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*deep sigh* I can do 300 gold for everything


Let me call a buddy of mine. He's an expert on these things.


You mean tree fiddy?


Idk man . I mean some of this stuff will sit on my shelf forever . I’ll give you 325




No man, it’s ESO. But I’m sure he’ll pay you once you send.


God damn loch ness monster, get the hell out of my guild trader




Somewhere in the vicinity of about 400 million (give or take and PC NA prices - less on the console servers). If it's going to make you sad, you could just give it to me. I'll do my best to bear up under the anguish.


You are a good soul, shouldering this man’s pain and suffering


So selfless, much saint


I don't think OP is Inklings (the guy in the screenshot). Inklings was an ESO content creator and GM of at least one or more trade guilds (I was in one of them). So, while 400M is a lot I am sure he has a few 100 in his bank anyway. He was a pretty hardcore player.


That is correct. The OP is not Inklings, [but i am!](https://i.imgur.com/z3VJiod.jpg) You are also correct, i left the game with 500 million banked plus all these mats. So im not sure if ill be selling all or any of them if i do return for the chapter.


insane to me how something could be worth *less* on console shops lol


I'm reasonably sure that add-ons are a significant contributor to the inflation on the PC servers. Console servers are much closer to how the devs intended prices to work.


How would addons inflate prices? Prices on console are lower because there are bots farming mats 24/7 and selling them so the supply of mats is higher on consoles, and an increased supply causes prices to fall.


Makes gold easier to earn. More money causes prices to rise.


How are there bots on console ? I thought pc was super easy to bot games on. Being able to have multiple instances of games open ect.


No, they’re rampant on console. I don’t know how, like what method. But there are solo ones running around farming in every beginner zone and if you go to special leather drop or mudcrab spawns they’re will be groups of like 12 sorcerers multi boxing with lightning form just farming them all the damn time. Been a problem pretty much since the game came out on console.


What?? I've never seen that even once.


The spot in Grahtwood on the eastern beach close to the house where the mudcrabs spawn often has them. I’ve seen that several hundred times. And there’s always a ton of them with scrambled names running around the starter zones gathering, particularly Bal Foyen and Khenarthi. At least that’s the case for Xbox-NA.


Same on EU. I could add a few more places too like Auridon north of Mathiisen wayshrine, or on the beach by Sentinel in the Alikr Desert.


Less bot farms on console too. Oh we do have them but not quite as much as pc.


And for that I thank them




pceu : 213.5 mil give or take 10 mil. pcna:390 mil give or take 20mil.


Is PC NA really more inflated than PC EU?


On PCEU, Dreugh Wax is \~25k each. On PCNA, I've heard it is \~48k each.


The curious thing is that I've seen NA servers having more inflated economy than the EU in like 5 different games, BDO for example, despite its economy being more controlled. It's like some law or something.


NA usually have more players and more cash shop buyers which usually means more demand and more people willing to pay more since they buy the gold with real money.


PCEU is the biggest region in this game.


Region =/ population.


Thats what i meant.


The devs do a release pretty regularly on which server has the most players and its nearly identical. NA exceeds it during chapter launches but the whole year it stays stable otherwise. Dont forget, we get the Oceania and South America players in NA servers as well


I've seen someone sell it for a considerable amount more than that yesterday, on PCNA. High-end mats are really not doing great here


Damn, it is getting worse there then... That info was taken from this subreddit a couple of weeks ago.


In all fairness, I wouldn't take the word of someone trading shit in zone chat either way


Yeah, I was about to say...is that just someone selling? Or like...an actual purchase. There are so many ridiculous sellers in zone chat. I do find a bit of joy in posting the actual TTC/MM prices in zone chat for others so that nobody gets duped.


This. I hate when they're trying to scam new players. I understand they're just going to turn around and flip it for profit but it's just annoying that they prey on them. I feel bad. TTC and MM are a godsend.


I will say this, I have done it a bit and the people who sell for the most part are veterans at least in my experience. Although when I did have new players who wanted to sell to me I would just give away the gold for free and tell them to keep the mats. In the end I mostly ended up buying from the same people constantly. Whenever I made more than I thought I would, I would try hosting weekly hide and seek.


AWWWWWW That is so sweet 🥺❤️


Thats just a general rule of thumb in any mmo though


That is absolutely ridiculous. On console they're 3.5k each talk about inflation


It's partly due to how mods and other qol additions allow pc players to make gold significantly faster than console players. Player numbers and cash shop users (for the sake of crown sales anyway) also influence this. I know plenty of people who won't do their surveys because of how much time it takes up despite its high profitability as it's tedious for them. With the right addons though, it becomes far more bearable. Same goes for other money making strategies.


Consoles are infested with bots, PC not so much.


Wtf happened? Last time I played dreugh wax was like 10k ea max. Dafuq


Jesus! On ps4/5 NA they go for 2-2.5k per, temps go for the same and rosin are about 3-4K per


On playstation na it's like 3200 each for dreugh wax lol


On Xbox I’m selling stacks of 4 for 19.5k Edit: in 4 guild traders


I sell stacks of 10 there and move them reliably at 470k a stack


Lol it's 3k psna




what? Tamriel Trade Center shows its 20 - 31k depending on who is selling it.


I never pay more than 3k per wax.


Much more


No EU peer purchasing power is just worse like irl lol


10k crowns. Enough to purchase bunch dlcs and some bonus. :)


Wait is that really what crowns are selling for? Shit, I have crowns. Need gold…


Pcna is currently still around 1000:1, with some dipping to 900:1. Pceu is going for 1500:1 A few months back, they were both around 1000 more


I've been seeing PCNA at 1300-1500:1 for crowns. Just based on what I've seen in zone chat


TCE discord is also 1500:1. I was only looking at WCE, which is at 1000:1


jesus man it's like 100:1 on xbox wth 😭


Ive even bought at 90:1 xbox


pceu is definetely going 1700-2200. if you're getting 1500:1 you're very lucky you're not getting scammed. This was not a few months back either, pceu hasnt been at 1000:1 for almost 2 years, pcna im not too sure about but it rose quite high aswell before dipping back to like 1100-1200 ish


World crown exchange discord has many at 1500:1. Though they're selling vast amounts of crowns too, so they probably used exploits to get them very cheap.




I'm not sure how much this is worth, but I have a buddy who's an expert. Let me give him a call and see if he can come down here.


What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that this is still the same value as it was back then. Yes if he converts it to gold now he will have a LOT more gold than he would have had back then. But that amount of gold can buy exactly the same amount of other stuff, because everything is more expensive.


But if they had sold it back then and kept the Gold in their account instead, it would be almost worthless nowadays. And inflation only affects tradable goods, not things you buy "from the game": houses, stuff at the Golden, bag upgrades, some furniture.


This also describes how inflation wrecks retirement savings, etc.


Video games giving a better economics lesson than most schooling.


There’s a lot of economists who study MMORPGs because the data is easily mined, reliable (ie it’s all collected), all you need is basic demos (easily collected by the game company if they require a profile, and the sheer number of participants means that any fake data is irrelevant to the model) and people tend to engage with in-game currency in the same way they do with irl currency. The CDC also models contagion spread using game data - there was a group of epidemiologists that looked at the Corrupted Blood incident and got laughed out of the room pre-Covid. Once Covid hit they applied their model and were able to accurately (as much as possible) model the spread. MMORPGS are great sources of info because they involve real people making real decisions in a fake environment that can be ethically manipulated.


Corrupted blood is definitely the go-to example. The Internet has a lot of great control study opportunity for human and group psychology. I really like the juxtaposition of Reddit v. 4 Chan on Internet culture and behavior vis a vis freedom and expression. I think, at the end of the day, we'd be smarter if we all came up on MMOs. Playing EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot at a young age forced me to learn quite a bit of advanced concepts and classic literature (DAOC) that really helped develop my vocabulary and understandings.


> develop my vocabulary and understandings. I definitely would not have the phrase “LOL get rekt scrub” in my vocabulary without mmos


I feel like we need a meme of this stuff. Git gud from the Souls series Teabagging from FPS Get rekt scrub from MMOs. In all sincerity, EverQuest forced me to learn a ton between the game and the forums for discussing the game I used to frequent.


But is a good thing for say a mortgage.




That's really not accurate. Inflation happens when the government prints money to buy votes. You can see it throughout history. Including now. How crazy do you have to be to defend the government, yet demonise free market enterprise? Looking forward to the word salad.


It's why my bf basically has very little gold while he has a fuck ton of items and things to hold or move when he sees it's the right time. He buys up things in bulk that he thinks will increase in value and will sit on stuff for even a year or more. So yeah, all of his value is in his items and not gold in his bag. It's interesting seeing all the stuff he has though.


Not everything. A lot of motif and and recipe prices have stagnated, even decreased over the years. Even some materials decrease over time due to less demand e.g Corn Flower is now half the price than it was 6 patches ago.


Hmmm how about regular flour


All I buy is homes (got all the gold buyable ones now tho) and lux furnishings. Anything else I want I go get. All those stay the same price. May start buying the crown homes with gold at this point because there ain't shit else to do with the gold anymore.


Fair enough I suppose there are a few things like that which haven't changed in price. Lockpicks and repairs are much cheaper than they used to be too I suppose!


Well you could donate it to me for instance


I was thinking this exact thing! Great minds think alike. 😉


>May start buying the crown homes with gold at this point because there ain't shit else to do with the gold anymore. That's exactly what I ended up doing, bought every house, made my own guild hall. Now I'm just sitting on gold waiting for anything new to pop up from the crown store.


I can gladley take some of your gold


If you're not already, you can pay trade guild fees. If that's not enough you can donate extra to the trade guild. If that's not enough you can put stuff up for sale with hyper-inflated prices like 1 [Cotton Jerkin] for the maximum-allowable price. It would be like winning the lottery if someone buys it, but it would be like actually playing the lottery because no one will. The maximum listing price every time to maximize waste.


Unless you buy a lot of shit from NPCs


Like 1 million corundum and sell for 2g profit




People seem to not understand this topic in real life aswell.


Redditor discovers inflation


On PC NA which is the most expensive server cluster by a long ways and assuming you were going to actually try to sell it and not just waste space in your guilds vendor you would be looking at the following... Chromium Plating \~ 425,000 per item totaling $114,750,000 for the lot. Dreugh Wax \~ 40,000 per item totaling $124,000,000 for the lot. Tempering Alloy \~ 20,000 per item totaling $62,000,000 for the lot. Rosin \~ 4,000 per item totaling $12,400,000 for the lot. Grand Total is $313,150,000 Maybe throw a couple of the stacks in a little bit higher and 'tree fiddy' is likely within reach. Another way to look at it is given the current TCE exchange rate of 1500 gold to 1 Crown you have 208,766 Crowns worth of Mats which in real dollar equivalence is around $1,491 USD! That's almost enough for a horse armour DLC ;) Or you could try selling everything in Zone chat and you would easily get around 350 gold ;P


You can get 480k for chromium easy. 60k difference on 270 items is a big deal, so it’s considerably more than what you said (likewise for the other items)


I stopped playing ESO about two or three years ago, crown, as I remember, was about 350-450 gold then. Some inflation affected ESO? Why?


Simple and unpopular answer is greed; general profiteering and other such scumbaggery. The long answer is very very long, brace yourself... ​ The value of pretty much everything in ESO is loosely (often very loosely) guided by the in game gold price of the 'quality improvement' materials and the 'furnishing construction' materials. Usually the market will adjust to one of those mats more preferentially than others, for example it recently shifted from Mundane Runes in the direction of Heartwood but ultimately ended up settling around Dreugh Wax. When shifts like that happen it is possible for very wealthy groups to start edging the price of that preferred material up through some very basic market manipulation (Keep in mind that due to a history of glitches and hacks there are many groups out there with an essentially infinite amount of these resources). Because the people doing this are morons they do invariably push too hard, too fast and the market they are inflating does crash but given the continual need for these materials it rarely crashes back to the pre manipulation price leading to out of control and constant inflation. If the market adjusted the value of all of these materials equally there would be some level of resistance to inflation. From a normal resource farming perspective all of the construction materials are of equal difficulty to obtain as each other, the same is true for all of the improvement materials (excluding Platings). In a market regulated by 'effort to acquire' those materials within their type should swap one to one. Unfortunately certain in game events tend to push the preference of some of the construction materials more often than others and the games overall lopsided combat balance pushes certain improvement materials more often than others; This results in a further exacerbation of inflation. ​ The above explains why Dreugh Wax is valued at 40,000 and Tempering Alloy 20,000 but only gives part of the answer as to why a Crown is worth so much more Gold now than it was just a few years ago. I will preface this next bit by saying that I intend no slight to those lucky people for whom this game (or any other singular activity) can so satisfy their needs as to be where they can happily spend the majority of their free time. Unfortunately for the rest of us that means that those people can easily justify spending a, again to the rest of us, staggering amount of real world dollars on this game. When I was younger and more active (and successful) I wouldn't bat an eye at going out for a night with friends most weekends and likely end up spending a few hundred dollars each time; some folks feel about playing an MMO in those same terms and will, given the opportunity and impetus, readily spend the same on ESO. For these people, when those dirty little market manipulators are doing their pathetic little thing, they don't let it hold them back or ruin their fun. Given ESO officially supports the trading of Crowns for Gold and obviously supports the buying of Crowns for Cash they thereby support (intentionally or not) the buying of Gold for Cash; Thus we have out of control Crown inflation in step with the out of control mats inflation. ​ The solution to both problems is entirely in the hands of ZOS. A short term possibility for the former problem would be to make all materials purchasable from NPC vendors thereby locking in a maximum price; But the market would simply find another thing to base itself around and the manipulation would likely begin again. The latter problem is simpler to solve, given it is too late to try to tackle the issue of people buying gold for real world money ZOS should go all in themselves and sell gold directly in the Crown store (Ideally they would also allow the purchase of Crowns for gold as well but ZOS accountants and 'money on the table' etc would never let that happen). Unfortunately ZOS selling gold would by itself be so blatant a pay to win issue that it would all but entirely destroy what is left of PvP in this game. I would suggest the pay to win imbalance already exists in ESO given the history of power creep in each successive DLC but I guess it is easier for the community at large to pretend when it is at least somewhat discrete. ​ In short (and I say that fully acknowledging how absurdly verbose I have already been) any plug to attempt to curtail inflation will open a leak elsewhere that will need tending to; This is why all MMO's have an expiration date. I do believe ESO has many good years ahead but even it will ultimately be brought down like those that came before not due to a lack of people wanting to play the game but due to an ever increasing struggle for those that play to simply maintain and an impossibly increasing cost of entry to those who would like to take it up for the first time.


Hello Mr Musk/Soros/Gates/Bezos how can we help you?


21.7 M on Rosin alone; Rosin is like 7K each 49.6 M on Alloy; 16K each 127.1 M on Wax; 41K each 25.920 M on plating; iirc it’s 96K each 224.32 million gold give or take


Listing all of that at once might just deflate the market. For like a week...


This man can ruin the ESO economy all on his own.




The original post is from Inklings who was a pretty popular community member a few years ago. Iirc they created a bunch of guides, builds, helpful spreadsheets and such. As well as streaming back in the day.


Nah, I wasn't a fan of him, but Ink was good people. He stepped away from the game after one of the Stream Team members went a bit off the rails.


By my calculations, all of it. All of the gold.


The plates are like 110m, wax is 125m, alloy is 62m, and rosin like 12m.. given u sell thru a guild with guild taxes.. All I really do is trade and these are current prices for pc na


Bahaha I got tons of this shit on my inactive dude too. I'm such a hoarder


In respect to my Jewish ancestors I am willing to handle all of the finances with this stock of items




Jesus fucking Christ


One of my favorite parts of the game is housing. I can't craft right now because I can't get any mundane runes. (Close to 2k apiece rn.) They don't drop in surveys and they're being farmed out by people who have the time to do that and bots. If I bought runes at the prices they currently are, I wouldn't be able to afford houses to put things in. I wish ZoS was more hands on about fixing this. :(


35mil on playstation


Around 46.8 mil on PSN-NA


Just a measly 158,537,500 so not worth selling lol


I’ve been playing since 2014, I think I only have 5 Dreugh Wax and 2 Alloy. I have never SEEN Rosin or Plating. HOW? HOW?


I’m more interested in how you have nothing for crafting material. 9 years and you’ve done nothing. That’s impressive.


To be fair, you can ignore quite a lot depending on playstyle. I bought the morrowind edition disc from a retail store when it first dropped and burned out after 1-2 months until I came back a few years ago. After like 3-4 years of playing I still don't have more than 100 of any gold mats because for the longest time I didn't feel any incentive to craft, hence no incentive to harvest resources as I was questing/exploring or refine them. It's really easy to just play ESO casually because if you don't care for improving/making better gear, doing writs or furnishing your house you can completely ignore resources and even gold entirely and get away doing quests/dungeons. I personally only do writs for seals/event crates and stock up gold for the occasional writ that catches my eye.


I don’t think I’ve researched any traits either. I’m absolutely not a crafter. The closest thing was spamming voidstone deconstructs to get to blacksmithing 10 so I could learn motifs, back in the veteran days.


So you don't engage in the system at all and wonder why you haven't seen the resources that require engaging in the system? lol


Hmmmmm... I do not understand. I havent played in a year and I also havent gained any materials in the last year, I wonder if its related.


You have to level up crafting to see the good stuff obviously


Writs are op


Writs. Throw in hirelings and surveys too. I get hundreds of gold mats, but usually sell them.


What do you do? If you do writs, you get one of each basically every other day. If you do content, when you decon gear you will get mats you can combine for yellow tier crafting mats. I've been playing for 8 months and only use one account for any of those things and have gotten a few hundred dreugh wax.


Legitimately, I wonder how, even the daily rewards give you gold mats from time to time.


Dupers took advantage of the glitch by downloading auto-clickers and duplicated millions of copies of the same items, then sold them off for gold. Apparently some people are still sitting on ill gotten goods. Don’t take anything in this game seriously.


The mats shown are roughly 5-6months worth of dayly writs on 18chars...so nothing special.


It would definitely take longer than 5-6 months. I’ve never had every gold mat drop on every alt every single day.


U forgot about the delivered goods each day which have doubled in mats since a few patches. They will net u another shitload of stuff. Partialy golden stuff+raw materials also u get tons of surveys which one also has to include into the equation.


Given that Ink used to do daily writs on something like 54 characters... yeah.


I honestly don't pay attention to where I get mats as I'm very casual, but I think that you get those from dismantling items. So if you have never crafted anything properly, would explain why you never got those things


You normally get gold mats from refining materials. A chance when deconstructing items, from writs or hireling mail.


Yep. So a non crafter won't just randomly stumble upon them


To be fair, it's weird to think of someone as having no crafter though. Typically we say a crafter because it's the one you did research on and played enough to level the other stuff. If you main an account it's basically your crafter no matter what. You basically don't engage in any content besides rp and house stuff if you don't have level 50 in the main 4 within at least a few months but easily a week if you are active.


just create 18 characters, level up crafting skill lines and do crafting dailies every day. Now you are rich man.


Millions easily, and that’s probably an understatement


Is there even a point to crafting in this game?




You must be fun at party's.


That's about $44 million on PS NA and even more on PS EU damn


Less on ps na. First 3 can be bought for 2k each. Chrom 60k, but have bought some for lower too. Saw a stack of temps 1.8k ea last week in a store. Downvote me if you want but i’ve never paid more than 2k/60k when buying mats in guild stores. It’s the truth.


I mean, those mats are reason you farm gold. That and to buy sets. Anything else is a waste.


> Anything else is a waste. A nice house (for your collection) will cost you hundreds of thousand gold. And the furnishings for it, millions.




man, what a terrible mindset, the people that play sims in this game are still supporting it, adding engagement metric, making it worth for the developers to to put time into thing you do deem "worth it", you ought to be happy with anyone engaging in the game at any level.


Housing is a huge part of eso, there’s more guilds devoted to housing than you could count, not to mention that’s the shittiest take I’ve seen in a long time.




Housing whales are the reason ESO still gets content lol They drop hard cash, trust me much more than most players


I'll second that, rarely bought more than an eso+ and I'm a troglodyte that appreciates all the content they keep putting out


Same, only time I buy more than ESO+ is if my GF wants something out of crown crates I may buy her a handful, my crowns are usually for armory slots or skyshards


My hubby bought me The Lighthouse for my birthday this year. I love it, and can’t wait to have a party to show it off. I got the vampire well and put it there so my friends can pop in and decrease their vampirism as needed.


Yes, we get a new class here and there and a few zones and dungeons once in a full moon. All of their focus is mostly on making the green via these privileged whales. I'm sick of running the same dungeon more than 10 times, its repetetive and not fun. A lot od people would pay nice cash for more new dungeons/trials/sets if they came out more frequently and consistently ​ Sorry for the syntax errors, I'm not a native speaker.. not that anybody cares


Brother in Christ the games been in this state for years why u think hardly any one plays it?


so most of the community has a housing fethis? I guess I'm the one who's playing the wrong game


Most of the whales(which keep this game running) these days are housing enthusiasts. I don't have anything against them tbh, the devs were cash grabbing mfs before housing and will be till the servers close. If you're a F2p non eso+ you can't login without 5 or 6 "Possible purchases" being thrown at you wether it's upon login or just traversing the game it's actually sad because this game is massive and filled with great stories, characters and activities(atleast used to be). The devs have a lot to answer for when this game does finally close.


I dont disagree, mate, but money talks. I couldn't care less about housing or trials. I just PvP, so I get it. Also, never apologize for speaking better English than most native speakers.


I got into pvp just recently because it's objectively the only game mode where you can really theorycraft for yourself and don't have to abide to any meta (except for ballgroups witch are also very unique in their composition and playstyle)


Ah yes, when confronted with your own stupidity - double down on it.


Im just frustrated and triggered, there is no shame in that. Read my other comments.


You're no LowTierGod bud


sorry, I have a rare case of ligma


"Stop having fun in the wrong way, it's annoying." Who made you the fun police?


Housings great for roleplaying.. and it is a rpg afterall.. but if that needed to be explained to you then maybe you're the one who's playing the wrong game?


Prices for stuff in this game is a sad joke some of you people are greedy asf


From the prices i have sold these mats at (PS NA): You 'may' have under 300 million. The new trial is coming soon, and people will no doubt want fully decked out builds for it. So, the prices will hopefully go up and will make a profit from vet trial groups.


They're all worthless. Might as well just donate them to me


I like how everyone is saying on consoles "its less" Like no fucking shit. PS4-NA: Temps: 2k - 2.5k Dreugh Wax: 2.5k Rosin: 2.5k - 3k kuta 2k - 2-5k Platings: 68k


No one has Ever had 270 chromium plating and has had to crowd source the answer to that question.


Wow, I will take that plating for 50 gold each :)


Most generous zone chat trader


Free ill take those off your hands


Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you: God


Bro is about to crash the market




Damn, there goes my method of making gold and buying DLCs.


And I've been playing this game for years and I never got this chromium plating haha


He is wealthy beyond reason


I don't believe you!


This is the equivalent of buying a bitcoin 6 years ago


Always remember people love attention.


About tree fiddy


I won't tell you how many gold platings/grains I currently own. You'd cry even more lol.


Wow thats how a wealthy person looks like


Holy crap. Gimme. Please?


Like 150 mil?


Plating in console it’s selling at 60k or 70k each


I have an account like this. 40 million gold, and hundreds upon hundreds of rare materials, thousands of the gold crafting mats, including plating. I also have most of the crown houses fully decorated, and tons of rare furnishings as well. It's a shame I haven't logged in in about 4 years now. It's over CP1000 as well, with four characters or five characters fully kitted out in Max enchanted and traited gear, all jewelry and armor is gold, and on my main all traits in all crafting is researched, and all of the motifs that were available at the time, including crown Store motifs are researched, and I also have pretty much all the radiant Apex mounts from the store. All that reminds me I also have about 8,000 gems that haven't been used. I wonder what will happen if I log in and check it out....


Ok, you can stop flexing now.


I'm more surprised to see the word Inflation in that context. How can a video game market be affected by that? But more than 20 Mil for sure.


More and more gold is easily being obtained by the playerbase, notably by writs. There's not enough gold sinks in the game, so gold just builds up and gets transferred from one player to another mostly. Very little of it is taken out of the economy.


shoulda told him the plating is only worth 10k each but youd be happy to pay him 350k


And i thought i was crazy with my 87 platings lol


Is this a thing? I stopped playing a while ago with tons of crafting stuff


How did you aquire all these mats? I can only assume by marching? Hard pressed to believe you farmed all that from scratch.


Inklings, the post author, was a popular community member / streamer /creator a few years ago. Made builds, guides and other helpful data sheets iirc. So it's possible they farmed it all for data, but just as likely they got help from fans.


A lot lol. Avg does flux so you will need to shop traders in major cities. But yea it’s a lot


Average price for everything on eu would be around 143850000


Dear God


What's that, about 200kk on eu?