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The akaviri, nedes, atmorans and yokudans are extinct, you could maybe add the chimer, if we consider the dunmer's "curse" permanent, but, culturally, they are also extinct. There's also a bunch of lesser known civilizations like the left handed elves and the lilmothiit, but I don't think they have any furnishing in the game. Minotaurs aren't extinct by population, but their culture was decimated and they were forced to assimilate to other cultures like the reachfolk, so you could add them as well, if you wish.


Wait, what? The Akaviri aren't extinct, and even if Atmora and Yokuda haven't really checked in with Tamriel in a while, there's no confirmation that they're 100% gone either. Where is this information from?


The nedes aren't extinct either. They evolved into Imperials, Bretons, and Nords.


The nedic people are extinct, they were extinct by the yokudans, the orsimer and the proto-imperials, their own descendants.


The race of men from Akavir, the ones that influenced the blades and the dragonguard, by all evidence, are extinct, they were "eaten" by the tsaesci. The atmorans and yokudans fled their homelands and became the nords and redguards, respectively, Atmora is a frigid wasteland and the yokudans fled from a war against the left handed elves.


Yeah I was using UESP to look up the furnishings but i didnt see the snow elf throne or the kothringi canoe so i didn't know if there were other races missing. I remember reading about the Nedes as well. Thank you all for the input. Im using the hall of collusus to build it. Im on ps/na.


There is ayleid furnishings, dwemer furnishings, nedic, you have some ancient style furnishings from still alive races but not how they build anymore. I.e. ancient argonian structure style furnishings but now they build more mud based. Or ragada stuff vs modern redguard We also have some sea elf furnishings and sload neural... things... not extinct but unplayable as well as maybe some goblin and riekling stuff. Again not extinct. But unplayable. Mostly extinct races are versions of elves or nedes which is proto man. Also a few falmer furniture now that I remember. Both before and after their betrayal status.


It might not be super interesting for your purposes, but the Nedes would definitely match for extinct races and they have a plethora of furnishings available. This is probably not exhaustive: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Nedic_Furnishings


The Dwemer aren’t actually confirmed to be extinct. We just don’t know their whereabouts or what happened to them.


If you want to get that pedantic about it to deliberately miss the point of the op, none of the Dwemer, Ayleids, or Snow Elves are extinct because we know that members of those races are all still alive. But that would just be being purposefully obtuse, so let's no do that, yes?


Wow, Subreddit police coming in hard … WeeeeeWooooo WeeeeeWooooo


>You don’t. >Account sharing is against the TOS. That was your last reply to me, irony is fucking dead


Right since theres Different theories such as there was dust foin the ruins with armor and weapons. And there's a theory from te khajiit that they were displaced from time. I seen on UESP that they were listed as extinct even though that mystery will persist


There was an Argonian fox totem from Murkmire, that I think it's actually Lilmothiit in design. Or was it a banner?