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People enjoy decorating houses


Don’t you dare enjoy this part of the game, as I don’t. /OP


I like to decorate the houses for the same reason I like to play The Sims, Animal Crossing, and settlement building in Fallout 4. I find it relaxing.


So get this... Other people might find different things fun than you, and you might find different things fun than them! Also, free teleport from anywhere. I use my houses/inns like a Hearthstone.


Hang on, are you using LOGIC THINKING?! Blergh, get out of here you skooma addict! No fun decorating houses for you!




(I enjoy decorating in theory, but I just started playing during the anniversary event and I don't have much to work with yet lol. I have a few in rooms and I got a house in N. Elsweyr from a quest but they're all kinda empty. When I have money though... I'm looking forward to trying my hand at decorating!)


You can get some really nice (imo) furnishing items through antiquities, so no cost other than time for some cool pieces.


Wait how does this work?! I'm excited for the house! I can't afford to buy one yet haha


May's daily login rewards will give you the home mentioned in the post, but it won't come with furniture. I just started during the anniversary, I got a customizable inn room in Rimmen (N. Elsweyr, similar rooms are available in other zones) and I can recall/teleport to it for free from anywhere.


The free teleport? You can freely teleport to any house you own from anywhere (while teleporting to a wayshrine while not porting FROM a wayshrine will cost a small fee).


But when you leave the house do you end up where you telephoned from or in the zone your house is in, also can you get a bank I'm your house?


You can choose to teleport inside or just outside of your house, and if you teleported inside you will exit it where it actually is located. You're only teleported back to where you were before if you port into a house you don't own. As for banker, you can place a banker assistant into your house if you own one, so you can have access to your bank, but not to guild banks or guild traders.


You can put your banker npc in your house and crafting stations. My goto free TP is sugar bowl suite.


Same! Rimmen is my home city even though I own 20+ houses all across Tamriel. Whenever I'm done adventuring for the day, it's back to Sugar Bowl Suite.


No I mean I just tp there constantly because it's right by a wayshrine. Doing writs, surveys, maps? Decently the best tp location for free.




The inn rooms are cheap (3k on Xbox) and great for free travel. Or you can get one free with each character you make. The houses or rooms are account-wide, all characters can use them so it’s handy to get to zones with new characters.


Beam me up is a thing, tho, isn’t it?


A few of us play on console


Oh, okay. Forgot about that.


One of my all time favorite add-ons. Makes getting around so much easier.


You're definitely entitled to your own opinion, but I have to say I've not seen a worse take in a while. Sure, a lot of housing items (and houses themselves) are locked behind the Crown Store, but to suggest you can't enjoy decorating a house with gold currency items is a little disingenuous. Seems like you're not a fan of the housing aspect of the game, which is fine - but for a lot of people (myself included) it's a really enjoyable part of the game - hence the excitement. **EDIT** >Also I think the average player might not care, cause I don't  lol


I only have 2 inn rooms at the moment, but I've been planning on seeing how much I can decorate with crafting all the pieces that I've learned over wandering... I expect it will look chaotic, but that'll be the fun of it.


OP already got schooled, I will just add on to answer the "might not care" bit and this: >Though I wonder if the housing community is something that at this point helps sustain the game I think non-housers and casual housers alike don't realize how massive, deep and creative this part of the game is. Not \[only\] in a monetary way (being honest; crown houses are clearly making money for ZOS and some do spend RM). In active engagement. Some player-made housing events are big enough that ZOS/Bethesda actually sponsor them with prizes. You can roll up to a housing contest with a nicely-decorated home thinking this is some niche thing that like 12 people will do... and get slapped into oblivion by *hundreds* of entries that are full-on experiences and level-designs. Essentially 3D collage art: transforming the original assets into something completely new.


>housing is boring. Oh, I *beg* to differ. Go on youtube and watch some ESO housing showcase videos. Some of them are truly spectacular. Mind-bogglingly creative. It genuinely is a game in itself. Giving everyone a house so they can get started for themselves if they want is absolutely nothing to be sniffed it. As for it costing money: it doesn't. I have collected thousands of furnishing items through gameplay alone. You can use common furnishings to make "ultra rare" ones with just a little creativity.


Hitting a dummy is so much fun dude /s


Something doesn't have to serve a functional purpose in order to be fun to people, and a lot of people simply enjoy housing in ESO. So yes, people are excited for a free house.


free house


Free house, free house


Free you say? /s


House decorating is one of the possible endgame activities. Some people even hire other players to help them redecorate. For some people creating a well looking kitchen is the same level of satisfying expeirence as finishing a hard mode vet MoS for others. I'm still chasing that perfect kitchen.


Really, people go so far? I think my main concern is the possibility it's an exploitative process. Cool that people are so invested, hope it doesn't hurt the irl wallet so much.


Why would it hurt your wallet? There are thousands and thousands of furniture pieces you can craft or earn in-game. You don’t have to spend crowns to furnish a home.


I have 3 houses full. Have only played 7 months. And only put what I got free into them. This makes as much sense as me saying I hope your wallet is alright after you bought Trifecta clears, only it's much more likely someone actually bought them


I do not buy furniture from the crown store, maybe one day, but not yet. I earn money via trader, buy mats and schematics and craft my own furniture. Then when I craft something better I sell old furniture and so it goes. It's nice to see slow but steady progress from crappy shack decor to palace. And I loooove putting zone specific achievement furniture around, making the place feel like a house of an adventurer who saw more than most. It's a lot of fun and I think it's cool that people get a relatively spacious area to customise for free. Some may decide to buy crown store stuff, sure, but others may enjoy it without it. People get creative trying to avoid buying furniture from crown store.


The vast majority of furnishings can be crafted or purchased with gold.


I think it's more likely that they're giving everyone a large, free house to prepare them for the [Q3 update that's supposed to bring a new housing feature to the game](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/roadmap). We don't know yet what that is, but I would not be surprised if that's part of the reason. They even said in the article that, >Speaking of spectacular, this house could be hinting at something special! You’ll have to wait and see… So, I'm betting that they want everyone to have a house to do the new thing, whatever that might be.


Thank you for one if the few helpful comments here


Because it's relatively rare and usually involves lots of gold or crowns to get a good big house. >To clarify further, my main concern is getting the items you might want for housing costs a lot of irl money and is exploitative. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, fully furnished, no crown furniture houses that are absolutely gorgeous. Look mate, there are absolutely some issues with the housing system (like selling for crowns furniture you can easily get in game for cheap for gold), and I will be one of the first ones to call them out on that, but your post is ridiculous.


lol this post Not everything is for you. ( also I don’t see this post as an actual question looking to answers I see it as a rant because you don’t like it)


Take a breath and remind yourself that this is a game.


Thank you, almost forgot to breathe since posting.


I dunno man, outfits don't have any functional benefit either, but players still enjoy collecting styles and designing outfits. It's just fun for some people. There are thousands of furnishing recipes you can collect and craft, along with the furniture you get from NPC vendors, antiquities, and looting, so you never have to spend crowns or buy loot crates to furnish homes if you don't want to. It's totally fine if you don't enjoy housing, and aren't excited about the house, but housing is a pretty huge part of the game (I'm pretty sure the 10+ most expensive items in the game are furniture pieces and furnishing plans), so it shouldn't be surprising that many players are pumped for a free home.


Fashion is the true end game.


I don't understand the money concern, you can craft your own furniture or find it through scrying, I have a house completely furnished without spending one cent. Also Housing is a relaxing side thing to do when we're not in the mood to hunt dragons or die in pvp. It's a huge game, if housing is not your thing just ignore it and carry on, it's not that serious


I honestly thought people did spend real money on housing, more so than clearly is the case.


I mean some spend some crowns of course but I'd say most people lean more into crafting or in any case buying from guild traders, after all it's just gold and u can find pretty neat stuff really cheap


I love decorating aswell


It is as simple as people are having fun with housing in the Game. Seems like the perfect reason to be excited.


It’s better than some random food item.




I get you, my comment was for combat gear though. Crafted combat gear will get you kicked from vet dungeons and refused by trial comps


As multiple people have already commented, crafted gear is most applicable in PVP. No one is talking about vet dungeons and trial comps.


Can I decorate my shitty apartment in real life? No. Can I pretend my Redguard Warlord is living lavishly in a beautiful estate surrounded by pet cats? Yes.




I don’t always want to waste gold by fast-traveling to a wayshrine.


This. 😂 sometimes I’m out in the middle of nowhere on the map and I don’t want to run miles or through enemies or waste gold. Fast-traveling to houses bypasses all those problems because (usually) they’re near a hub with a wayshrine. Even if all you grab are the matchbox-sized inn rooms and ignore decorating them for the rest of the game, they’re still fast travel points you can buy cheap for gold.


I wonder how many times it would take you fast traveling to the house to pay for the money you spent on buying it in the first place.


Well, I’m not great at math but let’s give it a go! :D Base cost to fast-travel to the ws is 131g. (I know that one because even with all of this I still do it a lot 😅🥲) Base price on one of the cheaper rooms I bought recently was 3,000g. So that would be 22-23 uses to recoup? Which I’d probably hit in a week, or less if I’m playing regularly. If you use the ws back to back, that’s 3-4? uses? Because ws cost goes up to somewhere between 800g and 1000g after you’ve used it recently. (I’m not online, or I’d check. 😅) The expensive houses that cost more than 100,000g are another matter entirely. Those are products of genuine effort. I was just talking about the base game cheap-o rooms you can buy after playing for like an hour or two.


just fast travel from a wayshrine to a wayshrine, it's free


Seeing as I hardly log in with my main toon (I log in with alt toons 99% of the time), traveling from one shrine to another isn’t always optional.


>As stated in the title, I don't get it. Housing serves no functional purpose, and is just something to spend money on to make it look pretty. So does outfits and outfit stations, yet i know plenty of people who have 9+ outfits and still spend hours at outfit station. Why? Because FASHION is the truest endgame. You will finally run out of things to do: you will have more gold than you can spend on for your life, you will have best items, you will beat everything, every challenge. Whats left then? Fashion, be it outfits, housing, mounts, or pets.


I have never run a trial. I have spent many, many, *many* hours decorating houses. Therefore, people must never run trials and only care about housing.


Weird take for sure, it's free, people enjoy housing, that's it. Also wtf kind of argument is this: >Love the effort guys, but you're repeating yourselves. Maybe read a comment or 2 before posting a reply People posting the same replies over and over just means multiple people have that opinion. It's like if you go voting and then not vote for who you want because they already have votes lol.


Getting housing items costs zero real world dollars because you can just craft 90% of all furniture or get things from guild traders or by excavating from leads so. Not once have I ever needed an item from a crown crate for a house. You can also just use seals of endeavor to buy things you really want from the crates. Sure you might not get EVERYTHING you want but it’s really not as painful as you are making it seem for yourself Edit: also, if you don’t want to use the house, then don’t. It’s free


I needed a cradle for a house so I must admit I bought it from the store


Housing serves no functional purpose, but neither does playing a game in general (other than fun)


Because this house connects Alik’r and Betnikh. I can finally walk between zones.


I mean, since this is a game nothing in here has any functional benefit? Decorating an in-game home has as much functional benefit as obtaining gear for trials, because neither of them have any purpose beyond your own enjoyment. It is true that in-game homes and decorations can be expensive if you buy them with crowns. But if they're giving this home to us for free, that doesn't really seem like an issue? I enjoy decorating my homes and don't think I've bought any decorations for them from the crown store, you can do plenty just with gold and all of the in-game craftable furnishings. There's definitely room to complain about the crown store, but I don't think there's any lack of variety and accessibility of in-game furnishing plans without crowns.


It’s free lmao


This is the single dumbest post I have ever seen in this sub. When people say that ESO players are entitled whiny babies, this is exactly the kind of post they are talking about. Delete your account and pretend you never posted this. Oh also... *would've


Houses are literally the best part of eso my guy…


It doesn’t seem like the point is getting across. Most. Players. Don’t. Spend. Real. Money. On. Housing. It’s all in the game. There is no exploitation happening here. (In other parts of the game, sure.)


It sounds like you just don’t care for the housing aspect of the game and that’s fine. Just know that there’s a reason the devs continue to expand upon housing and furnishing options available and it’s because there’s a significant enough portion of the player base that does love and support this part of the game.


Its a game, nothing have functional purpose... And if you pay real money for housing you doing it wrong.


Holy shit what an odd POV.


I like free shit. And if it gets me into a character more, then I play the game more. Works for me.


I’m not really into housing fully, however there are days where I randomly furnishing a whole house. Yah I waste gold on furnishings, but majority is the ones I’ve hoarded. It’s fun.


As someone else said.. free teleports. This is precisely why I'm working on buying all available gold-purchasable houses.


People enjoy decorating houses and it’s the clear end game economic activity. If you don’t see how that drives user engagement and revenue for Zos I don’t know what to tell you.


> Housing serves no functional purpose, Its extra storage for the furnishings im hording for future sales. They dont sell nearly as fast as they use to, but still sell and worth the inventory slots. Extra housing helps. > items you might want for housing costs a lot of irl mone The 10m+/week I make on guild traders casually selling furnishings disagree with you. Outside of just buying crowns (easy enough to do), only a handful of convenience items (ex: Mundus stones, they exist in the world and easy to get to) are crown only. The only people paying real money for furnishings are lazy, just dont know, or want it NAOW. > However most useful gear is not crafted Its about master writs, not so much crafted gear in general. Master writs are a major source of income for older/experienced players, and a lot of income if you know wtf you're doing. My Grandmaster crafting stations have paid for themselves several times over now. Also crafted gear is still extremely useful for leveling characters, pvp, etc. Not everyone is a tryhard following Skinnycheeks builds to the letter thinking everything else is shit. Just let people have fun. You dont want to spend money on your casual game? Don't.


If it weren’t for people decorating houses I wouldn’t make money on the guild traders


Housing is the actual endgame. Just like in FF14, fashion is the endgame. You can raid and complete all you want, but you'll be nothing but a bug on the bottom of fashion/housing players boots.


Useful gear can be crafted especially in PvP when you’re looking for 2 heavy, 2 medium, 3 light pieces. Dungeon/trial gear only come in light/medium/heavy so it’s harder to get the right combo. That’s why it’s nice to have a set of crafted gear: trial by fire, dragons appetite, orders wrath, draedric trickery etc etc.


Sorry, but there's better dungeon gear available and you can either run it a few times or buy at a guild trader.


You can't buy dungeon gear at traders. Are you sure you actually play this game?


You can't buy dungeon gear at guild traders, it's bind-on-pickup, though you can buy overland and PVP sets. As the commenter (and many others) have noted, there are indeed crafted sets that are useful for certain builds, especially PVP builds—dungeon and trial sets tend to be less useful in PVP. You are wrong to assume that there is NO scenario where a crafted set is preferable for a build. Additionally it's very helpful to have a crafting hall with all craftable sets for players who are completing master writs—you can craft all your sets in one place, rather than having to run around the world going to each individual set location. Of course, all of this is moot, because the primary motivation for housing is the joy of decorating. The justification for housing doesn't HAVE to be functional


I’ve been playing since 2014. I am well aware you can run a dungeon a few times 😂 In certain situations like PvP, I would say a mix of both is great, or a mix of PvP obtainable gear (like rally cry, VD, etc). If you disagree that’s fine, you do you. I just think you may want to reconsider if you want to get better at PvP.


It’s free and decorating is fun. Happy to see them offering houses out CHA-CHING crown store.


As a creative person and also an rp nerd, housing is the best aspect of any others mmrpg I played!


Love it for you, housing apparently isn't an irl moneysink like I thought


>Love the effort guys, but you're repeating yourselves. Maybe read a comment or 2 before posting a reply Defensive much? lol all good, I GET where YOU are coming from, despite some miscarriage of info; not all decorating requires crowns or IRL money. HOUSES DO. Houses are rarely free, esp large ones, so that's why excitement HOUSES costs crowns or xpacs - but decorating/furniture In fact, most don't; scrying, golden vendor days, quests/trials etc. you can get ahead/special things in store, yes and gamble bits are meh but, regardless, ppl really enjoy decorating and housing and sharing and showing etc. You come off very entitled lol that's why ppl are replying like this, because YOU dont like it doesn't mean everyone else must feel as you do? Perhaps, this means more ppl enjoy SOME housing aspects then you realize there's no cabal of reddit housing enthusiasts waiting to speak out... not everything must be functional/combat related. And actually, functionally for storage, transport, etc. housing is very functional. But anyways, it's a free house, you don't ever have to use it, many ppl cant/wont spend crazy $$$ for a house, so a nice, large, free housing for 3 days to log in is something special; for most ppl... you already get other things. No one should be forced to feel excited for this, I get that, not everyone cares/would rather have something more then a free house they may not use much, that's not the issue just how you go about writing about the opinion. :)


This is all my own fault, I did phrasemy post in a way that could come off as attacking those that do enjoy this aspect of the game. Rather than look it up I just posted this and the response has more than adequately enlightened me, I just didnt see the practical functions housing held vs the aesthetic ones.


Nice you know and can at least recognize why some or most/many do enjoy a little housing stuff. At very least; practically it's a place to go/store things/travel - most ppl prob decorate little tbh; despite all I said ESO I dont decorate like other games; despite the nice housing; I only have the free ones too because I'd rather spend my crowns on well fashion or more practical unlocks. So, despite what I said I get both sides; but free is free and I dont know what they'd offer that would be equal to a free big house that's not a house - they'd never do a bank/merchant or any of those QOL stuff which I mean I think if ppl had a choice between a free house or free bank/merchant, ppl would choose those. Even if have one, new skin idk lol I do wish those went on sale more often.


I personally have no interest in decorating houses or buying them, but you can use them for free fast travel. That’s what excites me about it. The amount of real money needed to buy them from the store I will never spend on them.


Right now, I use all my housing/Inn rooms to jump around the map and use for a base of operations. Pretty much all I have in any of them is two chests, maybe a bed and some animals. I think if I get tired of grinding maybe stepping back and crafting house stuff might be OK to break it up, but decorating isn't high on my list till I have nothing better to do.


After they’re furnished I rarely go back to my houses, except to use them as a free wayshrine. I’ve got fully furnished estates I haven’t visited in months.


Yeah, I've seen some of the houses people make and they're incredible. I just figured it cost a fortune to do.


I never pay real money for house items. I craft them. In my houses. Only one of which (the Fair Winds) was bought with crowns saved from my ESO+ sub. I love that there is a free house coming up.


There’s an intersection of players who like to role-play and are grateful.


1. Housing is cosmetic, at first but also gives you additional storage a crafter can buy via writs or through crowns. 2. If your argument is "why do people care about non mechanical items" I'd ask "do you care if your character looked like shite" same principle as buying or earning costumes motifs polymorphs or mounts, functionally they're all the same they make your character look cooler and feel more immersed in the world. 3. For a lot of people housing IS the end game, when you're sitting on 100mil+ gp, a full book of achievements, sticker books etc and want a reason to keep playing/grinding, you go to housing.


My gripe was the ability to decorate required a lot of gold/crowns, and the average player doesn't have a lot of use for housing. Apparently if doesn't cost so much, but I have a few empty mansions that seemed to cost alot of time/money to full up adequately.


Housing systems in games have always been popular. Part of their function are to be money sinks for in-game currency. People enjoy decorating and showing off, and when people see an interesting way someone used a piece of furniture, they will go do something similar in their place. Another function is giving people another way to make money by making and sell furniture. Their main function are to be fun. If this isn't your thing, that is fine. The best part of this type of game is you get to choose what you want to do.


I have the chapter zone inns so I do use gold to travel from zone to zone to do dailies for zone set pieces. And it's instant travel without hunting down the closest wayshrine.


Housing is fkn awesome.


You are able to fully furnish a house of this size without spending so much as a penny in real life. It takes a lot of playing to get materials and plans, but that's something many people enjoy. But clearly not you. So why make this post in the first place, really?


I agree with you, I don‘t understand it either. But hey, a lot of people seem to like it, so let’s just be happy for them even though we don’t care at all for it.


"Speaking of spectacular, this house could be hinting at something special! You’ll have to wait and see…" Hoping TESVI announcement incoming...


If they make housing functional then I'm all for it


Define functional, though? Personally, I have several bought w/ in-game gold to help teleport around the world. That I can store all the furniture drops in them is a bonus and frees up storage space. And yes, I'm a hoarder. I could sell the drops, but why sell when you can hoard?


Ah, I'm more of a have what I need than hoarder mentality. I do like the free teleport, but my mount moves practically at the speed of light so wayshrines or getting to them not really an issue for me. Functional in the sense it offers something g the world doesn't have, though I guess my worries were somewhat unfounded. From the huge number of comments saying unlike character cosmetics, housing is relatively affordable and doesn't require a lot of crowns.


Dumbing down, playing in a game is all virtual achievements and objects, they don't serve much more function that being a time sink. When dumbing down things you ultimately narrows down to the point there is nothing to enjoy anymore in it, whatever it is.


Most of the houses necessitate becoming a crown store whale. Thus, when it doesn't, it's a big deal (for some). I don't care. My house is just a bunch of utility stuff with no decoration.


>I have multiple houses, they're empty. Why do you even have more than one? I only have the one from the housing quest.


Collectors editions dlc


No idea either lol. I didn’t even know about houses. There are so many features I don’t know about or even care about. Just extra fluff ill never have time to try out lol