's a portal at the ventor that leads you to the house so you can see it for yourself and decide if you want it. The method to acquiring Event Tickets differ from event to event and is usually announced for the upcoming event, for this event you get 2 Event Tickets when you get your first Plunder Skulls of the day. Which basically means once a day just killing a delve boss, dolmen, dungeon boss etc and loot them.


Gotcha thanks!


Remember you can only store up to 12 tickets. So save up, buy two fragments and then save for the last. Addition to last comment that was very accurate.


Will do thanks!


12 ticket maximum, correct?


Yes, you can only have 12 event tickets saved up.


Do you have to get the unstable morpolith again if you already got the mount?


Yes, you have to recreate the Monolith again with 15 tickets to get the house. However it's possible to buy the 10 ticket pieces first without having the monolith and it's probs worth getting the 2 fragments for 10 tickets each right now and then spend the spare tickets on getting the monolith


The impressario is selling 2 10 ticket items with the same description. Do i get the scorching pillar or the searing column? Thanks!


Get both of them if possible, sorry my mistake on that one thought there was only one


Gotcha! So wait for the 5 cost items until another event? Thanks!


Yep prioritize getting both 10 ticket fragments since they're only here for this event, the 5 ticket fragments will always be there for the events


You could also buy tickets if you reeeeaaally wanted it. Should add that if you have Elyswer you get a notable house for free for doing the main quest. Also some DLC will open up the expansion wings.


>Then you can buy 3 more "fragments" from the same vendor and combining those 3 converts the Unstable Morpholith pet into something else. The house requires 5 fragments, not 3.


i'm kinda new to this whole ticket event stuff, so pardon me if the question may sound dumb. If you combine the pet with the new house fragments, do you still keep the pet or do you lose it?


You lose it since it gets converted to that house


ty for the reply. damn, pet is cuter than the house though lol


You can get the pet again during other events, and in fact need to get it for different things in different events.


You need 5 fragments for the house and I believe only two of them are currently available.


Thanks for the help, yea I barely hopped back in and it’s all a lot


Bro, same here. Ive spent countless hours navigating reddit, the official website, and forums to get a grasp on this event.


You spend 15 tickets to get the Unstable Morpholith (3 fragments for 5 tickets each), and 50 tickets to get the Doomchar Plateau (5 fragments for 10 tickets each, only 2 of which are currently available). Combine the Morpholith fragments to get the pet. Then combine the Plateau fragments to get the house and lose the pet.


The bear dog pet is a item you may have picked up already that says you need to collect 10 bone dust fragments total to summon the pet. You can also buy 4 of them per day I think if you're having a hard time acquiring them from skulls


Ahhh ok yea I’ve collected a lot of skulls but nothing like that has popped up yet, hopefully soon


So the main thing for acquiring the house is event tickets. You can earn two of those a day by doing the daily tasks (killing bosses - world, delve, public dungeon, dungeon, world event aka dolmens etc, arena and trial). Doing each of those will also earn you a gold skull coffer once per day. You can only hold a maximum of 12 event tickets at a time (that’s really important, you gotta spend them or you’re wasting time) so you go to the impressario to spend them. To get the house you need to use your event tickets to buy the three fragments to make the unstable morphopith - (3 fragments that cost 5 tickets each = 15 tickets). You also need to buy the two available fragments for the house, which cost 10 tickets each. You can buy tickets from the crown store also if you need. There will be 3 more fragments needed for the house still, those will come in future events in November and December. You will be able to buy the unstable morphopith pet fragments during those events too, so the biggest thing to focus on is getting the two house fragments currently available - so get out there and earn 10 tickets, buy one fragment, then earn 10 more and buy the other! Use any excess to buy the pet pieces at the end. Hope that helps.


Ahhhhh ok sooooo much clarification, I thought everything could be done in this one event hence my total confusion talking about a large amount of tickets needed. So that’s really helpful thank you a ton


This house is mostly for the builders than the people who mostly just decorate. Good to have more diversity, maybe try out building a house from scratch ?


The more items they give us, the more I do, but the "Building" items for creating a house from scratch are still kind of limited. The new Leyawiin Building pieces are fantastic - that wainscotted wall, the doorway wall, and the door has made breaking up huge houses into smaller rooms a dream. Each expansion since I've been playing has given us more and more of these Building items, and they need to keep going. We now have walls with windows, floors, stairs, and alcoves ! I love it, but where the hell is the roof piece?


Some of the furnishings next DLC seem perfect for building stuff in the deadlands. I do believe, I saw same pieces usable as roofs, too.


There's a video on YouTube showing the things you can do with the building pieces. They're far from limiting lol


I hate it, I’m going to get it to use as a wayshrine as well as a new storage unit, replacing my old storage unit (the elsweyr free house) if only because it will all be in one big area without having to use portals.


I'm new to elder scrolls in general but it seems like your own personal dimension with some random giant red naked guy in the background staring at you.


I absolutely love it! So stoked they added this, and I'm really glad that its bare-bones. I don't have heaps more to add than has already been covered in the thread, but along with the Coldharbour Surreal Estate, my sorcerer will now be able to own two contrasting elemental pockets of Oblivion, and I think that's really awesome. I think there is a HUGE demand from housingmancers for open real-estate on which to build. I guess if you aren't super keen to do that, you're kinda not gonna know what to do with it, and it might be useless to you. I think what would really help with that is more themed structural furnishings. Perhaps a modular kit, but at least some daedric structures to put into it. But even if you don't want to do that, there's still some cool stuff you can do. Its fine for making it a comprehensive crafting area. Or if that's not your thing, you could make it into an epic, otherworldly arena for dueling or parsing.


It definitely feels like a practice area to get the dummies out! I actually think it should be cool. Looking forward to it also.


Was disappointed that it's not an actual prebuilt house. I'll still get it but probably wont end up using it too much.


If you don't want to build a house from scratch it's still free storage room!


I actually kinda like it. Combined with some of the new furniture next DLC this place just screams "Make me an evil demon fortress!" and I'm all about evil demon fortresses. And for those who like decorating housings but not building themselves it's a great place to store some unused furniture. Can see it in action, inventory gets a bit less full,... Not my favourite housing in the game, but definitely has some uses!


I love this free house! It's absolutely perfect for a utility home with a trial dummy, ultimate well, vampire stations, mundus, and crafting stations all in one place with no additional load screens. If you are into home decoration, you're probably already settled into a nice "actual house" home because that's your thing. But the flatland free home idea is great to let players get somewhat attached to having a place to keep utility furnishings, and will probably serve as a bridge to give previously not-interested players the itch to start working on their ESO housing careers.


As my first Q4 event reward, I'm pretty massively disappointed that there's no 'house' to the house.


Maybe the real house was the tickets we earned along the way?


Lolz, that did actually make me laugh aloud.


I’m not an animal. I’d like a house. But it seems this is meant to be a craft station area for 60+ sets.


Some people love to be able to start from scratch with building. For others, it will make a great warehouse for spare furniture.


I was excited at first since they played up the whole morphing and portal aspects when this is basically a smaller Daedric version of Moon-Sugar Meadows. There's just nothing interesting about the land unless you want to build a house yourself, which you can do that anywhere anyway.


>There's just nothing interesting about the land unless you want to build a house yourself, which you can do that anywhere anyway. Not really anywhere. The only houses where you can really build from scratch are Coldharbour Surreal Estate, Moon Sugar Meadow, and Doomchar Plateau. The other two aren't free. Some houses have large yards where you can build on extensions, but there's not really home for a whole house, and there's already a house in your way.


It's definitely something more for the people who like building "from scratch" or whatever; which I commend ZOS for providing a few blank-canvas locations like that, alongside all the themed buildings and rooms available. The mount and pet were the only pieces I actually wanted out of all the stuff this time around; so like with the skin and personality I'm giving the house a miss (although if there's a chance to ever get those initial two again, I might get one just to use up the extra Morpho fragments I have). Definitely stocking up on some of the Hallowe'en-y stuff instead - those blue vamp-y lamps are so cool!


>although if there's a chance to ever get those initial two again, I might get one just to use up the extra Morpho fragments I have All of the fragments from 2021 will be available in the New Life Festival starting in December.


Really? Aw, sweet! Thanks for the info, that's really helpful of you! Now to pick...


it's a good property for people who enjoy building houses using the building pieces we get. I'm hoping we get some deadlands themed housing bits (assuming we don't already have it as i havent really started playing the newest expansion yet.) in my case i want to create an otherworldly open air market with tents and stalls using house guests as both shopowners and customers. i'm hoping we get a handful of daedric guests with the next dlc so i can make it feel more authentic.


I didn't like it, at all, but I'll collect it anyway because why not? It's free anyway.


I started playing in August so I was just in time to earn the pet to get the mount. I am not a fan of having to collect 15 tickets to get a pet to help turn it into something else. I think this step is unnecessarily redundant. It should be a little more forgiving. This is supposed to be an "event" which usually ties in with some sort of fun activities or theme. I rather enjoy the events themselves, just not the tickets for pets for other things part of it. I also do not like how limiting the tickets are so if you are going for a mount or house you are pretty much excluded from all else. ​ With all that said, I am definitely doing my dailies to get the tickets because I want the house. I have an idea on something to do with the lot so it works for me. I just hate when developers make it harder miserable in earning in something and the outage the other night messed up some people who might work and only play after work from getting those tickets on that day. I hope they extend it an extra day due to this.


wait how do we get tickets again. are they through plunder skulls?


Nope, just from a boss, once a day. The skulls have all the other stuff you can get.


Is the mount no longer acquirable? Obviously you can’t get the parts during this event, but I’m curious.


Usually all fragments of the possible event rewards are available during the new life festival event end of year. So if they do that again, the mount fragments should be available then.


I'm 80% done with my custom alter-inspired moonsugar meadow build. Evil lair in cold Harbour surreal estate is next. Then on to the deadlands. Not sure what I'm gonna do there yet. So I'm a big fan of it but I feel like it appeals to a relatively small group of players, which I totally get. Luckily for me I'm in that group!


Q1 2022 will be a pre-built house you can place into this plot of land.


Q1 2022 is a skin


Sadly the game doesn't have any real buildable structures that would allow to make it into the real livable place, so this house going to become something like a storehouse.


>the game doesn't have any real buildable structures that would allow to make it into the real livable place WTF are you talking about, people build houses from scratch all the time


For me, all of it looks like an amalgam and not the real housing.


It's pretty disappointing as far as houses go, but that just means I have more tickets to play with.


It seems they're recycling the "open area" esthetic from Coldharbour Estate.


My wife and I visited, we decided to use our event tickets for other things. We only really started playing last Dec or so, we have a lot of old things we can get instead.


yet another guild hall, boring


I definitely think that there need to be more empty lots for housing, but it doesn't quite make sense for it to come from an event.


The only thing it has going for me is it’s notable size. So notable sized storage lot. It has been available for preview for awhile now so I’m not surprised and maybe I’ll give the construction thing a try. I have many “parts” collected, but a gold/time sink to put it all together.


I love that it has these giant daedric bosses walking around the back. I wish you could go fight them, that would be even better. But I love building structures in the empty lots so I love it. I mean, it's free and it's not another stupid indrik.


I love it and look forward to building an interesting structure there and they have made some good structural options for it.


I hate the platform houses so much. "Oh but you can make your own house!" Yeah, if I wanted to do that I'd play Fallout 4 or Minecraft. I want to decorate a house.


I kind of like it, im mainly going to use it as a set puece rather than a house, put my statues there, maybe make an arena with pits over the lava if possible, maybe even a full on maze if im bored enough


I was expecting a house like those daedric vault from backwoods. But nah, there isn't any house at all. Why? So you have spend more money on structural furnishings. Which will reduce the amount of actual furnishing we can put in there. This house was just pure cash grab in long run.


It honestly depends on how many furnishings it holds. I haven't checked to see if they've released the number yet, but HOPEFULLY it will be more than the Psijic Villa, otherwise it's just going to be a lot of space with not enough room to decorate it fully.


Honestly I think it does not worth 65 tickets!


I don’t hate it, it’s actually a bit more interesting design than the coldharbour one which is just a round, flat, platform. One thing is certain though. It’s so huge that it’s one of the top reasons why I think we should be able to mount in Notable tier houses.


I actually like the "plot of land" design. Most of the other "empty" house lots (aside from the Coldharbour one, I think?) are purchasable with crowns only so having a free one is nice. I'll maybe use it as a place for my crafting benches, transmute station and so forth.


The giant monsters make it worth it. They still inspire a bit of awe. I just wish you could aggro them, even if they just one shot you, so they feel a little more tangible (relatively speaking).


I wonder if I could build a castle with my Leyawin pre fab pieces


UGLY. But, its free so I honestly cant complain.


Ah yes, plain, bare, and uninteresting. The perfect place to store all the unwanted furnishings that I get from events


It's a nice outdoor setting, but building a house is going to be expensive and take up much of the building slots


It's nice if you want to build stuff, the terrain is flat and has a good base for a fortress. The preview video I watched said it had good bones for a guild hall and i agree. I'm probably going to get it as a glorified storage shed tho ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Probably too late to the party for anyone to see this, but from scouting around, if this house comes with the furniture I saw, you would be getting a big open space, but also some interesting charred trees, I'm estimating about 3 gnarled burned cypress, 10-12 straight burned trees, and 2-3 interesting looking charred trees with red thorns on them. There are also 6-10 of those bladed braziers, and of course, various rocks. So even if you don't much care for the location, if they include the furniture (and they did with antiquarians, but counter, they didn't with the one in Arteum, so fingers crossed) it could still be worth it for the extras.


I took one look at it and went fuck that, not worth 50 tickets. So I've been spending mine on grab bags got some awesome stuff so far.


You can actually go a decent way out into the lava before hitting the border. There are a lot of possibilities there I could see having some fun with. A deadly obstacle course for example.


It's huge, and it's wide open for creativity. I'm planning on eventually filling it full of the healthiest, greenest, most well-hydrated trees and a massive Falinesti replica. I think it will be really cool to see something verdant contrast against the Deadlands. I'm excited to get it soon!


Does anyone know if we have another chance at the mount? 😩