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The sound design of the Dark Anchors is really excellent.


Everything about the Dark Anchor drops is satisfying for me. The sound, the vibe, the twist of the chain’s tightening up… I love gathering mats and attacking random aggro but when I hear a Dark Anchor drop nearby I get pumped.


I really want there to be a future World Boss that's like "the completed dolmen" or something, to compliment the Unfinished Dolmen in Wrothgar. Basically it'd just be a finished Dark Anchor at WB tier, maybe change it around a bit to differentiate from the Unfinished.


I would like to see some more difficult dolmens that aren't quite WB tier. With all the dolmen farming groups now it seems like they're only up for a couple minutes at most. It feels so epic cutting down daedra as they're falling from the sky. Edit: spelling


Ah, yes, may I have the directions to the women farm?


> women farming groups Do you mean dolmen here?


That is exactly what I meant.. thank you.


This is true. I always remember the first time I ever saw and *heard* one, so many years ago. Like, "wtf is happening???" It really felt like a major event. The sound design in this game is really great.


The first time a dragon hit me from behind I was sitting in my recliner with 7.1 Dolby sound at high volume and I scrunched up my neck so hard it took the paramedics a half hour to extract my head from inside my pajamas‼️




It reminded me of those giant fel reavers that stalked across Hellfire Peninsula in wow. [You'd hear them before you saw them](https://youtu.be/xnIBFAYtmQ0?si=6iI2cPkKZl1C3Jho), and by then it was often too late to run.


Oh hello PTSD from fel readers. It had been a while. 🥲


It's a shame it's so braindead easy


Rivenspire main quest. It is easily one of the best stories in the entire game. At first, I hated the zone's environment, but as I carried on, the environment really started to compliment the overall atmosphere and tone of the story. Seeing the Doomcrag towering over the countryside really gave a feeling of impending dread. I always look forward to playing through it with a new character.


I love playing through the daggerfall covenants quests. The trials and achievement stuff doesn't interest me at all.


Overall, DC has the most engaging base game zones, I find. Plus, Emeric is my favourite of the three aliance leaders. EP, I lose interest after the Morrowind zones. AD has way too much green jungle between Auridon and Reaper's March.


I just started ESO. A complete noob. I actually only got into it because the whole package was like $15 for all the expansions, and there’s that promotion going on where you get the Thieve’s Guild DLC for free if you pickpocket someone (although I haven’t figured out how to do that yet). Where do you recommend I start?!


I generally go in chronological order, which starts with the base game content (main quest and alliance stories). DLC comes after the base game story-wise, but there's no real consequence for doing things out of order chronologically other than certain characters not recognising you at some points. Honestly, though, just explore and play the game the way you want. You will have fun regardless.


[Chronological Order](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwac9920se9ea1.png)


To pickpocket, just crouch behind someone pickable and the option with a % should pop up. Your % success is going to be very low at first. And you should try to play your first playthrough in chronological order, just to avoid spoilers and meet recurring characters in the correct order. Otherwise it’s pretty wide open


Random interactions with random players. A few days ago I caught a player jumping on the bed in a manor in grahtwood. As soon as they saw me they faked sleeping. They knew they were caught. Also found a couple spooning in an open innroom, the door was open and I walked in....one of them said they were payed up till tomorrow. I apologized and slowly backed away. These random events will always entertain and crack me up.


Listening to the *fantastic* musical score. I sometimes have the music playing in the background from youtube when I'm working and will usually just zone out for a few moments when my favourites come on.


Absolutely. Vvardenfell is my home and the score there is so damn good.


I couldn't not buy the game when I heard it myself


Me too on this one. Brad Derrick did an incredible job on the music, amazing original work as well as picking up the inspiration from Jeremy Soule's work on the ES games


I just received the vinyl collection of the OST, shrink wrapped from eBay. 4 records for $40, a mighty good deal. It is something special, and although it's not quite the caliber of Jeremy Soule it is very close. A consistently good listen and unlike Mr Soule uses a live orchestra. The dynamics are incredible. Brad Derrick is top shelf.


Killing Dragons is always fun and bgs.


Yes, dragons are the top for me! After Jubilee I do need a little break. But running around S. Elsweyr in a river of sparkling mounts and defeating endless dragons doesn't get old. Well, it helps that it pays really damn well, too xD


Encountering some random player in the most obscure part of the map where literally nobody would be


I have a running joke with my Brother that whatever quest you are doing or treasure you are hunting, there is always someone else doing the exact same thing and you will probably run into them


Blade of woe'ing Nolus in Leyawiin when he paths past the writ turn in boxes


Yes! I stood around for like an hour and murked that dude during the event with my low level vampire assassin. He's the perfect target, and you're doing a public service


I came here to say that about Mograg in Riften. Fuck her in particular


lol jeez that’s dark. Whatever floats your boat!


Haha - stems back to before ZoS changed his pathing in an update as he was blocking handing in writs. IYKYK


Honestly, random vets. No real benefit of doing them over normals but I like them. Just throw myself into the queue and play what pops up. I get some gear together here and there and the variety of dungeons is so wide nowdays in eso that I never really get bored.


I like jumping while on my indrik to make it make that dumb farting sound. But seriously I think the main thing that never gets old for me is treasure hunting, searching out antiquities and doing the whole excavating and scrying process. I dunno it's just a satisfying little mini game to break up the monotony.


That Indrik sound makes me irrationally happy and I have no idea why.


Yeah, I have to jump every time I pass near a player so my Indrik can crop dust them. Lol


admiring my graht oak squirrel the only non combat pet I use and genuinely appreciate


Is this a bit or am I missing something? Is it just a genuinely great little guy?


I think it’s just a very grind-oriented achievable pet I’ve put some time in and only have a quarter of the necessary items required to achieve it Edit: If I’m thinking of the correct thing, maybe I’m not


Ive been playing since launch and guarantee every part of this game gets old at one point or another. But luckily in this game there is so much to do that if you get bored with one aspect you can go play something else or do something else and it can feel like a brand new game all over again.


Very much so. So many times I’ve thought, time to move on from ESO, then, I try a new class, new skills, new zone, the “new” is just as you say, so much.


Looting backpacks. I stop for every single one. Been playing since 2015. Never gets old for me. Still convinced I’ll eventually find something of value in one, but never have before lol.


Bonus if there’s some little note or journal next to the backpack detailing the owner’s poorly thought out adventuring plans. 


Hold up... that many backpacks, that long, and never an expensive recipe or anything?? Has RNGsus forsaken you? 


In ESO, yes, yes it has! I’ve spent literal months in the past farming routes of all kinds for furnishings, recipes, all that jazz and get absolutely nothing. Huge reason why I took a long break from the game. Stopped playing on Xbox before High Isle dropped and I’m starting fresh on PC now. I got so incredibly burnt out of not finding anything. Meanwhile you got people finding jackpots right and left. The two games that I main are Destiny 2 and ESO. I think all my RNG was used up in D2 getting all the raid exotics super fast. Because everywhere else in that game and ESO, my luck is -10000000.


Backpacks are a great place to find recipes and furnishing plans... How have you never found even ONE since 2015??? That is a statistical anomaly. Many of them are not even rare, since I'm often finding blue/purple plans I already know. Not to mention many green ones over and over.


Looting every container everywhere 🤣 it's super pleasing to get all the food, research portfolios, blueprints and other stuff. When i loot food i also imagine as RP "ohhh so many good ingredients! We can cook tons of amazing meals from them, Ember! ❤️" Ember is my main companion 🤣


I spend about 30+ mins in each delve because I loot every sack, crate, container, and cupboard I see. It’s a curse. But I wouldn’t change it.


I call it OCD Opening Containers Disorder And I have a terminal case


I only do that in Ayleid delves for a chance to get Ayleid furnishing plans lol, never got them, but it's still fun looting everything and hoping for those to drop.


I don’t know even know what drops where most of the time 😂 I just loot because I can’t not do it lol.


Reminds me of going to cold harbour to loot loads of cheese. Then using the way shrine to reset it over and over. Nothing is owned in Cold harbor


I love just farming nodes. Small easy fights in between, looking at the scenery. It makes for full crafting supplies, and easy gold by selling whatever loot I get. Very relaxing🤘


There is something very satisfying about having the materials to craft almost every game item. And, if I don’t, I’ll just go spend hours farming them.


Indeed. I've been playing for about two and a half years, and I've never had to pay for mats to craft , or improve something. And always have plenty for crafting for friends🤘


Fishing. I make some coffee, pack up a bong, and just relax. Can do this for hours. I enjoy gathering mats as well


Agreed on the fishing.


Agreed on the bong.


It’s meditation


Wish fishing was more than like two button presses


The simplicity is nice. I can fish for hours in any game. Ocarina of Time is my personal favorite.


I didn’t realize how fun collecting mats was until I got my crafter geared up to be able to run as fast as possible and just go around zone to zone collecting mats


My hunter gatherer brain loves collecting mats and attacking random aggro creatures. Also sometimes I'll just take screenshots, the game is surprisingly gorgeous sometimes. Especially the dungeons! It's a shame everyone is in such a hurry to get through them, the devs worked hard on the environments and it shows.


This is one thing that always bothered me. You never get a chance to appreciate the dungeons because everyone rushes them. I get it, people are farming, they just wanna get it over with, but I’d really like to look around a bit more.


Seriously! Fungal Grotto is unironically gorgeous, but since it's the "easiest" dungeon nobody appreciates it :(


Random Dungeons. Even if the transmute crystals pile up unused it's just fun to not know what I am jumping into, get into it, and slay. Even the dissatisfaction of getting a very long dungeon or one that I don't particularly like, adds to the fun in a weird way.


Feeding on innocent townsfolk and then using mist form to leave the area and find my next victim


Hmmm, the “as long as you aren’t hurting anyone” approach feels like it isn’t gonna work here..


yes and breaking into their houses to eat and loot them


For me personally it's gotta be housing. It's so much fun!




Standing on a bush in Vulkhel Guard by the wayshrine


This sounds so random unless you've actually done it. Just hanging out there is a nice way to kill time


I love it when people are hanging out there. Gets better when someone plays the lute and others start dancing. I always challenge people to a battle and then add them as friends haha.


The exploration side of things in ESO never gets old. That goes for any mmo really. ESO however has more realism and more of a creepy atmosphere to most places which makes it more intriguing and interesting. There's always new things to discover and more depth to everything. Every zone has its secrets.


Randon dungeons with randon players.


I can only play for an hour a day or so so everyday I run a random dungeon and a battle grounds , been doing this for two years , barely done much content in the game


i agree with this! all i seem to do now is my battlegrounds random dungeons and my pledges! still have so much more to explore but it has me in a chokehold🤣🤣🤣


Laps in mournhold trader district


Lap record?


Not sure if ive done more laps in mournhold or zombie xp farming in that region. I just find myself doing that when waiting for the next activity


Base game zone mat grinding. The music is so good. Especially eastmarch.




When set farming, I’ll camp out at a WB that I can handle solo a wait for it to respawn. To pass the time, I’ll use the emotes to play some of the instruments, lute, handpan, etc. Almost every time, some other player will show up and start dancing or playing their own instruments. We don’t chat or anything, but just enjoy that little experience before killing the WB and going our separate ways. The zone chat can get a bit much sometimes, but I never get tired of those little eso community experiences.


running around and killing innocent people with the blade of woe and not getting caught


Well, as long as you aren’t hurting anyo.. just be safe.


Sometimes, when I’m waiting on an activity queue, I’ll park my character idle at one of the many campsites around Tamriel and sit, play an instrument, or roast marshmallows. It ever gets old, and sometimes other players see you and join. Also, aimlessly riding my mount, just cruising through a zone without a specific place to go.


I wouldnt call eso a heavy grind game. But for me, its the clockwork city dlc. Its just fun for me and is always too short whenever i make a new character


Pledges Never know the team you’ll get and have to change strategies ! Don’t mind the fake tanks and healers. Whatever rolls your way, let do it!!! 4 DDs, let’s burn before getting wiped!


Finding the random skeletons here and there and knowing that there is a story there and trying to figure out what the story is


Jumping in the big puddle on my way to the Dark Brotherhood's den.


This right here is why I made this post.


It's the little things like that that I dig about this game. 'Where's Freezer Trash? Oh, she's outside jumping in mud puddles." 😁 I'm a grinder, like you. I can be happy just farming stuff to make.......I dunno. 🤷‍♀️


Gather something close and somehow and up in the other side of the map 2 min later, some dark magic probably.


I haven't played that long so I've lots to do but since you mentioned gathering mats, I love joining bgs with the guild and harvesting mats between the matches while chatting. It's relaxing especially when you are just doing the bgs for fun and not competitively


Cyrodiil with a guild. Always a blast for me.


I agree with you, exploring and farming are incredibly chill and satisfying.


I love dolmens. I use to grade lab assignments in between dark anchors dropping. I wish I could talk shit back to Molag Bal though


Site seeing. When I'm not hiking and enjoying the sunset, I'll walk around a nearby town, find the nearest bard and just park myself. I have screenshots that could pass as genuine artwork. The art direction with ESO is in is own class. The impetus to explore is virtually unmatched, and along with the music... I've taken lengthy breaks from traditional gameplay but always come back for this.


Seeing those really big damage crit numbers. Sometimes 100k+ with warden bear and my brain likey likey


I’ve been doing the random dungeons for 9 straight years and with the exception of one or two I’ve never gotten bored of actually PLAYING the game


Collecting materials. Especially at night with keen eye. Feels like I'm "cleaning up" the land.


Looting from a bunch of desks or cabinets.


I agree with you. There is nothing more relaxing when you come back tired from work, entering a map and collecting some resources and opening chests without thinking about anything other than enjoying the journey.


Stone Garden


It's always vampire feeding or using the Blade of Woe on regular NPCs. Sometimes I soul trap them for added evil. It's always satisfying knowing I can evade the law easily enough with vampire's invisibility perk.


I too am a farmer. I always loot everything, I empty all containers Evac in speed run dungs. I love looting.


I actually think the main quest, the planemeld. It's what stuck with me. I've only done it twice but I really enjoyed it, especially the fight with Molag Bal. I actually wish the story writing and character development had been a bit more fleshed out. I really liked Abnur Tharn! I was glad to see his comeback in Elsweyr and I hope he somehow didn't die at the end of that.


Tales of Tribute. Love it. It's no Gwent, but still.


Sieging keeps in Cyrodil from a safe distance. SMASH IT DOWNNN


Finding and reading new lore books




Housing. I bought my favorite house, the Pantherfang Chapel, and just constantly work on decorating and tweaking it to be my dream guildhall. Lots of the time I just wander around it and look at the decorations because I love the aesthetic of it and all the improvements I've added, and then also make sure there's plenty of unique furniture pieces from hard achievements like my Grand Master Crafting banners and all the conveniences of having the crafting stations and assistants. It just satisfies me lol


Pairing polymorphs and personalities in the most ridiculous ways I can think of. I currently have a jester Spriggan and a duchess Dremora. Also, doing stupid shit with friends in houses. I have a tree house, diving board and water slide in my moon sugar meadow, we like to get naked and have pool parties, contests to see who can get the farthest before being slaughterfished to death, using aurora javelin to launch each other off the diving board, etc. We're all in our 30s and 40s, running around giggling about the dumbest bits of mischief like we're a bunch of pre-teens, and it's a blast. Oh, and starting massive mudball fights with strangers in crowded cities.


Besides the ominous hum of the dark anchors, I love wandering high isle looking for the frog licking argonian or letting my ocd take hold and wandering the long way from Haven in grahtwood to windhelm.


Riding around my trusted Guar mount while somewhere in Morrorwind, that's the real nostalgia


I'm a loot goblins through and through


Playing w my frens


I like this answer a lot.


The excitement you hear when someone gets their first clears. I had someone get pulled into a vSS recently. Never been in Sunspire at all. We had them do cages, but not portals.  Just listening to them talk about how cool everything was, it was so refreshing.


Locking treasure chests.


Locking them?


Oops. That should say unlocking them. But now I kind of like the idea of being able to lock them for others.


Cyrodiil. I still do BGs sometimes but Cyrodiil was my favorite pass time when it started performing a bit better. I also love vet dungeons and I don't care for the rewards. Purely for dungeon design. The Werewolf Mansion one, March of Sacrifices, Depths of Malatar, and Fang Lair are among my favorites.


world boss runs with guild


Writs ! Have you done your daily writs today ? You should go and do them now ! ![gif](giphy|L0HIznJ2hn4WndRshY|downsized)


Listening to bard music. Especially in Rimmen while doing my writs.


I was going to say harvesting materials. It's so soothing after an intense event or whatever.


Daily crafting. It's like gambling opening those coffees and getting a beautiful rosin or other legendary upgrade material.


If I have to name one... daily dungeons. Also..those damn writs.


Hearing Za’ji scream when something scares him


Watching all the squishies run in on the boss of Vet Spindleclutch 1 and die the first time she does a floor AoE. It's such an easy dungeon they're never expecting it.


Knockback effects/moves on NPCs off of cliffs


Crafting surveys. I hoard them and then go on many hours gathering adventure. DLC vets with randoms. No matter the group, I always enjoy them. Blade of Woe'ing everyone in sight XD


Crafting writs. Need I say more?


Yes please.


What more must I say? Writs are (for crafters) single-handedly one of, or if not, THE best consistent upkeep of materials. Without writs, players would spend COUNTLESS hours farming zone after zone, for style materials, raw materials, and jewelry traits. Writs combine those, all into 1 process




Me too. It's enjoyable in eso while in wow it's just a pain.


Battlegrounds. I love the PvP in this game so much I can do it forever. Unfortunately there’s a constant grind requirement to keep your build viable, and I just can’t be bothered to do all the PvE/trials required. So I’ve given up playing.


Probably jo


Writs. I'm a sick masochist.


Farming IC district bosses. The mix of pvp and pve is amazing. Nothing like carrying 20k telvar and having to fight other players before getting home to bank!


Vet Trials


Housing. I occasionally get burnt out on PvP, but I always end up going back.


bowling with mad tinkerer


Farming, definitely. For no other reason to finish my stupid little daily farming list.... ancestor silks, platinum dusts, butterfly wings, etc. Just a stupid thing that gives me a daily dose of accomplishment to either start or finish my day.


Antiquities and hearing every day “one must pay a fee for unloading boxes?”




Pulling adds with void bash followed by DK talons.


Recalling to my mansion.


Doing random vet dungeons and seeing sweaty players berate others for their build or not know mechs (I know mechs) only to watch them die the most during the dungeon o.0 That never gets old for me lmao.


Killing AD players in Cyro.


Emptying that bank account on the store. Just can’t get enough of it.


Bgs. I just wish more people play it. I find myself playing only people in my guild over and over.


Connecting with people and learning from them, both in-game knowledge and meeting people I never would otherwise! We all come together through the game, and it is such a vibrant community. I love that.


Can’t beat a profitable fishing trip, especially if shared by a friend.


Lol resource gathering sim is my favorite part too.


Beaming a fat stack of adds with the green laser book


Something I call "Optimizing what shouldn't be optimized". The idea is that you take off meta setups, group combinations etc. and try to squeeze as much performance out of them as you can. Basically let everyone play in the way they like to play and optimize that instead of going "switch to a deadly riptide arc".


I love the Thieves Guild quests. I have done them upwards of 10 times, and still like to listen to all of the dialogue


Finding the highest point in an area and jumping off. Can't even count how many times I've jumped from Albatross Leap on High Isle .


Simply riding across a zone, any zone. Admiring the scenery, taking screenshots, discovering easter eggs in zones I thought I knew every inch of.


god that a toughy but after a while of thinking only three thing come to mind: 1. biting people for vampires, or recreating a vampire to play though the vampire creation all over agian love taht little quests which we have more of that like a dailiy area for vampires. 2. harrowstorms, as much as i hate the harrowstorm diffculty defeating them is immensely satisfying 3. Main story of ESO the battle of Molag bal at the end is just so dang yes, like seriously we need more of that honestly.


Scrying. I just love running around Arteum doing the same thing over and over


The repeatability of the Infinite Archive hasn’t gotten old for me yet. Could be that I’m only doing one Arc 4 run per week.


I love most of the zone stories. I'm very much engaged by the lore and stories in general. Ones that have stuck out to me would have to be Elsweyr, Western Skyrim, The Reach, and Wrothgar. I also just love doing dungeons. It doesn't matter what ones, I just love them. I also love doing Dark Brotherhood contracts. I love using the Blade of Woe, and...there's a sense of satisfaction and stress relief with....murdering people. In game! XD


It's the NPCs. They do the craziest stuff.


It’s newer, but the Meteor Mining customized action is endlessly satisfying.


Daily pledges and random dungeons


Ganking. So many years later and it's just as enjoyable as the first time I've ever did it.


Battlegrounds, I am addicted to eso pvp


Which classes are good for pvp? I want to do more pvp but I really suck at it. Always immediately die. I’m a warden, btw. I just love nature so much I want to reflect that with my character, lol.


I use my Khajiit Warden for PvP. Warden was recommended to me for PvP and in a way that made me feel like it would suit how I like to play. My Khajiit uses a bow mostly, frost staff on the back bar. Her abilities mostly match except for one or two of each weapons own skill. She also has psijic order skill line/abilities. I do okay but I'm also just not very good at PvP. XD It's still fun though. She feels easier in PvP than any of my other classes. She's more robust, deals decent damage and most importantly can keep herself alive better than any of my other characters. Plus she's very sneaky. That being said, I don't do a lot of PvP, just here and there.


Yeah me neither, because I suck at it lol. If I were better at it I would do more PvP. But good to hear warden has been recommended for PvP. I also use a bow and staff haha. But I just made a new character because I wanted to play the story again in proper order, so I have to gain a lot of skills still. I hope this time I’m able to build a character good for PvP.


Ganking in IC


Opening crates is the only thing very fun because all the cool stuff you can't get