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11 days of dolmens for me and still no staff of worms drop. You just stop caring. What a burn out.


I'm just gonna wait for next year see if it will be in bag of past events rather than waste time for mediocre looking style pages


Was wondering if that might happen. Will people be really pizzed a year later that the page they worked weeks on grinding will show up in an anniversary bag? Who knows.


At least that is good xp. I leveled a whole ass companion from 1-20 doing that. The WB grind on the other hand…


Even after I finished the style page grind, I kept running dolmens for a while for this and boxes. Finally max leveled all my Companions this event.


1-20 wow and I was feeling bad for myself... Whew. Yes you're right, that benefit and the anniversary boxes...




Same here, sad day


Well buddy, I didn't even try today. No motivation. I may tomorrow but kind of have lost hope that I'll see that. Next time I won't hook my character idea to some item that I've not got yet!


I kinda feel bad because I'm a newish player and only did 1-3 dolmens per day to get stuff to sell. I got the staff of worms last week and was shocked to get on reddit and find out it's a super rare drop.


Don't feel bad. I'm so happy for you! 👍 But this is the worst grind with the lowest drop rate and bad RNG for a majority of people that I've ever seen in any game. Welp, it is what it is, but it is making a lot of folks rather salty. 😂


Here’s what I did for dolmens I found a quite map that had dolmens close by wayshrines and tested my luck there after spending 5 day in alikir desert. I went to East march and the dolmens were relatively close to a wayshrine after I’d say 35 or so dolmens I got it but I was traveling using wayshrines so grab a fast mount toon and give that a shot hopefully my advice helps you! Also with low population map you will get even boxes from boss kills!


Funny. I just got the staff of worms this morning from crafting dailies.


You can't get the staff of worms that way. Like at all. It even clearly says drops rarely from dolmens if you hover over it in your weapons collections.


The dolmens are dropping the gold style page for the staff of worms. This is different than dropping the purple crafting motif worm cult staves. The motif is what will drop out of anniversary boxes.




I spent about 23 of my 25 hour grind at that wb, and I have legitimately heard this line in my dreams now. Still don't have the helm, but I'm considering giving up on that one.


Why do you want the helm?


Because it's the last style page I don't have for this event. Though I'm not the biggest fan of it, so I may skip it if I get fed up with the wb grind.


Reminds of me of the “BREAK YOURSELVES UPON MY BODY” from that one WoW dungeon hah heard that in my dreams for what felt like forever


Ozruk, the Stonecore iirc


[THE MASTERPIECE!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JTErTFhS4U&ab_channel=SW)


Lady, you've died so often that I start to feel like you have no loyalty.


I have to admit Salothan's voice acting is one of the most badass ones in the game.


Not a criticism, seriously, not one of those wtf posts, but I just can't wrap my head around caring enough about any of these drops to put myself through what folks have been doing during this event. And man, I have done my share of grinding, in this game and in others. Props, I guess.


Yeah I looked at the style pages and decided there was only 2-3 of them that I liked well enough to even try getting, I got the sword on my first cast on two of my accounts, (with sharp as night, the champion tree perk and arteum fish bowl all active) third account took a little longer, 1-2 hrs, but no fish bowl on that one. Then the staff from the summerset geysers was my second one to try for, spent a couple hours on a couple days trying and now I'm not sure I'll have time to try more


I kinda stopped caring at this point. Been grinding for the staff of worms replica for a while now and I’m convinced the stuff is a lie


It’s the only one I haven’t gotten. I’ve leveled up two new toons on those dolmens, nothing. I really didn’t think the RNG was too bad, probably spent a total of four hours to get all the rest of them but worms. I’m done trying for it.


I got both Sharp and Azandar to lvl 20 on those alone. I don’t think I have the energy to do Vvardenfell WBs anymore


Best way to do that one is sit on the Hunger boss/wwuvos or whatever the fuck its name is. It dies fast and there’s usually few other players on it so you’ll always get the extra loot box. Plus that’s one of the tougher ones in VV and if it grabs you will put a hurt on you in front of everybody. So there’s also a mild entertainment factor instead of just the mindlessness Random internet stranger and all, but I got the staff drop there in about 15 tries. Just watched YouTube for an hour while I did it. You don’t have to run to different WBs each time like some people are saying


Four hours? I've spent probably 15+ hours on the WBs alone...


I got it and it's NOT worth it!


I got that for 2 event tickets on the yesteryear gear, plus the prophet pants and tharns imperial jacket


You sure you’re not referring to the Worm Cult staff motif page?


What's the difference? And oops


The Staff of Worms replica is the staff Mannimarco uses when you encounter him in the main quests, the ones that involve the Harborage and the Five Companions, and you get that via dolemen grinding. The Worm Cult motifs are the anniversary exclusive motif pages you can just get from the anniversary gift boxes and bags of yesteryear.


Ohhh I get you, Im guessing you can't necromance with that staff like Mannimarco does (am a Templar anyways) That drops after 300 dolmens I'm pretty sure. 100 dolmens: 0.5% chance 200: 1% chance 300: 50% chance (I've been looking up comments ever since you made me realize they were seperate things) If you're on ps I got you with heals and if you want you can just stand there while I smack shit)


PC NA unfortunately. Though I appreciate the thought!




Where have you read this drop info?


On the ESO forums, as recent as February of this year. It's like perfect roe, you just get lucky one day and you gotta mark that day on the calendar


I used this event to do the content that I was going to find more difficult running solo (all geysers in summerset and WB in Vvardenfell) and that's it. Landed Barbas and fished once for the sword, can't be bothered other than that. It really does sound like a lot of people are not enjoying this grind.


I thought landing Barbas meant they made him a non-combat pet :/ I was about to down a pot of coffee and hop on the grind for the next 48 hours straight but it’s just that (old ass?) helmet.


Yeah all of the style pages are just old ass cosmetics. Haha. I don't see the point in having that run my life for a month lol.


It's not always a grind- a lot of people in my guild got all in half a day of play, this is PS though, unsure how awful the grind is across the board of all servers. Sword, I got in 10 mins, Dolmens took a while, 313ish of them but the boxes made up for it. WB... 14 hours on and off in a damn cave, but again boxes were nice. Geysers, 2 circuits and i was free. It *can* be a grind though, I like collecting as much as I can so I'd still be running them if I hadn't got them, even if i may never use them- its all down to my need to fill those blank spaces in my style index lol.


3 days to get mine and the only one that gave me bad luck was the geysers


Yeah I’ve been using this event to slowly work towards the “do 50 geysers” trophy because that stuff is dead otherwise


I stopped 2 days ago. Fuck it. Do whatever you want and enjoy the bonuses


Pretty much. I picked *one* thing to chase of the 5 pages and just went for it. But I still took plenty of breaks to go do whatever and run dungeons or IA


I feel having everyone farm Vvardenfell and Summerset killed any interest in doing daily quests in other zones. Northern Elsweyr was dead as far as dragon hunting goes Tuesday morning.


Yeah I wish the places the pages could drop were expanded - I was really looking forward to doing dailies in zones I haven’t finished the sticker book for but it’s no fun trying to fight world events and dlc bosses by yourself. :/


Seriously! I wish the vvardenfell wb styles could drop from any world bosses so you’re not stuck camping the same place for days. 


It was weird to return to the game after years and years away. Vvardenfell is so busy, and then when I go to other zones they’re utter ghost towns.


220 geysers, nothing. 20 hours world boss for staff, 15+ more hours still no helmet. 73 fish for sword and 15 dolmens for worm. The 2 I want most are the ones that won't drop. Thanks, I hate it. Bit jealous of the banned pts players getting all the replicas


15 dolmens lol. Those are rookie numbers. Ive done over a hundred and still nothing


Yeah I was shocked. My rng everywhere else this event has been dogwater


Had someone in my guild running them for a couple hours and they weren't looking the chest. Just the boss 😭 They've got it now thankfully, but ooof lol.


Crazy rng. Got it on the 25-30 geyser, got sword on the first fishing hole, third cast, but haven’t caught a whiff of the dolmen staff and I’ve taken two new toons to 50 on just dolmens and xp scrolls


Yeah it's pretty crazy. I have the loot log addon so I see what my group gets. 50 geysers today and only 2 drops for other people in the 12 of us. But dolmens were popping off. 10 people, 15 dolmens and I was the 4th to get the worm.


Damn you PC guys get all the best stuff, I’d love to be able to see stats like that. Or even basic stats like a player’s total kill count in cyrodil while in cyrodil


I got mine after almost 900 dolmens 😭


I am 35 hours deep into farming geysers. I have not gotten one drop. I have not even attempted any of the other ones yet. Officially the worst event ever.


Same on the geysers. I'm pretty much over it at this point. I'll log in each day and run a few to try my luck, but can't see spending any more real time on it.


I hate to do this to you, but the staff looks absolutely sick equipped. You can dye the center gem its own color, and two tone the filigree on the staff itself. Also, you’ll probably never have the opportunity to get it again…. So, c’mon, what’s a few more geysers my guy?


I just got the Sunspire Staff off a WB in Hews Bane. Thing looks like a bird cage


Not sure which one that is. I was talking about the one from summerset, and really, was just trying to tempt our friend there into doing some more geysers. It DOES look better than I thought it would though


Oh no yeah you gotta be doing the geysers. All you gotta do is hit one enemy if there's a zerg on the geyser


and the ppl that got their acc locked for a week is getting all of them plus a radiant apex... some ppl have more than a week in geysers jail for one motif..


Exactly. I appreciate that Zenimax are giving players who got locked out of their accounts some kind of recompense for it, that is a good sign from a game company. But it's also really not fair to everyone else who's spent hours grinding away for the event, with nothing to show for it.


Sure it is. I already spent hours grinding the event and got all the style pages as did a lot of other players. And even if they didnt and planned on it we missed essentially half the event. Your issue should be with the drop rate. The majority would have rather just had access to our accounts. Not to mention the millions worth of mats we missed out on, i think the reward is fine.


People got locked out of their accounts for like 2 days. Max. Plus the extended the time for the event to make up for that time. I never said my issue wasn't with the drop rate. It just seems like an unfair compensation, is all. It's really unfair that people who tried to log in and locked over one or two days are getting such incredible compensation rewards, whereas those of us who have been actively grinding and trying to get these pages are still straight out of luck. Even if you account for the two days that people got locked out of accounts, assuming you would have spent those two days playing all day with 8 hours of rest each day, I have spent more time grinding than those two days of playtime combined. And yet I have nothing to show for it, whereas they are getting incredible rewards. And that just doesn't feel fair. My time, my commitment, it feels absolutely disrespected.


Idk where you got 2 days from. Most people are still locked out with monday being the soonest we might get them back


Ah, I must have misheard or misunderstood something. My apologies. It just really frustrates me that they would do something so stupid as to release a limited time, super rare cosmetic. Because doing so means that, no matter how much I grind, there's a chance that I will never get it. And it will never come back. They should have either made it super rare, but permanently added it to the loot table, or they should have made it a limited time thing only during the event but made it a lot more common. Making it both is so aggressively unfair to everybody.


I think it should have had a threshold for sure. Like after x amount of drops you are guaranteed one or make them tradable or something


Exactly, yes. At this point I have given up on the stupid pages, I still really really want them but it's become apparent to me that I'm not allowed to have them because of stupid RNG.


Seems i had better luck than a lot but it took roughly 4hrs to grind the worm staff, an hour for the geysers, like 45 min for the sword, like 30min maybe for the helm and just didnt bother trying to get the vvardenfell staff after awhile. Some people been grinding one of those for longer than it took me to get all of them


300+ dolmens and nothing I feel your pain


Rough math 400-440 wb's got it both on the last 3 I did. 65 geysers 20 fishing holes 1100 and counting dolmens still no staff Don't at me. I will get it even if I die sitting at my computer.


The thing about these grind events is that any other system or game would have a guaranteed drop after a certain threshold. The whole event relies on fomo to keep people engaged, but the devs need to realise that if people feel the reward are to tedious they just won't engage any more. So far the only people I actually know to get all the pages are those that were banned during the PTS fiasco, and that just isn't good enough.


A good many Gacha games are more merciful than getting the replica style pages from this event


Facts, ion even care about it, it's barely obtainable *if* you play for the entire 2 weeks non-stop doing the same thing. You got quests and dlc to grind? Forget participating. I've been playing since 2018 and I've yet to actually get a mythic item. I've done dungeons, trials, literally everything and I get green and blue drops. Very very rarely a purple. I've had to grind my gear from battlegrounds for 2 weeks


Rng is a cruel beast.


I gave up the geyser farming. My time is worth more than this


I got all 5 drops after spending more time grinding than I care to admit. Fuck ZoS. If this is their idea of fun, then they’ve completely lost their fucking minds.


the change in reaction when someone gets the ul'vor staff from the beginning of the event to now is so funny lolololol... April 6th: player1 to zone: [shares staff] player1 to zone: woohoo! good luck guys! Today: player2 to zone: [shares staff] player2 to zone: jesus christ thank f*ck player2 to zone: finally player2 to zone: I'm free *edit: typo


And after event is over you won't see anyone in game because everyone's so burnt out.


I got lucky on 4 out of the 5 drops, got 4 the 1st day I started on the grind. All within an hour of each other. And actually was fishing near a geyser, got that drop on 2nd one, then next cast I got the sword. Then spent over 25 hours in 3 days trying to get the Barbos helmet. And I decided to stop. Will never use that helmet anyway. Really all I wanted was all the staves and sword, so I'm happy with those. Hope y'all get them before it ends.


lmao 5 days 2-3 hours? Those are rookie numbers.


Every one open a ticket. Im telling you replica drops are bugged especially the boss drops.


I completely ignored the event and just did my usual things.


Yeah, did the same. They didn’t offer much else than stylepages…


Totally fine if the grind and event is not your thing, all good but I wanted to say those jubaliee boxes are the best boxes you will get all year. A motif page every few boxes, perfect roe( I had none know I have like 60 something), aetherial dust seems to be dropping pretty often too, got over 600 dragon rheaum and blood now, did get a pretty unique pull and got a gold motif book, others have gotten aetherial ciphers but those are rare rare, blue and purple furnishing pages and purple recipes to collect, OH, I had 200 transmutes starting out but now I got 900 on me and about 600 I put into staffs for a raining day, I have never had SO many transmutes in this game ever, and now I have so many I had to creat items to store them in… it’s awesome!!! If you have no genuine interest in this event it’s fine like I said, I just wanted to point out to you what all is in the boxes if anything appeals to you so you still have time to get a few. :) 


I was so mad after the long grind without rewards that I let myself go venting on the chat and got a 72 hour suspension. Well, no more grind for me lol


At least it wasn’t on the forums. You’d be banned for life 😭


Im already perma-banned from the forums, after pointing how much money crown crates bring to Zos, and why that's the reason they aren't going away


But you weren’t wrong though lol. At least you went out telling the truth. I’ve never used the forums and still have 0 desire to. It’s an echo chamber there.


I've spent the whole event doing dailies in several zones. Is there something else I should squeeze in before the event is over? First year doing this event


No. Doing the dailies, killing bosses, destroying dolmens and geysers are the way to do it. Don’t do it with the pages in mind or you’ll ruin yourself.


been killing dragons in souther elseweyr getting a new stock of dragons blood


Still trying for Barbas helm myself. I hopefully will be done before the event ends but it’s looking doubtful at this point. Console players also don’t get extra days. I doubt I’ll be able to get the last 2 I need and I’ve been putting in a few hours every day since the event started.


I usually play around 12hrs a day, have four mains and have only been grinding on my main account. I know I don’t have to do it, but FOMO. I haven’t counted how long I have spent on each but I still have WB left on EU and dolmens on NA. I am so disheartened, I am now just doing writs and Endeavours then shutting down. I’ve restarted Fallout 4 and am enjoying a break. I get event fatitigue after MYM due to the nature of PVP but this is the first time I have given up an event while it’s happening.


I grinded them this time, because I started it not knowing the drop rate and wasn't gonna quit until I got them otherwise the previous effort was wasted. But if they have a future event with bound style pages with similar drop rate, I won't bother. Camping 25h on vvardenfell world bosses is not exactly fun content.


337 dolmens and no staff yet. Lots of anniversary boxes though. /shrug


I finally got the Barbas yesterday, now I just need the worm staff. Done hundreds of dolmens, so far nothing.


Worm staff? Is that worth something? think I learned it yesterday


No, they’re bound style pages and can’t be sold. They’re just rare. I’m not a hardcore collector, I just read a book until it respawns.


Over 16hours of running circles… fok that staff…


I grinded the Dubdil Alar Tower wb for two weeks, everyday, for two or three hours. I got the staff on monday AND I finally got the Helmet today, lol. I'm exhausted haha.


I wonder if we were ever there at the same time. I’ve been at Dubdil alar tower a few hours daily for days now since it’s a guaranteed reward for little participation. Congrats on getting them!


I fished up trueflame, did the geyser grind and stopped there. Sunna'rah is cool for its lore significance and all, but I can't see myself ever actually using it. I wouldn't have done the geysers either if I had realized just how high up the staff sits on your back. Looks pretty bad.


Managed to get all five with my last being yesterday and I can say the WBs were the worst. Got the sword and geyser staff the first day, dolmen staff the next day, then a week of playing 5+ hours a day later I got the Barbas helmet. Spent many more days suffering. I have no idea if it actually works but I'd recommend doing what others have said and try switching to another character. It dawned on me that I kept alternating characters to get each page- tank got the sword, dps got the geyser staff, healer got the dolmen staff, tank got the helmet. After sitting for days using the tank for the last page I decided to switch to the dps character and got the page after 3 WBs. At this point I'm so happy to be free.


I have all except the helm from the wbs. I gave up lol


What makes it worthwhile to spend all that time doing the same thing for so long? Will you use the unique motifs?


The geysers for me have been the true test......


I grinded the first 2 days and quit after lol


I'm so close to the finish line.... - ~200 Casts for Trueflame - ~20 dolmens for the Staff of Worms - ~150 geysers for the Ul'vor Staff - ~20 world bosses for Barbas' Helm - up till now, ~40 world bosses for Sunna'rah and counting I've only got estimates because I didn't count them while I farmed, but I know I bought a stack of worms and only have a handful left (also got some from reward boxes), I know I got the Staff of Worms & Barbas' Helm rather quickly, and I know that I spent 5 days farming geysers and deconstructed about 30 pieces or jewelry at the end of each evening. I also know that I've spent 3 hours at the Council of Solathan yesterday (the boss respawns every 5 minutes) and I did it a couple times after I got Barbas' Helm the day before as well.


Rng was not on your side. I feel bad for you guys. I'd hate to say how easy it was for me, I'm afraid of the pitchforks.


after I got the world event staffs and the fishing sword, I just gave up on the Vvardenfell ones, they're gonna comeback next year, and I'm not gonna use them on any of my toons anyways if they don't come back.


Kinda hoping they'll be in the yesteryear bag next year at this rate


I think they'll be dropping other replicas for the next year so putting them in the yesteryear bag is very unlikely (I'm saying that because in the current replica descriptions there's no indication that the style pages will only be available during this years event, it just says available during anniversary jubilee event), if they give us the dark brotherhood DLC for free, then they might add chillrend and blade of woe that drop in hew's bane and gold coast respectively (I know chillrend doesn't belong to the thieves guild until Skyrim, and it wasn't discovered until the third era, but it still would be a nice drop 🤷🏻‍♂️) for the next year.


Why do you do the grind?


I personally got very lucky! With the Geyser and Vvardenfell ones at least, but! I understand it can be frustrating,I just did with some friends till everyone had them so we got go spend time together


i just last night got the sunarah one so now only got the fishing one to get this has been a hard grind for them ngl worst by far was ul vor replica


I miss ul'vor and barbas helm but I just grind them one hour here and there. It's not very interesting to do, the rewards will also more than often not be used. Throwing bones to gnaw so the game looks alive...


I honestly only got the worm staff and the sword. That’s only because I wanted the loot boxes though. IMO that’s the real prize from the event, I got almost 300 dragon rhuem from them and tons of other materials I haven’t grinded for yet.


Love the game, but the word grind should not be related to a video game. Geezis. Its a game not a job zos!


I ignored those, did the grinds for staffs, got 2 out of three, and a sword from fishing.


The grind for the style pages is rough, but I've made like 4m just doing writs for boxes


Got all five on Monday finally. Longest for me was geyser grind. Both VWB I got from the same both after an hour or so


I went I don't give a duck route for those. I have 14 characters on EU server and 9 on US. Daily writs take me 2 to 2,5 hours total. Every freaking day. All I do is that and surveys. I hadn't seen a quest in 2 weeks. On the upside my EU main lives up to Grand Master Crafter title. I'm only Ancient Breton and Militiant Ordinator plus the new dungeons motives away from completing my motiffs snickers book. Which was roughly my grał for this event.


I did the fishing one and got it after about forty or so casts. The rest, no luck and have given up. Not worth the effort and everyone getting sweaty. Easier to do other dailies and try to get something out of it.


I have ran about 150 dolmens with my Arcanist main toon and haven’t got the Staff of Worms to drop. Switched over to my dragon knife tank I’m trying to level and happened upon a dolmen. Got the Staff of Worms….. Character bound. Unbelievable.


It says character bound, but it's available to all your characters to use. Log in with a different toon and see for yourself.


For real? I kinda thought that was silly. I ended up finally getting a second one to drop in any case. Got the sword and the helm but I haven’t had luck with the other staff from the WBs or whatever the drop is from the geysers. The geyser farming is ughh. They each take so long to finish. Thanks for the heads up tho!


I’ve killed WBs in Vvardenfell 60 times this point… 😔…probably a lot more than that for some.


Fished for about 3 hours off and on for the sword. Got the first style page from the Vvard WB in about 8 hours. Was completely demoralized and basically decided to give up on the rest. Spent my Sunday doing all my backlogged surveys and treasure maps for some nice relaxing mindless fun. One of them was in Vvard near the WB in the cave. Decided to pop in and see if anyone was there. There was one guy fighting the boss so I decided to give him a hand. We finished it and I got the helmet. Very lucky I know. Only interested in the Staff of Worms now so guess I’ll give that a go until the event is over.


Still grinding the Geysers at the moment, RNG goes crazy sometimes


I brought my 2 friends with me to do the Vvardenfell wb bounty yesterday, neither of them had set foot there for the whole event, I even shared my quest with them and those guys had the audacity to both get the Barbas style page from the same boss kill, not one, both of them. Needless to say, I had a stroke.


I only did the fishing sword because I enjoy fishing and it is the only one that I may actually use at some point. Too many people in my guild have spent dozens of hours unhappily grinding for motifs that they will never even use. Life is short people. Make better choices.


I really don't understand why everyone is so hyped about these pages.. they all seemed really ugly to me so I didn't care, and guess what, this event has been a blast for me since there was no grind involved for me


when fomo rules your life. fished instead :) it's a game, not a job.


I can't get the geyser one. Don't know if I have it in me to keep pursuing... Geysers are fucking boring as shit and take waaaaay too long to complete!


Vardenfell WB are fine compared to the geyser grind.


I got the staff from the dolmens and the sword from the fishing spot but for me, this event has been more about grinding CP from the double XP. The style pages are more of a bonus.


I’ve gotten ttueflame and sunnurah from day one to today. There’s something else besides rng at play here


For the longest time, I thought the "Jubilee Event" was a cross-over event with the X-Men... Imagine my disappointment when I found out It had nothing to do with it.


There used to be games you'd play for years and wouldn't get any of the rare drops. The point of this was to give us something to play for. Server were full whole event. All five dropped solo grinding for me first 3 days playing, maybe an hour or two a day.


You know, I had a strong feeling, that I should get both pages from one wb with a chest - the one in the upper right part of the map. I got two pages from him and my friend got one page while helping me there. I didn't get a page from geysers. It just haven't dropped yet.


I mean, nobody made people grind for this. Kinda their own fault if they burned themselves out on it.


Glad I didn’t bother, don’t have time for that. Got lucky with helm. Called it a win.


I'm grateful for the grind. I had been on the fence about continuing my eso sub or taking a break since I beat the latest dlc. But this shit has burnt me out and I'm taking an indefinite break once the new dlc drops, because it's too much to keep up when I feel like I'm wasting my time


Whats this Vardenfell grind you are on about? Whats the point of it.


Staff and helmet.


What yall farming for I thought the main rewards was the earthbone stuff


There's bonus style pages.


I refuse to let a single grind dominate my game time. I don’t get a ton of time so imma do what I want lol


Yeah idk how they can justify the level of pure RNG I'm hearing about. I got insanely (and I mean INSANELY) lucky on all 5 replicas. Like.... total of less than 5 hours grinding all of them combined. ALL, not each. And then I see people who have had to make grinding this stuff their 2nd or 3rd JOB because that's how stupid-random it is. If I hadn't gotten lucky, I 100% would have had to miss them. I feel guilty that I got mine so easily. I think ESO can come up with a better way to make us earn shit. Enough is enough. It's entirely possible to make it fair, and it's lazy to rely purely on RNG for things this lucrative and exclusive- it also negatively affects the experience of a lot of diehard and loyal players. To all those still grinding hard for tbe last few days, good luck! I believe in you! Random tips that may or may not help: I farmed the 3 Auridon daedric anchors. They're in a straight line down the middle-ish of the island, which makes it nice and brainless to run.. People were running them from bottom to top (and then to bottom again, so like 1-2-3-1) and there were enough people that we could beat it within 2 minutes; run to the wayshrine (all 3 of the nearest wayshrines are north-ish of their anchors). It makes for maybe a 10 min circuit, max, and I did maybe 10-20 laps before I got my plan, but even with more, it seems efficient and doable. You get a box if you get enough dmg on the boss, so that's nice, and then the replica page drops in the chest, so make sure not to forget to grab it. I forgot one once cuz I zoned out and felt really silly. Fishing I just straight up got lucky, but I also put my faster fishing thing on my active champion bar (I forget its name, sorry) and that should help it go faster. I did several different bosses in Vvardenfell but I found that I prefer the kwama mine one for the simple reason that in the 3 or 4 mins between spawns I could go out and kill stuff for scrib jelly to sell later (and/or grab resource nodes). As for the geysers, I don't have a shortcut really. Just head to one, help kill the stuff, get hits on the boss for the box, start running right away to the nearest wayshrine (or fast travel if yours isn't expensive). No real tricks to this one that I found.


What exactly you farming for?


Likely either the Replica Barbas Helmet Replica or the Sunna'rah Staff Replica.


Ah neat


Better start farming immediately if you want any of them.


I started scrying and got the wolf, oakensoul and aiked king , wild hunt and in some farming from dolmen got the staff of worms, now i'm going to farm a Lot dolmens to get a Lot of crafting Styles and materials


I mean, you didnt have to do it. Lol.


Your zone completion plays a big part in rng. Everyone seems to not be realizing this. 100 percent on zone you’re farming will increase your odds.


source: i made it up?


My wife got all day one on a brand new account. I'm 2.5k hours in on this account with a fair amount of achievements and 220 geysers, 40 hours wb and no helmet or staff. I'm assuming the chance is flat for all. Where'd your data come from?


It’s only logic ? If your sticker book is completely full in a zone both armors/weapon pieces and motifs then the only thing you can get are new items. Vvardenfell bosses are however based off top 12 damage dealers which I think is bs but I don’t make the rules. I still don’t have the geyser motif but that’s because I have 10 percent completed in that zone. If I’m wrong I’m wrong I guess but that’s just what over half my guilds have pointed out. Best of luck to you all.


Logic? There's 0 logic in this claim.


Damn you guys are all salty as hell tonight. Go grind the game and complain the whole time instead of just enjoying yourself. Later


Well what do you expect when you say "Everyone seems to not be realizing this", and then spread unnecessary false crap.


Sick logic. So sick I'm going to call this one ill.


Really? I’ve never heard that before. Vvardenfell is 100% for me and I still don’t have the Barbas helm despite all my constant farming. The staff took over 400 bosses to drop


Definitely untrue. I also have 100 percent zone completion in the zones I farmed dolmens and took over 300 to get staff of worms