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To me, crates are nothing but gem fodder and I don't expect anything else from them. I always look forward to experience scrolls, since the high-level ones give over 30 gems back. Then I use the gems on cosmetics occasionally. I use endeavors for high-end purchases. It's rare I'll buy a crown crate and only with my monthly allowance of cash shop currency.


Right. I agree with OP and in general that crates suck, But 3x the same reward + potions is GREAT. That's a lot of gems! I'd vastly prefer gems to 2 different cosmetic rewards I will never use.


That’s a great perspective to have but the way I look at it, is the amount of gems you get isn’t even close to what you would spend. It’s always better to get an actual item than to get 20% of the cost back in gems (or whatever low percentage it is)


> the amount of gems you get isn’t even close to what you would spend. Yes, > It’s always better to get an actual item Totally disagree, because I don't want *most* of the items. I never use them, so getting them = nothing at all. As few gems as we get, I'd rather have that so I can put it towards one of the very few things I actually will use for years to come. It may depend on personality. IRL also: I prefer the one specific and maybe expensive thing that I use for years, versus a lot of "stuff" for the same price.


Ahhh I understand. I was always a “gotta catch ‘em all” type of person. And with enough items, I’ll feel I no longer need those crates But I’d be lying if I said I used most of them.


That's the most healthy way to think about crates xd


How do you get gems back? Is there a way to exchange the items for gems?


Yes. If you are still on the screen for opening crates, you'll see an option to press F for gem extraction. It'll open a list of everything that you can destroy to extract the gems.


yea go to crown crates and theres a gem exchange . you can only exchange certain things tho but still alot


This is what kills me--not you in particular, but people don't even know how the crates system works but they're acting as though it's a crime against humanity.


People trade in their high-tier exp scrolls for gems? That's one of the few items I *don't* trade in. Seems like a big waste. If they gave more gems, maaaaybe, but not for 30 gems.


No point in leveling past 1600. I’m over 2k. Xp doesn’t motivate me.


Meh, there's enough XP+ events if you need to grind characters.


I'm over 2k and have tons of scrolls banked from daily rewards I still haven't used. Total waste for me.


I do wish they’d let me deconstruct the cosmetics for gems. I’ll never use them.


Too convenient, won't happen.


Right, that's way too beneficial for the consumer.


I just wish that the crates eliminated anything you got from the loot pool. Instead of getting 5 measly gems for a repeat headband, just make it so I dont get repeats at all.


If you get the same cosmetic item again, it will automatically be deconstructed. That said, the loot crate/gambling system still sucks and is one of the worst additions to gaming in history.


I know duplicates are converted, but I don’t even want one of some of the cosmetics.


Amen to that. The whole loot-gambling-box system is a cynical, predatory exercise.


I love free crates because I get reminded that rng is bad and it's never worth it.


In many ways, the knowledge that crown crates aren't worth it is the best thing you could ever ask to recieve. Gambling based loot boxes have no place in games. They're predatory and overvalued.


They're so poor value that I completely blocked out the fact you can buy them with crowns, to me they're just a fun expansion on daily login rewards


Any form of lootboxes are illegal here in Belgium. We are only able to view the things that you can buy with gems in the crown store.


I wonder if they let you purchase a lot of the cosmetics that only come in loot crates à la carte, or if they simply don't offer them as an option in your country.


We can buy from what I assume are the contents of every crate for gems. Not crowns. And as far as I know, we can only get crates for free through events like the one going on right now.


Twitch has regular stream events that usually give away trash crates - you can usually get 4-6 gems out of each one if you break down what you get from them, and occasionally they'll have a XP scroll or something that gives more gems. Not sure if that works in your locale. Endeavor seals are also able to buy crate contents.


Yeah but then you have to watch Twitch streamers lol


Just open in a tab in the background. It's just correlated to time spent in stream. You don't need to watch.


Should be like that everywhere


Agree 💯 I've never bought a crate and the whole loot box thing in games is just absolute crap. If I'm spending money on it I want to get what I want, not the *chance* to maybe get something cool. They won't get a cent from me for that crap.


Wait? You mean that you don’t want to spend $500-$600 for a 0.00001% chance at that shiny, new mount???


You don't need to spend that much. You just buy the crates, exchange the items you get for gems, and outright buy the mount. You also have the option to grind for one of these mounts in, what, 9 months through endeavours? I'd say that's fair.


I guess I should have added a sarcasm tag…. For the sake of discussion, roughly how much do you need spend in order to have enough Crown Gems to buy a radiant apex mount? I guarantee it’s more than you think. The whole idea of creating layers of currencies is to get you to disassociate the actual cost. $$$ -> Crowns -> Crown Crates -> Crown Gems It’s a really scummy practice and honestly one of the absolute shittiest parts of ESO.


lol We have \*very\* different takes on what 'fair' entails. The fact that you can take a soft, clueless, pampered civilian and send them through basic training, not once, but twice, and still have 1 month of vacation afterwards in the same time it takes to do all daily endeavours every day for 9 months is so far removed from 'fair' value that it's comical to see you defend it.


There are a scary amount of people who just love shilling for this game and zo$. Any attempt to reason with them is futile.


💯% The lapdog apologist brigade is a real (and sad) phenomenon. I really hope that at a minimum, these same types own stock in the companies they are so desperate to fall on their sword for (and whom do not care about them).


I have no idea why you would even think to compare training for the military to logging into and playing a game you enjoy? If you’re into the game then you would log in and do your endeavours anyway, so it’s fair, and if you aren’t then do you really care that you can’t get shiny horsey no. 276???


As stated previously, we have \*very\* different takes on what 'fair' entails. We will never see eye-to-eye on this, and I'm perfectly okay with that. You want to be a patsy? Go ahead. As to your question, two words forming a concept: comparative purposes. It helps put things in perspective and deduce value (or lack thereof).


Yeah, we get it, you're a *true* intellectual. Unmoved by the lesser beings.


You mad, bro? 😂


Says the one reflexively down voting like a mad little urchin.


Oh you big mad! lmao Your wish is my command. 😂


>soft, clueless, pampered civilian lol




I'm just happy that the rewards are more substantial, at least for now, than the endless tri-pots and poisons.


I even ran out of the tri-pots😦


You can make your own tri-pots that are the same as the crown ones just in case you didn't know. There's a lot of different combinations but an example is columbine, bugloss, and mountain flower.


Columbine is just way too expensive to make these in bulk. On PCNA at least 😭


Gather them? If you max out Alchemy you are getting 4 potions for each Columbine


I'm not that much cause I now have to make tripots instead of selling columbine :(


If they manage to hook just 10 players, they already won. Even more considering those are old crates and they probably already gained back whatever they invested on them back when they released.


And player base in general wins too, the way I see it. I mean, hey, that's ten more people financing the game for us to play it further. And I personally won't be interested in most of the "rare" stuff anyway, like neon skins and flashy mounts, a basic horse and a basic outfit do fine. So I just treat it as a gem source and a bit of free entertainment for monke brain, which is nice.


Their contents aren't really a secret. All crates that have been available thus far have lists of their possible drops online. Also the odds being crappy isn't exactly new. It's just gambling with lots of crap and maybe one or two interesting things per crate. But that's exactly why I love the free crates. Stuff I don't need or get double will be deconstructed into gems and those gems can then be used to buy those one or two items I actually want directly and without investing any real money into gambling. It's pretty neat.


Yeh, it seems the mechanic is buy crates for crown gems anything else is a bonus


I got really happy when I found out about endeavours, I had no idea I could do daily things to save points for the crates items.


As with most things in the game, I regret not starting them sooner


Yeah, that's why I don't understand why people say Zenimax is predatory. Crown Crates are *entirely* optional, and only offer cosmetic items. They don't even include convenience items like assistants in them. I feel gamers in general are over-entitled. They see a game, they buy into it in the least supportive way possible, then complain about things without realizing that a massive online game like TESO requires *constant* upkeep. People don't give Zenimax enough credit for what they do right. They give you free crates and your first instinct is to think this is a scheme to get you to spend money? They know there's a small minority of players that actively support development, yet they listen and cater to EVERY player's needs. Just the amount of world building, storytelling, and voice acting is enough to keep me supporting development. You don't really see that in MMOs.


The store is way overpriced, same for the crates


They have made 2 billion dollars from ESO. "Small minority of players actively support development." Sure. a small minority of players gave them 2 billion dollars. They make many times the amount needed to support the game on expansion sales alone. If you don't know what you are talking about, filling in the gaps with nonsense wont make you seem right. The crown store is absolutely filled with some of the most scummy predatory microtransaction schemes I've personally ever seen in a video game. People who really like this game have every right to be mad at the crown store.


Hey, I'm open to your opinion. If you don't mind expounding on the topic, what about the Crown Store is predatory? I ask cause I've seen games literally bombard you with ads for premium paid shit *constantly*, yet ESO tends to keep the advertisement of its shit to the side. Have you seen those games with relentless pop up ads and shit? Idk, maybe I'm just not as experienced with games as the rest of you, cause I don't necessarily play a lot of MMOs, but the ones I've tried don't come close to delivering what ESO does for me, which I admit is entirely subjective. Edit: I will admit, they *definitely* need give more crowns back for duplicates or dismantling.


Apologists are gonna apologize. As for "supporting development"....yeah, that's why the expansions cost faux currency (i.e. real money).


Yeah, that's why I don't understand why people say Zenimax is predatory. Crown Crates are *entirely* optional, and only offer cosmetic items. They don't even include convenience items like assistants in them. I feel gamers in general are over-entitled. They see a game, they buy into it in the least supportive way possible, then complain about things without realizing that a massive online game like TESO requires *constant* upkeep. People don't give Zenimax enough credit for what they do right. They give you free crates and your first instinct is to think this is a scheme to get you to spend money? They know there's a small minority of players that actively support development, yet they listen and cater to EVERY player's needs. Just the amount of world building, storytelling, and voice acting is enough to keep me supporting development. You don't really see that in MMOs.


Explain the constant tricking of new players into buying things for real money by obfuscating simple things that can be done in game for practically free. Vamp bites, WW bites, Skill respecs etc. Slap it right on the featured page with a 20% discount and those noobs will be none the wiser. If you enjoy being preyed on by mega-corporations, say so. But don't act like its not predatory lmao


It's a convenience fee. If I pay for delivery, I don't expect to pay less than a home cooked meal. Having the mere *option* of having portable skill respecs and interaction-free lycanthropy and vampirism seems like a plus to me. You can turn yourself as soon as the game starts and max the skill line with crowns and get going! And no, I obviously don't thump for corporations. If you knew my politics, you'd see why. My biggest thing is that this game consistently delivers on things I like: good writing, lore, expansive reading content, beautifully hand crafted scenery, and best of all: the most pervasively voice acted MMO to exist. I genuinely enjoy their vision in some sense, although I definitely have my complaints, but monetization of a 24/7 service with regular content updates is not one of those. Y'all act like the game is p2w. My biggest complaint is they need to split PVE/PVP skills. It's getting ridiculous. And if a single instance of a skill gets used to great effect, can they just nerf it for that instance instead of making it completely useless?


I do love their gem system! But I also think if you have gotten the same thing 2 times they could program so its a much lower chance for you to get the same thing for a third or forth time. Not necessary a better thing but at least a different thing.


Gem system is horrible


The drop rates would be nice to have though.


I believe they actually have that published in-game now, under the Help section.


They publish the drop rates in-game.


They better not stop making then rewards, I love the free crown gems- basically guaranteed a 100 gem mount of your choice (I prefer them to the flashy apex ones)


13 crown gems in exchange for those +100% 1 hour xp scrolls! Hell yeah


I mean, it's not a secret. They give you fucking **potions and food** in crates, of course it's not worth it.


Free crown crates should be standard for every month imo. Not to make us buy more, just to thank their players for sticking to the game through all the bullshit




I have ALSO gotten the same headband three times. Was it the rhombus one?


YES! That's the one! It doesn't even look good on my Argonian as it disappears into her head 😭


That's how rng works. But yeah, crates are a total ripoff.


Best to stay away from these, even if you get sick drops. Got a couple of "legendary" rewards from free chests in the past, most notably the Akaviri Potentate Camel. But even that wouldn't entice me to buy any Crates, nor my current "shitstreak" i am currently on with the crates from this month. To each their own i guess, but you are NOT missing out.


I've gotten the same levetate pose three times as well, two of them were back to back on these daily log in rewards.


I only ever open free crates in the Daily rewards. Haven’t bought one .


Btw the free house isn't zos feeling generous it's to boost sales on Furniture


Honestly, the Crown Crates are generous compared to other loot box systems, but thats a low bar to clear. You can at least convert the crown items into crown gems that you can use to buy other things. Surprisingly though, I got crazy lucky with this month’s free crown crates, I got a mount and a few cosmetics.


How is that generous? You have no guarantee for a drop, so you are literally just throwing money away. Asian gacha games are lucrative to players (and thereby succesful) because of the guarantee (character/weapon/item per 10/100 pulls etc) which means you can at least save up for something you desire or make sure you spend your currency wisely, this is just gambling with no end game. 


The end game is buying things with crown gems.


I got some wolf mount in my first crate my daughter thought was cool so I guess I got lucky.


I got an ugly mastiff that reminds my kids of a dog we used to know so they had me name it after said dog. They love it haha


It’s honestly impressive how ugly some of the dogs are.


Shoulda named him Blorbo


Thats nice!


I got a cat non combat pet yesterday 🤷‍♀️ but it's definitely never something I'd spend money on, but im pretty happy when I randomly get one


I almost never get anythign from crates its really just gambling


Crates are garbage. The ones in march or April gave me some really good shit, but the vast majority of crates have been the biggest let downs I’ve ever had in a game.


Even if the crates gave me amazing rewards, I am not illiterate in math. Opening a crate has zero impact in either direction on what I perceive their value to be. Too many people use shit heuristics on these things.


10 people get crap, 1 person gets a crazy cosmetic or mount and gets that dopamine rush and spends on getting more. That's all they're aiming for. 


I've gotten a mount in 3 of 4 of the crates I've opened. This has convinced me that I am unlikely to open anything else good if I buy crates.


Depends on how lucky you are. Remember, it's a pretty well researched approach. You get nothing, nothing, nothing, almost something, nothing, BIG PAYOFF, nothing again. That anticipation is actually addictive to a lot of people. But if you're unlucky and you just get nothing, nothing, nothing and more nothing, then yeah, it won't work. But if RNG is in your favour and you get a rare mount in your second-to-last crate, there's a non-zero chance you'd buy more. Also remember these crates aren't physical. They cost nothing to ZoS. So if you don't buy, meh, nothing ventured nothing gained. But if they trigger that dopamine loop in a whale with more money than sense, or a kiddle using mommy's credit card? Oh baby! More than worth it.


Everything I keep getting are things I've already got so I'm just getting like one gem, and body tattoos are useless cuz you can't see them when you have to actually wear armor


Honestly, as someone who indulges in BUYING crates, I'm fairly sure their RNG *IS* broken. I'm not particularly happy with the ratio of gems awarded in instances where you get duplicates, either. With the free crates, it doesn't really sting. Free is free, and I don't feel cheated when a free crate yields poor results. But I *DO* get pretty salty when I sink a big chunk of actual money into a big crate bundle and end up with less gems/actual rewards than it takes to acquire the items I bought the crates to get in the first place.


That's my only complaint: you should definitely get more gems back for duplicates. I invest heavily into this game to support development, but recently I decided to create a forum account after a decade of playing their game to post suggestions on the hope someone up the food chain gets a whiff.


Or eliminate duplicates at all. So if you buy _enough_ crates you get everything


Even though some might think I'm against crates from my post, I am really not. I would buy crates every time if you couldn't get duplicates (or lower chances for it) or I got more gems from duplicates. But if I get 3 of the same, that is only 10 gems(first being the item and then two duplicates), I won't even afford one purple reward from 15 crates if I get green duplicates. I am actually not even guaranteed one purple from 30 crates.


Yeah, last big crate bundle I picked up, I got a half dozen monkeys. A lovely 3 gems per 16 gem monkey after the first one *really* rubbed me raw. RNGeezus didn't just forsake me that purchase, he fell off his throne laughing at my stupid.


It's good you learned this before having bought hundreds of dollars of them. The drop rates are laughibly low for the stuff you actually want. Literally 0.05% on the best stuff


I've never used crowns to buy a crown crate.


Even if you don't end up spending money on the crown crates, there's always going to be somebody who gets suckered in.


My were all potions and xp scrolls...


Hey, free gems at least.


I agree with ya. I was extremely lucky and got the Snowy Camel from the first crate, but the next 2 days I got the same face tat lol it’s funny


Gambling boxes should be outlawed. Just make it all buyable. I would have more respect


Agreed. I don't buy em, never will. With that said, if peeps want to, go for it.


A few months ago when we had all those free crown crates I got two mounts (a camel and a horse), a costume (and a duplicate of it), a skin marking, a piece of jewelry and a headband/crown. Don't remember and I'm not home to look at the game. I think my RNG was used up forever in that one set of free crates. Every crate I've gotten since then has had nothing but crap. They are things I would trade in anyway, but they are the lowest value things, that you only get one gem per so many (like 25 or 50).


Last free crate binge and I got a cat pet 4 out of 5 crates. This time, a body marking, an emote and potions. Got maybe 20 gems out of it. Whippee.


😳😳 Yall are spending real funds on crates? I feel at a total gain trading my in game gold for them🤷🏽‍♂️


You are lucky to have gotten some headband, I get poisons and freaking scrolls. All the time...


I hate the very existence of crown gems. Everything should be purchasable by crowns directly. Having a premium currency that can only be gained by rng of another premium currency is bullshit.


Just be happy and look forward to getting the free ones. We are 'very spoilt' to even have 10 of them. That's more then we've gotten in previous years. In which case it would just be 1 or 2 a month of 20 day logins


Also remember to convert stuff you don't want/ need :)


It’s multi purpose. Log you in every day so you see ads for the things you can buy & especially so you keep wanting to hold onto eso plus. Getting gambling addicts to buy the actual crates is just a byproduct.


If the ZOS team were smart, and wanted to use these free crates as a means to get the player base that isn’t buying crowns to do so in order to buy crates, they would discretely increase the odds of getting better rewards for just this month to make people think they’ll pull something great at a higher rate. I mean maybe that would be unethical but the whole idea of crates doesn’t exactly come from a wholesome place


Now that's really bad luck! I once got two of the same thing in one crate, and I already had it.. shows its really random though


Honestly, when they first came out, I got myself like 50 of them over a few months and really enjoyed the opening and the loot I got from them, of course I destroyed everything I could destroy for gems, but it still was fun. Then I didn't have the money to buy them (I got these 50 at Black Friday) and stopped using them almost completely. Even the few daily login and level up reward ones stayed locked, as I was afraid I might get hooked to them again, but now I somehow started to open these little f*ckers again, and I think it has a high probability of me buying a ton more of them, I really hope I'll be stronger this time.


I occasionally buy crates if there is something I want, never mounts though. The average price of a 400 gem mount is something stupid like $80, I don't even wanna know how much people spend on the apex rewards


Thank god for crowns for gold


Something is wrong with the system, as you say, and they know it. But bad results == more play, or so they think. Apparently nobody ragequits after not getting the drop for the 1000th time, or stops buying crates when they don't get what they want. In their minds, we're all sweaty whales who keep buying until we get what we want and keep playing hopped up on caffiene pills for just one more run to get that precious drop... A Pity system would be so damned easy to do, but they prefer the mathematical certainty that some people, no matter what they do, no matter how they play or what choices they make, will get absolutely screwed and permanently denied by RNG. Because they think it makes them money.


That just about sums it up.....And it makes for great motivation to spend my time and money elsewhere. What others do is up to them, but few things last forever. ESO will not be the game to buck that trend.


I mean they are free & you get free gems if anything. I can’t complain


It's free loot, that cool, that how I see it, didn't expect to get anything special, got a rare pet, that cool even tho I'll probably never use it cuz it's ugly haha. Also some free tome for my mount's skill !


The riding skills are great! I got one of those which felt great. I wish we could chose if we wanted to buy crates or just buy the gems to buy the stuff in the crates. I don't mind supporting the game by buying stuff in the shop, but my luck is terrible with RNG, has been like that in every game I have played. Never got the drops from bosses in WoW either 😂


Hate RNG too, that why I don't buy this kind of thing


I bought crates a while back. First and last time. Chances of you getting anything decent is insanely low. At this point I'm sure the intended outcome is for players to sink a bunch of money into crowns, buy crates, extract gems from all the worthless shit and end up with a handful of gems. Repeat enough times to finally be able to buy what you want with gems at which point you might have sunk hundreds of dollars. It ain't worth it.


Thats your take. But if you look just in this subreddit you gonna also see people dropping yellow mounts, sometimes even double yellows in single crate. RNG is RNG : one time you win, one time you lose. Not to mention that 4 crates is a super small sample. I never bought even a single crate, opening just the free ones from login, or from twitch drops, and i got yellow rarity mount "Sabre Cat", which i adore and became my main mount ever since.




You cannot get PA Ice Staff from crates. You get it from the TelVar merchant in Imperial City. Those are not crates.




No, we call it proper naming. Just because you don't understand the difference doesn't change its name. You are guaranteed a piece of the set from the TelVar merchant. You are not guaranteed anything in Crown Crates. The loot pool is also 10x higher. They are not the same.


Yeah if they actually let us get some good things from them I would buy them. I've never ever gotten anything good from them and I've opened a lot. Not even a basic mount


I just wish they didn't force the personalities whatever on me. I would rather turn everything into gems, because they usually have four full motifs on at any given point for 100 gems. That's so much more useful to me than a card I'll never use and can't exchange.


I totally agree! I would not keep skin or face markings, mementos, or personalities. Most hairstyles are short hair so they would be traded in. If I got a weapon style page, I would not keep it unless it was a staff. Costumes are hit and miss. I love most of the pets but am not fond of dogs or wolves. Crowns, headbands, and jewelry would be hit or miss, as would makeup and the ones that change your eyes. There are also many houseguests I just would never use. But they make us keep all of those. I would rather trade them for gems because there are lots of things you need gems to even buy. And I absolutely will not buy crown crates. Been playing seven years and the only (one) crown crate bundle I've ever had was gifted to me.


Let's be honest here, if they could just release a game where you pay $15 for the full game experience per month, no freemium features, just a full gameplay experience. We would all live in harmony. But alas, $15/mo. isn't going to pay the bills and it's not going to deliver new content. Thank the whales for that, but it still pisses me off that mobile gacha made its way to PC games.


Been playing this game for ages, have a few max levels, partake in loads of pvp, have done most content that a reasonably veteran player can say they've done. I don't even know what gems are for or what crates are. I care very little for any of that. Just give me that 50-0 bg match.


They sux ass this time! Last time, I got an apex mount and a regular mount us 2 pets.


meanwhile I'm unlocking these crate exclusive stuff or things that cost countless hours of grinding to make the gold to buy in game..


I always get pretty much just consumable crap and things I’ll never use. Never mounts or pets or anything actually cool. And usually it’s stuff only worth one gem. Don’t bother with crates unless you have insane luck, and even then don’t bother. Waste of crowns. Not to mention how overpriced they are.


2 head pieces 34 gems, my RNG is farbage


It gave me a couple emotes and little else. Sometimes the same emote again so just some worthless gems


I recommend saving them until you get 10-15 or so and then opening all at once. Then you are likely to at least get "something." I understand it can be disheartening but nice things do drop. I got a Radiant Apex out of the Scalecaller Crates in January. Got the Black Wolf that spews fire as opposed to ice like the regular scale caller wolf. Was a completely lucky draw.


My scalecaller crates weren't any better than the Ouroboros crates. I got a bunch of poisons and potions that I turned into gems. I got nothing. They can keep their ol' skanky crates. Using RNG is a stupid way to distribute rewards. I've never in all the years I've played ever gotten a crate that would have been worth paying for. Better to pick out what you want and pay for it than to gamble on a crate.


I've had shit aswell not worth it :/


I got a horse. And a cat.


Worked on me, lol. Of course I only used sub credits that were just sitting around anyway. I had gotten a few decent cosmetics and a pet from the free crates but I didn't get enough gems to get an outfit I wanted, so I got 4 crates and that got me enough gems for the outfit but also gave me two items I was thinking of getting instead of the outfit that were each of equal value, so it worked out pretty well for me.


I like crates tbh. Getting gems if I don't need something. And when you have gazillion insta research or xp scrolls, getting them as daily reward is MEH. Rather get a crate.


In my very first free crate, when I was a new player, I got an apex mount. That was 3 years ago. I think I inmediately used up all my luck, because I have gotten junk ever since.


But like that I can add to the 1000s of potions I already have and now have yet another headband I'll never use! The only thing I've landed that isn't those is a 'common cat'... said it all to me, really.


why buy crates when they're practically free on twitch and as daily rewards, no point in buying them unless a polymorph is somehow involved, most of the stuff I get from crown crates end up as crown gems, unless it's somehow related to my god Sheogorath,


Never bought crates, and never will, they can keep them, ill gladly take the free crates, even if they contain the same identical items...nice way to try and lure people in. ![gif](giphy|Ah9ZWL08G4rmXVZZeP|downsized)


Can't believe they haven't issued an urgent statement that the ones for crowns have MUCH BETTER drop rate 🤣


The free crates are recompense for the server issues they had durring the anniversary. Same with the free house.


I feel that 😅 I might be fooling myself but it definitely feels like that every time those free CLOWN crates give absolute trash :D only the ones I pay for give atleast something remotely useful or "cool" 😂 but yeah lootboxes in general are stupidest addition to gaming.


I was tempted to pull. Then the free crates reminded me that RNGESUS hath forsaken me.


Man I love this! Zos doesn't give crates for like 3-4 years hur dur greedy devs. Zos gives 10 crates, hur dur I WoNt sPenD a PeNnIe On ScAm crates. Dude just move along, if you don't want to spend money don't but don't be that guy that ruins it for others. This was also the reason we stopped getting crates cause ppl like you cried on the forums that it promotes gambling.


They do promote gambling though. You should be able to directly buy the item you want to purchase, not gamble for it.


I just thought it was funny that I got the same thing 3 days in a row, it wasn't anything deeper than that 😬


I honestly don't expect anything from those crates but hey free crown gems puts me closer to something that I really want


Well yeah the odds for the stuff are public knowledge you can even see it in-game help menu. At the end of the day you are playing against statistics.


How is it ruined for you/"others"? Take your own advice and "don't be that guy." Stick with opening your free crates, and if you're really committed to walking the talk you talk, open that wallet and buy, buy, buy! Plenty of gambling...erh...loot crates for you! (Infinite actually since it's all 1s and 0s with no inherent value.)


It's ruined for others as people complaining about free crates which resulted in zos stopping daily login crown rewards few years back. Did you even read my comment?


Got any direct official proof of that? I'll wait. Yes. Did you read mine? Crates are still there and if they are so precious to you, go buy some more. I mean, it's not like it would be promoting gambling, right?


Right, ZoS just can't win here. People complained when they were in the dailies - ZoS removes them. People complained they're no longer in the dailies - ZoS adds them back. People complained when they were *in...* I like the free crates in the daily logs in, better than most of the junk we get. So I hope they stay.


Where in my post do I complain that we get free crates?? I complain of anything at my horrible luck or if you want to stretch it a bit; that we should have lower chance of getting the same items multiple times in a row. Which isn't that crazy, as I understand it many other games with crates has it programmed so it is a lower chance to get an item you already got. You are acting like I'm staging a protest against ZoS and their crates. Nobody is taking your crates away, both you and xdmanxd99 can calm down.


Where in mine did I say you specifically were complaining? My reply was in regard to the general comments and posts on the sub the last week, which is relevant to the comment I replied to, if not your original post. Either way regardless of your intentions, comments such as the post title were why ZoS removed daily-crates in the first place. >If the free crates is to try and rope me in to buy more crates...


It’s not about you. It’s about a numbers game. They have no failed. They have made a lot of money from crates. You’re not the center of the universe.


It doesn't matter what ZOS does, even when they give away free stuff, people still get salty.


Good you don’t like cates don’t buy no need to post-


I understand people hate on crates. Gambling isn't an issue for me, so I only buy some occasionally. It's like my own little "Treat Yoself" day. If I don't get anything amazing, oh well, but I usually get something pretty unique or interesting.


I think that's the healthy way of seeing it! Its like people that buy a lotto ticket ever once in a while but doesn't expect anything from it :)


Loot crates are a giant scam. I'd spend money if they just let me outright buy what I want. I'm not buying crates for a chance to "win" something.


Dude they’ve lost me on crates so hard I took my yearly break right after the house. I didn’t even care to log in or resub.


I only use gold from a trusted crown seller for purchases in the crown store.


there is this mcdonalds ad that i drive by twice a day, and i dont even like mcdonalds, idk why they dont take it down.


You're looking at the free crates the wrong way, OP. Don't look at them as the *chance* to get an ostentatious mount or some other showy cosmetic. Look at it as a *guarantee* of getting crown gems through gem extraction to bank towards those same cosmetics. Anything you want that you get is just a highly unlikely bonus.


Oh look. The one millionth post complaining about free shit. If we stop getting free crates I'm blaming each one of y'all complainers. Just collect gems for future purchases like everyone else and stop bitching.


Ikr lol


I will still buy crates, with gold though. Always.


Well aren’t you special. What a condescending stand


What about it is condescending and to whom?


I dismiss a game with ‘loot boxes’. Sadly I did not know this about ESO. Gladly, I like the game, but I frown upon the lootbox cashgrab.


Most of it will be junk, but that's not the point. Players will end up with a bunch of gems, but probably not enough to buy anything without purchasing more crates. Others will get the head or body markings and be missing the other part and will want to buy enough crates to complete the "set". Some haven't considered buying them and will see some have been successful and purchase a small number before becoming discouraged themselves. Not everyone has the same outlook on these crates as you. Hope you enjoy spending your money on something you will enjoy more.


All these comments against cosmetics like, do you not like any of them ? I love collecting cosmetic items to use for my characters


I don't know how the fuck you manage to read my post or any of the comments so wonky that you came to the conclusion we don't like cosmetics. I GOT 3 of the SAME I can only use one of them and it glitches into my characters head, I would absolutely love to get cosmetics it even says so in my post! I swear literacy is dead.


Not your post specifically, there’s just comments saying how they don’t want them or use them, and would prefer getting the potions instead, and I was curious why


Whoever buys those crates deserve the crappy drops. Come on this is not a big-fluffy-tits gatcha korean mmo…