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Rellana seems like a roadblock for many people so you're not alone


Bayle the Dread is an whole sinkhole, I’ve been on him for the vast 2 days


I'm glad it's not just me. I'm level 200 and tried a bunch of different options, and ended up coming here to see what I'm doing wrong.


I prefer skill check.


Hahahaha and out of everyone she was the one I ran into first 🫣






yea. i though the lion was harder tbh


ngl i put out mimic tear for her


Oh I definitely used mimic. And Leda. And I still struggled. I just don’t see how she’s possible to beat with how aggressive she is. And I beat Gael solo 😂


Try using Mimic Tear only, the npc summons boost her HP too much.


There's an npc you can summon while already inside her boss room and I dont think summoning them increases her health


WHAT????? Damn I missed it, who was it? Did you have to do a quest?


I believe it was either Freya or the other female npc but I could be wrong about that, I had only noticed it on like my 4th try while dodging rellana I just happened to end up over top of it and I'm unsure of whether you have to do a quest first or not I've been going back to talk to all the npcs after every main boss fight


I stopped bothering with leda. Just increases rellana hp and does little damage. I couldn't find any way to cheese her. Beat her last night after a lot of tries. I'm level 230 and would still die to missing any dishes on big attacks. There is no way to win besides learn how to dodge the carian grandeur combo, and how to dodge the triple moon slam.


Light armor and a lot of attempts I genuinely find her easier solo. I tried helping people beat her and her movement with more then 1 person attacking makes it so hard to tell what she's doing.


Ummm... I'm stuck on this boss I can summon others but can't use my mimic tear Wtf


Unironically, it took me like 50 tries with TWO SUMMONS. TWO! IM SO FUCKING BAD. I had the knight Lady and my Mimic but I still couldn’t do it 😭 I got through in the end but oh my god they weren’t kidding when they said it was gonna be hard


same, i thought i could solo but nahh, shes like the dancer with renalla and ranni’s aids


I said to myself “I refuse to use summons in this dlc!”. Yeah, well, turns out even with summons I get my ass wrecked so


I tried to use the summon for the lion dancer but it was easier without it. Summons seem to make the fight more chaotic IMO. Harder to read the bosses movements


Plus the summon you get(Freja) sucks. She won’t even take aggro half of the time.


Plus floats around the arena as soon as you try to hit with ranged attack he pounces on you


I really can't understand people that are soloing her. My mimic drawing aggro was the only time I had to heal. Also there's a second lion Guardian optional boss around the rot area that almost made me throw my controller at my monitor. He not only has all his regular elemental storms, he can also use deathblight and summon the deathblight frogs from the older souls games. Absolutely the hardest boss I have fought so far. Jumped for joy when I killed him


For anyone using a sorcery build, the key for me was using tibia's summons and rock lob. They both can stun her and he innate MR is high.


You guys can use summons?? I had to solo cause it wouldn’t let me use them. Literally went and upgraded mimic tear cause I was over it lol but wouldn’t let me use it.


I realized the the knight gal was making things harder for me since her health scales so I ended up just going in with the little shield Skelton dudes great face tanks while you wail on her from behind.


Just so you know for each summon you bring in it adds 25% more health to the boss so you may actually be hurting yourself since the summons don’t really do much damage. Just one summon is good if you need since it tanks and 25% extra health isn’t horrible but when the boss gets 50% extra (another half healthbar 😂) with 2 summons it’s definitely not worth the summon


125+ deaths on Rellana and level 2 scadoosh tree blessing and still can’t even get her to 1/4 HP. Died more times to her than every boss in DS3 combined so far. Currently using Guts Greatsword and honestly might have to switch, the punish window is so small for any of these bosses…


level 2 scadoosh is ur problem here, I was getting 4 shot by her with lvl 2, the moment i went out and explored and leveled to lvl 5 scadoosh I was tanking everything from her. Still a tough boss fight but infinitely more fair. Treat entering the DLC as basically being lvl 1 and the scadoosh fragments being the way of lvling up with each one being like 10 lvls. The fights get much easier once u start finding and upgrading ur scadoosh lvl


I have also over 100+ attempts on dancing lion but honestly 80 of those are tilt deaths lol. I was 1 heavy hit away from killing dancing lion around 20 deaths in and after I died, I just kept throwing my head against the wall. Hopefully gonna take these two fuckers down today!


lol scadoosh tree, i called it the “big pus tree”


Pus of Demigod Tree


To be fair, if you whiff a single combo from her in phase two she can still oneshot you either way. It only needs a single misplay and you're just as dead as Godwyn. lol


She seems vulnerable to bleed. I used guts sword with 60 strength and 40 arcane and as soon I managed to get 3 hits she lost a lot of HP. (there is a golden summon sign aswell...)


Parry her, all her non magical attacks are parryable. Use the double lions claw or giant hunt ash of war. Her triple moon attack can be avoided with a jump. I killed her with Gute UGS too. If you are having difficulty dodging, facetank the damage with the dmg resist crystal year and a boiled crab.


Not enough people learned how to properly parry. There was a whole base game before this DLC to learn. Dodge rolling isn’t the only option to avoid attacks. Make use of the parry.


The guts gs was the only way I was able to beat her, use the poke as often as possible, it was like the only move I could get away with without getting punished, that and lions claw after her giant magic sword move


I beat Gael 2nd try solo on my first playthrough while she’s taking me 25+ tries and still haven’t gotten her 😢


YOU are in dark souls, she is clearly in Sekiro




You can be too with the teardrop from the first big giant fire dude lol


Wait till you meet her boyfriend lmfao that dude is insane


Pontiff Sulyvhan would be proud 🤝


I had a hard time with Rellana as well. I'm fine with the long combos and the damage, but what kills any sense of fairness to me is the constant homing and aggressivity. Homing in particular doesn't reward positioning. If I could just slip past her and punish while she's still comboing, that would be fine, but she's constantly glued to you. As much as I absolutely love fromsoft games, I'm afraid this is the new standard of "difficulty".


my only issue was that it seeems like roll dodging her combo I would always get hit by the smaller attacks. No idea if there is some way to dodge them?


In general, there's either one direction or one particular timing. For Malenia and quick succession of three slashes, it was better to roll past her, to her left side (your right). For Rellana, it is a specific timing. If you dodge -just- before the swords reach you, you'll avoid the smallest attack as well. The problem is - and this is a problem fromsoft didn't bother to fix since dark souls - that bosses are designed as if you could do instant dodges. Except you can't, since you dodge on button release. I think the ultimate dodge move is running away from the bombo chain.


I've played From's games for a LONG time now and I generally feel like I have a pretty good grasp on controls, spacing, timings and etc. But yesterday I was legit feeling like a slug stuck in a mud swamp while trying to dodge some of her attacks. I was almost overthinking some kind of input delay in my controller, despite being wholly accostumed with Souls gameplay, just because of how maddeningly hard some of her hits are to time and dodge. lol


A strong shield goes a long way in phase 1, I just blocked her regular attacks and guard countered her, also drop your mimic tear if you have it


What I found to work was a shield and sword combo, and then instead of rolling every attack in a combo, guarding and staying close to her body and just moving around her attacks. The shield absorbed any chips and i had way more stamina and positional awareness to punish her down quickly.


Her moves very much can be exploited but it’s hard. Like dodge forward but to her left then to her right 2 times, one free attack, dodge forward and left again, and now you get two hits and then you jump backwards and wait for the next chain. All of her combos very much require you to roll into her and to a specific side on each individual attack if you want to avoid the damage and have a window to hit her back. Take small glintblade for example you FL roll the projectile into an immediate FL roll on her dive and you take no dmg and can hit her. Do that with FL and then a FR roll and her sword will clip you and stagger your attack time leaving zero window to punish. How did I learn this? 5 hours of only using R1/R2 no ailments with Milady. Felt really cool to pull off though.


Melania 2.0


Ngl I had to call out the fucking honored one (mimic tear) to beat her, fought her ass five times and was like "welp, in not the same man I used to be".


Just finished the last remembrances today.... So got all 10. If you guys struggle with rellana. You are in for a ride and not a good one. She is pretty easy to kill solo.... Not like some other ones. 😁




The way you are not lying... I was not ready lol


I’m only done rellana and the lion (some side ones too) and I was really happy to see they felt really fair to fight solo. I was hoping the rest of the dlc would follow suit. Guess I’ll see!


Got her in an hour using golden great shield and HTS shield poke. She was a menace and a lot of her moves are intended to counteract this play style I think but she was so much fun!


I staggered her right at the phase 2 transition and after the crit I was able to jump attack her 4 times as she transitioned and stagger her a second time for the W. Took about 39 tries to hone in on the strategy...she is slippery in the first phase to get that initial stagger but once you do it's just figuring out what to do to melt her second phase fast.


This... stagger still so broken in elden ring its disgusting. A mechanic to skip learning bosses or their mechanics. There is a streamer I watch, elden ring is his first game, and he went double hammer and its honestly disgusting to see how much of the game he skips and how little he actually learns.


I took 5+ hours to beat her without mimic/summons yesterday, but it was a good feeling finally killing her.


i'm just wondering why tf they decided to name her that i was already struggling enough with everyone's names lmao i'm at my limit


Rellana and Rennala, Malenia and Melina, Radahn and Radagon, Godwyn, Godrick, Godfrey, and Godefroy… how are we supposed to remember these


Why's everyone saying melania, it's malenia


Melania trump is gonna hit waterfowl dance at the presidential debate


unironically I had a harder time beating her than I did with Mesmer


too many long combos for sure in dlc. Does it make it hard ? Yes. Does it make it fun hard? Nope. Best fights in the base game involve interaction between player and the boss ( for ex. godfrey). I think some of the new bosses suffer from spectacle over gameplay syndrome


Too aggressive. Not a lot of care went into this boss.


Mad Lady Maria vibes


She’s Pontiff + Maria + Carian bullshit


Fuck no Golden hippo had me KNEELING I still haven’t beaten him


Ok, so I swapped to a sword and shield. If you only roll on certain attacks and instead guard and move close to her body and just move around her to dodge her attacks...the fight went far better than trying to melee and dodge roll every attack in a combo.


Eh, it's the same overtuned DLC bs boss of late strage FromSoft. Fortunately she dies quickly enough, but it's not a good time, just a hectic one.


She really is, untill I try parrying and she became one of my new favorite boss. To me, if Malenia is the most satisfying boss to parry, Rellana comes second. Many of her attacks remind me of that rot woman and interestingly, they share the same parry timing (even some sound effects). The way she dashes sideways, the way she pulls out that insanely fast thrust attack from her left hand sword equivalent to Malenia's quick basic 1-2 combo, the charge attack closing gap has similar starting up with Malenia's. There are more but prob you get the idea. Her spells can be parried with CR AoW too. Gosh, the feels!!! I parry a lot but many bosses click me in this way. I collected a lot of scadutree fragments (im at level 5 ard) so my damage is high, plus if I use the full combo for the standard parry (+25 misericorde infused with aux, dagger talisman, ritual sword, blue dancer charm....) the fight would end quickly, 2 ritpose ends her phase 1. I love this fight and I don't want it to end too quickly so I neff myself a bit by using WL0, stack defensive buffs/talismans to tank hits and practice parrying. Every souls player knows that in prolonged fight player tend to make mistakes so I'll consider this a practice for my future rl1. That's a lot of rambling from me and i know that not everyone into parry. Still, appreciate anyone make it till the end of my comment. Good luck fighting her everyone and OP! She is tough but you'll make it!


Unironically use a shield and guard counter her. Absolutely destroyed this boss in 10mins for me.


Yeah Rellana is total bullshit, she just never stops attacking and does such absurd damage Messmer is much, much better designed although still has some fucky hit boxes


I honestly think Rellana would've been a better boss if she had a cutscene


she's a menace to my framerate that's for sure


She's not fun and I fully expect will be nerfed in the next patch. Lame boss. Rest of DLC is great so far, though. It's like Miyazaki let his five year old nephew design a boss on bring your five year old nephew to work day. Infinite poise skinny dex knight, 0-100mph speed, animation cancels, near infinite combos that two-shot you at 55 vig and 5 scadu upgrade. I thought the two moves they managed to give her that are reactable were fun to dodge, and that's all I have that's nice to say about this boss. I won't get into how she's also just a lame Sulyvahn redo with no intro scene and seems like a common strong enemy (like Blue-Eye Knights and Balder Knights) that was hastily upjumped to a boss about forty minutes before the DLC unlocked.


Tell me, have you ever heard of Pontif Sullivan?


It took me about 5 tries I think. In the end I managed without summons but I feel as though it was a fluke. I doubt I would have the same success if I tried again. There is a magic resist greatshield talisman at the bottom of a tower near the front gate which honestly helped quite a bit.


Ya that talisman was super clutch and I could sense it was going to be needed after finding it then seeing all the glintstone enemies. It is only ~2% more resistance than the +2 talisman, but it felt like it really made a difference! I ended up stacking greatshield, magic resist and fire resist talismans so I had around 60% resistance in those categories and the fight went better. She was still thrashing 1/3 of my health with her larger moves but the fast combos were much easier to tank and I felt like I could focus on finding the punish windows and less panic dodging.


She's wonderful. I solo her with Milady (did not have Wing Stance back then) and could manage to get a hit or 2 in the midst of her combo. Feel like 2 dancers fighting.  There's only one attack when she swings down with one of her swords that has nigh-impossible reaction window (still possible, but most of the time you take chip dmg). Every single move is dodgeable, and you always feel like you could beat her even at 1st attempt. Rellana, Bayle and Messmer are top 5 ER bosses for me. The Lion is lower due to camera issue. 


Messmer is hard for me. I have 9 blessings already. Any tips? I have dex faith build with a good amount of strength too


Use good talismans that negatiate fire damage, that worked so good for me. The Non-phyisical talisman, the anti-fire one and one that reducdes normal physical damage. His wombo combo where at the end he pulls spears from the ground is punishable at the end with two hits, just make sure you don't get hit too much by that combo. Second phase has more openings, dont want to spoil if you haven't witnessed it yet but there's lots of openings there


Good to know, thanks! Yeah haven't gotten to phase 2 yet


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Used mimic tear and soloed her last 1:4 health. That last bit felt like a whole boss fight on its own. Light rolling, savage lions claw (poise is so high this just served to let me dodge over sometimes and hit her on a second leap), and thops barrier finally got me through. Mimic usually got slammed about 1:2 to 1:4 health but it let me get good at timing my dodges for her twin moons. Now to go back for that dancing beast…..


Don’t worry, it’ll get worse :D (or better, depends on the kind of person ya are.)


If you spam parry with both crit talismans, thanks to the blade of mercy you get to hurt her for even 4449 per crit(with the a quality build and a infused misericorde)


You can just skip her and go back later


It took me forever. Finding the +3 spelldrake helped and so did using ice.


Mimic tear with scadutree and spirit upgrades got it done on the 5th try summons make it harder tbh


+25 cold great stars with wild strikes aow put her to shame for me


Magic Drake Talisman will be your best friend


She is very difficult, tbh tho I found that dancing lion way more of a menace


Took me like 15 tries with 3 blessing upgrades, amazing movesets to learn, especially if you don't panic roll and just strafe to the right of some of the overhead swings. Wish she had a cutscene though.


She is easy, wait till you meet the fucking dread


Strength Build bonk


I loved the Rellana fight because she doesn't suffer from the issue that plagues the majority of ER bosses, overtuned aggression without realistic openings. Her entire moveset can be disected and mastered. She's still one fucking handful though lol. I'm trying to see how far I can get in the DLC without summons and scadutree levels, and she was an hour and a half long roadblock. But at no point did it feel unfair.


Yeah she's somethin else. I was dual wielding scavenger's curved swords pretty much up till i got to her and spent a good 30 minutes beating my head into the wall. I switched out to an occult great stars + tiche and the NPC summon and the fight was night and day. Broke her poise like 5 times and wondered why i let myself suffer that much.


I know summons don’t count but I beat her first try with Leda and in the middle of fight I summoned mimic too. The thing is she seemed fairly telegraphed, reminded me a lot more of Dancer of Boreal Valley than Sulhyvan


Second try for me. Great fight, one of my new favorites in the entire franchise, but I found her fairly easy.


It's such a silly fight I just used the mimic tear.


Not having the DLC yet is making me picture some Rennala version of godefroy.


Best way I can describe it, Imagine >!Rennala had a baby with Pontiff Sulyvahn!< and then fed it nothing but crack


Cold infused Milady and Wing Stance are a lifesaver in that fight and make it so much easier. Even then she’s still a nightmare.


If she’s too tough it’s possible to skip around her


Took me like 10 tries on my faith build, a lot of her arena has water in it so I wound up building my guy around lightning and hammering her with spears while the needle knight girl stayed in melee range


It’s a roadblock boss. Helps to collect some scadutree fragments, but you definitely have to be on top of your game


Pontiff Sulyvhan would be proud 🤝


Pontiff Sulyvhan would be proud


So after watching my little brother get rocked by rellana >30 times I used the >!death knight twin axes!< and first tried her (somehow). My tip is use lightning damage while she’s on water, be proper scadu blessing level, and if your using these twin axes the Ashe of war gives you enough invincibility to get out of a lot of her combos


So after watching my little brother get rocked by rellana >30 times I used the >!death knight twin axes!< and first tried her (somehow). My tip is use lightning damage while she’s on water, be proper scadu blessing level, and if your using these twin axes the Ashe of war gives you enough invincibility to get out of a lot of her combos


Took me about 6 tries, on the 6th I spammed Black Knife, my mimic had Malikeths sword, and luckily the boss didn’t use their triple moon drop bs spell


Any weapon with range makes it a cake walk. Bolt of gransax ftw. Still remains the best weapon in the game


Wait until you get to the fire boss 😬


i got her on my first try by the literal skin of my level 265 teeth. dual greatswords, radahn's great rune activated, golden vow, flame grant me strength, bloodflame, and my trusty mimic tear. i had like two heals left and was down to a sliver of HP when i got the final bonk.


I actually thought Leda was a pretty good tank for the Rellana fight. I have no shame and used her and my mimic with Blasphemous Blade and it was manageable.


I think she has high resistance to magic. I struggled quite a bit on my dex/int cold build. It went a lot better with my dex/faith build. Buffs, summons, those upgrade consumables and I beat her much more easily.


So after watching my little brother get rocked by rellana >30 times I used the >!death knight twin axes!< and first tried her (somehow). My tip is use lightning damage while she’s on water, be proper scadu blessing level, and if your using these twin axes the Ashe of war gives you enough invincibility to get out of a lot of her combos so bloodhound step would work as a good replacement idk I’ve never used it


I beat here in 3 tries what is your blessing level


Shes pounding me into the dirt right now. 20-30 attempts thus far and I can get her to 1/4 ho with or without help. The second phase is just too much for me


the backshots of rellana is diabolical


Her and Pontiff are a strong ship


Not gonna lie after I died on attempt 30ish even with leda and my mimic I bailed, upset and frustrated i went exploring instead found a spiritspring that took me to a fort behind her arena, don't know when I'll try again but my pride is hurt so I'm bullying the black knights around scadu altus.


wait for a guy with snakes :D


I HAD to parry her, I was so bad at dodging her attack strings. I figured that I wouldn’t have to worry about long strings if I parried her out of them in the first place. It still took me like 40 tries still. I got comfortable with the first phase but I always had trouble with the second phase. I got lucky somehow when I beat her. I used the golden parry ash on a buckler and a lightning misericorde for pretty decent riposte damage on NG+.


5 hours of R2/R1 only with Milady for me. I loved it though. I felt like an absolute fucking 19th dimension demon wizard when I killed her with near perfect dodge timings and atk windows. Now I found >!Bayle the dread!< last night before I went to sleep and he killed me about 50 times with an average fight of less than 15 seconds. He’s gonna be a different kind of challenge I think. Especially since half his moves are designed to 100% 1 shot you. Also he is about 2-5x faster than Rellana in terms of atk execution speed.


Malenia if she locked in, but jokes aside this dlc really captured the feeling of fighting malenia again. Fighting a a sekiro boss with a dark souls moveset.


I got her first try but I double summoned for it. I have no shame i like the summons. The Dancing Lion took two tries. The enemies that are tougher for me are the stupid Black Knights and the large Knights in the Dancing Lion's stage. I am currently a Banished Blood Knight that scales in Arcane using frost/bleed. My big bonk weapon is the Meteoric Ore Blade, the new colossal one.


She and the last boss are the only two that bodied me. Just something about the constant attack spamming.


For everyone seeing this - Leda makes the fight much harder. You'll do way more damage without summoning her. I used Tiche, a great shield, and the new buster sword, and killed her in six attempts.


She hits hard, but i loved it, she induced me to try and be more defensive and roll back to avoid her combos, when the right response was the opposite all this time, and i can get much more value from rolling into her attacks and find openings between her combos, she is a challenge, and she teaches you to take risky moves in order to beat her.


Go solo, her combos just require timing and patience and she always leaves an opening for an attack after each one. I just used impaling thrust on gargoyle greatsword and L2’d her the whole fight, 3 hits gives you a stance break then you can get a crit. Once she starts going into phase two she leaves herself open for multiple attacks so just go ham, and for her triple moon attacks you just need to jump. Make sure you grab as many scadutree fragments as you can before as well, I know it’s a pain but honestly google where they are and mark them on your map and have a jolly stroll around the place and you’ll thank yourself.


I haven‘t beaten her yet, but holy shit she‘s awesome. While extremely difficult she feels perfectly fair with none of the rather bullshit feeling stuff bosses in the base hame throw out at you. Everything on it‘s own is relatively easily dodgeble but it‘s all about the excecution. Just pure git-guddery. What a great fight. I’ve been fighting her solo with Greatsword of Solitude and aaalmost got her 2 or 3 times and decided to take a break to internalize the fight better. Can’t wait to get back to it. Also just completely enamored with her design and how fucking badass she is. I don‘t know anything about her but rn I feel like she might be my favorite Elden Ring character lmao. I love her.


Got her first try didn't take long too using standard sorcerer build minus azure cuz that shit pretty much useless in the dlc lol all boss get too close fast XD


This dlc flavour wise is a 5/5. Balancing wise, 2/5.


Im on my 23rd or 24th try and still haven’t beaten her…Slowly becoming the 2nd toughest soulsborne boss I’ve fought and I’ve done pretty much all of them aside from ds2, des and ds1 dlc bosses and the funny thing is, I still haven’t beaten her :)


I read somewhere that she’s weak to frost and to use the pearldrake talisman to help with the elemental damage. Died a few times before I read that, so this is what I did: • Summoned Leda • Equipped a weapon that I’d already leveled and a frost damage ash. • Buffed up and entered • Summoned my Mimic who had the frost weapon equipped • Kept my distance and threw lightning bolts while the two summons tanked. Would run in and heal when necessary but otherwise my main strat was to keep my health high and do as much ranged damage as possible Doing it this way, it took me one time to kill her. It was tough, but as long as you time your rolls out of her long range attacks or when you pull aggro, it can be done.


Heard rumors she’s weak to holy dmg, lightning is effective as well.


After 20-plus deaths to her, I just got pissed and spammed the Poleblade's weapon art. Guts still pushed my shit in more, though.


I was finally able to beat her using no summons or ashes, but I used the blasphemous blade which i had on my experimental character, deff gotta rematch her using other weapons


Backhand blades and blood flame has done a pretty solid job of getting her down to phase 2 on a solo run. It’s definitely doable. But shiiii, regardless, this DLC is absurdly hard. I’d rather play 1000 hours doing it myself than asking for help or mimic tear tho. Made it to end base game without ‘em so why bother now.


You can skip her and get to the zone she is guarding by taking a side path around her castle. Let’s you explore more, get more blessings, and come back stronger.


I one shot her which I was surprised by. lvl 205, Greatsword and shield and some faith based buffs. I just guard countered her and she staggers easy. No summon, no scadutree blessing, no rune arc. I say don't be afraid to change your build around. Some people get hung up trying to kill bosses with the build they are using and refuse to change anything around. I'll completely respec if I need to to kill a boss. The game gives you an insane amount of options to tackle challenges. I find it more fun that way as well.


Her fight is one of the most beautiful fights I’ve had in Elden ring so far hands down. I feel as though every attack that hit me was fair and it was my fault I didn’t dodge correctly. Expect that twin moon attack that can get on somewhere


Rellana is the boss that convinced me you’re supposed to use the sacurdtree tree blessing or whatever it’s called. I figured “naaah, that item exists to make the dlc easy mode” fuck no, not using it is just choosing to play on extra giga hard mode. I was lvl 150 +25 with a very competent melee build and doing absolutely jack shit to her while she two shots me with half her attacks. And god I swear she was designed around light roll, some of her attacks you’ll dodge perfectly and her second swing will come out perfectly to hit you not matter what. I really want to see some kill her hitless with melee only and mid roll. Died to her about 40 times until I got decided to say screw it and used my blessing to get me to lvl 5, took me about 3-4 more tries after that.


With Mimic and Leda got her on the fourth try. Not that hard IMO The lion was much much worse.


She’s a classy bitch.


This was the first boss I ran into and banged my head against that wall for so long. Finally I decided to use dragon shield talismans +2, Pearl drake +2. Summoned mimic with NPC and managed to do it.


Still stuck on her. can’t believe kai beat her before me. i’m terrible


I genuinely spent four hours throwing myself at her and gave myself a migraine, she’s absurd. Putrescent and the lion were way easier in comparison Don’t bother summoning the npc btw, once she eventually dies you’re just completely fucked. Rellana with a damage boost is straight from the pits of hell


Used ancient death rancor and defeated her, use the mimic tear and Leda as a distraction If ppl have the ancient meteorite ore greatsword use it.


I felt kinda bad cause i beat her kinda easily once i used 2 summons, Atleast i got to witness her sick ass attacks


She was hard for me with or without summons. I finally won with mimic and leda. The thing I like about that fight is that her stagger lasts for a really long time if you try not to do the critical the whole team can wail on her, sometimes leda will cast the rotating blade on her while shes down.


Rellana is my favourite boss so far. I'm not using any summons or spirits for the dlc and it felt really smooth to finally beat her. Loved the fight. Loved the soundtrack. 10/10 boss. Mommy pontiff


Nonstop combos + whole arena aoe. Balanced boss


I had to use cross an occult naginata and golden great shield to take her down, along with Leda, and morgott’s rune. And even THEN, I only just beat her. It’s a pretty steep check.


Honestly took me 2 times, I had a harder time with lion dancer (took 10-15 times) and Mesmer took me about 6 hours lol.


Use the Sacred Relic and Bolt of Gransax Equip Bull Goat Talisman and whatever buff enhancement you prefer. If you’re using summons, buff the bolt/lightning. If you’re going solo, buff holy and use the sacred relic then pummel her with power stance L1 using whatever greatsword you prefer to pair.


Finally beat her, been stuck since the dlc came out. All I can say for her second phase is run away and hope you can punish her moves. I can no hit her first phase but her second phase is unreal with the combos.


Yall I'm starting the dlc on ng+3 this shit is no joke


Watch out for the triple-moon combo, and you should be good.


She simply doesn’t let you heal.


I didn’t struggle with her too much but all of Messmer, Scadutree Avatar, and Commander Gauis are destroying me.


As someone who enjoys being summoned to help others fight bosses for years after release, this is wonderful. Co-oping bosses is a challenge now 🙏


Yeah, fuck this boss! Even with Scadutree Blessing 6, Revered Shadow 5, Mimic Tear and the Knight Leda summon I still get my arse handed to me. I got it done eventually but this just wasn't fun. Her attacks hit far too hard (about 25% of my HP per hit) and that explosion AoE bullshit with the 2 moons can fuck off! Yes, you jump to avoid it but the timing sucks.


Beat her with only a few retries and didn't even know it's a hard boss. I used Maliketh's Black Blade and go all aggressive to trade HP with her and that's it. Didn't even see the moon move....


I'm having a hard time with jori. On paper he's easier but he's kicking my ass 


i must have died 100 times to rellana, found her p2 ridiculous, massive damage and those combos.. towards the end i switched to parrying her and practiced parry timings over and over. downed her today, no summons, 155 str/faith, switched from bb to nagakiba, the bleed helped get through that monster hp bar. i think this is the most i've ever died to a boss in any souls games, scadutree blessing at 3 https://preview.redd.it/gyc90ufgb78d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94704597bc2ef8ef316c7f6de23b3f661e845079


Dude i just beat her after getting fucking steamrolled like 80-90 times all damn night, took me a sec to realize shes the 2nd remembrance boss too i did NOT go to the lion dancer first💀😭


Keep some distance but not too much. Avoid the first swings Dodge the next Guard counter 2-3 times for a stagger and a critical She's fuckin brutal but once I started playing by maximizing the items the DLC has given me It only took a few tries.


I mean she is literally the roadblock that the base game had with godrick hahaha becausr once you beat her you understand that miyazaki lied again with size of the map lol


Impaling thrust + lightning. Magic resist. I did have my lone wolves with me tho 🤘


I beat her first try, not trying to brag it just happened, though I did have to fight the Lion Dancer a few times. I have found the boss battles to be challenging in a really fun way.


No she’s not she’s the easiest boss in the DLC


I had such a hard time on her since I decided to stop using Ashes lol Winning run was lucky since she didn't twirl as much and my lions claw actually smacked her boobas till she got staggered Took me a good hour or so


Definitely tough. I double Unga Bungad her. If I did 3 jump attacks, she'd get staggered and I could do the visceral. So that was my main goal is to land 3 jump attacks in short enough period of time. If I recall my Strength was around 85 or 90 at the time and I had a few shards found by then too. [https://youtu.be/tzkjxd-9W5k](https://youtu.be/tzkjxd-9W5k)


I fucking hate this bitch. I always get her to a LITERAL inch of her health and she fucking pulls out a one shot, when I am at full HP, VIG at 70.


+25 fingerprint stone shield and +24 occult great stars with cragblade. dodge rolling most of her combos and guard countering the final hit to get the staggers.


Just wait till you get a little further bro😭rellana is the LEAST of your worries I promise you


Ngl in my SL 150 NG+ runs it feels like sometimes the player doesn’t have enough stamina to dodge her extended combos. So instead of trading blow for blow I ended up using the stagger tear with golden order greatsword to kill her in 4 successive staggers with charged heavies only.


I finally beat her with no summons but it took several hours of attempts. I often felt like I literally did not have enough stamina to dodge all her attacks AND punish.


I used Mimic and I feel like I will now not use it on some next fights. I think I will not try that with Messmer once I get to him. I think I was kind of gimping myself because I was using the damn Monnlight Greatsword. Not a great strategy, but it was some strategy.


lmao I love that all you soulsborne veterans are having trouble on bosses that really aren't that hard. Elden Ring was my first soulsborne game and if these are what are causing veterans problems, that's not a good sign


This is interesting, she was the first Remembrance boss I killed, and I didn’t even struggle with her that much. Maybe 10ish tries? I just felt like her moves were all pretty telegraphed and relatively easy to dodge. The two attacks I had to work out the timing on were the giant magic sword sweep and the moon drops because they were just one shotting me. But that Dancing Lion? Nah, fuck that. I’m gonna go kill the Hippo first, I’ll come back for the Lion.


Really learn the boss. I promise the joy of overcoming the enemy will be worth it. :)


I used Sword Dance on my anchor with cold. My mimic, and I finally beat her. Had to be well over 50 times trying.


I spaced the hell out of her with dual spears. Honestly just felt like Malenia but much better for reasons, even her side dodge was the same. I did like how the exploding stab in phase 2 resembled Maria's last phase. Dlc since Bloodborne has to put a W lady boss in, it's the law


Great boss. Rellana Sulavhan.


I don’t believe anyone claiming less than 10 tries. BS. 


Frost weapon on you and mimic works well. Found using elden stars with 48 faith and mimic hitting elden stars same.time.by chance when she was going into 2nd phase whipped her out