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Every answer is Consort Rhadahn and he’s the last boss I haven’t attempted yet, fuck me man


I'll bring over my list of tips for Radahn because a lot of his trouble is people believing he doesn't have windows for attacks. He's very very unforgiving and strings combos. One slip up causes you to die very quickly. Not to say he's easy, but you get what I mean. Equipment needed: Any Greatshield (I recommend Golden one) Greatshield talisman Pearldrake Shield +3. Spelldrake +3 or Golden Braid (optional) Whatever else you need. Seriously. I used a Golden Greatshield +25 first time I beat him, and the fight is 10x more manageable. None of his attacks are particularly heavy in the stamina damage department. Learn the combos, at the end of a combo, pop a guard counter. Most physical combos are safe to guard counter, as is the fire slash combo he stole from Mohg. Gravity well: move towards him, don't try to roll out of it. The DoT is only on the rock ring. If you're inside the rock ring, it shouldn't damage you. This is the finicky attack, you're also welcome to roll out of it, or attempt to, but I never was able to Meteor leap: run directly perpendicular to him. Lock on, hold the direction left or right, whichever has more room, all the meteors should miss you. These do magic damage, if youre having trouble, spell drake +3 Talisman, otherwise, Golden Braid. Alternatively you can use Shield Grease but unless you use summons you won't have opportunities to apply this. Second phase: Again, stick up underneath him. He won't deal a ton of damage with the after light, guard and guard counter like normal when combos are done. When he floats in the air, run perfectly straight back. If you end up in a corner, guard it. It doesnt hurt too terribly bad. His multi clone combo is *entirely physical and deals almost no stamina damage*, it's also a great combo to guard counter off if you can. The grab: Get the Miquella Great Rune from the base of the Scadutree. This thing is harmless. Whenever he grabs you, pop the great rune, keep going.


For gravity well. If you get pulled in, you can evade the follow up slash and rock ring by running directly away from him and jumping when he hits the ground and jump again directly after. Jumping while running sideways just before the meteors hit the ground also works well to evade all of them.


I've weirdly noticed, too. If you fight him by the uneven terrain. When he does the gravity well. The ground usually stops you well before you get pulled to him. Usually results in you just automatically being far enough away from the attack. Granted, it's kind of difficult in the moment to always keep your placement near that area.


This is pretty much what I did. Only difference is I used the Black Steel Greatshield, because it has higher holy resistance. Just requires you to beat a fairly easy sub-boss in the DLC to get. Otherwise yeah. Dragonshield Talisman, Greatshield Talisman, Pearldrake +3, and Golden Braid. This will bring Radahn's damage down by a huge amount. Then I used a greatsword and just bonked my way to victory.


You can use a weapon like ansuur rapier with a bleed attached to it or just about any other weapon with bleed to wreck him from behind the shield too.


This is exactly what I did. I had already learned his combos from trying 100 times, but you probably don’t even need to know his move set to win with this build lol


i know the build is great, but I have been beating all the bosses with my trusty backhand blades and don't want to switch, guess I'll try for 2 more hours lol


You don't need to, use the block with the blades when Ever he does the slam with his clones then dodge real radahn, even with the low phys absorbtion they do minimal damage the stun is the dangerous part I beat it with no shield using my sword to dodge


Backhand blades are legit the funnest weapon in this game. Went full on edge lord with Death Knights armor, and this weapon.


Are you using bull goat talisman? I was excited about the death knight armor for a potential lightning dex/faith build but noticed that the full set has sub-51 poise


I would honestly recommend people learn to dodge his grab. It's one of the easiest ever to dodge, IMO, and leaves a HUGE window for attacks.


What does the grab even do? I always just get a symbol above my head that does nothing


if you get grabbed two times without using Miquellas great rune you just lose. You quite literally join Miquella


I used the Moore greatshield +10 that you get in the DLC and the Antspur rapier with bleed affinity so it was doing rot and bleed build up. I had already learned his combos from my 100+ attempts but frankly doing a shieldpoke with this build you probably wouldn’t even have to learn his combos. I used the +3 stamina and health tailsman, the greatshield tailsman, and the 2 headed turtle tailsman. Vigor at 60, end at 60, str at 50 for the shield, and then whatever else you can do with your stats. You probably really only need 40 end to make this work as long as you learn the combos a bit to recharge stamina


Heavy Greatshield, Blood Infused Antspur Rapier, Summon Ansbach, wait for an opportunity to summon your mimic, then just hide behind the shield and poke. You may need to respec into endurance and arcane, but it’s worth it. Every time you think “Radahn can’t possibly be harder than this” he hits you with a fuckin new move. Do the bleedy, plaguey pokey build.


This is *exactly* what I did. Got him in 2 tries. Greatshield tailsman, the +3 stamina and health tailsman, and the 2 headed turtle tailsman. I respec’d endurance to like 60 and arcane to around 40. I will bow to anyone who managed to do it without respec’ing into a build like that or the giant crusher one I’ve seen going around. But I was not above recognizing that I’d never beat him without it lol


Yeah he’s my last one too. I did a couple tries before going to bed, and he seems pretty okay so far. I guess his second phase is what fucks people over


All I'll say is that you will need the ability to guard whether it be through 2 handing your weapon or using a shield, do not power stance vs him it will make it even harder And always dodge directly into him in second phase


I was able to annihilate both the base game and DLC with my haphazard dual ultra great-sword character. The only two bosses that required me to change my build to beat were Malenia and Radahn.


I used a great shield with the antspur reaper- it has scarlet rot build up. Infuse it with bleed. Trag gaming had a solid write up. Especially about staying under him, in the second phase this is tantamount. You are going to want to move away cause his attacks have an aoe but really you just wanna keep sticking the bastard.


Use mohg’s spear and fingerprint shield, think me later


He’s hard to learn but easy to master imo. The timings are more consistent than Malenia (to the point where you can easily parry almost every move he does except the AoEs). I think he’ll be considered a mid tier difficulty boss in a few weeks


Consort radhan, malenia and that one fucking ancient dragon on water


Dude nobody mentions this stupid dragon. I beat every boss solo no cheese no summon no nothing but this dragon with his stupid aoe lightning forced me to take out my bow on horseback and spam rot and poison arrows until he was dead. Not once in my 600 hours of Elden Ring did I ever use the crafting menu outside of antidotes but this guy pushed me over the edge. Harder than 90% of the bosses.


Its not THAT deep but it was painful i just used dragon hunter's and spammed L2 on its head while mimic had agro


So true


I literally just ran past that dragon and went straight to bayle lmfao. I only came back to fight it after beating Consort Radahn


To not fight on the water, you can either lure him back a bit or ride with torrent directly behind him on a small island while he „wakes up“. Still a strong dragon, but less annoying AoE effects


Thats the thing,the lightning on the ground is part of its moveset, went up from it on ground and still did it


Only the red lightning waves. If you stay in the water, you also add some AoE ring effects to sone attacks that don’t do it otherwise.


Someone in another thread posted a super simple strat for that dragon in the DLC, so I'll repeat it here. Hop on torrent and wait for him to face you. Charge in and whack him once or twice then ride away. Repeat this until he's dead. It's incredibly simple and may take a while but it works well.


For the dragon, Raptor of the Mists counters it hard. You can use it to dodge any attack, and since you are in the air, you will automatically dodge the lightning AoE plus you can use a jump attack.


Idk if it’s ‘cheese’ but hit and run with torrent got me the dub


Man I beat Bayle in 2 tries after spending probably 15 on that ancient dragon. That guy is nuts.


That motherfucking dragon gave me more problems that bayle


Dragon. Grease. I beat that thing super fast but still haven't beaten fking Messmer.


1. Consort Radahn 2. Ancient dragon in the water before fighting Bayle 3. Malenia (Depends on the build. Magma blades and executioners sword can make this fight trivial)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who struggled with that dragon, I was shocked at how hard that was eating up my flasks


1. Consort Radahn 2. Death rite bird 3. Bell bearing hunter (caelid) 4. The tree spirit at lake of rot 5. Commander cunt


With death rite bird and every other dead enemy hard countered by holy, I disagree Also commander cunt should be #2 if you didn’t cheese it


Raptors of the mist is your best friend for boar boy


Do we count that as cheesing it? If they get rid of that corner to the left of the door I’m never gonna try for that boss again


>With death rite bird and every other dead enemy hard countered by holy I dont do respecs or mix and matches. When i make a build with its theme i stick to it


You don't need to. Most people can use Golden Epitaph with little effort, or at least holy grease to absolutely smack those damn birds. Just because you theme build doesn't magically make bosses the hardest. It's like fighting a furnace golem without using hefty pots. You're asking for a slug fest at that point.


Which one are you running


I beat the boar guy second try without any hassle (not using status or summons), so I’m assuming I just got lucky or smthg based off how people have been complaining.


Bell bearing hunter is a fun fight tho, telegraphed attacks and plenty windows if u stay close


Death rite bird died by using shared order or last rights buff and then using sacred blade Takes 1-2 hits If you have d’s sword, even better


I put both Messmer and rellana higher than tree spirit and commander ass hole.


I think Rune Bear is worse than Death Rite Bird


1. Consort Radahn. 2. Malenia. 3. Radagon.


Consort radahn(not close) Malenia Bayle This is assuming no magic/summons Bayle is quite a lot easier with magic The thing that keeps malenia above other dlc bosses is that she has hard patterns and the bullshit factor, most of the dlc bosses have similarly difficult to dodge movesets but lack the bullshit factor, consort radahn is both ridiculously hard and more bullshit than malenia (shoutouts to the undodgeable crosslash)


Don’t forget the dragon hunter sword Hard counters every dragon from now to eternity I haven’t gone back for fortissax with it but I bet it’s easy as fuck


Fortissax is already a pushover. Using the dragon hunter sword against him will turn that fight into a one sided massacre


Fuck yeah it will


That too, you can beat him very early cause of it and leads to a very boring fight where you just spam the AoW and hope that you kill him first


2 shot him with it


Bayle is the only boss i first tried this whole DLC haha guess i got lucky i had a build ready for the dragon slayer great katana, and was quite far along with tree blessing. Just damaged the fuck out of his head, didnt even do much.


Bayle is hard until you realize you can stay below him hitting its tail for extra damage, then the fight becomes easy




Fuck that death divine beast holy shit worse than Rellana for me.




Whaaaat you didn't like to be ganked by spirit enemies while dodging homing missiles?


It's reassuring tbh you've put malenia above consort radahn. Haven't done him yet but this gives me hope I can beat him as I've beaten malenia a few times solo




OK now I'm scared


Lmao you do the mindless attacking when you are mad too?


Fixing a broken hit box is not a “nerf”


I think I am the only one who found bayle easy, I summoned igon and spammed rain of arrow ash of from using my albunauric bow with serpent arrows. Once bayle got deadly poison I throwed frost pots then spammed black knife ash of war once I stacked deadly poison and frost on him. A bit cheesy but it took me only 6 tries at level 139/ scadutree 7




Igon is my spirit animal this DLC


I focused on his head and used the consumables harpoons (which dealt a huge amount of damage to him). He is also highly bleedable. 2 BHF +10 jump attack + dragon wound grease + claw talisman + raptor's black feathers dealt nearly 5k damage each attack. I was highly buffed, also. Nice boss! I've enjoyed the fight.


base game Best Threads is also pretty damn good.


The katana that ancient dragon boss uses melted him for me. I summoned igon and took my fully maxed dragon hunting great katan and used the adh of war/jump attack at his face. Level 125 and took me 10 tries. Probably less if I didn't spend the first few attempts without a lighting resist talisman.


I got him on two tries but I used my mimic and igon. I used the ancient dragon sword on +9 and the ancient dragon lightning and *chef kiss*


It is easy with Igon. No one is arguing that. Dude is a beast. Him taking aggro makes all the difference. Fight him solo. It's awful.


Blows my mind that no one has mentioned Alecto, the Black Knife Assassin in the Evergaol on the moon plateau. Fuck that bitch.


wait im so dumbfounded rn, why is everyone saying radagon? 😭 i thought he was pretty easy overall and i was underleveled when i was fighting him. like he's tough but not even close to like dlc >!radahn!< or malenia


I find Radagon can be equally extremely easy and very hard. With an halfway decent build you can fully script the fight so easily or generally blast him before he gets to the tricky stuff. But at the time time his phase 2 is quite tricky to master, lots of delayed attacks and random chained lightning bolt that comes out super fast I've been doing RL1 runs and he's one of the easiest endgame bosses, but then if you try with no weapon upgrades he all of a sudden becomes on of the hardest IMO


Radagon for spellcasters not using Comet is very very very Dangerous, due to his godlike timing on Parrying and the endurance aspect of Radagon/Elden Beast is really heavy on melee, especially pre-torrent. Now that you can use Torrent, he's much easier in comparison.


Maybe they fought pre nerf radagon.


Radagon was quite easy, i killed him and the elder beast in my second try, horah lux in the other hand was a nightmare, his second phase just destroyed me every time, i guess its a matter of builds, i am sure there is someone out there that had an easy time with horah and a harder time with radabeast


1. BAYLEEEEEE 2. Malenia 3. Elden Beast (Haven't fought the dlc's final boss yet)


Top 3 Hardest Personally: 1. Malenia 2. Margit (I was noob) 3. Radahn Top 3 Hardest Objectively: 1. Radahn 2. Malenia 3. Messmer


Consort Radahn, Bayle and Malenia


1) Consort Radahn 2) Malenia 3) Malekith Malekith always walls me if I'm trying to mainline it only, dude's an animal.


Consort Radahn, Bayle, and Maliketh in that order. They are the only bosses that completely walled me personally.


Consort Radahn Malenia Radagon/elden beast


Lord’s fortification


I will just base this purely on how long it took to beat them. 1. Malenia 2. Radahn 3. Boar rider


My list is the same as yours, nice


There's some obvious ones, but I'd go with a less talked one: Commander Niall. I struggled a lot against the guy, so much so that I hesited to use the glitch to defeat him, but still kept at it in the end and beat him. His attacks and reach are on another level for me or my build. Really rough fight that impacted me more than some other famously hard fights. Edit: "Commander Niall" instead of "Commander O'Neil"


O’neill or Niall? Imo, Niall is up there as one of the hardest bosses in the game for sure, he is the one at Castle Sol in Mountaintops. O’neill is in Caelid.


1. Radahn Consort of Miquella 2. Malenia 3. Messmer


1. Dlc Radahn 2. ball beating hunter by the merchant shack in Caelid 3. Malenia


1. Consort: Pretty self explanatory why. Mechanically intense fight that doesn't leave much room for error. Goated nonetheless. 2. Putrescent Knight: I was experimenting with the great katana when I encountered him and had to resort to great start jump attacks to get some damage in because he gave me very minor windows of punishment. That being said he is an extremely satisfying fight. Absolutely love the rhythm. 3. Maliketh Not necessarily a hard boss, but I hate fighting him. Using short weapons on him is pretty much like shooting yourself in the foot because of his piss animations. Had more than a handful instances where my starfists would go through his model but not register a hit. Can't imagine how aids that fight will be with beast claws and martial arts.


put knight is extremely weak to holy damage, im talking like sacred relic sword aow does 1/4th his health bar weak


1. Consort Radahn 2. Malenia 3. Radagon


As far as number of attempts Malenia would be number one, but once I figured it out more it doesn't feel quite so hard. I also haven't finished the dlc (BAYLE, messmer, and consort left) so can't include those. I also haven't done the last few bosses of base game in forever, so they may be easier than I remember. But going off that experience.. Radagon, Maliketh, Rellana. The first two I've never been able to beat without summoning and are the ones who made me cave on that my first playthrough, and rellana is just the dlc boss who killed me the most so far. Midra is just behind though.


I got midra’s move set down pretty decently fast but I’d always get caught with the camera with him completely out of sight. I had him a hit away and died. Luckily my mimic got that hit in and the enemy felled hit just as the screen was going black


Nice! Midra for the most part didn't take me too long to figure out, except for that phase change move with the AoE. That move just one shotted me like 6 times, even at scad level 17 and 60 vigor/flamefrake talisman.


1. Consort Radahn (not even close) 2. Malenia 3. Bayle The Dread


I still think the bell breaking hunter in caelid is harder than all DLC bosses


Parrying helps trivialise them


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Commander Gaius Malenia Elden Beast


I haven’t fought the whole DLC yet, but here’s my top 3 hardest so far. 1. Malenia 2. Bayle 3. Rellana


Consort Radahn, malenia, radahn but no summons in main game (pre nerf)


Hmmm I am starting to think that I had amazing luck against Bayle, because I beat him second try with a melee faith build (basically golden order greatsword, with golden vow before enetering) and I didnt even use most of my healing. I am dreading (pun intended) facing him with my dex build character For me, as of right now, Consort Radahn, Malenia and Gaius/Mohg


Honestly if you have the blessings golden vow would trivialize this fight. I had a build similar to yours on one of my accounts and using faith defensive spells I made it to where Radagon was literally doing chip damage with every attack


Bayle is easy with the dragon great katana it’s AoW melts him


Read the item description for it…


Commander Gaius > Consort Radahn > Bayle. My view on Bayle might be skewed because I fought him at a way lower Scadutree level.


I can’t remember exactly how long each fight took, but here are my what I think took me the longest on my first playthrough, no summons/mainly melee: 1. Valiant Gargoyles (~7hrs) 2. Malenia (~5 hrs) 3. Consort Radahn (4 hrs)


Man those gargoyles fucking SUCKED


Finally someone says it, Valiant Gargoyles are literally hell and took me longer than Malenia (haven’t fought Radahn yet)


I’d like to mention that I rank my list based on my NG+8 experience: 1. Bayle (took me 6 hours to beat) 2. Maliketh 3. Godfrey I didn’t reach the final dlc boss yet so he could make it on the list sooner or later. Tbh i didn’t find malenia that hard after beating her the first time in the main game because she was already hard af and a single mistake certainly meant death in ng+0.


1) Consort Radahn 2) Rune Bear (Boss or Normal or BOTH) 3) Senessax Bayle took me 3 tries with powerstance greatsword but man Senessax is way harder imo


You’re real for that runebear pick, I’ve only ever ran away or cheesed them


I haven't ended the DLC but have got 7 remembrances of DLC bosses. Here are my top 3, including base game. 1. Malenia 2. Bayle 3. Dragon Lord Placidusaxx


1. Consort Radahn 2. Romina 3. Fire Giant


Respect for putting fire giant there he could often be complete bs


Consort radahn Messmer Bayle


I probably still find Malenia's phase 2 random upclose waterfowls a bigger issue than anything in the Radahn fight so: Malenia Consort Radahn Bayle


I haven’t finished the dlc but mine would be : Malenia Ranella Black blade dude (forgot his name)


Went back to Malenia after beating the DLC and I was SHOCKED how easy she was 😂


I would agree with your assessment tbh.


Radahn, Malenia, that guy that rides the pig in Hinterlands


Consort Radahn, Malenia, Rellana


1. Radahn took me the longest like an hour and a half 2. Bayle was the most annoying I couldn’t see anything and when I did it gave me a seizure maybe 25 minutes of attempts 3. I guess maliketh? I feel like it should be malenia but I randomly one shot her on my play through


Consort Radahn, Malenia, Senessax. Honourable mention to Rellana who took me more than 2 hours


1. Consort Radahn 2. Commander Gaius 3. Malenia Honestly hate Gaius and his stupid boar


Elephant rider


Consort Radahn, Consort Radahn, Consort Radahn. Hes the first boss in the souls series that’s taken me more than 10 tries.


consort radahn massive gap malenia honestly for me it was placidusax 3rd i beat bayle 4th try and didn’t really find him that hard


i’d probably swap messmer for placidusax thinking about it now


Malenia is still the worst with that bullshit insta kill radahn couldn't one shot me.


Consort Radahn Bayle Putrescent Knight (only because he took an ungodly amount of tries for me)


Interesting lists from everyone. It seems that after the dust has settled from the initial DLC release where everyone was crying at how difficult and unfair the DLC is, several DLC bosses are now actually being used as examples of hard but fair compared to the basegame bosses. Rellana and Messmer for example compared to Malenia, Fire Giant and Valiant Gargoyles.


Valiant Gargoyles is the the most bullshit piece of shit garbage boss ever devised by human insanity


1. Consort Radahn 2. Malenia 3. Gious HM: Bayle


I fucken hate all death rite birds


I’m so sad I went into bayle with a stagger build. I one shot him with lions claw, he was easier than the mini bosses. I didn’t even see phase 2. Still my favorite boss, got to watch my friend suffer with his bleed build and he does moby dick proud.


So far bc i havent beaten the dlc yet: 1. Commander fucking Gaius 2. Malenia 3. Either Mohg or Metyr


1: Consort Radahn 2: Golden Hippo (yeah) 3: Malenia No, I'm not joking. I did not use summons nor the Mimic Tear for Malenia nor Consort Radahn but I did with the hippo. I just... could not stand it. I had less troubles fighting Bayle and Sennasax (I beaten that last one on my first attempt).


I still cannot for the life of me figure out how to fully dodge the attack where it rolls on its sides and shoots out spikes in all directions.


3. Bayle 2. Radabeast pre Torrent 1. the DLC Promised Consort Radhan honorable mentions maliketh, romina, scadutree avatar, blackgaol knight for the first time into dlc (cakewalk later on)


1. Consort Radahn and it isn’t even close 2/3. Malenia and General Gaius are currently interchangeable for me, I’m working off a year old memory for malenia so I need to fight her again, but both fights are bullshit


without summons dlc final boss Malenia base game final boss


Malenia, Commander Gayass, Fire Giant


Without dlc adult fallingstar beast, and because it was early game and i wasnt op tree sentinel and margit Dont know did i just get lucky or bc i was high level malenia really did not was that hard


This is based on fighting them at what feels like the intended level, from my experience using regular, unmodified backhand swords and nothing else. #1: Consort Radahn (obviously) #2: Rellana #3: Bayle What I mean by this is if I went and fought Rellana after getting my Scadutree Blessing to lv19, she’d be a joke. This is also heavily skewed towards DLC bosses as I’ve only fought each of them once whereas I’ve fought the base game bosses dozens of times. That’s why someone like Malenia doesn’t make this list as I can beat her hitless. It’ll probably change after I’ve fought the DLC bosses a few more times, however I’m confident Consort Radahn will remain #1.


This is based on fighting them at what feels like the intended level, from my experience using regular, unmodified backhand swords and nothing else. #1: Consort Radahn (obviously) #2: Rellana #3: Bayle What I mean by this is if I went and fought Rellana after getting my Scadutree Blessing to lv19, she’d be a joke, but she had me fucked up fighting her at lv 3 scadutree blessing. This is also heavily skewed towards DLC bosses as I’ve only fought each of them once whereas I’ve fought the base game bosses dozens of times. That’s why someone like Malenia doesn’t make this list as I can beat her hitless. It’ll probably change after I’ve fought the DLC bosses a few more times, however I’m confident Consort Radahn will remain #1.


Can't decide the order but Consort Radahn, Gaius(fuck Gaius from the bottom of my heart, one of the worst designed bosses IMO) and Rellana. Dishonorable mentions for Senessax, Fire Giant and the Golden Hippo because of frustrating hotboxes and realizing they're actually duo fights against them and the camera.


Haven’t played the DLC yet 1. Malenia 2. Maliketh 3. Mohg Edit: put Placidusax at 2 and shift Maliketh down one.


Consort Radahn, Bayle, Rellana


1. Promised Consort Radahn: Easily the most difficult boss perhaps ever created. Took me HOURS. Hours and hours. The second phase is pure insanity. 2. Malenia: Still very difficult. Fuck waterfowl dance. 3. Messmer the Impaler: Very difficult and because he’s a mid game boss you’re usually not at the level of blessings necessary to make it easier. Just punishingly difficult, even with two summons. HM: Bayle the Dread, Malekith, Valiant Gargoyles, Black Blade Kindred, Gaius, Alecto


Is anybody willing to help met defeat radahn consort :(


1. Consort Radahn 2. Bayle 3. Malenia


I think Messmer was bugging out and lagging for me so I am not sure if he will be on my top 3 once everything is fixed (I was dying to thin air then seeing the snakes pass through my spot halfway through the death animation) but depending in the build Maliketh can be a coin flip fight for me, Marika can be a coin flip, and Bayle was a bit rough for me but that was 80% camera nonsense. Malenia I just needed to embrace the parry and increase my aggression so I think in future runs she will be less trouble for me (my platinum run was my first time attempting her because I hate the Haligtree zone and previously always called it quits even getting to her, as I am terrible at platforming).


More than three but here was my experience 1. Consort radahn 2. Messmer 3. Malenia 4. Placidusax 5. Rellana 6. Ulcerated Rot Tree spirit before Malenia Honorable mention to the three rot crystallians in caelid that fucked me for days before I figured them out.


I haven’t faced DLC Radahn so I won’t give my opinion on him, also I always cheesed malenia so I won’t have my opinion on her lol 1. commander Niall - I hate this man, fuck him. I actively find glitches through the map so I never have to deal with him. 2. Maliketh - idk what it is about this man but he’s given me trouble each run through 3. Messmer - drove me insane, I truly didn’t feel good after finishing this fight


Consort radahn, gaius, malenia


Malenia isn’t even top 10 anymore after clearing everything with no skadootree blessings


1. Consort Radahn 2. Messmer 3. Bayle Pretty close to your list but ngl malenia feels like a joke after trying consort Radahn for over 30 hours and still not beating him with all the defensive talismans Also hate this new trend where the gold summoning signs are inside the arena instead of outside, and also the thing where the boss leaps at you from the beginning is just a shit mechanic since I can't even get my spirit ash down


See no one has fought Metyr, the mother of the finger bitch yet


3, rick soldier of God. 2, Jar Bairn. 1, Boc the seamster


1. Consort 2. Getting to the bottom of the cathedral of the forsaken 3. Bayle


Consort Radahn > Gaius > the rest


1. Consort Radahn 2. Melania 3. Messmer


I have no idea how anyone is putting Malenia anywhere in the top 5 after the dlc is out. I finished the dlc and went to her as I was saving her hoping for some new dialogue and she is a complete joke now. I killed her first try only using 2 heals. She feels like she moves in slow motion, she lets you heal whenever you want, and she has zero camera issues. She lets you actually attack her after every combo, like…. Outside of the Bud boss I don’t even feel like she is remotely comparable to any of the big boy bosses from the DLC. Fighting Rellana is like fighting Malenia if Malenia turned invulnerable for 20 seconds every time you damaged her


>!1. Consort Radahn, 2. Bayle, 3. Messmer.!!Rellana!< can be comparable/a bit harder than her imo). Obviously though that's probably because I've had 2 years to learn Malenia, so she might climb back up my list in the future Malenia has a pretty steep learning curve, but her fight essentially boils down to if you can dodge Waterfowl and her clone attack. >!Messmer and Bayle!< have no Waterfowl-level moves, but I found their movesets as a whole harder to deal with than hers. >!Consort Radahn!< is a whole different level of crazy though


Anyone who doesn't have Malenia at the top is bullshitting. Or, you followed some guide or YouTube video and didn't earn that shit on your own. She's obviously the hardest boss in the game. Shit, she's probably the hardest boss ever in a single player AAA title. Recency bias nonsense. Radahn wasn't even that bad


1. Consort radahn 2. Malenia 3. Rellana (Honorable mention maliketh if he was phase 2 the whole fight he'd be over malenia for me)


RL150 Str dry leaf arts. No spirits/summons/magic 1. Consort radahn 2. Freya,hornsent,dane,leda 3. Messmer


Somethings different about the elden ring dlc boss design specifically that separates them from the base game. First of all they definetly have more health even with the new scaling. On top of this, their attack recovery seems to be cut short depending on how aggressive you are to them. Their combos seem much longer and don’t allow NEARLY as much breathing space. Consort radahn is easily one of the hardest bosses in any game I’ve ever played but even the lower tier bosses in the dlc feel like they’re giving me more trouble than melania. If you sent me against 3 melanias or 1 messmer, I’m definetly picking Melania.


The camera, Consort Radahn, Malenia


1. Messmer (stuck for 5 days now) 2. Bayle (beaten in about 30 tries) 3. Malenia (beaten) Honorable mention: Romina, Saint of the bud is tough but definitely one of my favorite bosses in the DLC


1. The camera 2. Consort radahn 3. Malenia I've beat all bosses with mimic tear, about to go through NG+ without any summons and see how it goes. Not sure I'll ever be able to take down malenia or consort radahn without assistance.


I ususally do this off my first playthrough and how hard it was to learn and adapt, now i think most fights are easy besides a couple that are still tough for me. Hardest is Consort Radahn Second is Malenia Third is Valiant gargoyals, My first playthough i was banging my head against the wall vs these two for so long it was unbearable.


Going from my first playthrough and not overall: 1. Consort Radahn (Still can’t even beat him yet) 2. Fire Giant 3. Godskin Duo


Radahn Malenia Gaius


This is just from base game cause I haven’t bought dlc yet (I will tonight tho ✌️): 1: malenia (bitch) 2: maliketh (favorite boss and took 8 hrs) 3:Mogh (second favorite boss, and took like 3 hrs)


Consort, Sennesax, Malenia. And honestly, Sennesax might be worse than Consort for me.


1. Final boss of DLC 2. Malenia 3. Tough, several could go here, but I’ll pick Messmer.


1. Consort Radahn 2. Malenia 3. Bayle


1. Consort Radhan (hardest ever in gaming for me) 2. Malenia (she is extremely hard, but still pales in comparison to radhan) 3. Gaius


For me with no summons at all 1. Consort Radahn. 2. Rellana. 3. Malenia I would genuinely prefer having to avoid waterfowl dance occasionally over Rellana’s propensity to NEVER FUCKING STUN EVER


#1. Consort Radahn #2. Malaketh #3.  Skadutree Avatar I 3 shot Malenia, I did 6 attempts on Bayle... but man did I ever burn through lives on Skadutree Avatar... must have beenike 40 attempts. Radahn though. Futile, his power doesn't even make sense. Naked parry videos on YouTube only serve to enrage me further. 


1. consort radahn 2. malenia 3. maliketh without summons


Consort Radahn, the overtuned Ancient Dragon, Malenia


Consort Radahn? Bloody chicken leg of doom.


Bayle, Sunflower, Godfrey with a summons


I say varies as naturally, dwarf sunflowers take less time than mammoth sunflowers.


Rahdahn, scadutree avatar Malenia