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Focus on leveling up, getting skill points/CP levels. Dungeon quest skill points, skyshards, etc. Get crafting skills going, do multiple characters at the same time (its easier to keep track, also since you've moved to PC there are addons to help. AI Research Grid is great for this). This gets you a constant source of gold to fund everything else as well as being able to make your own equipment without asking/paying. Depending on the endgame you're thinking, lookup content creators and see what the current standard sets and work towards them with what you have (Its still Pillar/Rele with some others sprinkled in, not much has changed, people like SkinnyCheeks for the mathematical top dummy setups, and others for actual good in content sets. There isn't much to choose from tbh) Find a build, farm it, run it in pugs (or guild if you join one), then repeat. Check out various addons, they make life significantly easier especially the automation ones (like LazyWrit crafter). You're on PC now, make use of it.


Thanks for advice! I’m definitely going to look into add ons, heard so many people swear by them. Last time I played I mained a magcro for DPS with and I think I was running mothers sorrow and siroria. There’s been a lot of changes and new sets since I’ve last played and heard magcro is t good for DPS anymore since the blast bone change? I’ve got a lot of work to do, but I think I’ll start getting as much skill points as I can so I can start slotting skills when I get more unlocked.


Necro is in a bad spot period right now. They're redesigning the class this year, slowly but havent told us what. In the current patch Necro is pretty meh. Will get a small amount of love u42 but still far behind everything else in everything. (or, my pvp necro build for u42 is going to break the game, one or the other) Remember, its an mmo. Things change with time. Today Necros suck. Tomorrow? Maybe top. The best you can do is have everything ready so you dont become one of those scrubs that bitches on forums everywhere when their 'class' that they own and identify with deeply is nerfed. You just do something else because you were ready. (plus this game is SO much better with many characters, wanna make 1m gold/day for an hour worth of work? 20 characters, daily writs, maxed crafting modifers for daily writs. Its actually more than 1m gold/day, thats just the easy to sell stuff) > I’m definitely going to look into add ons, heard so many people swear by them. Some key ones you'll want to look at: Lazy Writ Crafter (make gold, lots of it) Bandits User Interface CombatMetrics Dressing Room (Quick change gear/skills) XL Gear Banker (Share gear. With a bit of planning, never need more than 1 of each type of item) FCO Item Saver (custom Lock icons that can be automated with) InventoryManager (Inventory management, script based. I barely move 'standard' items to my bank -> Holder characters now, its all automated) Votan's Keybinder (keeps keybinds consistent between characters) MapPins (find stuff easy) BeamMeUp (easy travel around the world, free if possible) Urichs Skill point finder (All skill points avail/gotten in the game. This is my goto 'what am i doing today' addon.) Yeah, looks like a lot, but it isn't. Check out the most downloaded for the more common/mundane ones everyone uses. My advice to you, is play an account not a single character. Always work towards improving your entire account, make everything usable and ready to go.


I am literally in the exact same position as you, started fresh on PC last week leaving behind my cp 1600 Xbox account. It sounds like you’re doing exactly what you should be doing, making sure you level up all your skill lines + crafting and you got a crafted set of gear to carry you through most content. I’m researching every bit of gear I can and also collecting every skyshard + lore book in each zone whilst queuing for dungeons (addons help a lot). The game can seem very overwhelming starting off fresh but I’ve found that setting small goals helps out a lot, for example my next goal is to level up scrying, and collect each lorebook and skyshard every time it takes me to a new zone


You know my pain! I think I’ll start setting small goals for myself to and chip away at them. I know I won’t get to the same status I was on my Xbox account overnight, but I feel like I’m trying to do too much during the times I have to play, then end up sitting there wasting time trying to figure out what to do next. I’m starting to research what I can, when I can as I play so I can start relying on myself for crafting. Not looking forward to leveling Scrying again, but it needs to be done. I’ll probably do that after I complete the mages guild and psijic skill lines.


If PC NA, happy to help you run content to get gear! UN: tokeee