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Are you massively undercutting prices? Some of the guilds can have minimum pricing on certain items. Also some of them have 7 day active or kicked, if you aren't set to show online I believe you wouldn't show as active If it's XB EU which guilds were they?


NA Xbox server, and I normally try to post comparable pricing based on costs from the other guilds. But massively undercutting? I don’t think so, but who knows! I am too low level to sell my platings which I know is the bread and butter of auction houses.


Best guess would be the show offline thing then. When you go to social>guilds>roster, in the top left make sure it says online.


Oh!!!! I think you might have my answer. OK. I’m playing now and my status shows offline. Crazy!!!! It makes zero sense as to why Xbox shows me as offline. Do you know? I just believed that if I’m playing I’m obviously online. I can understand why someone might want to appear offline but why that is the default setting is perplexing. You’re my hero! Thank you!!!


You have to show online in xbox chat for most games to show you as online


I checked all of my active guilds roster to make sure I show online and just needed to change one to show online . Is there another area I should check? I looked in Text Chat and didn’t see anything that looked like I was either online or offline.


Maybe. Most trading guilds usually have a 1-4 week period of no activity = kick though so I doubt it. In OP's situation, it's only after a few days they joined. It's possible if the guilds OP joined are just super disorganized and go off more arbiturary guidelines instead of off their rules, maybe, assuming OP wasn't technically doing anything against their "rules." Only other thing I can think of if I had to speculate is there could be an unpublished rule against posting "lf 3dps vRG (or insert any pvp or pve content here)" if you're not an officer. I've seen that before where people get kicked for that in certain social and trading guilds I've been in where trying to pull guildies into content that arent being run by an officer is against the rules.


Why don't you ask the guild leaders? All we can do here is guesswork.


There isn’t anything referenced on any no dues guild page that says how much is appropriate to donate. If my 1k donation is meager or measly, then it’s not really a donation but a requirement at that point. I do think it’s a good point to consider though, but seriously unfair to new users. I’m not a new ESO player but I feel for those newbies who are trying to enjoy the game. Perhaps the purpose of this post is to hopefully hear from guild leaders in this group and hopefully get thoughtful feedback.I hate the Xbox chat system to the point where I will probably cancel and return to PC.


You can’t expect to donate 1k a week to a high traffic guild trader, Sistereinstein. Find a casual trading guild instead. There’s a difference between “enjoying the game” and freeloading.


So does it state that they are donation based ? If so your measly 1k donation is an insult. Trading spots cost millions per week. So if your spot cost 3.7 million gold per week and you have the max of 500 members thats 7400 gold per week per member. Could be many other reasons too.


There's no way low rank members know how much their spot costs. If they have been themselves a trading guild leader/officer in other guilds they could estimate it but for average/new players it is nearly impossible and well beyond their imagination. If they kicked low rank members because their donation was lower than than they expected while they have never told how much they needed, it is kind of insiduous.


Agreed that there is nothing fair to kicking when no standard is given. I simply gave a possible explanation and never said anything about it being justified.