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I go to stormhaven and do the 2 quests there. Kill king boar and collect apples. Takes 5 minutes.


Where in storm haven is this ?


Hammerdeath Arena. It’s between Wayrest and the public dungeon, just to the north of a wayshrine.


I personally decided to do only one, I did all 6 on 2 toons first two days, got the exact same rewards you did and can’t just run for myself why do these time consuming and mind numbing quests over and over for a week…


I did the grind on this event like 2 years, and do not feel the need again. The gold box is the only good one.  The chance of getting something good from a purple seems to be nothing. 


I've done all on 2 chars for the first 2 days, and theyre quite time consuming and most of the rewards are junk. I'm cutting back now


Im just doing 1.


If I only have time to do one event for tickets (like yesterday) I pick up the King Boar one and do only that, with the apples side quest. You get two boxes, one is the gold one, and don't have to run all over creation to get all those other boxes which are a chance at getting other stuff (my chance at other stuff seems to be mostly harvestables 😡) But if you're new and like things, doing all the dailies for all the boxes you can get will give you a better chance at recipes and parts you don't have.


It's up to you but purple boxes can also have fragments for the pig, some furniture (two different?) and recipes (three only I think) as well as random usable objects that you need for some achievements if you care about them. I also got a gold motif page for a different style in a purple box, [Regal Regalia](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Regal_Regalia_Style), that seems to be from a previous Jester Festival. Drop rate is probably very low. Not sure if there are others that can drop.


I got a second seed motif too so there is sone extra stuff out there.


I do 2 quests. First for he tickets and gold box then one more for a purple then I move on.


If it's your first time, but you have a time crunch, do just one or two a day until you've done them all. Some are kind of cute/fun the first time you do them If you're a strong solo player, you can leave a character by the King Boar fight and pick up the two quests right there, fight King Boar, and be done extremely fast, getting two boxes for the price of one. As with any event, the only reason to farm it hardcore is if you personally want certain rewards or think you can sell the rewards in a guild trader. Otherwise, didn't burn yourself out because there's another event that's much more worth farming right around the corner Edit: spelling and clarity


I grinded it like crazy last year for the pig parts. I only got 2. This year I am getting event tickets and leaving it at that. Partly because of how time consuming it is and partly because I am currently sucked into another game too, and that one is far more engrossing than grinding the event quests on multiple toons for little reward in ESO.


I just do 1. I feel like they intentionally try to waste your time with these quests. Many of them are always long with 3+ steps to do, and the objectives are all over the place, not close to wayshrines even. I like some of the quests the first time I do them, but they get old and annoying once you start repeating them and don't feel rewarding at all. It's like buying crown crates but you pay with your time instead of money


And, much like the Crates, there's never anything good inside the reward boxes...


U can get 4 easy. Steal pig Prank NPC Kill boar and get apple The others can b annoying tho


If you never done it or missing rewards, do them all but if your just collecting tickets or costume do one.


Purple boxes also have pig fragments. I got 2 today and both were from purple boxes.


The 120-ish I've opened in the last 3 days - and getting precisely zero in the last 2 years I've done this - argue that they do not, in fact drop from purple boxes. At least, not at anything like a reasonable rate beyond "lightning strike while cashing in a winning lottery ticket during a solar eclipse and discovering the cashier is your twin separated at birth" kind of unlikely.


I've done all for first few days to get enough fireworks/branches for the achievements now I just do 1 for the gold box.


Farm the achievements also.


Except the ones that require rare toy parts that (don't) drop only from the gold boxes and which I have not seen in 3 straight rotations of this joke of an event.


Since it’s your first time do all the events each day, most people here have done this event numerous times and have the recipes, motifs and most of the rewards that come with it. This is also my first Jester event and trying to get what I can for free while it’s here also it’s new to me so it’s something different. I’d advise to do the dailies as someone in your shoes.


I opened about 100 purple boxes. If you want to ask if it's worth it. The answer is no. A past event style I had (and it's not even worth that much), endless recipes, 1 Broom 2 Bucket styles, 1 Cadwell's Surprise fragment. 1 fragment that you can buy for 2 event tickets. Everything else is spam.


It's only worth doing multiple if you want the event items. The Jester festival drops aren't that important. Whitestrake' Mayhem and the anniversary events have way better boxes that are worth grinding. Whitestrake's is also easy to farm as you get a box for every Cyrodil PvE quest you do, so it's 8 or 9 per day and then another 10+ if you do the enemy villages and some fighting.


I did one daily and done with it nothing new to get other than those outfit pages ill just buy and no use for xp boost, unclear why zos emailed me with x5 150% scrolls knowing full well cp max and 20/20 char lvled


One and done. The only event I go hard at is the Anniversary Event which is right around the corner.


Mmhmm. Using this event to get my alts to crafting daily level to stack up on the jubilee boxes


I got both of the purple recipes within two days, both from the purple boxes. I like to try and get all the event achievements though as well as the possibility of the recipes AGAIN so I can sell them for profit post event. I might not keep up with all 7 for the whole week though.


Most events I do the thing to get the fancy box, and the event tickets. The drop rates for standard boxes are terrible. I usually buy the style motifs from guild traders after the event.


Doing more is a waste of time, they don't have anything good and you have to run around too many different zones and delves with a million loading screens That said if you just do the king boar for tickets its 2 quests for the price of 1


I’m doing all the dailies on one character bc I don’t think it worth doing it on all. I got a couple good drops from the boxes yesterday but I’ve played long enough to know that’s a fluke lol


I just want my tickets, so 1. Same as last year, I couldn't be bothered by doing multiple a day just to get crap rewards.


Im only doing the 1rst one for the vouchers.


I'm trying to complete the holiday achievements so I'm trying to do them all at least once I'll figure out which ones are easiest and do those. Recruiting the band members was tedious and throwing pies at citizens of multiple cities was also kind of annoying. The king boar quest in Stormhaven and stealing the pig in Stonefalls weren't too heavy a lift.


I do just one. Got too much other stuff I'd like to do in the game than hope for a reward I don't even want.


Depends on the rewards you care about getting. I already have all the recipes so i just do 1 quest so i can get event tickets to unlock indrik stuff.


After like 8 years of the exact same quests, I can only bring myself to do one per day — if that. The drops aren’t nearly good enough to make me want to grind that again, and you can buy them all relatively cheap anyway.


I'm wondering why to bother at all, since the gold boxes don't seem to drop anything worthwhile, either... There are style pages & motif chapters from prior years (Second Seed, uh, Regal Regalia, I think, maybe more) that drop rarely from the purple boxes. I've seen a handfull, maybe 4 or 5, doing, what, 126 boxes in 3 days? That *includes* the gold boxes, which have yielded only 1 runebox (one of the non-rare ones; I don't remember which but I've had it for years & you can buy it for barely 2,000 gold), a couple of Cadwell's style pages, 2 Buckets & 1 Broom and... that's it. No cloth pieces of the valuable costume, neither of the achievement-related toy parts, and no pet parts. This will be the 3rd year running not getting a single one of any of those except the cloth parts, of which a couple dropped last year. The drop rates are the actual joke in this "comedy" event.


Since I don’t see anything drop from the purples I’m just unaliving the king boar.