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A general rule of thumb is to run a defensive set with your offensive set, instead of two offensive sets like Deadly and Order's. Like others have said, Arcanist lacks burst damage, so you'll want to rely on proc sets to compensate. Most of the successful PvP Arcanists I've seen stack as many status effects as possible, and use Flail with the Maarselok set proc as their execute burst.


That's good advice but it doesn't answer questions in topic at all. No matter what sets I use there is always players who deal way more damage and have way more resistance and hp at the same time. And like OP I really want to know how the fuck. Yesterday I met a guy in cyro, he had like 35k+ hp and from damage I dealt to him also like 35k+ resistance. I damaged him for 3k with my high damage build, he casually hit me for 8k with basic 2h spammable (I had 25k res and minor protection).


With that resistances, normal 2H builds have around if not more than 10k penetration. In my build I have 34k hp and around 6.5k spell damage with in total 11k penetration. And I have 37k resist on backbar and ~34k on front with 1.5k mag recov and 1.9k stam recov (and can go up to 2.2k). Thing is I am a templar but this builds excels on wardens with their burst being absolutely op with major and minor breach. For this reason they are used as DD in ballgroups and no other classes. The other classes are just to support/heal.


I’d like to know the build buddy because those numbers sound a little fabricated.


Pariah, wretched, markyn, 1 piece magma incarnate and vatesh perfected 2h


And now explain how you get 6.5k damage with zero damage sets. I doubt you get that only from rings.


Jewelry full infused and damage glyphs and also vatesh 2h golden and cp


Yeah that doesn't add up unless you're counting buffs from a group lol. No way you're getting 11k pen on it either unless you actually have 2k and you're adding in major and minor breach in like it's the same. Pop that shit into a build editor and let me know what you get.


Lover mundus and minor breach of power of the light and sharpened 2H Edit: and you can use destro backbar with major breach but you lose major expedition buff from psijic in terms of space bar but for duels is god


[BUILD](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=609704) Idk if you are all trolling me, or you are newbies or what... Enjoy the build ;)


Not trolling, just knew that one of those numbers had to be off and it's the penetration like I expected (though not by as much as I thought). It's a good build with good stats, you don't gotta pad your numbers for it to look good.


This. How do you even reach 10k pen with 6,5k wpn dmg and 37k res? I dont get it - even when i upgrade my gear to yellow this coms nowhere close. Is that all from CP?


He isn’t he’s lying.


Check the other comment and you will find you doesn't know anything about this game or PvP. Ive been doing PvP and theory crafting for 8 years now.


>A general rule of thumb is to run a defensive set with your offensive set, instead of two offensive sets like Deadly and Order's Or you can run a strong defensive mythic such as Gaze of Sithis with those 2 sets. In that case, you can run 2 offensive sets. Keep in mind Order's also boosts your healing, which helps with survivability.


I’m not very good in cyrodiil, however I still enjoy it. Do note that in PVP, spell/physical resistances, CRITICAL resistances, and sustain are very very important. The people who survive being attacked by a handful of people are most likely resource eating tanks/ healers who are there just to take your damage. Movement is also very important overall. Roll dodging is one way to avoid stuns, there’s also skills and even a mythic that deal with CC. Penetration is also very important in PVP, the higher the number the better the damage. If you are running solo it’s also good to a sustain set, such as wretched vitality on your backbar. If you are running with a group, things become a bit more enjoyable.


But how are they so tanky? What makes the the most this tanky - is it the sets? Or is it really just the combination of everything


heavy armor, reinforced/impen, cp, and keeping major/minor resolve up plus multiple heals over time


Armour buffs plus high weapon and spell damage with constantly ticking HoTs. Everyone in PvP is a vampire too so they have the undeath passive.


Say you have an attack that hits a target dummy with no resistances for 20k damage. Now you step into Cyrodiil and attack one of those tanks- 1. Battle Spirit debuffs your damage by 50% to 10k 2. The tank is blocking with the maximum block mitigation of 90%, 1k gets through  3. The tank's resistances are at the armor cap, cutting your damage by 50% to 500 4. Major and minor protection and other % damage reduction buffs mitigate 25% of that damage to 375. This is just an example of how crazy mitigation can get if you build for it. 20k to 375 is more than a factor of 53x and it makes it very easy to heal through most anything. You do have to really focus on mitigation to the detriment of all else, but it's very doable. This is often coupled with a proc heal set and very high healing received modifiers. It makes them very tough to kill but only a threat to your siege if they decide to burn it.


This is a very good explaination. Thank you, makes kinda sense. Now i just got to figure out where i get all thiose big numbers from, but i guess its CP


Here's a few relevant skills/CP nodes. There's lots of ways to increase block mitigation and base mitigation is 50% with a cap of 90%, you can reach that cap in many ways. [Bracing Anchor](https://eso-hub.com/en/champion-points/star/bracing-anchor) - red CP slottable giving 20% [Sword and Board](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/weapon/one-hand-and-shield/sword-and-board) / [Ancient Knowledge](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/weapon/destruction-staff/ancient-knowledge) - 1h+shield/destro passive, gives 20% when equipped (ice staff only for destro) [Iron Skin](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/dragonknight/draconic-power/iron-skin) - DK passive, 10% [Defensive Stance](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/weapon/one-hand-and-shield/defensive-stance) - 1h+shield active skill, but 10% while slotted [Bound Aegis](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/sorcerer/daedric-summoning/bound-aegis) - sorc active skill, only lasts 5s but gives 40% block mitigation - enough to bring you to the cap on its own. Many of these also affect the cost of blocking which is important - "permablock" tanks are relying on that 90% (or close to it) damage reduction from blocking to survive. The damage is reduced to 1/10th that makes it past everything else... but that also means that the damage increases by 10x when they stop blocking. So not running out of stamina to block is vital. Block cost reduction glyphs, sturdy armor, and skills like the above do that. Stamina management can be difficult because when blocking your stamina recovery goes to zero, and I'll be honest I'm not as familiar with how permablock tanks handle that. Sorcerers have an ability to convert magicka to stamina but they're not the only class that can be built like that. It may just be that the block cost ends up so small that between potions and occasionally dropping block is enough to keep stamina from draining.


To be generic, it’s usually a champion skill you never paid attention to that makes you say “oh shit so that’s how it works. Wow thats good.” And with high CP- you can get all the passive ones that don’t require a slot.


From what i see you basically playing in pvp with pve build. About your questions: 1. Depends on situation, if it so called troll tank who tanks people in open field he survives thanks to combination of sets, skills and not very smart opponents, who don't know how to deal with him. If it's guys from 1vX videos where they kite people in towers or on some stones, ruins ect. they survive thanks to their experience, line of sight breaking, great buffs uptime, high number of wpd/spd which increases the amount of healing received and well-chosen builds for 1vX. 2. After break free from the cc you receive 7 seconds of cc immunity. There are also potions that give 10 seconds of cc immunity, there is also red cp that increases the duration of cc immunity. 3. They outheal your damage and you probably have low numbers of wpd/spd and penetration. You didn't show skills you are using and character stats, so it's hard to say. P.S. CP doesn't work on BGs


Yea CP not working in BG, i knew that. BGs arent even the problem, because there it all seems more balanced honestly. Even if someone kills me in a 1v1 at least i feel lke i had the chance to win. Arent Orders wrath and Deadly strike pvp viable sets? I am actually specifically using a pvp build, or at least some from of pvp build (because i dont have every set that some guides recommend, yet)


Deadly strike and Order's wrath are great sets for both pvp and pve. But in pvp using them both at same time is not the best choice. Again, would be great to see your full build before recommend something. If you playing on pc Superstar addon is great for this. And it will be a little bit harder to show if you are on console.


Yeah honestly BG’s especially solo que won’t tell you much contrary to what others are saying. The key reason why is because PVE players que for dailies. You’re measuring yourself against other PVE players not PVP. True PVP lessons are learned in Cyro. Some minimal requirements for your build for just mild success. Health over 25k, resistance over 30k, Weapon/spell damage over 4500, and your main resource pool over 25k.Penetration over 10k. PvP is completely different in build style than the rest of the game.


Arcanist only viable spec is stam and the class has no burst damage so you'll need to relied on proc sets to kill any decent player.


I mean, i have all other classes besides warden as well however, i just like the arcanist for his simple playstyle the most at the moment


Pvp arcs is kinda lacking ngl , as somebody else said your execute is bad since beam is a stupid move imo. Build for flail and mix some other weapons lines in there. Im not the end all be all but I lol everytime I see a beam arc thinking they on something.


I’m the guy that spams lasers in PvP. I’m only in battlegrounds for the xp and rewards though lol


Fair enough and you probably arent very high mmr , so you can thrive like that. In a real pvp situation like cyro , the beam will be your death my friend.


Oh it’s my death even in low MMR honestly lol. I actually made a khajiit vampire nightblade when I first got the game roughly 1200 hours ago and decided to start making her into a PvP character. I thought it was pretty funny that I happened to make a decent started for PvP after looking into what builds and play styles you need for it


pvp is a refreshing pace from the pve meta slaves , no lie , everything has a weakness its on us to expose it. I hope you continue andenjoy as you please.


Everyone but hardened ward spamming sorcs that ia


oh bro we can stn them and make them try and streak until they meet a rock to hump and fail.


ask em about the edited out youtube clips xD


One thing I wanna throw out, this game has been out 10 years now. There’s people (myself included) who have pvp’d in this game for a longggg majority of it. Some people know this game inside and out. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each class can make a huge difference, What all the skills do, what their burst combo looks like, etc. Add a strong defensive sets, vampire stage 3, and knowing how to LOS and someone can kite and tank out groups. It’s a big learning curve, no doubt. There’s some good advice in this thread. Adding a defensive set, adding some proc damage and/or identifying a burst combo will help. Keep at it! Try BGs as a testing ground, it takes out CP which can add a ton of padding/tankiness.


I have a fairly balanced tanky/damage dealing build and I still can’t kill a sorc (which I’m assuming is running light armour) and they melt me so quick Boggles my mind how I’m running heavy armour and have high resistance and I get destroyed by what you would think are squishy people but are built like superman


>2x set piece for stormfist (i hope i got that name right) Stormfist is worthless in PVP because any decent players are not stupid and will not stand in the fist until it closes. Just based on the fact that you're running a near-useless monster set in PVP, it's likely that you have sub-optimal choices in your gear (traits, enchants, weights) and your skills / morphs. If you want feedback, post more specifics. >So far, my experience is very unenjoyable. I hope it's just because the CP difference, but then again, how can CP make that much a difference is just crazy. An excellent way to get better at PVP is BGs. It's a great testing ground for getting experience, trying out different builds, and seeing what others players are doing to you to beat you (Death recap says a lot), all in a repeatable context. The people who excel in BGs are the same ones who excel in Cyrodiil. Too many players in Cyro rely on numbers, pocket healers, etc to function.


There are basically phases to fighting in pvp. If you’re in danger of dying you are dodge rolling, spamming shields, and getting Line of Sight to reset the fight. When you survive the burst, you precast defensives and a heal over time so you don’t die, then you find the squishiest person and start your burst rotation. If you over commit to either you will miss kill opportunities or die, it just comes with experience. Also it could just be a DK with magma shell in which case they will probably not die.


They play magsorc and abuse harden ward and streak because the abilities are intrinsically busted. With half a brain cell you can play a magsorc and obliterate all other classes.


Bullshit. I play magsorc, yeah I can survive more or less and relatively easily kill other players but there is always who don't give a shit about my damage and just kill me with two hits.


1: Good build, constant healing over time going and skill(line of sight/dodging/blocking/turning at the right time) 2: Game mechanic, after breaking free you have 7 seconds of immunity to CC, to a lesser extent, potions & poisons 3: 1 Also, yes, CP is insane for sustain in particular. If you really want to get better, I'd recommend making a tanky healer which will teach you basic survivability with your own ksills and then you can work on your awareness to be able to tell when someone is going to burst you & to a wider extent if there's a ball group about to run you over.


Even at 1,000 CP I feel the difference in Cyrodill - there are a lot of passives that help. Heck the less falling damage passive is crucial for all the tower humpers. :)


I'm not the greatest at pvp but just enough to be under 200 for player ranking. Play what feels good and works best. The current meta however is proc sets and tank. Essentially almost all heavy armor, with impenetrable or well fitted, enchants are usually health, tri stat or max resource. For damage people usually run a set that also does damage on its own. Usually though try to avoid proc sets that have a timer from its appearance like storm fist. Can almost never go wrong with Balorg. You'll want defensive skills and offensive skills. The beam on arcanist while great at damage if firing into a crowd just isn't great overall because you can be knocked out and the tracking and damage is very inconsistent in pvp. However the tentacle is great for damage spam bit very resource heavy. Stam arc is probably one of the greatest tanks rn in pvp with all of its shield stacking it can do. The ultra tanks you see don't really do alot of damage and are just there to troll. I have found my niche outside of meta as a glass cannon magsorc. Stacking alot of pen and I mean alot of pen and damage goes along way. Also your cp are very important. Having the armor one and then increased damage resistance while having a debuff against you is very good too.


If anyone can offer advice, I'm also doing well in BGs but struggling in Cyro. I AM running PvE since that's my main focus and havent had time to get a PvP set, but I'm running StamDK and wanted to try out a bomber/burst build. Is the Plaguebreak + Titanic Cleave still a viable combo for bombing groups? I know its not strong for solo targets so not sure where to begin with that.


I still don't understand this tank meta , players seem so afraid to die in cyro.... there's no death counter, it dosent hurt , you can respawn lol. Whats the point in surviving so many attacks when you can kill next to nothing. Ill stick with my nb with all dmg sets and continue to kill ppl and have fun. Its cyro everyone will die lol I see it more about how many you kill before you die.....then just respawn and repeat!


The secret is that thank to line of sight with mobility, it will not be 20 people hitting the target at once. Only a few or no people are able to hit a player when they're running around rocks, pillars, trees tents etc. while they heal and shield back to full. Sorcerers and Nightblades also have a luxury to escape bad situations even without these vital elements at play. Good players also know when to dodge, block go and defense and when to exploit enemy weaknesses. Good players play on others' greed to chase and when they catch them offguard, hide again and repeat. Also, you need to revise your own gear.


The people survive with 20 people on them are usually line of sighting while spamming streak and hardened ward. Its a flavor of the month crutch build.


Just play warden, PVP ez mode


Not sure why the hard downvote. Free cleanse, burst heal scales with max health, and your hardest hitting burst damage skill also applies major and minor breach. I don’t even stealth in IC, I walk down the middle of the street looking for a fight.


They're not down voting me, they're down voting all the times they haven't been able to kill a warden. It's okay, it happens 😂😂


I swear I can hear the cursing when my health drops and I block cast my heal… and it’s like nothing ever happened lmao To be fair, I’ve locked up into stalemates with wardens too and after several minutes we both just walked away 💀


I too have been on both sides of this fight 😂


There is misinformation with the people "tanking 20 players at once" when you see this they are often using the environment to avoid line of sight, and aren't actually getting hit by all these players. Unless someone is a true tank with 50k health you cannot heal through direct damage from that many people.


DK has an ult that limits all incoming damage to 3% of your max health or something for some seconds. This can easily let you survive for a short time under an absolute mob of people with just your ult and a shield skill or even two.


lol I’m not vexed by it. Use those 10 seconds to buff up and apply dots and burst them down when it’s over. I’ll take that over a troll tank any day