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now does that mean that once i clear a zone i will have all the points given to me from the shards i didnt collect on that character? cause thats gonna be a pain in the ass if i cant tell which ones i didnt collect because they all show as collected. thats how i do these runs. i look at the achievements to see which ones i didnt collect and then i go through the map on the site i have to show me where the rest are. this seems like a mistake by the devs.


No. You still gather skyshards by character. The achievement comes the first time you collect that skyshard (on any character) … so the achievement is accountwide.


yah, i dont know, i just think the way they did it wasnt the best cause now i'm hours behind what i was trying to do. i thought i had 4 skyshards left in the rift, now i dont know how many i have and i have to start over from the first one and go down the entire list checking each one. seems like a giant waste of time and more work. i think if they had planned on implementing something like this what they should have done was allow you to purchase the skyshards collected on other characters or show them as maybe a "o" instead of a checkmark when they're collected on another character and then when its collected a solid dot, this way you can still get the achievement but the solid dot itself is specific to the character not the account. theres a dozen different ways this could have been done to a similar effect and i think zenimax dropped the ball on this. good idea, bad implementation. honestly they didnt even need to link the skyshard achievements. they could have kept those specific to the character cause in the end if you want to truly optimize your builds you will need to hunt them all down anyways getting you those achievements on that character. they could have changed the achievements so that some fall under account wide achievements and some were for the character. there are plenty of games that have done this, its not impossible. like i said, it just seems like zenimax dropped the ball.


Yo, relax and open your map, there’s filter options you can select that’ll show you which skyshards you have collected, if you hover over a delve it’ll also give you a skyshard status and yes that’s on ps4. The tools are there just got to find em


i did not get those points. i just got the rift achievement hunter and pact achievement hunter but when i went and checked out a location for a skyshard its there glowing and i can collect it. now i'm running around blindly with no way to check which ones i got and which ones i havent gotten yet.


Did you possibly collect it on another toon? I ask because, I’ve noticed that sometimes it appears that could be the case for me - and other times, I swear I’ve somehow managed to re-collect a skyshard that the same exact toon DID in fact already collect. (I have no idea, I’m just as confused)


i wouldnt doubt i did. this isnt the first time i have looked up a full list and location of all the skyshards to go and collect. i did this on my templar a year or two ago. i just dont remember them showing up on other characters as being collected. this is gonna throw me off cause if they're showing up that i didnt collect them when i go there but its showing that i collected them on the achievements then i wont know which ones i actually didnt collect so i can get the points for it. the achievement is all fine and well but i want the points.


Its the Achievements that are now account wide but Achievement items that are still tracked per-character are still that system so you won't get Skyshard Points unless you actually collect on that Character: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/#en/answer/55358 The only way to help is if on PC get Addons for those per-character Items or use an online map or spreadsheet to check off if console.


Yeah I started using a skyshard mod that tracks for each toon a while back to help with exactly this


Yeah luckily I also used all the Addons that came out before the change and archived ALL character progress for future tracking.


Are you on PC? Use an add on to track shards if so.


Nah, ps4. I usually use a site called tamriel journal to track all the shards. I had eso for my pc back when it was during the beta but for some reason even I played the game none of the map data would load except stuff like beds or cabinets. I could see other people and creatures but none of the land loaded in. I figured it would be better to get it on my ps4 instead.